Example #1
 public static function loadClass($class)
     if (strpos($class, 'jelix\\') === 0) {
         $f = LIB_PATH . 'jelix-legacy/' . str_replace('\\', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, substr($class, 6)) . '.php';
     } elseif (preg_match('/^j(Dao|Tpl|Event|Db|Controller|Forms|Auth|Installer|KV).*/i', $class, $m)) {
         $f = self::$libPath[$m[1]] . $class . '.class.php';
     } elseif (preg_match('/^cDao(?:Record)?_(.+)_Jx_(.+)_Jx_(.+)$/', $class, $m)) {
         // for DAO which are stored in sessions for example
         if (!isset(jApp::config()->_modulesPathList[$m[1]])) {
             //this may happen if we have several entry points, but the current one does not have this module accessible
         $s = new jSelectorDaoDb($m[1] . '~' . $m[2], '', $m[3]);
         if (jApp::config()->compilation['checkCacheFiletime']) {
             // if it is needed to check the filetime, then we use jIncluder
             // because perhaps we will have to recompile the dao before the include
         } else {
             $f = $s->getCompiledFilePath();
             // we should verify that the file is here and if not, we recompile
             // (case where the temp has been cleaned, see bug #6062 on berlios.de)
             if (!file_exists($f)) {
             } else {
                 require $f;
     } else {
         $f = JELIX_LIB_UTILS_PATH . $class . '.class.php';
     if (file_exists($f)) {
         require $f;
Example #2
 public static function createRecord($DaoId, $profile = '')
     $sel = new jSelectorDao($DaoId, $profile);
     $c = $sel->getDaoClass();
     if (!class_exists($c, false)) {
     $c = $sel->getDaoRecordClass();
     $obj = new $c();
     return $obj;
Example #3
  * get an existing instance of a form
  * In your controller, call it before to re-display a form with existing data.
  * @param string $formSel the selector of the xml jform file
  * @param string $formId  the id of the form (if you use multiple instance of a form)
  * @return jFormBase the object representing the form. Return null if there isn't an existing form
 public static function get($formSel, $formId = null)
     $session = self::getSession();
     list($container, $sel) = $session->getContainer($formSel, $formId, false);
     if (!$container) {
         return null;
     $c = $sel->getClass();
     $form = new $c($container->formSelector, $container, false);
     return $form;
Example #4
  * get an existing instance of a form
  * In your controller, call it before to re-display a form with existing data.
  * @param string $formSel the selector of the xml jform file
  * @param string $formId  the id of the form (if you use multiple instance of a form)
  * @return jFormBase the object representing the form. Return null if there isn't an existing form
 public static function get($formSel, $formId = null)
     global $gJCoord;
     if ($formId === null) {
         $formId = self::DEFAULT_ID;
     $fid = is_array($formId) ? serialize($formId) : $formId;
     if (!isset($_SESSION['JFORMS'][$formSel][$fid])) {
         return null;
     $sel = new jSelectorForm($formSel);
     $c = $sel->getClass();
     $form = new $c($sel->toString(), $_SESSION['JFORMS'][$formSel][$fid], false);
     return $form;
Example #5
 * function used by php to try to load an unknown class
function jelix_autoload($class)
    if (preg_match('/^j(Dao|Tpl|Acl|Event|Db|Controller|Forms|Auth|Installer).*/i', $class, $m)) {
        $f = $GLOBALS['gLibPath'][$m[1]] . $class . '.class.php';
    } elseif (preg_match('/^cDao(?:Record)?_(.+)_Jx_(.+)_Jx_(.+)$/', $class, $m)) {
        // for DAO which are stored in sessions for example
        $s = new jSelectorDao($m[1] . '~' . $m[2], $m[3], false);
        if ($GLOBALS['gJConfig']->compilation['checkCacheFiletime']) {
            // if it is needed to check the filetime, then we use jIncluder
            // because perhaps we will have to recompile the dao before the include
        } else {
            $f = $s->getCompiledFilePath();
            // we should verify that the file is here and if not, we recompile
            // (case where the temp has been cleaned, see bug #6062 on berlios.de)
            if (!file_exists($f)) {
            } else {
                require $f;
    } else {
        $f = JELIX_LIB_UTILS_PATH . $class . '.class.php';
    if (file_exists($f)) {
        require $f;
Example #6
  * include the compiled template file and call one of the generated function
  * @param string|jSelectorTpl $tpl template selector
  * @param string $outputtype the type of output (html, text etc..)
