Example #1
  * @param string $string
  * @return string
 private static function stringToSafeXml($string)
     $string = @iconv('utf-8', 'utf-8', $string);
     $partially_safe = kString::xmlEncode($string);
     $safe = str_replace(array('*', '/', '[', ']'), '', $partially_safe);
     return $safe;
 public function validateForSubmission(EntryDistribution $entryDistribution, $action)
     $validationErrors = parent::validateForSubmission($entryDistribution, $action);
     $inListOrNullFields = array(YouTubeDistributionField::MEDIA_RATING => explode(',', self::MEDIA_RATING_VALID_VALUES), YouTubeDistributionField::ALLOW_COMMENTS => explode(',', self::ALLOW_COMMENTS_VALID_VALUES), YouTubeDistributionField::ALLOW_EMBEDDING => explode(',', self::ALLOW_EMBEDDING_VALID_VALUES), YouTubeDistributionField::ALLOW_RATINGS => explode(',', self::ALLOW_RATINGS_VALID_VALUES), YouTubeDistributionField::ALLOW_RESPONSES => explode(',', self::ALLOW_RESPONSES_VALID_VALUES), YouTubeDistributionField::ADVERTISING_INVIDEO => explode(',', self::ADVERTISING_INVIDEO_VALID_VALUES), YouTubeDistributionField::ADVERTISING_ADSENSE_FOR_VIDEO => explode(',', self::ADVERTISING_ADSENSE_FOR_VIDEO_VALUES), YouTubeDistributionField::DISTRIBUTION_RESTRICTION_DISTRIBUTION_RULE => explode(',', self::DISTRIBUTION_RESTRICTION_DISTRIBUTION_RULE_VALUES), YouTubeDistributionField::URGENT_REFERENCE_FILE => explode(',', self::URGENT_REFERENCE_FILE_VALUES), YouTubeDistributionField::KEEP_FINGERPRINT => explode(',', self::KEEP_FINGERPRINT_VALUES));
     $allFieldValues = $this->getAllFieldValues($entryDistribution);
     if (!$allFieldValues || !is_array($allFieldValues)) {
         KalturaLog::err('Error getting field values from entry distribution id [' . $entryDistribution->getId() . '] profile id [' . $this->getId() . ']');
         return $validationErrors;
     $validationErrors = array_merge($validationErrors, $this->validateMaxLength($maxLengthFields, $allFieldValues, $action));
     $validationErrors = array_merge($validationErrors, $this->validateInListOrNull($inListOrNullFields, $allFieldValues, $action));
     $fieldName = YouTubeDistributionField::NOTIFICATION_EMAIL;
     $value = $allFieldValues[$fieldName];
     //multiple email support
     $values = explode(' ', $value);
     foreach ($values as $val) {
         if (!is_null($val) && !kString::isEmailString($val)) {
             $errorMsg = $this->getUserFriendlyFieldName($fieldName) . ' value must be an email string [value:' . $val . ']';
             $validationError = $this->createValidationError($action, DistributionErrorType::INVALID_DATA, $this->getUserFriendlyFieldName($fieldName));
             $validationErrors[] = $validationError;
     //TODO: check if MEDIA_CATEGORY is a valid YouTube category according to YouTube's XML.
