use ProcessMaker\Services\Api; $appDel = new AppDelegation(); $actualThread = $appDel->Load($caseId, $actualIndex); $actualLastIndex = $actualThread['DEL_PREVIOUS']; $appDelPrev = $appDel->LoadParallel($caseId); if ($appDelPrev == array()) { $appDelPrev['0'] = $actualThread; } $Pmgmail = new \ProcessMaker\BusinessModel\Pmgmail(); foreach ($appDelPrev as $app) { if ($app['DEL_INDEX'] != $actualIndex && $app['DEL_PREVIOUS'] != $actualLastIndex) { //Sending the email to all threads of the case except the actual thread $response = $Pmgmail->sendEmail($caseId, "", $app['DEL_INDEX']); } } require_once PATH_HOME . "engine" . PATH_SEP . "classes" . PATH_SEP . "class.labelsGmail.php"; $oLabels = new labelsGmail(); $oResponse = $oLabels->setLabels($caseId, $actualIndex, $actualLastIndex, false); $enablePMGmail = false; G::LoadClass("pmDrive"); $pmDrive = new PMDrive(); $enablePMGmail = $pmDrive->getStatusService(); if (key_exists('gmail', $_SESSION) && $_SESSION['gmail'] == 1 && !empty($enablePMGmail) && $enablePMGmail == 1) { $_SESSION['gmail'] = 0; unset($_SESSION['gmail']); //cleaning session $mUrl = '/sys' . $_SESSION['WORKSPACE'] . '/en/neoclassic/cases/cases_Open?APP_UID=' . $caseId . '&DEL_INDEX=' . $actualIndex . '&action=sent'; } else { $mUrl = 'casesListExtJs'; } header('location:' . $mUrl);
} /* Includes */ G::LoadClass('case'); $oCase = new Cases(); $sAppUid = $_SESSION['APPLICATION']; $iDelIndex = $_SESSION['INDEX']; $oAppDelegation = new AppDelegation(); $aDelegation = $oAppDelegation->load($sAppUid, $iDelIndex); //if there are no user in the delegation row, this case is still in selfservice if ($aDelegation['USR_UID'] == "") { $oCase->setCatchUser($_SESSION['APPLICATION'], $_SESSION['INDEX'], $_SESSION['USER_LOGGED']); //changing email labels if the claim comes from gmail if (array_key_exists('gmail', $_SESSION) && $_SESSION['gmail'] == 1) { require_once PATH_HOME . "engine" . PATH_SEP . "classes" . PATH_SEP . "class.labelsGmail.php"; $labGmail = new labelsGmail(); $oResponse = $labGmail->setLabels($sAppUid, $iDelIndex, -1, true); die('<script type="text/javascript"> parent.document.getElementById("iframePM").setAttribute("src", "' . $_SESSION["server"] . 'cases/cases_Open?APP_UID=' . $_SESSION["APPLICATION"] . '&DEL_INDEX=' . $_SESSION["INDEX"] . '&action=unassigned"); </script>'); } } else { G::SendMessageText(G::LoadTranslation('ID_CASE_ALREADY_DERIVATED'), 'error'); } $validation = SYS_SKIN != 'uxs' ? 'true' : 'false'; die('<script type="text/javascript"> if (' . $validation . ') { if (window.parent.frames.length != 0) { parent.location = "open?APP_UID=' . $_SESSION['APPLICATION'] . '&DEL_INDEX=' . $_SESSION['INDEX'] . '&action=unassigned"; } else { window.location = "../cases/cases_Open?APP_UID=' . $_SESSION['APPLICATION'] . '&DEL_INDEX=' . $_SESSION['INDEX'] . '&action=unassigned"; }