  * @param boolean $trusted  says if the template file is trusted or not
  * @return string the suffix name of the function to call
 protected function getTemplate($tpl, $outputtype = '', $trusted = true)
     $tpl->userModifiers = $this->userModifiers;
     $tpl->userFunctions = $this->userFunctions;
     return md5($tpl->module . '_' . $tpl->resource . '_' . $tpl->outputType . ($trusted ? '_t' : ''));
Example #7
  * return the generated content from the given template
  * @param string $tpl template selector
  * @param string $outputtype the type of output (html, text etc..)
  * @param boolean $trusted  says if the template file is trusted or not
  * @param boolean $callMeta false if meta should not be called
  * @return string the generated content
 public function fetch($tpl, $outputtype = '', $trusted = true, $callMeta = true)
     $content = '';
     try {
         $sel = new jSelectorTpl($tpl, $outputtype, $trusted);
         $sel->userModifiers = $this->userModifiers;
         $sel->userFunctions = $this->userFunctions;
         $md = md5($sel->module . '_' . $sel->resource . '_' . $sel->outputType . ($trusted ? '_t' : ''));
         $this->_templateName = $sel->toString();
         if ($callMeta) {
             $fct = 'template_meta_' . $md;
         $fct = 'template_' . $md;
         $content = ob_get_clean();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw $e;
     return $content;
Example #8
  * Create a jurl object with the given action data
  * @param jUrlAction $url  information about the action
  * @return jUrl the url correspondant to the action
  * @author      Laurent Jouanneau
  * @copyright   2005 CopixTeam, 2005-2006 Laurent Jouanneau
  *   very few lines of code are copyrighted by CopixTeam, written by Laurent Jouanneau
  *   and released under GNU Lesser General Public Licence,
  *   in an experimental version of Copix Framework v2.3dev20050901,
  *   http://www.copix.org.
 public function create($urlact)
     if ($this->dataCreateUrl == null) {
         $sel = new jSelectorUrlCfgSig(jApp::config()->urlengine['significantFile']);
         $this->dataCreateUrl =& $GLOBALS['SIGNIFICANT_CREATEURL'];
     $url = new jUrl('', $urlact->params, '');
     $module = $url->getParam('module', jApp::getCurrentModule());
     $action = $url->getParam('action');
     // let's try to retrieve informations corresponding
     // to the given action. this informations will allow us to build
     // the url
     $id = $module . '~' . $action . '@' . $urlact->requestType;
     $urlinfo = null;
     if (isset($this->dataCreateUrl[$id])) {
         $urlinfo = $this->dataCreateUrl[$id];
     } else {
         $id = $module . '~*@' . $urlact->requestType;
         if (isset($this->dataCreateUrl[$id])) {
             $urlinfo = $this->dataCreateUrl[$id];
             if ($urlinfo[0] != 3 || $urlinfo[3] === true) {
         } else {
             $id = '@' . $urlact->requestType;
             if (isset($this->dataCreateUrl[$id])) {
                 $urlinfo = $this->dataCreateUrl[$id];
             } else {
                 throw new Exception("Significant url engine doesn't find corresponding url to this action :" . $module . '~' . $action . '@' . $urlact->requestType);
     urlinfo =
       or array(0,'entrypoint', https true/false, 'handler selector', 'basepathinfo')
       or array(1,'entrypoint', https true/false,
               array('year','month',), // list of dynamic values included in the url
               array(true, false..), // list of integers which indicates for each
                                     // dynamic value: 0: urlencode, 1:urlencode except '/', 2:escape
               "/news/%1/%2/", // the url
               true/false, // false : this is a secondary action
               array('bla'=>'whatIWant' ) // list of static values
       or array(2,'entrypoint', https true/false), // for the patterns "@request"
       or array(3,'entrypoint', https true/false), // for the patterns "module~@request"
       or array(4, array(1,...), array(1,...)...)