     return $validationErrors;
 public function watchFolder(KalturaDropFolder $folder)
     $this->dropFolder = $folder;
     $this->fileTransferMgr = self::getFileTransferManager($this->dropFolder);
     KalturaLog::info('Watching folder [' . $this->dropFolder->id . ']');
     $physicalFiles = $this->getDropFolderFilesFromPhysicalFolder();
     if (count($physicalFiles) > 0) {
         $dropFolderFilesMap = $this->loadDropFolderFiles();
     } else {
         $dropFolderFilesMap = array();
     $maxModificationTime = 0;
     foreach ($physicalFiles as &$physicalFile) {
         /* @var $physicalFile FileObject */
         $physicalFileName = $physicalFile->filename;
         $utfFileName = kString::stripUtf8InvalidChars($physicalFileName);
         if ($physicalFileName != $utfFileName) {
             KalturaLog::info("File name [{$physicalFileName}] is not utf-8 compatible, Skipping file...");
         if (!kXml::isXMLValidContent($utfFileName)) {
             KalturaLog::info("File name [{$physicalFileName}] contains invalid XML characters, Skipping file...");
         if ($this->dropFolder->incremental && $physicalFile->modificationTime < $this->dropFolder->lastFileTimestamp) {
             KalturaLog::info("File modification time [" . $physicalFile->modificationTime . "] predates drop folder last timestamp [" . $this->dropFolder->lastFileTimestamp . "]. Skipping.");
             if (isset($dropFolderFilesMap[$physicalFileName])) {
         if ($this->validatePhysicalFile($physicalFileName)) {
             $maxModificationTime = $physicalFile->modificationTime > $maxModificationTime ? $physicalFile->modificationTime : $maxModificationTime;
             KalturaLog::info('Watch file [' . $physicalFileName . ']');
             if (!array_key_exists($physicalFileName, $dropFolderFilesMap)) {
                 try {
                     $lastModificationTime = $physicalFile->modificationTime;
                     $fileSize = $physicalFile->fileSize;
                     $this->handleFileAdded($physicalFileName, $fileSize, $lastModificationTime);
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     KalturaLog::err("Error handling drop folder file [{$physicalFileName}] " . $e->getMessage());
             } else {
                 $dropFolderFile = $dropFolderFilesMap[$physicalFileName];
                 //if file exist in the folder remove it from the map
                 //all the files that are left in a map will be marked as PURGED
     foreach ($dropFolderFilesMap as $dropFolderFile) {
     if ($this->dropFolder->incremental && $maxModificationTime > $this->dropFolder->lastFileTimestamp) {
         $updateDropFolder = new KalturaDropFolder();
         $updateDropFolder->lastFileTimestamp = $maxModificationTime;
         $this->dropFolderPlugin->dropFolder->update($this->dropFolder->id, $updateDropFolder);
Example #4
  * Will forward to the regular swf player according to the widget_id 
 public function execute()
     $ui_conf_id = $this->getRequestParameter("ui_conf_id");
     $uiConf = uiConfPeer::retrieveByPK($ui_conf_id);
     if (!$uiConf) {
     $partner_id = $uiConf->getPartnerId();
     $subp_id = $uiConf->getSubpId();
     $host = myPartnerUtils::getHost($partner_id);
     $ui_conf_swf_url = $uiConf->getSwfUrl();
     if (!$ui_conf_swf_url) {
         $ui_conf_swf_url = "/swf/simpleeditor.swf";
     if (kString::beginsWith($ui_conf_swf_url, "http")) {
         $swf_url = $ui_conf_swf_url;
         // absolute URL
     } else {
         $use_cdn = $uiConf->getUseCdn();
         $cdn_host = $use_cdn ? myPartnerUtils::getCdnHost($partner_id) : myPartnerUtils::getHost($partner_id);
         $swf_url = $cdn_host . myPartnerUtils::getUrlForPartner($partner_id, $subp_id) . $ui_conf_swf_url;
         // relative to the current host
     // handle buggy case for backward compatiblity
     $partner_host = $host;
     if ($partner_host == "http://www.kaltura.com") {
         $partner_host = 1;
     // otherwise the kse will build a flawed url with [[IMPORT]]
     $params = "contentUrl=" . urlencode($swf_url) . "&host=" . str_replace("http://", "", str_replace("https://", "", $partner_host)) . "&cdnHost=" . str_replace("http://", "", str_replace("https://", "", myPartnerUtils::getCdnHost($partner_id))) . "&uiConfId=" . $ui_conf_id . "&disableurlhashing=" . kConf::get('disable_url_hashing');
