  * Build export file
  * @param
  * @return
 function buildExportFile()
     global $ilias;
     // create export file
     include_once "./Services/Export/classes/class.ilExport.php";
     ilExport::_createExportDirectory($this->wiki->getId(), "html", "wiki");
     $exp_dir = ilExport::_getExportDirectory($this->wiki->getId(), "html", "wiki");
     $this->subdir = $this->wiki->getType() . "_" . $this->wiki->getId();
     $this->export_dir = $exp_dir . "/" . $this->subdir;
     // initialize temporary target directory
     // system style html exporter
     include_once "./Services/Style/classes/class.ilSystemStyleHTMLExport.php";
     $this->sys_style_html_export = new ilSystemStyleHTMLExport($this->export_dir);
     // init co page html exporter
     include_once "./Services/COPage/classes/class.ilCOPageHTMLExport.php";
     $this->co_page_html_export = new ilCOPageHTMLExport($this->export_dir);
     // export pages
     // zip everything
     if (true) {
         // zip it all
         $date = time();
         $zip_file = ilExport::_getExportDirectory($this->wiki->getId(), "html", "wiki") . "/" . $date . "__" . IL_INST_ID . "__" . $this->wiki->getType() . "_" . $this->wiki->getId() . ".zip";
         ilUtil::zip($this->export_dir, $zip_file);
  * Build export file
  * @param
  * @return
 function buildExportFile()
     global $ilias;
     // create export file
     include_once "./Services/Export/classes/class.ilExport.php";
     ilExport::_createExportDirectory($this->object->getId(), "html", "prtf");
     $exp_dir = ilExport::_getExportDirectory($this->object->getId(), "html", "prtf");
     $this->subdir = $this->object->getType() . "_" . $this->object->getId();
     $this->export_dir = $exp_dir . "/" . $this->subdir;
     // initialize temporary target directory
     // system style html exporter
     include_once "./Services/Style/classes/class.ilSystemStyleHTMLExport.php";
     $this->sys_style_html_export = new ilSystemStyleHTMLExport($this->export_dir);
     // $this->sys_style_html_export->addImage("icon_prtf_b.png");
     // init co page html exporter
     include_once "./Services/COPage/classes/class.ilCOPageHTMLExport.php";
     $this->co_page_html_export = new ilCOPageHTMLExport($this->export_dir);
     /* $this->co_page_html_export->setContentStyleId(
     			$this->object->getStyleSheetId()); */
     // banner / profile picture
     $prfa_set = new ilSetting("prfa");
     if ($prfa_set->get("banner")) {
         $banner = $this->object->getImageFullPath();
         copy($banner, $this->export_dir . "/" . basename($banner));
     $ppic = ilObjUser::_getPersonalPicturePath($this->object->getOwner(), "big");
     if ($ppic) {
         $ppic = array_shift(explode("?", $ppic));
         copy($ppic, $this->export_dir . "/" . basename($ppic));
     // export pages
     // zip everything
     if (true) {
         // zip it all
         $date = time();
         $zip_file = ilExport::_getExportDirectory($this->object->getId(), "html", "prtf") . "/" . $date . "__" . IL_INST_ID . "__" . $this->object->getType() . "_" . $this->object->getId() . ".zip";
         ilUtil::zip($this->export_dir, $zip_file);
     return $zip_file;
  * Export a container
  * @param object $a_type
  * @param object $a_obj_id
  * @param object $a_target_release
  * @return 
 public function exportObject($a_type, $a_id, $a_target_release)
     // Create base export directory
     ilExport::_createExportDirectory($a_id, "xml", $a_type);
     $export_dir = ilExport::_getExportDirectory($a_id, "xml", $a_type);
     $ts = time();
     $sub_dir = $ts . "__" . IL_INST_ID . "__" . $a_type . "_" . $a_id;
     $this->cont_export_dir = $export_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $sub_dir;
     $GLOBALS['ilLog']->write(__METHOD__ . ' using base directory: ' . $this->export_run_dir);
     $this->manifestWriterBegin($a_type, $a_id, $a_target_release);
     $this->addSubitems($a_id, $a_type, $a_target_release);
     $this->manifestWriterEnd($a_type, $a_id, $a_target_release);
     ilUtil::zip($this->cont_export_dir, $this->cont_export_dir . '.zip');
Example #4
  * Export an ILIAS entity
  * @param string $a_entity entity type, e.g. "sty"
  * @param mixed $a_id entity id
  * @param string $a_target_release target release
  * @param string $a_component component that exports (e.g. "Services/Style")
  * @return array success and info array
 function exportEntity($a_entity, $a_id, $a_target_release, $a_component, $a_title, $a_export_dir, $a_type_for_file = "")
     global $objDefinition, $tpl;
     if ($a_type_for_file == "") {
         $a_type_for_file = $a_entity;
     $comp = $a_component;
     $c = explode("/", $comp);
     $class = "il" . $c[1] . "Exporter";
     // manifest writer
     include_once "./Services/Xml/classes/class.ilXmlWriter.php";
     $this->manifest_writer = new ilXmlWriter();
     $this->manifest_writer->xmlStartTag('Manifest', array("MainEntity" => $a_entity, "Title" => $a_title, "TargetRelease" => $a_target_release, "InstallationId" => IL_INST_ID, "InstallationUrl" => ILIAS_HTTP_PATH));
     $export_dir = $a_export_dir;
     $ts = time();
     // determine file name and subdirectory
     $sub_dir = $ts . '__' . IL_INST_ID . '__' . $a_type_for_file . '_' . $a_id;
     $new_file = $sub_dir . '.zip';
     $this->export_run_dir = $export_dir . "/" . $sub_dir;
     $this->cnt = array();
     $success = $this->processExporter($comp, $class, $a_entity, $a_target_release, $a_id);
     $this->manifest_writer->xmlDumpFile($this->export_run_dir . "/manifest.xml", false);
     // zip the file
     ilUtil::zip($this->export_run_dir, $export_dir . "/" . $new_file);
     return array("success" => $success, "file" => $new_file, "directory" => $export_dir);
  * build xml export file
 function buildExportFileXML()
     global $ilBench;
     $ilBench->start("SurveyExport", "buildExportFile");
     // create directories
     include_once "./Services/Utilities/classes/class.ilUtil.php";
     ilUtil::makeDir($this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir);
     ilUtil::makeDir($this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir . "/objects");
     // get Log File
     $expDir = $this->survey_obj->getExportDirectory();
     include_once "./Services/Logging/classes/class.ilLog.php";
     $expLog = new ilLog($expDir, "export.log");
     $expLog->write(date("[y-m-d H:i:s] ") . "Start Export");
     // write xml file
     $xmlFile = fopen($this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir . "/" . $this->filename, "w");
     fwrite($xmlFile, $this->survey_obj->toXML());
     // add media objects which were added with tiny mce
     $this->exportXHTMLMediaObjects($this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir);
     // zip the file
     $ilBench->start("SurveyExport", "buildExportFileXML_zipFile");
     ilUtil::zip($this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir, $this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir . ".zip");
     $ilBench->stop("SurveyExport", "buildExportFileXML_zipFile");