     if ($urlinfo[0] == 4) {
         // an action is mapped to several urls
         // so it isn't finished. Let's find building information
         // into the array
         $l = count($urlinfo);
         $urlinfofound = null;
         for ($i = 1; $i < $l; $i++) {
             $ok = true;
             // verify that given static parameters of the action correspond
             // to those defined for this url
             foreach ($urlinfo[$i][7] as $n => $v) {
                 // specialStatic are static values for which the url engine
                 // can compare not only with a given url parameter value, but
                 // also with a value stored some where (typically, a configuration value)
                 $specialStatic = !empty($v) && $v[0] == '$';
                 $paramStatic = $url->getParam($n, null);
                 if ($specialStatic) {
                     // special statique value
                     $typePS = $v[1];
                     $v = substr($v, 2);
                     if ($typePS == 'l') {
                         if ($paramStatic === null) {
                             $paramStatic = jLocale::getCurrentLang();
                         } else {
                             if (preg_match('/^(\\w{2,3})_\\w{2,3}$/', $paramStatic, $m)) {
                                 // if the value is a locale instead of lang, translate it
                                 $paramStatic = $m[1];
                     } elseif ($typePS == 'L') {
                         if ($paramStatic === null) {
                             $paramStatic = jApp::config()->locale;
                         } else {
                             if (preg_match('/^\\w{2,3}$/', $paramStatic, $m)) {
                                 // if the value is a lang instead of locale, translate it
                                 $paramStatic = jLocale::langToLocale($paramStatic);
                 if ($paramStatic != $v) {
                     $ok = false;
             if ($ok) {
                 // static parameters correspond: we found our informations
                 $urlinfofound = $urlinfo[$i];
         if ($urlinfofound !== null) {
             $urlinfo = $urlinfofound;
         } else {
             $urlinfo = $urlinfo[1];
     // at this step, we have informations to build the url
     $url->scriptName = jApp::config()->urlengine['basePath'] . $urlinfo[1];
     if ($urlinfo[2]) {
         $url->scriptName = jApp::coord()->request->getServerURI(true) . $url->scriptName;
     if ($urlinfo[1] && !jApp::config()->urlengine['multiview']) {
         $url->scriptName .= '.php';
     // for some request types, parameters aren't in the url
     // so we remove them
     // it's a bit dirty to do that hardcoded here, but it would be a pain
     // to load the request class to check whether we can remove or not
     if (in_array($urlact->requestType, array('xmlrpc', 'jsonrpc', 'soap'))) {
         return $url;
     if ($urlinfo[0] == 0) {
         $s = new jSelectorUrlHandler($urlinfo[3]);
         $c = $s->resource . 'UrlsHandler';
         $handler = new $c();
         $handler->create($urlact, $url);
         if ($urlinfo[4] != '') {
             $url->pathInfo = $urlinfo[4] . $url->pathInfo;
     } elseif ($urlinfo[0] == 1) {
         $pi = $urlinfo[5];
         foreach ($urlinfo[3] as $k => $param) {
             $typeParam = $urlinfo[4][$k];
             $value = $url->getParam($param, '');
             if ($typeParam & 2) {
                 $value = jUrl::escape($value, true);
             } else {
                 if ($typeParam & 1) {
                     $value = str_replace('%2F', '/', urlencode($value));
                 } else {
                     if ($typeParam & 4) {
                         if ($value == '') {
                             $value = jLocale::getCurrentLang();
                         } else {
                             if (preg_match('/^(\\w{2,3})_\\w{2,3}$/', $value, $m)) {
                                 $value = $m[1];
                     } else {
                         if ($typeParam & 8) {
                             if ($value == '') {
                                 $value = jApp::config()->locale;
                             } else {
                                 if (preg_match('/^\\w{2,3}$/', $value, $m)) {
                                     $value = jLocale::langToLocale($value);
                         } else {
                             $value = urlencode($value);
             $pi = str_replace(':' . $param, $value, $pi);
         $url->pathInfo = $pi;
         if ($urlinfo[6]) {
             $url->setParam('action', $action);
         // removed parameters corresponding to static values
         foreach ($urlinfo[7] as $name => $value) {
     } elseif ($urlinfo[0] == 3) {
         if ($urlinfo[3]) {
     return $url;
  * return the list of all listener corresponding to an event
  * @param string $eventName the event name we wants the listeners for.