     $wrapper_swf = myContentStorage::getFSFlashRootPath() . "/flexwrapper/" . kConf::get('editors_flex_wrapper_version') . "/FlexWrapper.swf";
     $this->redirect($host . myPartnerUtils::getUrlForPartner($partner_id, $subp_id) . "{$wrapper_swf}?{$params}");
  * @param SimpleXMLElement $mrss
  * @param SimpleXMLElement $metadata
  * @param kMrssParameters $mrssParams
  * @return SimpleXMLElement
 public function contributeMetadataObject(SimpleXMLElement $mrss, SimpleXMLElement $metadata, kMrssParameters $mrssParams = null, $currentXPath)
     $currentXPath .= "/*[local-name()='" . $metadata->getName() . "']";
     $metadataObject = $mrss->addChild($metadata->getName());
     foreach ($metadata->attributes() as $attributeField => $attributeValue) {
         $metadataObject->addAttribute($attributeField, $attributeValue);
     foreach ($metadata as $metadataField => $metadataValue) {
         if ($metadataValue instanceof SimpleXMLElement && count($metadataValue)) {
             $this->contributeMetadataObject($metadataObject, $metadataValue, $mrssParams, $currentXPath);
         } else {
             $metadataObject->addChild($metadataField, kString::stringToSafeXml($metadataValue));
             $itemXPath = $currentXPath . "/*[local-name()='{$metadataField}']";
             if ($mrssParams && is_array($mrssParams->getItemXpathsToExtend()) && in_array($itemXPath, $mrssParams->getItemXpathsToExtend())) {
                 $relatedEntry = entryPeer::retrieveByPK((string) $metadataValue);
                 if ($relatedEntry) {
                     $relatedItemField = $metadataObject->addChild($metadataField . '_item');
                     $recursionMrssParams = null;
                     if ($mrssParams) {
                         $recursionMrssParams = clone $mrssParams;
                         // stop the recursion
                     $relatedEntryMrss = kMrssManager::getEntryMrssXml($relatedEntry, $relatedItemField, $recursionMrssParams);
Example #6
  * Will forward to the uploader swf according to the ui_conf_id 
 public function execute()
     $ui_conf_id = $this->getRequestParameter("ui_conf_id");
     $uiConf = uiConfPeer::retrieveByPK($ui_conf_id);
     if (!$uiConf) {
         KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::UI_CONF_NOT_FOUND, "UI conf not found");
     $partner_id = $uiConf->getPartnerId();
     $subp_id = $uiConf->getSubpId();
     $host = requestUtils::getRequestHost();
     $ui_conf_swf_url = $uiConf->getSwfUrl();
     if (!$ui_conf_swf_url) {
         KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::ILLEGAL_UI_CONF, "SWF URL not found in UI conf");
     if (kString::beginsWith($ui_conf_swf_url, "http")) {
         $swf_url = $ui_conf_swf_url;
         // absolute URL
     } else {
         $use_cdn = $uiConf->getUseCdn();
         $cdn_host = $use_cdn ? myPartnerUtils::getCdnHost($partner_id) : myPartnerUtils::getHost($partner_id);
         $swf_url = $cdn_host . myPartnerUtils::getUrlForPartner($partner_id, $subp_id) . $ui_conf_swf_url;
         // relative to the current host
     $conf_vars = $uiConf->getConfVars();
     if ($conf_vars) {
         $conf_vars = "&" . $conf_vars;
     $params = "host=" . $host . "&uiConfId=" . $ui_conf_id . $conf_vars;
Example #7
 public function setValueFromHtmlFieldName($prefix, $html_field_name, $value)
     if (kString::beginsWith($html_field_name, $prefix)) {
         $field_name = substr($html_field_name, strlen($prefix));
         $this->setByName($field_name, $value);
Example #8
  * Will forward to the uploader swf according to the ui_conf_id 
 public function execute()
     $ui_conf_id = $this->getRequestParameter("ui_conf_id");
     $uiConf = uiConfPeer::retrieveByPK($ui_conf_id);
     if (!$uiConf) {
     $partner_id = $uiConf->getPartnerId();
     $subp_id = $uiConf->getSubpId();
     $host = requestUtils::getRequestHost();
     $ui_conf_swf_url = $uiConf->getSwfUrl();
     if (!$ui_conf_swf_url) {
     if (kString::beginsWith($ui_conf_swf_url, "http")) {
         $swf_url = $ui_conf_swf_url;
         // absolute URL
     } else {
         $use_cdn = $uiConf->getUseCdn();
         $cdn_host = $use_cdn ? myPartnerUtils::getCdnHost($partner_id) : myPartnerUtils::getHost($partner_id);