     if (@file_exists($this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir . ".zip")) {
         // remove export directory and contents
         if (@is_dir($this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir)) {
             ilUtil::delDir($this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir);
     $expLog->write(date("[y-m-d H:i:s] ") . "Finished Export");
     $ilBench->stop("SurveyExport", "buildExportFile");
     return $this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir . ".zip";
  * Create member status record for a new assignment for all participants
 function sendMultiFeedbackStructureFile()
     global $ilDB;
     // send and delete the zip file
     $deliverFilename = trim(str_replace(" ", "_", $this->getTitle() . "_" . $this->getId()));
     $deliverFilename = ilUtil::getASCIIFilename($deliverFilename);
     $deliverFilename = "multi_feedback_" . $deliverFilename;
     $exc = new ilObjExercise($this->getExerciseId(), false);
     $cdir = getcwd();
     // create temporary directoy
     $tmpdir = ilUtil::ilTempnam();
     $mfdir = $tmpdir . "/" . $deliverFilename;
     // create subfolders <lastname>_<firstname>_<id> for each participant
     include_once "./Modules/Exercise/classes/class.ilExerciseMembers.php";
     $exmem = new ilExerciseMembers($exc);
     $mems = $exmem->getMembers();
     foreach ($mems as $mem) {
         $name = ilObjUser::_lookupName($mem);
         $subdir = $name["lastname"] . "_" . $name["firstname"] . "_" . $name["login"] . "_" . $name["user_id"];
         $subdir = ilUtil::getASCIIFilename($subdir);
         ilUtil::makeDir($mfdir . "/" . $subdir);
     // create the zip file
     $tmpzipfile = $tmpdir . "/multi_feedback.zip";
     ilUtil::zip($tmpdir, $tmpzipfile, true);
     ilUtil::deliverFile($tmpzipfile, $deliverFilename . ".zip", "", false, true);
 function zipFile($a_rel_name, $a_zip_name)
     ilUtil::zip($this->getGroupPath() . '/grp_' . $this->group_obj->getId() . '/' . $a_rel_name, $this->getGroupPath() . '/grp_' . $this->group_obj->getId() . '/' . $a_zip_name);
     return true;
 public function sendAndCreateSimpleExportFile()
     $orgu_id = ilObjOrgUnit::getRootOrgId();
     $orgu_ref_id = ilObjOrgUnit::getRootOrgRefId();
     ilExport::_createExportDirectory($orgu_id, "xml", "orgu");
     $export_dir = ilExport::_getExportDirectory($orgu_id, "xml", "orgu");
     $ts = time();
     // Workaround for test assessment
     $sub_dir = $ts . '__' . IL_INST_ID . '__' . "orgu" . '_' . $orgu_id . "";
     $new_file = $sub_dir . '.zip';
     $export_run_dir = $export_dir . "/" . $sub_dir;
     $writer = $this->simpleExport($orgu_ref_id);
     $writer->xmlDumpFile($export_run_dir . "/manifest.xml", false);
     // zip the file
     ilUtil::zip($export_run_dir, $export_dir . "/" . $new_file);
     // Store info about export
     include_once './Services/Export/classes/class.ilExportFileInfo.php';
     $exp = new ilExportFileInfo($orgu_id);
     $exp->setCreationDate(new ilDateTime($ts, IL_CAL_UNIX));
     ilUtil::deliverFile($export_dir . "/" . $new_file, $new_file);
     return array("success" => true, "file" => $new_file, "directory" => $export_dir);
  * build export file (complete zip file)
 function buildExportFileXML()
     global $ilBench;
     $ilBench->start("GlossaryExport", "buildExportFile");
     require_once "./Services/Xml/classes/class.ilXmlWriter.php";
     $this->xml = new ilXmlWriter();
     // set dtd definition
     $this->xml->xmlSetDtdDef("<!DOCTYPE ContentObject SYSTEM \"http://www.ilias.uni-koeln.de/download/dtd/ilias_co_3_7.dtd\">");
     // set generated comment
     $this->xml->xmlSetGenCmt("Export of ILIAS Glossary " . $this->glo_obj->getId() . " of installation " . $this->inst . ".");
     // set xml header
     // create directories
     ilUtil::makeDir($this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir);
     ilUtil::makeDir($this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir . "/objects");
     // get Log File
     $expDir = $this->glo_obj->getExportDirectory();
     $expLog = new ilLog($expDir, "export.log");
     $expLog->write(date("[y-m-d H:i:s] ") . "Start Export");
     // get xml content
     //echo "ContObjExport:".$this->inst_id.":<br>";
     $ilBench->start("GlossaryExport", "buildExportFile_getXML");
     $this->glo_obj->exportXML($this->xml, $this->inst_id, $this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir, $expLog);
     $ilBench->stop("GlossaryExport", "buildExportFile_getXML");
     // dump xml document to screen (only for debugging reasons)
     echo "<PRE>";
     echo htmlentities($this->xml->xmlDumpMem($format));
     echo "</PRE>";
     // dump xml document to file
     $ilBench->start("GlossaryExport", "buildExportFile_dumpToFile");
     $this->xml->xmlDumpFile($this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir . "/" . $this->filename, false);
     $ilBench->stop("GlossaryExport", "buildExportFile_dumpToFile");
     // zip the file
     $ilBench->start("GlossaryExport", "buildExportFile_zipFile");
     ilUtil::zip($this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir, $this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir . ".zip");
     $ilBench->stop("GlossaryExport", "buildExportFile_zipFile");
     // destroy writer object
     $expLog->write(date("[y-m-d H:i:s] ") . "Finished Export");
     $ilBench->stop("GlossaryExport", "buildExportFile");
     return $this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir . ".zip";
Example #10
  * export html package
 function exportHTML($a_target_dir, $log)
     global $ilias, $tpl;
     // initialize temporary target directory
     include_once "./Services/COPage/classes/class.ilCOPageHTMLExport.php";
     $this->co_page_html_export = new ilCOPageHTMLExport($a_target_dir);
     // export system style sheet
     $location_stylesheet = ilUtil::getStyleSheetLocation("filesystem");
     $style_name = $ilias->account->prefs["style"] . ".css";
     copy($location_stylesheet, $a_target_dir . "/" . $style_name);
     $location_stylesheet = ilUtil::getStyleSheetLocation();
     if ($this->getStyleSheetId() < 1) {
         $cont_stylesheet = "Services/COPage/css/content.css";
         copy($cont_stylesheet, $a_target_dir . "/content.css");
     } else {
         $content_style_img_dir = $a_target_dir . "/images";
         $style = new ilObjStyleSheet($this->getStyleSheetId());
         $style->writeCSSFile($a_target_dir . "/content.css", "images");
     // export syntax highlighting style
     $syn_stylesheet = ilObjStyleSheet::getSyntaxStylePath();
     copy($syn_stylesheet, $a_target_dir . "/syntaxhighlight.css");
     // get glossary presentation gui class
     include_once "./Modules/Glossary/classes/class.ilGlossaryPresentationGUI.php";
     $_GET["cmd"] = "nop";
     $glo_gui =& new ilGlossaryPresentationGUI();
     // could be implemented in the future if other export
     // formats are supported (e.g. scorm)
     // export terms
     $this->exportHTMLGlossaryTerms($glo_gui, $a_target_dir);
     // export all media objects
     foreach ($this->offline_mobs as $mob) {