  * @return array of objects
 protected static function loadListenersFor($eventName)
     if (!isset($GLOBALS['JELIX_EVENTS'])) {
         self::$compilerData[3] = jApp::config()->urlengine['urlScriptId'] . '.' . self::$compilerData[3];
     $inf =& $GLOBALS['JELIX_EVENTS'];
     self::$hashListened[$eventName] = array();
     if (isset($inf[$eventName])) {
         $modules =& jApp::config()->_modulesPathList;
         foreach ($inf[$eventName] as $listener) {
             list($module, $listenerName) = $listener;
             if (!isset($modules[$module])) {
                 // some modules could be unused
             if (!isset(self::$listenersSingleton[$module][$listenerName])) {
                 require_once $modules[$module] . 'classes/' . $listenerName . '.listener.php';
                 $className = $listenerName . 'Listener';
                 self::$listenersSingleton[$module][$listenerName] = new $className();
             self::$hashListened[$eventName][] = self::$listenersSingleton[$module][$listenerName];
  * get an existing instance of a form
  * In your controller, call it before to re-display a form with existing data.
  * @param string $formSel the selector of the xml jform file
  * @param string $formId  the id of the form (if you use multiple instance of a form)
  * @return jFormBase the object representing the form. Return null if there isn't an existing form
 public static function get($formSel, $formId = null)
     if ($formId === null || $formId === '') {
         $formId = self::DEFAULT_ID;
     $fid = is_array($formId) ? serialize($formId) : $formId;
     $sel = new jSelectorForm($formSel);
     // normalize the selector to avoid conflict in session
     $formSel = $sel->toString();
     if (!isset($_SESSION['JFORMS'][$formSel][$fid])) {
         return null;
     $c = $sel->getClass();
     $form = new $c($formSel, $_SESSION['JFORMS'][$formSel][$fid], false);
     return $form;
Example #11
  * Create a jurl object with the given action data
  * @param jUrlAction $url  information about the action
  * @return jUrl the url correspondant to the action
  * @author      Laurent Jouanneau
  * @copyright   2005 CopixTeam, 2005-2006 Laurent Jouanneau
  *   very few lines of code are copyrighted by CopixTeam, written by Laurent Jouanneau
  *   and released under GNU Lesser General Public Licence,
  *   in an experimental version of Copix Framework v2.3dev20050901,
  *   http://www.copix.org.
 public function create($urlact)
     if ($this->dataCreateUrl == null) {
         $sel = new jSelectorUrlCfgSig($GLOBALS['gJConfig']->urlengine['significantFile']);
         $this->dataCreateUrl =& $GLOBALS['SIGNIFICANT_CREATEURL'];
     $url = new jUrl('', $urlact->params, '');
     $module = $url->getParam('module', jContext::get());
     $action = $url->getParam('action');
     // let's try to retrieve informations corresponding
     // to the given action. this informations will allow us to build
     // the url
     $id = $module . '~' . $action . '@' . $urlact->requestType;
     $urlinfo = null;
     if (isset($this->dataCreateUrl[$id])) {
         $urlinfo = $this->dataCreateUrl[$id];
     } else {
         $id = $module . '~*@' . $urlact->requestType;
         if (isset($this->dataCreateUrl[$id])) {
             $urlinfo = $this->dataCreateUrl[$id];
             if ($urlinfo[0] != 3 || $urlinfo[3] === true) {
         } else {
             $id = '@' . $urlact->requestType;
             if (isset($this->dataCreateUrl[$id])) {
                 $urlinfo = $this->dataCreateUrl[$id];
             } else {
                 throw new Exception("Significant url engine doesn't find corresponding url to this action :" . $module . '~' . $action . '@' . $urlact->requestType);
     urlinfo =
       or array(0,'entrypoint', https true/false, 'handler selector', 'basepathinfo')
       or array(1,'entrypoint', https true/false,
               array('year','month',), // list of dynamic values included in the url
               array(true, false..), // list of integers which indicates for each
                                     // dynamic value: 0: urlencode, 1:urlencode except '/', 2:escape
               "/news/%1/%2/", // the url
               true/false, // false : this is a secondary action
               array('bla'=>'whatIWant' ) // list of static values
       or array(2,'entrypoint', https true/false), // for the patterns "@request"
       or array(3,'entrypoint', https true/false), // for the patterns "module~@request"
       or array(4, array(1,...), array(1,...)...)