         $swf_url = $cdn_host . myPartnerUtils::getUrlForPartner($partner_id, $subp_id) . $ui_conf_swf_url;
         // relative to the current host
     $conf_vars = $uiConf->getConfVars();
     if ($conf_vars) {
         $conf_vars = "&" . $conf_vars;
     $params = "host=" . $host . "&uiConfId=" . $ui_conf_id . $conf_vars;
 protected function getAcl($baseUrl, array $urls)
     require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../../../infra/general/kString.class.php';
     // strip the filenames of all urls
     foreach ($urls as &$url) {
         $slashPos = strrpos($url, '/');
         if ($slashPos !== false) {
             $url = substr($url, 0, $slashPos + 1);
     $acl = kString::getCommonPrefix($urls);
     // the first comma in csmil denotes the beginning of the non-common URL part
     $commaPos = strpos($acl, ',');
     if ($commaPos !== false) {
         $acl = substr($acl, 0, $commaPos);
     // if the base url has a port, remove it
     $parsedUrl = parse_url($baseUrl);
     if (isset($parsedUrl['port'])) {
         $baseUrl = $parsedUrl['scheme'] . '://' . $parsedUrl['host'];
         if (isset($parsedUrl['path'])) {
             $baseUrl .= $parsedUrl['path'];
     $acl = $baseUrl . $acl . '*';
     return $acl;
  * Will forward to the regular swf player according to the widget_id 
 public function execute()
     $ui_conf_id = $this->getRequestParameter("ui_conf_id");
     $uiConf = uiConfPeer::retrieveByPK($ui_conf_id);
     if (!$uiConf) {
     $partner_id = $uiConf->getPartnerId();
     $subp_id = $uiConf->getSubpId();
     if (!$subp_id) {
         $subp_id = 0;
     $host = myPartnerUtils::getHost($partner_id);
     $ui_conf_swf_url = $uiConf->getSwfUrl();
     if (!$ui_conf_swf_url) {
         $ui_conf_swf_url = "/swf/ContributionWizard.swf";
     if (kString::beginsWith($ui_conf_swf_url, "http")) {
         $swf_url = $ui_conf_swf_url;
         // absolute URL
     } else {
         $use_cdn = $uiConf->getUseCdn();
         $cdn_host = $use_cdn ? myPartnerUtils::getCdnHost($partner_id) : myPartnerUtils::getHost($partner_id);
         $swf_url = $cdn_host . myPartnerUtils::getUrlForPartner($partner_id, $subp_id) . $ui_conf_swf_url;
         // relative to the current host
     $params = "contentUrl=" . urlencode($swf_url) . "&host=" . str_replace("http://", "", str_replace("https://", "", $host)) . "&cdnHost=" . str_replace("http://", "", str_replace("https://", "", myPartnerUtils::getCdnHost($partner_id))) . "&uiConfId=" . $ui_conf_id;
     $wrapper_swf = myContentStorage::getFSFlashRootPath() . "/flexwrapper/" . kConf::get('kcw_flex_wrapper_version') . "/FlexWrapper.swf";
     $this->redirect($host . myPartnerUtils::getUrlForPartner($partner_id, $subp_id) . "{$wrapper_swf}?{$params}");
 public function tokenToKey($matches)
     $token = $matches[0];
     $key = "@K" . kString::generateStringId() . "K@";
     $this->tokensMap[$key] = $token;
     return $key;
  * Executes addComment action, which returns a form enabling the insertion of a comment
  * The request may include 1 fields: entry id.
 protected function executeImpl(kshow $kshow, entry &$entry)
     $version = @$_REQUEST["version"];
     // it's a path on the disk
     if (kString::beginsWith($version, ".")) {
         // someone is trying to hack in the system
         return sfView::ERROR;
     // in case we're making a roughcut out of a regular invite, we start from scratch
     if ($entry->getMediaType() != entry::ENTRY_MEDIA_TYPE_SHOW || $entry->getDataPath($version) === null) {
         $this->xml_content = "<xml></xml>";
     // fetch content of file from disk - it should hold the XML
     $file_name = myContentStorage::getFSContentRootPath() . "/" . $entry->getDataPath($version);
     //echo "[$file_name]";
     if (kString::endsWith($file_name, "xml")) {
         if (file_exists($file_name)) {
             $this->xml_content = kFile::getFileContent($file_name);
             //	echo "[" . $this->xml_content . "]" ;
         } else {
             $this->xml_content = "<xml></xml>";
         myMetadataUtils::updateEntryForPending($entry, $version, $this->xml_content);
     } else {
         return sfView::ERROR;
     // this is NOT an xml file we are looking for !