         $this->exportHTMLMOB($a_target_dir, $glo_gui, $mob, "_blank");
     $_GET["obj_type"] = "MediaObject";
     $_GET["obj_id"] = $a_mob_id;
     $_GET["cmd"] = "";
     // export all file objects
     foreach ($this->offline_files as $file) {
         $this->exportHTMLFile($a_target_dir, $file);
     // export images
     $image_dir = $a_target_dir . "/images";
     ilUtil::makeDir($image_dir . "/browser");
     copy(ilUtil::getImagePath("enlarge.svg", false, "filesystem"), $image_dir . "/enlarge.svg");
     copy(ilUtil::getImagePath("browser/blank.png", false, "filesystem"), $image_dir . "/browser/plus.png");
     copy(ilUtil::getImagePath("browser/blank.png", false, "filesystem"), $image_dir . "/browser/minus.png");
     copy(ilUtil::getImagePath("browser/blank.png", false, "filesystem"), $image_dir . "/browser/blank.png");
     copy(ilUtil::getImagePath("icon_st.svg", false, "filesystem"), $image_dir . "/icon_st.svg");
     copy(ilUtil::getImagePath("icon_pg.svg", false, "filesystem"), $image_dir . "/icon_pg.svg");
     copy(ilUtil::getImagePath("nav_arr_L.png", false, "filesystem"), $image_dir . "/nav_arr_L.png");
     copy(ilUtil::getImagePath("nav_arr_R.png", false, "filesystem"), $image_dir . "/nav_arr_R.png");
     // template workaround: reset of template
     $tpl = new ilTemplate("tpl.main.html", true, true);
     $tpl->setVariable("LOCATION_STYLESHEET", $location_stylesheet);
     $tpl->addBlockFile("CONTENT", "content", "tpl.adm_content.html");
     // zip everything
     if (true) {
         // zip it all
         $date = time();
         $zip_file = $this->getExportDirectory("html") . "/" . $date . "__" . IL_INST_ID . "__" . $this->getType() . "_" . $this->getId() . ".zip";
         //echo "zip-".$a_target_dir."-to-".$zip_file;
         ilUtil::zip($a_target_dir, $zip_file);
  * build xml export file
 function buildExportFileXML()
     global $ilBench;
     $ilBench->start("ContentObjectExport", "buildExportFile");
     require_once "./Services/Xml/classes/class.ilXmlWriter.php";
     $this->xml = new ilXmlWriter();
     // set dtd definition
     $this->xml->xmlSetDtdDef("<!DOCTYPE ContentObject SYSTEM \"http://www.ilias.de/download/dtd/ilias_co_3_7.dtd\">");
     // set generated comment
     $this->xml->xmlSetGenCmt("Export of ILIAS Content Module " . $this->cont_obj->getId() . " of installation " . $this->inst . ".");
     // set xml header
     // create directories
     ilUtil::makeDir($this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir);
     ilUtil::makeDir($this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir . "/objects");
     // get Log File
     $expDir = $this->cont_obj->getExportDirectory();
     $expLog = new ilLog($expDir, "export.log");
     $expLog->write(date("[y-m-d H:i:s] ") . "Start Export");
     // get xml content
     //echo "ContObjExport:".$this->inst_id.":<br>";
     $ilBench->start("ContentObjectExport", "buildExportFile_getXML");
     $this->cont_obj->exportXML($this->xml, $this->inst_id, $this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir, $expLog);
     $ilBench->stop("ContentObjectExport", "buildExportFile_getXML");
     // export style
     if ($this->cont_obj->getStyleSheetId() > 0) {
         include_once "./Services/Style/classes/class.ilObjStyleSheet.php";
         $style_obj = new ilObjStyleSheet($this->cont_obj->getStyleSheetId(), false);
         $style_file = $style_obj->export();
         if (is_file($style_file)) {
             copy($style_file, $this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir . "/style.zip");
     // dump xml document to screen (only for debugging reasons)
     echo "<PRE>";
     echo htmlentities($this->xml->xmlDumpMem($format));
     echo "</PRE>";
     // dump xml document to file
     $this->xml->xmlDumpFile($this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir . "/" . $this->filename, false);
     // help export (workaround to use ref id here)
     if (ilObjContentObject::isOnlineHelpModule((int) $_GET["ref_id"])) {
         include_once "./Services/Export/classes/class.ilExport.php";
         $exp = new ilExport();
         $exp->exportEntity("help", $this->cont_obj->getId(), "4.3.0", "Services/Help", "OnlineHelp", $this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir);
     // zip the file
     ilUtil::zip($this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir, $this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir . ".zip");
     // destroy writer object
     $expLog->write(date("[y-m-d H:i:s] ") . "Finished Export");
     $ilBench->stop("ContentObjectExport", "buildExportFile");
     return $this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir . ".zip";
  *   the different export types are processed here
  *   @param
  *   @access public
  *   @return
 function offlineexport()
     global $ilDB;
     if ($_POST["cmd"]["cancel"] != "") {
         $this->ctrl->setParameter($this, "frame", "maincontent");
         $this->ctrl->redirect($this, "layout");
     switch ($this->lm->getType()) {
         case "dbk":
             $_GET["frame"] = "maincontent";
             $objRow["obj_id"] = ilObject::_lookupObjId($_GET["ref_id"]);
             $_GET["obj_id"] = $objRow["obj_id"];
             $query = "SELECT * FROM lm_data WHERE lm_id = " . $ilDB->quote($objRow["obj_id"], "integer") . " AND type='pg' ";
             $result = $ilDB->query($query);
             $page = 0;
             $showpage = 0;
             while (is_array($row = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($result))) {
                 if ($_POST["pages"] == "all" || $_POST["pages"] == "fromto" && $page >= $_POST["pagefrom"] && $page <= $_POST["pageto"]) {
                     if ($showpage > 0) {
                         if ($_POST["type"] == "pdf") {
                             $output .= "<hr BREAK >\n";
                         if ($_POST["type"] == "print") {
                             $output .= "<p style=\"page-break-after:always\" />";
                         if ($_POST["type"] == "html") {
                             $output .= "<br><br><br><br>";
                     $_GET["obj_id"] = $row["obj_id"];
                     $o = $this->layout("main.xml", false);
                     $output .= "<div xmlns:xhtml=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\" class=\"ilc_PageTitle\">" . $this->lm->title . "</div><p>";
                     $output .= $o;
                     $output .= "\n<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 width=100%><tr><td valign=top align=center>- " . $page . " -</td></tr></table>\n";
             $printTpl = new ilTemplate("tpl.print.html", true, true, "Modules/LearningModule");
             if ($_POST["type"] == "print") {
                 $css1 = ilObjStyleSheet::getContentStylePath($this->lm->getStyleSheetId());
                 $css2 = ilUtil::getStyleSheetLocation();
             } else {
                 $css1 = "./css/delos.css";
                 $css2 = "./css/content.css";
             $printTpl->setVariable("LOCATION_CONTENT_STYLESHEET", $css1);
             $printTpl->setVariable("LOCATION_STYLESHEET", $css2);
