Example #1
                    $other = mlang_component::from_snapshot($componentname, $otherlang, $version, null, true, false, array($string->id));
                    if ($other->has_string($string->id)) {
                        $current = $other->get_string($string->id);
                        if (!$current->deleted) {
                            $current->deleted = true;
                            $current->timemodified = time();
                if ($stage->has_component()) {
                    $string->timemodified = local_amos_renderer::commit_datetime($string->timemodified);
                    $msg = <<<EOF
Propagating removal of the string

The string '{$string->id}' was removed from the English language pack by
{$string->extra->userinfo} at {$string->timemodified}. Their commit message was:
                    fputs(STDOUT, "COMMIT removal of '{$string->id}' from '{$english->name}'\n");
                    $stage->commit($msg, array('source' => 'revclean', 'userinfo' => 'AMOS-bot <*****@*****.**>'), true);
Example #2
if (!$results) {
    print_error('invalidtimelineparams', 'local_amos');
$table = new html_table();
$table->attributes['class'] = 'timelinetable';
foreach ($results as $result) {
    $encell = new html_table_cell();
    $langcell = new html_table_cell();
    if ($result->lang == 'en') {
        $cell = $encell;
        $none = $langcell;
    } else {
        $cell = $langcell;
        $none = $encell;
    $date = html_writer::tag('div', local_amos_renderer::commit_datetime($result->timemodified), array('class' => 'timemodified'));
    $userinfo = html_writer::tag('span', s($result->userinfo), array('class' => 'userinfo'));
    $commitmsg = html_writer::tag('span', s($result->commitmsg), array('class' => 'commitmsg'));
    if ($result->deleted) {
        $text = html_writer::tag('del', s($result->text));
    } else {
        $text = s($result->text);
    $text = local_amos_renderer::add_breaks($text);
    if ($result->commithash) {
        if ($result->lang == 'en') {
            $url = 'https://github.com/moodle/moodle/commit/' . $result->commithash;
        } else {
            $url = 'https://github.com/mudrd8mz/moodle-lang/commit/' . $result->commithash;
        $hashlink = html_writer::link($url, $result->commithash);
Example #3
 $mem = memory_get_usage();
 $memdiff = $memprev < $mem ? '+' : '-';
 $memdiff = $memdiff . abs($mem - $memprev);
 fputs(STDOUT, "FOUND {$commithash} {$changetype} {$file} [{$mem} {$memdiff}]\n");
 // get some additional information of the commit
 $format = implode('%n', array('%an', '%ae', '%at', '%s', '%b'));
 // name, email, timestamp, subject, body
 $commitinfo = array();
 $gitcmd = AMOS_PATH_GIT . " log --format={$format} {$commithash} ^{$commithash}~";
 exec($gitcmd, $commitinfo);
 $committer = $commitinfo[0];
 $committeremail = $commitinfo[1];
 $realmodified = $commitinfo[2];
 // the real timestamp of the commit - should be the same as $committime
 $commitmsg = iconv('UTF-8', 'UTF-8//IGNORE', $commitinfo[3]);
 $commitmsg .= "\n\nCommitted into Git: " . local_amos_renderer::commit_datetime($realmodified);
 $fullcommitmsg = implode("\n", array_slice($commitinfo, 3));
 // AMOS script is looked up here later
 if ($changetype == 'D') {
     // whole file removal - do not do anything, fix-drift job will clear the repository
 // get the list of strings affected by the commit
 $gitcmd = AMOS_PATH_GIT . " log -1 -p --format=format: " . $commithash . ' -- ' . $file;
 $diff = array();
 exec($gitcmd, $diff);
 foreach (mlang_tools::get_affected_strings($diff) as $stringid) {
     $affected[$componentname][$stringid] = true;
 // dump the given revision of the file to a temporary area
 $checkout = $commithash . '_' . str_replace('/', '_', $file);