     if ($urlinfo[0] == 4) {
         // an action is mapped to several urls
         // so it isn't finished. Let's find building information
         // into the array
         $l = count($urlinfo);
         $urlinfofound = null;
         for ($i = 1; $i < $l; $i++) {
             $ok = true;
             // verify that given static parameters of the action correspond
             // to those defined for this url
             foreach ($urlinfo[$i][7] as $n => $v) {
                 if ($url->getParam($n, '') != $v) {
                     $ok = false;
             if ($ok) {
                 // static parameters correspond: we found our informations
                 $urlinfofound = $urlinfo[$i];
         if ($urlinfofound !== null) {
             $urlinfo = $urlinfofound;
         } else {
             $urlinfo = $urlinfo[1];
     // at this step, we have informations to build the url
     $url->scriptName = $GLOBALS['gJConfig']->urlengine['basePath'] . $urlinfo[1];
     if ($urlinfo[2]) {
         $url->scriptName = $GLOBALS['gJCoord']->request->getServerURI(true) . $url->scriptName;
     if ($urlinfo[1] && !$GLOBALS['gJConfig']->urlengine['multiview']) {
         $url->scriptName .= $GLOBALS['gJConfig']->urlengine['entrypointExtension'];
     // pour certains types de requete, les paramètres ne sont pas dans l'url
     // donc on les supprime
     // c'est un peu crade de faire ça en dur ici, mais ce serait lourdingue
     // de charger la classe request pour savoir si on peut supprimer ou pas
     if (in_array($urlact->requestType, array('xmlrpc', 'jsonrpc', 'soap'))) {
         return $url;
     if ($urlinfo[0] == 0) {
         $s = new jSelectorUrlHandler($urlinfo[3]);
         $c = $s->resource . 'UrlsHandler';
         $handler = new $c();
         $handler->create($urlact, $url);
         if ($urlinfo[4] != '') {
             $url->pathInfo = $urlinfo[4] . $url->pathInfo;
     } elseif ($urlinfo[0] == 1) {
         $pi = $urlinfo[5];
         foreach ($urlinfo[3] as $k => $param) {
             switch ($urlinfo[4][$k]) {
                 case 2:
                     $value = jUrl::escape($url->getParam($param, ''), true);
                 case 1:
                     $value = str_replace('%2F', '/', urlencode($url->getParam($param, '')));
                     $value = urlencode($url->getParam($param, ''));
             $pi = str_replace(':' . $param, $value, $pi);
         $url->pathInfo = $pi;
         if ($urlinfo[6]) {
             $url->setParam('action', $action);
         // removed parameters corresponding to static values
         foreach ($urlinfo[7] as $name => $value) {
     } elseif ($urlinfo[0] == 3) {
         if ($urlinfo[3]) {
     return $url;
Example #12
function jelix_autoload($class)
    if (preg_match('/^j(Dao|Tpl|Event|Db|Controller|Forms|Auth|Installer|KV|Pref).*/i', $class, $m)) {
        $f = $GLOBALS['gLibPath'][$m[1]] . $class . '.class.php';
    } elseif ($class == 'jAcl2') {
        $f = JELIX_LIB_PATH . 'acl/jAcl2.class.php';
    } elseif (preg_match('/^cDao(?:Record)?_(.+)_Jx_(.+)_Jx_(.+)$/', $class, $m)) {
        $s = new jSelectorDao($m[1] . '~' . $m[2], $m[3], false);
        if (jApp::config()->compilation['checkCacheFiletime']) {
        } else {
            $f = $s->getCompiledFilePath();
            if (!file_exists($f)) {
            } else {
                require $f;
    } else {
        $f = JELIX_LIB_UTILS_PATH . $class . '.class.php';
    if (file_exists($f)) {
        require $f;
Example #13
  * return the list of all listener corresponding to an event
  * @param string $eventName the event name we wants the listeners for.