  * @param FileSync $fileSync
  * @return string
 protected function doGetFileSyncUrl(FileSync $fileSync)
     $url = parent::doGetFileSyncUrl($fileSync);
     if (in_array($fileSync->getPartnerId(), array(666132, 628012, 357521, 560751)) && kString::beginsWith($url, "mp4:")) {
         $url .= ".mp4";
     return $url;
 public function toObject($dbObject = null, $skip = array())
     /** @var kObjectTask $dbObject */
     $dbObject = parent::toObject($dbObject, $skip);
     $flavorParamsIds = array_unique(kString::fromCommaSeparatedToArray($this->flavorParamsIds));
     $dbObject->setDataValue('flavorParamsIds', $flavorParamsIds);
     $dbObject->setDataValue('reconvert', $this->reconvert);
     return $dbObject;
 protected function removeFiles($namePrefix)
     $namePrefix = $this->normalizeSlashes($namePrefix);
     foreach ($this->_files as $name => $data) {
         if (kString::beginsWith($name, $namePrefix)) {
 protected function writeFullXmlNode($nodeName, $value, $level, $attributes = array())
     $res = '';
     $res .= $this->writeOpenXmlNode($nodeName, $level, $attributes, false);
     $res .= kString::xmlEncode(kString::xmlDecode("{$value}"));
     //to create a valid XML (without unescaped special chars)
     //we decode before encoding to avoid breaking an xml which its special chars had already been escaped
     $res .= $this->writeClosingXmlNode($nodeName, 0);
     return $res;
Example #17
 	Returns newly created puser - after creating it's corresponding kuser.
 	If the puser_kuser already exists && $verify_not_exists==true , don't create a new one and return the existing one
 public static function createPuserKuser($partner_id, $subp_id, $puser_id, $kuser_name, $puser_name, $create_kuser = false, $kuser = null)
     $puser_kuser = self::retrieveByPartnerAndUid($partner_id, $subp_id, $puser_id, true);
     if (!$kuser) {
         $kuser = kuserPeer::getKuserByPartnerAndUid($partner_id, $puser_id, true);
         // don't create an existing kuser!
     if ($puser_kuser) {
         if (!$create_kuser) {
             // if the puser_kuser already exists - don't re-create it
             $puser_kuser->exists = true;
             return $puser_kuser;
         } else {
             // puser_kuser exists but it's OK
             // this might be the case where we don't mind creating a new one each time
     } else {
         $puser_kuser = new PuserKuser();
     $c = new Criteria();
     $c->add(self::PARTNER_ID, $partner_id);
     $c->add(self::PUSER_ID, $puser_id);
     $partner_puser_kuser = self::doSelectOne($c);
     if ($kuser !== null) {
         $kuser_id = $kuser->getId();
     } else {
         if ($partner_puser_kuser) {
             $kuser_id = $partner_puser_kuser->getKuserId();
             $kuser = kuserPeer::retrieveByPK($kuser_id);
         } else {
             // create kuser for this puser
             $kuser = new kuser();
             list($firstName, $lastName) = kString::nameSplit($kuser_name);
             // set puserId for forward compatibility with PS3
             // so he won't appear in the search
             $kuser_id = $kuser->getId();
     return $puser_kuser;
  * Will forward to the regular swf player according to the widget_id 
 public function execute()
     $uiconf_id = $this->getRequestParameter('uiconf_id');
     if (!$uiconf_id) {
         KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::MISSING_PARAMETER, 'uiconf_id');
     $uiConf = uiConfPeer::retrieveByPK($uiconf_id);
     if (!$uiConf) {
     $partner_id = $this->getRequestParameter('partner_id', $uiConf->getPartnerId());
     if (!$partner_id) {
         KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::MISSING_PARAMETER, 'partner_id');
     $partner_host = myPartnerUtils::getHost($partner_id);
     $partner_cdnHost = myPartnerUtils::getCdnHost($partner_id);
     $use_cdn = $uiConf->getUseCdn();
     $host = $use_cdn ? $partner_cdnHost : $partner_host;
     $ui_conf_html5_url = $uiConf->getHtml5Url();
     if (kConf::hasMap("optimized_playback")) {
         $optimizedPlayback = kConf::getMap("optimized_playback");
         if (array_key_exists($partner_id, $optimizedPlayback)) {
             // force a specific kdp for the partner
             $params = $optimizedPlayback[$partner_id];
             if (array_key_exists('html5_url', $params)) {