             $printTpl->setVariable("CONTENT", $output);
             // syntax style
             $printTpl->setVariable("LOCATION_SYNTAX_STYLESHEET", ilObjStyleSheet::getSyntaxStylePath());
             $html = $printTpl->get();
              *	Check if export-directory exists
             $export_dir = $this->lm->getExportDirectory();
              *	create html-offline-directory
             $fileName = "offline";
             $fileName = str_replace(" ", "_", $fileName);
             if (!file_exists($export_dir . "/" . $fileName)) {
                 @mkdir($export_dir . "/" . $fileName);
                 @chmod($export_dir . "/" . $fileName, 0755);
                 @mkdir($export_dir . "/" . $fileName . "/css");
                 @chmod($export_dir . "/" . $fileName . "/css", 0755);
             if ($_POST["type"] == "xml") {
                 $tmp_obj =& $this->ilias->obj_factory->getInstanceByRefId($_GET["ref_id"]);
                 if ($tmp_obj->getType() == "dbk") {
                     require_once "./Modules/LearningModule/classes/class.ilObjDlBook.php";
                     $dbk =& new ilObjDlBook($_GET["ref_id"]);
             } else {
                 if ($_POST["type"] == "print") {
                     echo $html;
                 } else {
                     if ($_POST["type"] == "html") {
                          *	copy data into dir
                          *	zip all end deliver zip-file for download
                         $css1 = file("./templates/default/delos.css");
                         $css1 = implode($css1, "");
                         $fp = fopen($export_dir . "/" . $fileName . "/css/delos.css", "wb");
                         fwrite($fp, $css1);
                         $fp = fopen($export_dir . "/" . $fileName . "/" . $fileName . ".html", "wb");
                         fwrite($fp, $html);
                         ilUtil::zip($export_dir . "/" . $fileName, $export_dir . "/" . $fileName . ".zip");
                         ilUtil::deliverFile($export_dir . "/" . $fileName . ".zip", $fileName . ".zip");
                     } else {
                         if ($_POST["type"] == "pdf") {
                             ilUtil::html2pdf($html, $export_dir . "/" . $fileName . ".pdf");
                             ilUtil::deliverFile($export_dir . "/" . $fileName . ".pdf", $fileName . ".pdf");
  * Build export file
  * @param
  * @return
 function buildExportFile()
     global $ilias;
     // create export file
     include_once "./Services/Export/classes/class.ilExport.php";
     ilExport::_createExportDirectory($this->object->getId(), "html", "prtf");
     $exp_dir = ilExport::_getExportDirectory($this->object->getId(), "html", "prtf");
     $this->subdir = $this->object->getType() . "_" . $this->object->getId();
     $this->export_dir = $exp_dir . "/" . $this->subdir;
     // initialize temporary target directory
     // system style html exporter
     include_once "./Services/Style/classes/class.ilSystemStyleHTMLExport.php";
     $this->sys_style_html_export = new ilSystemStyleHTMLExport($this->export_dir);
     // $this->sys_style_html_export->addImage("icon_prtf.svg");
     // init co page html exporter
     include_once "./Services/COPage/classes/class.ilCOPageHTMLExport.php";
     $this->co_page_html_export = new ilCOPageHTMLExport($this->export_dir);
     // banner
     $prfa_set = new ilSetting("prfa");
     if ($prfa_set->get("banner")) {
         $banner = $this->object->getImageFullPath();
         if ($banner) {
             copy($banner, $this->export_dir . "/" . basename($banner));
     // page element: profile picture
     $ppic = ilObjUser::_getPersonalPicturePath($this->object->getOwner(), "big", true, true);
     if ($ppic) {
         $ppic = array_shift(explode("?", $ppic));
         copy($ppic, $this->export_dir . "/" . basename($ppic));
     // header image: profile picture
     $ppic = ilObjUser::_getPersonalPicturePath($this->object->getOwner(), "xsmall", true, true);
     if ($ppic) {
         $ppic = array_shift(explode("?", $ppic));
         copy($ppic, $this->export_dir . "/" . basename($ppic));
     // export pages
     // add js/images/file to zip
     $images = $files = $js_files = array();
     foreach ($this->export_material as $items) {
         $images = array_merge($images, $items["images"]);
         $files = array_merge($files, $items["files"]);
         $js_files = array_merge($js_files, $items["js"]);
     foreach (array_unique($images) as $image) {
         if (is_file($image)) {
             copy($image, $this->export_dir . "/images/" . basename($image));
     foreach (array_unique($js_files) as $js_file) {
         if (is_file($js_file)) {
             copy($js_file, $this->export_dir . "/js/" . basename($js_file));
     foreach (array_unique($files) as $file) {
         if (is_file($file)) {
             copy($file, $this->export_dir . "/files/" . basename($file));
     // zip everything
     if (true) {
         // zip it all
         $date = time();
         $zip_file = ilExport::_getExportDirectory($this->object->getId(), "html", "prtf") . "/" . $date . "__" . IL_INST_ID . "__" . $this->object->getType() . "_" . $this->object->getId() . ".zip";
         ilUtil::zip($this->export_dir, $zip_file);
     return $zip_file;
 function zipFile($a_rel_name, $a_zip_name)
     ilUtil::zip($this->getCoursePath() . '/' . $a_rel_name, $this->getCoursePath() . '/' . $a_zip_name);
     // RETURN filesize
     return filesize($this->getCoursePath() . '/' . $a_zip_name);
  * build xml export file
 function buildExportFileXML($questions = null)
     global $ilBench;
     $ilBench->start("SurveyQuestionpoolExport", "buildExportFile");
     // create directories
     include_once "./Services/Utilities/classes/class.ilUtil.php";
     ilUtil::makeDir($this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir);
     // get Log File
     include_once "./Services/Logging/classes/class.ilLog.php";
     $expLog = new ilLog($this->spl_obj->getExportDirectory(), "export.log");
     $expLog->write(date("[y-m-d H:i:s] ") . "Start Export");
     // write qti file
     $qti_file = fopen($this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir . "/" . $this->filename, "w");
     fwrite($qti_file, $this->spl_obj->toXML($questions));
     // destroy writer object
     ilUtil::zip($this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir, $this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir . ".zip");
     $expLog->write(date("[y-m-d H:i:s] ") . "Finished Export");
     $ilBench->stop("SurveyQuestionpoolExport", "buildExportFile");
     return $this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir . ".zip";
  * Zip archive directory
  * @access public
  * @param string relative name of directory to zip
  * @param string zip archive name
  * @return int filesize of zip archive
 public function zipArchive($a_rel_name, $a_zip_name)
     ilUtil::zip($this->getArchiveDirectory() . '/' . $a_rel_name, $this->getArchiveDirectory() . '/' . $a_zip_name);
     return filesize($this->getArchiveDirectory() . '/' . $a_zip_name);