  * @return array of objects
 protected static function loadListenersFor($eventName)
     if (!isset($GLOBALS['JELIX_EVENTS'])) {
     $inf =& $GLOBALS['JELIX_EVENTS'];
     self::$hashListened[$eventName] = array();
     if (isset($inf[$eventName])) {
         foreach ($inf[$eventName] as $listener) {
             list($module, $listenerName) = $listener;
             if (!isset(self::$listenersSingleton[$module][$listenerName])) {
                 require_once $GLOBALS['gJConfig']->_modulesPathList[$module] . 'classes/' . $listenerName . '.listener.php';
                 $className = $listenerName . 'Listener';
                 #if ENABLE_OLD_CLASS_NAMING
                 if (!class_exists($className, false)) {
                     $className = 'Listener' . $listenerName;
                 self::$listenersSingleton[$module][$listenerName] = new $className();
             self::$hashListened[$eventName][] = self::$listenersSingleton[$module][$listenerName];
  * Create a jurl object with the given action data
  * @param jUrlAction $url  information about the action
  * @return jUrl the url correspondant to the action
  * @author      Laurent Jouanneau
  * @copyright   2005 CopixTeam, 2005-2006 Laurent Jouanneau
  *   very few lines of code are copyrighted by CopixTeam, written by Laurent Jouanneau
  *   and released under GNU Lesser General Public Licence,
  *   in an experimental version of Copix Framework v2.3dev20050901,
  *   http://www.copix.org.
 public function create($urlact)
     if ($this->dataCreateUrl == null) {
         $sel = new jSelectorUrlCfgSig($GLOBALS['gJConfig']->urlengine['significantFile']);
         $this->dataCreateUrl =& $GLOBALS['SIGNIFICANT_CREATEURL'];
     a) recupere module~action@request -> obtient les infos pour la creation de l'url
     b) récupère un à un les parametres indiqués dans params à partir de jUrl
     c) remplace la valeur récupérée dans le result et supprime le paramètre de l'url
     d) remplace scriptname de jUrl par le resultat
     $url = new jUrl('', $urlact->params, '');
     $module = $url->getParam('module', jContext::get());
     $action = $url->getParam('action');
     $id = $module . '~' . $action . '@' . $urlact->requestType;
     $urlinfo = null;
     if (isset($this->dataCreateUrl[$id])) {
         $urlinfo = $this->dataCreateUrl[$id];
     } else {
         $id = $module . '~*@' . $urlact->requestType;
         if (isset($this->dataCreateUrl[$id])) {
             $urlinfo = $this->dataCreateUrl[$id];
         } else {
             $id = '@' . $urlact->requestType;
             if (isset($this->dataCreateUrl[$id])) {
                 $urlinfo = $this->dataCreateUrl[$id];
             } else {
                 throw new Exception("Significant url engine doesn't find corresponding url to this action :" . $module . '~' . $action . '@' . $urlact->requestType);
     urlinfo =
         array(0,'entrypoint', https true/false,'selecteur handler')
         array(1,'entrypoint', https true/false, 
                 array('annee','mois','jour','id','titre'), // liste des paramètres de l'url à prendre en compte
                 array(true, false..), // valeur des escapes
                 "/news/%1/%2/%3/%4-%5", // forme de l'url
                 false, //indique si  c'est une action surchargeante
         array(2,'entrypoint', https true/false,); pour les clés du type "@request"
         array(3,'entrypoint', https true/false); pour les clés du type "module~@request"
         array(4, array(1,..), array(1,..)...);
     if ($urlinfo[0] == 4) {
         $l = count($urlinfo);
         $urlinfofound = null;
         for ($i = 1; $i < $l; $i++) {
             $ok = true;
             foreach ($urlinfo[$i][7] as $n => $v) {
                 if ($url->getParam($n, '') != $v) {
                     $ok = false;
             if ($ok) {
                 $urlinfofound = $urlinfo[$i];
         if ($urlinfofound !== null) {
             $urlinfo = $urlinfofound;
         } else {
             $urlinfo = $urlinfo[1];