                 $ui_conf_html5_url = $params['html5_url'];
     if (kString::beginsWith($ui_conf_html5_url, "http")) {
         $url = $ui_conf_html5_url;
         // absolute URL
     } else {
         if ($ui_conf_html5_url) {
             $url = $host . $ui_conf_html5_url;
         } else {
             $html5_version = kConf::get('html5_version');
             $url = "{$host}/html5/html5lib/{$html5_version}/mwEmbedLoader.php";
     // append uiconf_id and partner id for optimizing loading of html5 library. append them only for "standard" urls by looking for the mwEmbedLoader.php suffix
     if (kString::endsWith($url, "mwEmbedLoader.php")) {
         $url .= "/p/{$partner_id}/uiconf_id/{$uiconf_id}";
         $entry_id = $this->getRequestParameter('entry_id');
         if ($entry_id) {
             $url .= "/entry_id/{$entry_id}";
 private static function calculateId()
     $dc = kDataCenterMgr::getCurrentDc();
     for ($i = 0; $i < 10; ++$i) {
         $id = $dc["id"] . '_' . kString::generateStringId();
         $existing_object = entryPeer::retrieveByPk($id);
         if (!$existing_object) {
             return $id;
Example #20
 public static function rebuildUsersListXml($users)
     //"<contributor uid='$puser_id' name='$name' pic='$pic' sex='$sex'/>";
     $data = "";
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         $puser_id = $user['uid'];
         $name = $user['name'];
         $pic = $user['pic'];
         $sex = $user['sex'];
         $data .= "<contributor uid='{$puser_id}' name='" . kString::xmlEncode($name) . "' pic='{$pic}' sex='{$sex}'/>";
     return $data;
Example #21
  * generate unique string id for annotation
 public function getUniqueAnnotationId()
     $dc = kDataCenterMgr::getCurrentDc();
     for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
         $id = $dc["id"] . '_' . kString::generateStringId();
         $existingObject = AnnotationPeer::retrieveByPK($id);
         if ($existingObject) {
             KalturaLog::log(__METHOD__ . ": id [{$id}] already exists");
         } else {
             return $id;
     throw new Exception("Could not find unique id for annotation");
Example #22
  * generate unique string id for CuePoint
 private function calculateId()
     $currentDcId = kDataCenterMgr::getCurrentDcId();
     for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
         $id = $currentDcId . '_' . kString::generateStringId();
         $existingObject = CuePointPeer::retrieveByPKNoFilter($id);
         if ($existingObject) {
             KalturaLog::log(__METHOD__ . ": id [{$id}] already exists");
         } else {
             return $id;
     throw new Exception("Could not find unique id for CuePoint");
Example #23
 private function calculateId()
     $dc = kDataCenterMgr::getCurrentDc();
     for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
         $id = $dc["id"] . '_' . kString::generateStringId();
         $existingObject = AppTokenPeer::retrieveByPkNoFilter($id);
         if ($existingObject) {
             KalturaLog::log("ID [{$id}] already exists");
         } else {
             return $id;
     throw new Exception("Could not find unique id for AppToken");
Example #24
  * @param SimpleXMLElement $mrss
  * @param SimpleXMLElement $metadata
  * @param kMrssParameters $mrssParams
  * @return SimpleXMLElement
 public function contributeMetadataObject(SimpleXMLElement $mrss, SimpleXMLElement $metadata, kMrssParameters $mrssParams = null, $currentXPath)
     $currentXPath .= "/*[local-name()='" . $metadata->getName() . "']";
     $metadataObject = $mrss->addChild($metadata->getName());
     foreach ($metadata->attributes() as $attributeField => $attributeValue) {
         $metadataObject->addAttribute($attributeField, $attributeValue);
     foreach ($metadata as $metadataField => $metadataValue) {
         if ($metadataValue instanceof SimpleXMLElement && count($metadataValue)) {
             $this->contributeMetadataObject($metadataObject, $metadataValue, $mrssParams, $currentXPath);
         } else {
             $metadataObject->addChild($metadataField, kString::stringToSafeXml($metadataValue));
 public function executeImpl($partner_id, $subp_id, $puser_id, $partner_prefix, $puser_kuser)
     $email = trim($this->getPM("adminKuser_email"));
     $new_email = trim($this->getP("new_email"));