  * build xml export file
 function buildExportFileXLS()
     global $ilBench;
     $ilBench->start("QuestionpoolExport", "buildExportFile");
     include_once "./Services/Excel/classes/class.ilExcelWriterAdapter.php";
     $adapter = new ilExcelWriterAdapter($this->export_dir . "/" . $this->filename, FALSE);
     $workbook = $adapter->getWorkbook();
     // Use Excel97/2000 Format
     $format_bold =& $workbook->addFormat();
     $format_percent =& $workbook->addFormat();
     $format_datetime =& $workbook->addFormat();
     $format_datetime->setNumFormat("DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm:ss");
     $format_title =& $workbook->addFormat();
     $worksheet =& $workbook->addWorksheet();
     $row = 0;
     $col = 0;
     // title row
     include_once "./Services/Excel/classes/class.ilExcelUtils.php";
     include_once "./Modules/TestQuestionPool/classes/class.assQuestion.php";
     $worksheet->write($row, $col, ilExcelUtils::_convert_text($this->lng->txt("title"), "latin1"), $format_title);
     $worksheet->write($row, $col, ilExcelUtils::_convert_text($this->lng->txt("description"), "latin1"), $format_title);
     $worksheet->write($row, $col, ilExcelUtils::_convert_text($this->lng->txt("question_type"), "latin1"), $format_title);
     $worksheet->write($row, $col, ilExcelUtils::_convert_text($this->lng->txt("author"), "latin1"), $format_title);
     $worksheet->write($row, $col, ilExcelUtils::_convert_text($this->lng->txt("create_date"), "latin1"), $format_title);
     $worksheet->write($row, $col, ilExcelUtils::_convert_text($this->lng->txt("last_update"), "latin1"), $format_title);
     $col = 0;
     $questions = $this->qpl_obj->getQuestionList();
     foreach ($questions as $question) {
         $worksheet->write($row, $col, ilExcelUtils::_convert_text($question["title"], "latin1"));
         $worksheet->write($row, $col, ilExcelUtils::_convert_text($question["description"], "latin1"));
         $worksheet->write($row, $col, ilExcelUtils::_convert_text($this->lng->txt($question["type_tag"]), "latin1"));
         $worksheet->write($row, $col, ilExcelUtils::_convert_text($question["author"], "latin1"));
         //			ilDatePresentation::formatDate(new ilDateTime($question["created"],IL_CAL_UNIX))
         $worksheet->write($row, $col, ilExcelUtils::_convert_text(ilFormat::formatDate(ilFormat::ftimestamp2dateDB($question["created"]), "date"), "latin1"));
         $worksheet->write($row, $col, ilExcelUtils::_convert_text(ilFormat::formatDate(ilFormat::ftimestamp2dateDB($question["tstamp"]), "date"), "latin1"));
         $col = 0;
     ilUtil::zip($this->export_dir . "/" . $this->filename, $this->export_dir . "/" . $this->zipfilename);
     if (@file_exists($this->export_dir . "/" . $this->filename)) {
         @unlink($this->export_dir . "/" . $this->filename);
Example #18
  *	exports the digi-lib-object into a xml structure
 function export($a_deliver = true)
     global $ilDB;
     include_once "./Services/Xml/classes/class.ilNestedSetXML.php";
     // ------------------------------------------------------
     // anhand der ref_id die obj_id ermitteln.
     // ------------------------------------------------------
     $objRow["obj_id"] = ilOject::_lookupObjId();
     $objRow["title"] = ilOject::_lookupTitle($objRow["obj_id"]);
     $obj_id = $objRow["obj_id"];
     $this->mob_ids = array();
     // ------------------------------------------------------
     // start xml-String
     // ------------------------------------------------------
     $xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE ContentObject SYSTEM \"ilias_co.dtd\">\n<ContentObject Type=\"LibObject\">\n";
     // ------------------------------------------------------
     // get global meta-data
     // ------------------------------------------------------
     $nested = new ilNestedSetXML();
     $xml .= $nested->export($obj_id, "dbk") . "\n";
     // ------------------------------------------------------
     // get all book-xml-data recursiv
     // ------------------------------------------------------
     $query = "SELECT  *\n                  FROM lm_tree, lm_data\n                  WHERE lm_tree.lm_id = " . $ilDB->quote($obj_id, "integer") . "\n                  AND   lm_tree.child = lm_data.obj_id\n                  AND   ( lm_data.type =  'du' )\n                  AND lm_tree.depth = 1\n                  ORDER BY lm_tree.lft";
     $result = $ilDB->query($query);
     $treeData = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($result);
     $xml .= $this->exportRekursiv($obj_id, 2, $treeData["lft"], $treeData["rgt"]);
     // ------------------------------------------------------
     // get or create export-directory
     // ------------------------------------------------------
     $export_dir = $this->getExportDirectory();
     // ------------------------------------------------------
     // get mediaobject-xml-data
     // ------------------------------------------------------
     $mob_ids = $this->mob_ids;
     if (is_array($mob_ids) && count($mob_ids) > 0) {
         while (list($key, $val) = each($mob_ids)) {
             $xml .= "<MediaObject>";
             $query = "SELECT * FROM media_item WHERE mob_id= " . $ilDB->quote($key, "integer") . " ";
             $first = true;
             $result = $ilDB->query($query);
             while (is_array($row = $ilDB->fetchRow($result))) {
                 if ($first) {
                     $nested = new ilNestedSetXML();
                     $metaxml = $nested->export($key, "mob");
                     $metaxml = preg_replace("/Entry=\"(.*?)\"/", "Entry=\"il__mob_" . $key . "\"", $metaxml);
                     $metaxml2 = "<Technical>";
                     $metaxml2 .= "<Format>" . $row["format"] . "</Format>";
                     $metaxml2 .= "<Size>14559</Size>";
                     $metaxml2 .= "<Location Type=\"" . $row["location_type"] . "\">" . $row["location"] . "</Location>";
                     $metaxml2 .= "</Technical>";
                     $metaxml = str_replace("</MetaData>", $metaxml2 . "</MetaData>", $metaxml);
                     $xml .= $metaxml;
                     $first = false;
                 $xml .= "<MediaItem Purpose=\"" . $row["purpose"] . "\">";
                 $xml .= "<Location Type=\"" . $row["location_type"] . "\">" . $row["location"] . "</Location>";
                 $xml .= "<Format>" . $row["format"] . "</Format>";
                 $xml .= "<Layout Width=\"" . $row["width"] . "\" Height=\"" . $row["height"] . "\"/>";
                 $xml .= "</MediaItem>";
             $xml .= "</MediaObject>";
     // ------------------------------------------------------
     // get bib-xml-data
     // ------------------------------------------------------
     $nested = new ilNestedSetXML();
     $bib = $nested->export($obj_id, "bib");
     $xml .= $bib . "\n";
     // ------------------------------------------------------
     // xml-ending
     // ------------------------------------------------------
     $xml .= "</ContentObject>";