     $url->scriptName = $GLOBALS['gJConfig']->urlengine['basePath'] . $urlinfo[1];
     if ($urlinfo[2]) {
         $url->scriptName = 'https://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $url->scriptName;
     if ($urlinfo[1] && !$GLOBALS['gJConfig']->urlengine['multiview']) {
         $url->scriptName .= $GLOBALS['gJConfig']->urlengine['entrypointExtension'];
     // pour certains types de requete, les paramètres ne sont pas dans l'url
     // donc on les supprime
     // c'est un peu crade de faire ça en dur ici, mais ce serait lourdingue
     // de charger la classe request pour savoir si on peut supprimer ou pas
     if (in_array($urlact->requestType, array('xmlrpc', 'jsonrpc', 'soap'))) {
         return $url;
     if ($urlinfo[0] == 0) {
         $s = new jSelectorUrlHandler($urlinfo[3]);
         $c = $s->resource . 'UrlsHandler';
         $handler = new $c();
         $handler->create($urlact, $url);
     } elseif ($urlinfo[0] == 1) {
         $pi = $urlinfo[5];
         foreach ($urlinfo[3] as $k => $param) {
             if ($urlinfo[4][$k]) {
                 $pi = str_replace(':' . $param, jUrl::escape($url->getParam($param, ''), true), $pi);
             } else {
                 $pi = str_replace(':' . $param, $url->getParam($param, ''), $pi);
         $url->pathInfo = $pi;
         if ($urlinfo[6]) {
             $url->setParam('action', $action);
         // removed parameters corresponding to static values
         foreach ($urlinfo[7] as $name => $value) {
     } elseif ($urlinfo[0] == 3) {
     return $url;
Example #15
 public function create($urlact)
     if ($this->dataCreateUrl == null) {
         $sel = new jSelectorUrlCfgSig(jApp::config()->urlengine['significantFile']);
         $this->dataCreateUrl =& $GLOBALS['SIGNIFICANT_CREATEURL'];
     $url = new jUrl('', $urlact->params, '');
     $module = $url->getParam('module', jContext::get());
     $action = $url->getParam('action');
     $id = $module . '~' . $action . '@' . $urlact->requestType;
     $urlinfo = null;
     if (isset($this->dataCreateUrl[$id])) {
         $urlinfo = $this->dataCreateUrl[$id];
     } else {
         $id = $module . '~*@' . $urlact->requestType;
         if (isset($this->dataCreateUrl[$id])) {
             $urlinfo = $this->dataCreateUrl[$id];
             if ($urlinfo[0] != 3 || $urlinfo[3] === true) {
         } else {
             $id = '@' . $urlact->requestType;
             if (isset($this->dataCreateUrl[$id])) {
                 $urlinfo = $this->dataCreateUrl[$id];
             } else {
                 throw new Exception("Significant url engine doesn't find corresponding url to this action :" . $module . '~' . $action . '@' . $urlact->requestType);
     if ($urlinfo[0] == 4) {
         $l = count($urlinfo);
         $urlinfofound = null;
         for ($i = 1; $i < $l; $i++) {
             $ok = true;
             foreach ($urlinfo[$i][7] as $n => $v) {
                 $specialStatic = $v[0] == '$';
                 $paramStatic = $url->getParam($n, null);
                 if ($specialStatic) {
                     $typePS = $v[1];
                     $v = substr($v, 2);
                     if ($typePS == 'l') {
                         if ($paramStatic === null) {
                             $paramStatic = jLocale::getCurrentLang();
                         } else {
                             if (preg_match('/^(\\w{2,3})_\\w{2,3}$/', $paramStatic, $m)) {
                                 $paramStatic = $m[1];
                     } elseif ($typePS == 'L') {
                         if ($paramStatic === null) {
                             $paramStatic = jApp::config()->locale;
                         } else {
                             if (preg_match('/^\\w{2,3}$/', $paramStatic, $m)) {
                                 $paramStatic = jLocale::langToLocale($paramStatic);
                 if ($paramStatic != $v) {
                     $ok = false;
             if ($ok) {
                 $urlinfofound = $urlinfo[$i];
         if ($urlinfofound !== null) {