     $old_password = trim($this->getPM("adminKuser_password", null));
     $password = trim($this->getPM("new_password", null));
     if ($new_email) {
         if (!kString::isEmailString($new_email)) {
             $f_name = "new_email";
             $this->addException(APIErrors::INVALID_FIELD_VALUE, $f_name);
     try {
         UserLoginDataPeer::updateLoginData($email, $old_password, $new_email, $password);
     } catch (kUserException $e) {
         $code = $e->getCode();
         if ($code == kUserException::LOGIN_DATA_NOT_FOUND) {
             return null;
         if ($code == kUserException::WRONG_PASSWORD) {
             return null;
         if ($code == kUserException::PASSWORD_STRUCTURE_INVALID) {
             return null;
         if ($code == kUserException::PASSWORD_ALREADY_USED) {
             return null;
         if ($code == kUserException::INVALID_EMAIL) {
             $this->addException(APIErrors::INVALID_FIELD_VALUE, 'new_email');
             return null;
         if ($code == kUserException::LOGIN_ID_ALREADY_USED) {
             return null;
         throw $e;
     if ($new_email) {
         $this->addMsg("new_email", $new_email);
     $this->addMsg("new_password", $password);
Example #26
  * @return int unique id per request
 public function getUniqueRequestId()
     if (!is_null(self::$uniqueRequestId)) {
         return self::$uniqueRequestId;
     $dcId = kDataCenterMgr::getCurrentDcId();
     for ($i = 0; $i < 10; ++$i) {
         $requestId = $dcId . '_' . kString::generateStringId();
         $exists = AuditTrailPeer::retrieveByRequestId($requestId);
         if (!$exists) {
             self::$uniqueRequestId = $requestId;
             return self::$uniqueRequestId;
     throw new kAuditTrailException('Unable to generate unique id', kAuditTrailException::UNIQUE_ID_NOT_GENERATED);
  * Update admin user password and email
  * @param string $email
  * @param string $password
  * @param string $newEmail Optional, provide only when you want to update the email
  * @param string $newPassword
  * @throws KalturaErrors::INVALID_FIELD_VALUE
  * @throws KalturaErrors::LOGIN_DATA_NOT_FOUND
  * @throws KalturaErrors::WRONG_OLD_PASSWORD
  * @throws KalturaErrors::PASSWORD_STRUCTURE_INVALID
  * @throws KalturaErrors::PASSWORD_ALREADY_USED
  * @throws KalturaErrors::LOGIN_ID_ALREADY_USED
 protected function updateLoginDataImpl($email, $password, $newEmail = "", $newPassword = "", $newFirstName, $newLastName)
     if ($newEmail != "") {
         if (!kString::isEmailString($newEmail)) {
             throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::INVALID_FIELD_VALUE, "newEmail");
     try {
         UserLoginDataPeer::updateLoginData($email, $password, $newEmail, $newPassword, $newFirstName, $newLastName);
     } catch (kUserException $e) {
         $code = $e->getCode();
         if ($code == kUserException::LOGIN_DATA_NOT_FOUND) {
             throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::LOGIN_DATA_NOT_FOUND);
         } else {
             if ($code == kUserException::WRONG_PASSWORD) {
                 if ($password == $newPassword) {
                     throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::USER_WRONG_PASSWORD);
                 } else {
                     throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::WRONG_OLD_PASSWORD);
             } else {
                 if ($code == kUserException::PASSWORD_STRUCTURE_INVALID) {
                     $c = new Criteria();
                     $c->add(UserLoginDataPeer::LOGIN_EMAIL, $email);
                     $loginData = UserLoginDataPeer::doSelectOne($c);
                     $invalidPasswordStructureMessage = $loginData->getInvalidPasswordStructureMessage();
                     throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::PASSWORD_STRUCTURE_INVALID, $invalidPasswordStructureMessage);
                 } else {
                     if ($code == kUserException::PASSWORD_ALREADY_USED) {
                         throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::PASSWORD_ALREADY_USED);
                     } else {
                         if ($code == kUserException::INVALID_EMAIL) {
                             throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::INVALID_FIELD_VALUE, 'email');
                         } else {