     // ------------------------------------------------------
     // filename and directory-creation
     // ------------------------------------------------------
     $fileName = $objRow["title"];
     $fileName = str_replace(" ", "_", $fileName);
     if (!file_exists($export_dir . "/" . $fileName)) {
         @mkdir($export_dir . "/" . $fileName);
         @chmod($export_dir . "/" . $fileName, 0755);
     if (!file_exists($export_dir . "/" . $fileName . "/objects")) {
         @mkdir($export_dir . "/" . $fileName . "/objects");
         @chmod($export_dir . "/" . $fileName . "/objects", 0755);
     // ------------------------------------------------------
     // copy mob-files
     // ------------------------------------------------------
     $mob_ids = $this->mob_ids;
     if (is_array($mob_ids) && count($mob_ids) > 0) {
         while (list($key, $val) = each($mob_ids)) {
             if (!file_exists($export_dir . "/" . $fileName . "/objects/mm" . $key)) {
                 @mkdir($export_dir . "/" . $fileName . "/objects/mm" . $key);
                 @chmod($export_dir . "/" . $fileName . "/objects/mm" . $key, 0755);
             $mobdir = "./data/mobs/mm_" . $key;
             ilUtil::rCopy($mobdir, $export_dir . "/" . $fileName . "/objects/mm" . $key);
     // ------------------------------------------------------
     // save xml-file
     // ------------------------------------------------------
     $fp = fopen($export_dir . "/" . $fileName . "/" . $fileName . ".xml", "wb");
     fwrite($fp, $xml);
     // ------------------------------------------------------
     // zip all files
     // ------------------------------------------------------
     ilUtil::zip($export_dir . "/" . $fileName, $export_dir . "/" . $fileName . ".zip");
     // ------------------------------------------------------
     // deliver files
     // ------------------------------------------------------
     if ($a_deliver) {
         ilUtil::deliverFile($export_dir . "/" . $fileName . ".zip", $fileName);
     } else {
         return $export_dir . "/" . $fileName . ".zip";
     header("Expires: Mon, 1 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT");
     header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
     header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");
     header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);
     header("Pragma: no-cache");
     header("Content-type: application/octet-stream");
     if (stristr(" ".$GLOBALS["HTTP_SERVER_VARS"]["HTTP_USER_AGENT"],"MSIE") )
     	header ("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . $fileName.".zip");
     	header ("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=".$fileName.".zip" );
     header ("Content-length:".(string)( filesize($export_dir."/".$fileName.".zip")) );
     readfile( $export_dir."/".$fileName.".zip" );
  * build xml export file
 function buildExportFileHTMLOne()
     require_once "./Services/Xml/classes/class.ilXmlWriter.php";
     // create directories
     ilUtil::makeDir($this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir);
     // get Log File
     $expDir = $this->export_dir;
     $expLog = new ilLog($expDir, "export.log");
     $expLog->write(date("[y-m-d H:i:s] ") . "Start Export");
     // get xml content
     $this->cont_obj->exportHTMLOne($this->inst_id, $this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir, $expLog);
     // zip the file
     ilUtil::zip($this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir, $this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir . ".zip", true);
     ilUtil::delDir($this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir);
     $expLog->write(date("[y-m-d H:i:s] ") . "Finished Export");
     return $this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir . ".zip";
Example #20
  * Create a ZIP file from a directory with certificates
  * @param string $dir Directory containing the certificates
  * @param boolean $deliver TRUE to deliver the ZIP file, FALSE to return the filename only
  * @return string The created ZIP archive path
 public function zipCertificatesInArchiveDirectory($dir, $deliver = TRUE)
     $zipfile = time() . "__" . IL_INST_ID . "__" . $this->getAdapter()->getAdapterType() . "__" . $this->getAdapter()->getCertificateId() . "__certificates.zip";
     ilUtil::zip($dir, $this->getAdapter()->getCertificatePath() . $zipfile);
     if ($deliver) {
         ilUtil::deliverFile($this->getAdapter()->getCertificatePath() . $zipfile, $zipfile, "application/zip");
     return $this->getAdapter()->getCertificatePath() . $zipfile;
  * create html package
 function exportHTML()
     $inst_id = IL_INST_ID;
     include_once "./Services/Export/classes/class.ilExport.php";
     ilExport::_createExportDirectory($this->object->getId(), "html", $this->object->getType());
     $export_dir = ilExport::_getExportDirectory($this->object->getId(), "html", $this->object->getType());
     $subdir = $this->object->getType() . "_" . $this->object->getId();
     $filename = $this->subdir . ".zip";
     $target_dir = $export_dir . "/" . $subdir;
     $source_dir = $this->object->getDataDirectory();
     ilUtil::rCopy($source_dir, $target_dir);
     // zip it all
     $date = time();
     $zip_file = $export_dir . "/" . $date . "__" . IL_INST_ID . "__" . $this->object->getType() . "_" . $this->object->getId() . ".zip";
     ilUtil::zip($target_dir, $zip_file);
Example #22
 private function downloadMultipleObjects($a_ref_ids)
     global $lng, $rbacsystem, $ilAccess;
     include_once "./Services/Utilities/classes/class.ilUtil.php";
     include_once 'Modules/Folder/classes/class.ilObjFolder.php';
     include_once 'Modules/File/classes/class.ilObjFile.php';
     include_once 'Modules/File/classes/class.ilFileException.php';
     // create temporary file to download
     $zip = PATH_TO_ZIP;
     $tmpdir = ilUtil::ilTempnam();
     try {
         // copy each selected object
         foreach ($a_ref_ids as $ref_id) {
             if (!$ilAccess->checkAccess("read", "", $ref_id)) {
             if (ilObject::_isInTrash($ref_id)) {
             // get object
             $object =& $this->ilias->obj_factory->getInstanceByRefId($ref_id);
             $obj_type = $object->getType();
             if ($obj_type == "fold") {
                 // copy folder to temp directory
                 self::recurseFolder($ref_id, $object->getTitle(), $tmpdir);
             } else {
                 if ($obj_type == "file") {
                     // copy file to temp directory
                     self::copyFile($object->getId(), $object->getTitle(), $tmpdir);
         // compress the folder
         $deliverFilename = ilUtil::getAsciiFilename($this->object->getTitle()) . ".zip";
         $tmpzipfile = ilUtil::ilTempnam() . ".zip";
         ilUtil::zip($tmpdir, $tmpzipfile, true);
         ilUtil::deliverFile($tmpzipfile, $deliverFilename, '', false, true, true);
     } catch (ilFileException $e) {
         ilUtil::sendInfo($e->getMessage(), true);
  * Create export file
  * @return	string		local file name of export file