             $urlinfo = $urlinfofound;
         } else {
             $urlinfo = $urlinfo[1];
     $url->scriptName = jApp::config()->urlengine['basePath'] . $urlinfo[1];
     if ($urlinfo[2]) {
         $url->scriptName = jApp::coord()->request->getServerURI(true) . $url->scriptName;
     if ($urlinfo[1] && !jApp::config()->urlengine['multiview']) {
         $url->scriptName .= jApp::config()->urlengine['entrypointExtension'];
     if (in_array($urlact->requestType, array('xmlrpc', 'jsonrpc', 'soap'))) {
         return $url;
     if ($urlinfo[0] == 0) {
         $s = new jSelectorUrlHandler($urlinfo[3]);
         $c = $s->resource . 'UrlsHandler';
         $handler = new $c();
         $handler->create($urlact, $url);
         if ($urlinfo[4] != '') {
             $url->pathInfo = $urlinfo[4] . $url->pathInfo;
     } elseif ($urlinfo[0] == 1) {
         $pi = $urlinfo[5];
         foreach ($urlinfo[3] as $k => $param) {
             $typeParam = $urlinfo[4][$k];
             $value = $url->getParam($param, '');
             if ($typeParam & 2) {
                 $value = jUrl::escape($value, true);
             } else {
                 if ($typeParam & 1) {
                     $value = str_replace('%2F', '/', urlencode($value));
                 } else {
                     if ($typeParam & 4) {
                         if ($value == '') {
                             $value = jLocale::getCurrentLang();
                         } else {
                             if (preg_match('/^(\\w{2,3})_\\w{2,3}$/', $value, $m)) {
                                 $value = $m[1];
                     } else {
                         if ($typeParam & 8) {
                             if ($value == '') {
                                 $value = jApp::config()->locale;
                             } else {
                                 if (preg_match('/^\\w{2,3}$/', $value, $m)) {
                                     $value = jLocale::langToLocale($value);
                         } else {
                             $value = urlencode($value);
             $pi = str_replace(':' . $param, $value, $pi);
         $url->pathInfo = $pi;
         if ($urlinfo[6]) {
             $url->setParam('action', $action);
         foreach ($urlinfo[7] as $name => $value) {
     } elseif ($urlinfo[0] == 3) {
         if ($urlinfo[3]) {
     return $url;
Example #16
  * include the compiled template file and call one of the generated function
  * @param string|jSelectorTpl $tpl template selector
  * @param string $outputtype the type of output (html, text etc..)
  * @param boolean $trusted  says if the template file is trusted or not
  * @return string the suffix name of the function to call
 protected function getTemplate($tpl, $outputtype = '', $trusted = true)
     $tpl->userModifiers = $this->userModifiers;
     $tpl->userFunctions = $this->userFunctions;
     return md5($tpl->module . '_' . $tpl->resource . '_' . $tpl->outputType . ($trusted ? '_t' : ''));
     $tpl = jTplConfig::$templatePath . $tpl;
     if ($outputtype == '') {
         $outputtype = 'html';
     $cachefile = dirname($this->_templateName) . '/';
     if ($cachefile == './') {
         $cachefile = '';
     if (jTplConfig::$cachePath == '/' || jTplConfig::$cachePath == '') {
         throw new Exception('cache path is invalid ! its value is: "' . jTplConfig::$cachePath . '".');
     $cachefile = jTplConfig::$cachePath . $cachefile . $outputtype . ($trusted ? '_t' : '') . '_' . basename($tpl);
     $mustCompile = jTplConfig::$compilationForce || !file_exists($cachefile);
     if (!$mustCompile) {
         if (filemtime($tpl) > filemtime($cachefile)) {
             $mustCompile = true;
     if ($mustCompile) {
         include_once JTPL_PATH . 'jTplCompiler.class.php';
         $compiler = new jTplCompiler();
         $compiler->compile($this->_templateName, $tpl, $outputtype, $trusted, $this->userModifiers, $this->userFunctions);
     require_once $cachefile;
     return md5($tpl . '_' . $outputtype . ($trusted ? '_t' : ''));