                             if ($code == kUserException::LOGIN_ID_ALREADY_USED) {
                                 throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::LOGIN_ID_ALREADY_USED);
         throw $e;
 protected function getAcl($baseUrl, array $urls)
     require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../../../infra/general/kString.class.php';
     // strip the filenames of all urls
     foreach ($urls as &$url) {
         $slashPos = strrpos($url, '/');
         if ($slashPos !== false) {
             $url = substr($url, 0, $slashPos + 1);
     $acl = kString::getCommonPrefix($urls);
     // the first comma in csmil denotes the beginning of the non-common URL part
     $commaPos = strpos($acl, ',');
     if ($commaPos !== false) {
         $acl = substr($acl, 0, $commaPos);
     $acl = $baseUrl . $acl . '*';
     return $acl;
  * Update admin user password and email
  * @param string $email
  * @param string $password
  * @param string $newEmail Optional, provide only when you want to update the email
  * @param string $newPassword
  * @throws KalturaErrors::INVALID_FIELD_VALUE
  * @throws KalturaErrors::LOGIN_DATA_NOT_FOUND
  * @throws KalturaErrors::WRONG_OLD_PASSWORD
  * @throws KalturaErrors::PASSWORD_STRUCTURE_INVALID
  * @throws KalturaErrors::PASSWORD_ALREADY_USED
  * @throws KalturaErrors::INVALID_FIELD_VALUE
  * @throws KalturaErrors::LOGIN_ID_ALREADY_USED
 protected function updateLoginDataImpl($email, $password, $newEmail = "", $newPassword = "", $newFirstName, $newLastName)
     if ($newEmail != "") {
         if (!kString::isEmailString($newEmail)) {
             throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::INVALID_FIELD_VALUE, "newEmail");
     try {
         UserLoginDataPeer::updateLoginData($email, $password, $newEmail, $newPassword, $newFirstName, $newLastName);
     } catch (kUserException $e) {
         $code = $e->getCode();
         if ($code == kUserException::LOGIN_DATA_NOT_FOUND) {
             throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::LOGIN_DATA_NOT_FOUND);
         } else {
             if ($code == kUserException::WRONG_PASSWORD) {
                 if ($password == $newPassword) {
                     throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::USER_WRONG_PASSWORD);
                 } else {
                     throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::WRONG_OLD_PASSWORD);
             } else {
                 if ($code == kUserException::PASSWORD_STRUCTURE_INVALID) {
                     throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::PASSWORD_STRUCTURE_INVALID);
                 } else {
                     if ($code == kUserException::PASSWORD_ALREADY_USED) {
                         throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::PASSWORD_ALREADY_USED);
                     } else {
                         if ($code == kUserException::INVALID_EMAIL) {
                             throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::INVALID_FIELD_VALUE, 'email');
                         } else {
                             if ($code == kUserException::LOGIN_ID_ALREADY_USED) {
                                 throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::LOGIN_ID_ALREADY_USED);
         throw $e;
Example #30
  * Enter description here...
  * @param BaseObject $obj - the object to be invoked with method $date_method_str
  * @param unknown_type $format
  * @return formated date according to kaltura's string rules
 public static function formatKalturaDate(BaseObject $obj, $date_method_str, $format = self::KALTURA_FORMAT)
     // prepare an array with the object to invoke & the date_method
     $f = array($obj, $date_method_str);
     if ($format == self::KALTURA_FORMAT) {
         // call parent with NULL so there will be no formating of the original date
         $params = array(NULL);
         $date = call_user_func_array($f, $params);
         // now - we'll format it our way
         return kString::formatDate($date);
     } else {
         if ($format == self::MODEL_DEFAULT_FORMAT) {
             // get default value from obj and pass no values
             return call_user_func($f);
         } else {
             // get the value from obj and use the given format
             return call_user_func($f, $format);