 function export()
     $ex_dir = $this->createExportDirectory();
     $this->exportXML($ex_dir . "/" . $this->getExportSubDir());
     //echo "-".$this->getImagesDirectory()."-".$ex_dir."/".$this->getExportSubDir()."/images"."-";
     ilUtil::rCopy($this->getImagesDirectory(), $ex_dir . "/" . $this->getExportSubDir() . "/images");
     if (is_file($ex_dir . "/" . $this->getExportSubDir() . ".zip")) {
         unlink($ex_dir . "/" . $this->getExportSubDir() . ".zip");
     ilUtil::zip($ex_dir . "/" . $this->getExportSubDir(), $ex_dir . "/" . $this->getExportSubDir() . ".zip");
     return $ex_dir . "/" . $this->getExportSubDir() . ".zip";
Example #24
     * Generates a ZIP file containing all file uploads for a given test and the original id of the question
     * @param int $test_id
    public function getFileUploadZIPFile($test_id)
        /** @var ilDB $ilDB */
        global $ilDB;
        $query = "\n\t\tSELECT \n\t\t\ttst_solutions.solution_id, tst_solutions.pass, tst_solutions.active_fi, tst_solutions.question_fi, \n\t\t\ttst_solutions.value1, tst_solutions.value2, tst_solutions.tstamp \n\t\tFROM tst_solutions, tst_active, qpl_questions \n\t\tWHERE tst_solutions.active_fi = tst_active.active_id \n\t\tAND tst_solutions.question_fi = qpl_questions.question_id \n\t\tAND tst_solutions.question_fi = %s \n\t\tAND tst_active.test_fi = %s \n\t\tORDER BY tst_solutions.active_fi, tst_solutions.tstamp";
        $result = $ilDB->queryF($query, array("integer", "integer"), array($this->getId(), $test_id));
        $zipfile = ilUtil::ilTempnam() . ".zip";
        $tempdir = ilUtil::ilTempnam();
        if ($result->numRows()) {
            $userdata = array();
            $data .= "<html><head>";
            $data .= '<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />';
            $data .= '<style>
			 table { border: 1px #333 solid; border-collapse:collapse;}	
			 td, th { border: 1px #333 solid; padding: 0.25em;}	
			 th { color: #fff; background-color: #666;}
            $data .= "<title>" . $this->getTitle() . "</title></head><body>\n";
            $data .= "<h1>" . $this->getTitle() . "</h1>\n";
            $data .= "<table><thead>\n";
            $data .= "<tr><th>" . $this->lng->txt("name") . "</th><th>" . $this->lng->txt("filename") . "</th><th>" . $this->lng->txt("pass") . "</th><th>" . $this->lng->txt("location") . "</th><th>" . $this->lng->txt("date") . "</th></tr></thead><tbody>\n";
            while ($row = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($result)) {
                ilUtil::makeDirParents($tempdir . "/" . $row["active_fi"] . "/" . $row["question_fi"]);
                @copy($this->getFileUploadPath($test_id, $row["active_fi"], $row["question_fi"]) . $row["value1"], $tempdir . "/" . $row["active_fi"] . "/" . $row["question_fi"] . "/" . $row["value1"]);
                if (!array_key_exists($row["active_fi"], $userdata)) {
                    include_once "./Modules/Test/classes/class.ilObjTestAccess.php";
                    $userdata[$row["active_fi"]] = ilObjTestAccess::_getParticipantData($row["active_fi"]);
                $data .= "<tr><td>" . $userdata[$row["active_fi"]] . "</td><td><a href=\"" . $row["active_fi"] . "/" . $row["question_fi"] . "/" . $row["value1"] . "\" target=\"_blank\">" . $row["value2"] . "</a></td><td>" . $row["pass"] . "</td><td>" . $row["active_fi"] . "/" . $row["question_fi"] . "/" . $row["value1"] . "</td>";
                $data .= "<td>" . ilFormat::fmtDateTime(ilFormat::unixtimestamp2datetime($row["tstamp"]), $this->lng->txt("lang_dateformat"), $this->lng->txt("lang_timeformat"), "datetime", FALSE) . "</td>";
                $data .= "</tr>\n";
            $data .= "</tbody></table>\n";
            $data .= "</body></html>\n";
            $indexfile = $tempdir . "/index.html";
            $fh = fopen($indexfile, 'w');
            fwrite($fh, $data);
        ilUtil::zip($tempdir, $zipfile);
        ilUtil::deliverFile($zipfile, ilUtil::getASCIIFilename($this->getTitle() . ".zip"), "application/zip", false, true);
Example #25
 public function downloadFolder()
     global $lng, $rbacsystem, $ilAccess;
     include_once "./Services/Utilities/classes/class.ilUtil.php";
     include_once 'Modules/File/classes/class.ilObjFile.php';
     include_once 'Modules/File/classes/class.ilFileException.php';
     if (!$ilAccess->checkAccess("read", "", $this->getRefId())) {
         $this->ilErr->raiseError(get_class($this) . "::downloadFolder(): missing read permission!", $this->ilErr->WARNING);
     if (ilObject::_isInTrash($this->getRefId())) {
         $this->ilErr->raiseError(get_class($this) . "::downloadFolder(): object is trashed!", $this->ilErr->WARNING);
     $zip = PATH_TO_ZIP;
     $tmpdir = ilUtil::ilTempnam();
     $basename = ilUtil::getAsciiFilename($this->getTitle());
     $deliverFilename = $basename . ".zip";
     $zipbasedir = $tmpdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $basename;
     $tmpzipfile = $tmpdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $deliverFilename;
     try {
         ilObjFolder::recurseFolder($this->getRefId(), $this->getTitle(), $tmpdir);
         ilUtil::zip($zipbasedir, $tmpzipfile);
         rename($tmpzipfile, $zipfile = ilUtil::ilTempnam());
         ilUtil::deliverFile($zipfile, $deliverFilename, '', false, true);
     } catch (ilFileException $e) {
         ilUtil::sendInfo($e->getMessage(), true);
  * export html package
 function exportHTML($a_target_dir, $log, $a_zip_file = true, $a_export_format = "html")
     global $tpl, $ilBench, $ilLocator, $ilUser;
     // initialize temporary target directory
     $mob_dir = $a_target_dir . "/mobs";
     $file_dir = $a_target_dir . "/files";
     $teximg_dir = $a_target_dir . "/teximg";
     $style_dir = $a_target_dir . "/style";
     $style_img_dir = $a_target_dir . "/style/images";
     $content_style_dir = $a_target_dir . "/content_style";
     $content_style_img_dir = $a_target_dir . "/content_style/images";
     $GLOBALS["teximgcnt"] = 0;
     // export system style sheet
     $location_stylesheet = ilUtil::getStyleSheetLocation("filesystem");
     $style_name = $ilUser->prefs["style"] . ".css";
     copy($location_stylesheet, $style_dir . "/" . $style_name);
     $fh = fopen($location_stylesheet, "r");
     $css = fread($fh, filesize($location_stylesheet));
     preg_match_all("/url\\(([^\\)]*)\\)/", $css, $files);
     foreach (array_unique($files[1]) as $fileref) {
         $fileref = dirname($location_stylesheet) . "/" . $fileref;
         if (is_file($fileref)) {
             copy($fileref, $style_img_dir . "/" . basename($fileref));
     $location_stylesheet = ilUtil::getStyleSheetLocation();
     // export content style sheet
     $ilBench->start("ExportHTML", "exportContentStyle");
     if ($this->getStyleSheetId() < 1) {
         $cont_stylesheet = "./Services/COPage/css/content.css";
         $css = fread(fopen($cont_stylesheet, 'r'), filesize($cont_stylesheet));
         preg_match_all("/url\\(([^\\)]*)\\)/", $css, $files);
         foreach (array_unique($files[1]) as $fileref) {
             if (is_file(str_replace("..", ".", $fileref))) {
                 copy(str_replace("..", ".", $fileref), $content_style_img_dir . "/" . basename($fileref));
             $css = str_replace($fileref, "images/" . basename($fileref), $css);
         fwrite(fopen($content_style_dir . "/content.css", 'w'), $css);
     } else {
         $style = new ilObjStyleSheet($this->getStyleSheetId());
         $style->writeCSSFile($content_style_dir . "/content.css", "images");
     $ilBench->stop("ExportHTML", "exportContentStyle");
     // export syntax highlighting style
     $syn_stylesheet = ilObjStyleSheet::getSyntaxStylePath();
     copy($syn_stylesheet, $a_target_dir . "/syntaxhighlight.css");
     // get learning module presentation gui class
     include_once "./Modules/LearningModule/classes/class.ilLMPresentationGUI.php";
     $_GET["cmd"] = "nop";
     $lm_gui =& new ilLMPresentationGUI();
     // export pages
     $ilBench->start("ExportHTML", "exportHTMLPages");
     $this->exportHTMLPages($lm_gui, $a_target_dir);
     $ilBench->stop("ExportHTML", "exportHTMLPages");
     // export glossary terms
     $ilBench->start("ExportHTML", "exportHTMLGlossaryTerms");
     $this->exportHTMLGlossaryTerms($lm_gui, $a_target_dir);
     $ilBench->stop("ExportHTML", "exportHTMLGlossaryTerms");
     // export all media objects
     $ilBench->start("ExportHTML", "exportHTMLMediaObjects");
     $linked_mobs = array();
     foreach ($this->offline_mobs as $mob) {
         if (ilObject::_exists($mob) && ilObject::_lookupType($mob) == "mob") {
             $this->exportHTMLMOB($a_target_dir, $lm_gui, $mob, "_blank", $linked_mobs);
     $linked_mobs2 = array();
     // mobs linked in link areas
     foreach ($linked_mobs as $mob) {
         if (ilObject::_exists($mob)) {
             $this->exportHTMLMOB($a_target_dir, $lm_gui, $mob, "_blank", $linked_mobs2);
     $_GET["obj_type"] = "MediaObject";
     $_GET["obj_id"] = $a_mob_id;
     $_GET["cmd"] = "";
     $ilBench->stop("ExportHTML", "exportHTMLMediaObjects");
     // export all file objects
     $ilBench->start("ExportHTML", "exportHTMLFileObjects");
     foreach ($this->offline_files as $file) {
         $this->exportHTMLFile($a_target_dir, $file);
     $ilBench->stop("ExportHTML", "exportHTMLFileObjects");
     // export table of contents
     $ilBench->start("ExportHTML", "exportHTMLTOC");
     if ($this->isActiveTOC()) {
         $tpl = new ilTemplate("tpl.main.html", true, true);
         //$tpl->addBlockFile("CONTENT", "content", "tpl.adm_content.html");
         $content =& $lm_gui->showTableOfContents();
         $file = $a_target_dir . "/table_of_contents.html";
         // open file
         if (!($fp = @fopen($file, "w+"))) {
             die("<b>Error</b>: Could not open \"" . $file . "\" for writing" . " in <b>" . __FILE__ . "</b> on line <b>" . __LINE__ . "</b><br />");
         chmod($file, 0770);
         fwrite($fp, $content);
     $ilBench->stop("ExportHTML", "exportHTMLTOC");
     // export images
     $ilBench->start("ExportHTML", "exportHTMLImages");
     $image_dir = $a_target_dir . "/images";
     ilUtil::makeDir($image_dir . "/browser");
     copy(ilUtil::getImagePath("enlarge.png", false, "filesystem"), $image_dir . "/enlarge.png");
     copy(ilUtil::getImagePath("browser/blank.png", false, "filesystem"), $image_dir . "/browser/plus.png");
     copy(ilUtil::getImagePath("browser/blank.png", false, "filesystem"), $image_dir . "/browser/minus.png");
     copy(ilUtil::getImagePath("browser/blank.png", false, "filesystem"), $image_dir . "/browser/blank.png");
     copy(ilUtil::getImagePath("spacer.png", false, "filesystem"), $image_dir . "/spacer.png");
     copy(ilUtil::getImagePath("icon_st.png", false, "filesystem"), $image_dir . "/icon_st.png");
     copy(ilUtil::getImagePath("icon_pg.png", false, "filesystem"), $image_dir . "/icon_pg.png");
     copy(ilUtil::getImagePath("icon_st_s.png", false, "filesystem"), $image_dir . "/icon_st_s.png");
     copy(ilUtil::getImagePath("icon_pg_s.png", false, "filesystem"), $image_dir . "/icon_pg_s.png");
     copy(ilUtil::getImagePath("icon_lm.png", false, "filesystem"), $image_dir . "/icon_lm.png");
     copy(ilUtil::getImagePath("icon_lm_s.png", false, "filesystem"), $image_dir . "/icon_lm_s.png");
     copy(ilUtil::getImagePath("nav_arr_L.png", false, "filesystem"), $image_dir . "/nav_arr_L.png");
     copy(ilUtil::getImagePath("nav_arr_R.png", false, "filesystem"), $image_dir . "/nav_arr_R.png");
     copy(ilUtil::getImagePath("browser/forceexp.png", false, "filesystem"), $image_dir . "/browser/forceexp.png");
     copy(ilUtil::getImagePath("download.png", false, "filesystem"), $image_dir . "/download.png");
     $ilBench->stop("ExportHTML", "exportHTMLImages");
     // export flv/mp3 player
     $services_dir = $a_target_dir . "/Services";
     $media_service_dir = $services_dir . "/MediaObjects";
     include_once "./Services/MediaObjects/classes/class.ilPlayerUtil.php";
     $flv_dir = $a_target_dir . "/" . ilPlayerUtil::getFlashVideoPlayerDirectory();
     $mp3_dir = $media_service_dir . "/flash_mp3_player";
     //		copy(ilPlayerUtil::getFlashVideoPlayerFilename(true),
     //			$flv_dir."/".ilPlayerUtil::getFlashVideoPlayerFilename());
     // js files
     ilUtil::makeDir($a_target_dir . '/js');
     ilUtil::makeDir($a_target_dir . '/js/yahoo');
     ilUtil::makeDir($a_target_dir . '/css');
     include_once "./Services/YUI/classes/class.ilYuiUtil.php";
     foreach (self::getSupplyingExportFiles($a_target_dir) as $f) {
         if ($f["source"] != "") {
             copy($f["source"], $f["target"]);
     // template workaround: reset of template
     $tpl = new ilTemplate("tpl.main.html", true, true);
     $tpl->setVariable("LOCATION_STYLESHEET", $location_stylesheet);
     $tpl->addBlockFile("CONTENT", "content", "tpl.adm_content.html");
     // zip everything
     $ilBench->start("ExportHTML", "zip");
     if (true) {
         if ($a_zip_file) {
             // zip it all
             $date = time();
             $zip_file = $this->getExportDirectory("html") . "/" . $date . "__" . IL_INST_ID . "__" . $this->getType() . "_" . $this->getId() . ".zip";
             ilUtil::zip($a_target_dir, $zip_file);
     $ilBench->stop("ExportHTML", "zip");
  * Generate the test archive for download.
  * @return void
 public function compressTestArchive()
     $zip_output_path = $this->getZipExportDirectory();
     $zip_output_filename = 'test_archive_obj_' . $this->test_obj_id . '_' . time() . '_.zip';
     ilUtil::zip($this->getTestArchive(), $zip_output_path . self::DIR_SEP . $zip_output_filename, true);
 public function zipLmForOfflineMode()
     $lmDir = ilUtil::getWebspaceDir("filesystem") . "/lm_data/lm_" . $this->getId();
     $zipFile = ilUtil::getDataDir() . "/lm_data/lm_" . $this->getId();
     return ilUtil::zip($lmDir, $zipFile, true);
Example #29
  * build xml export file
 function buildExportFileXML()
     global $ilBench;
     $ilBench->start("TestExport", "buildExportFile");
     include_once "./Services/Xml/classes/class.ilXmlWriter.php";
     $this->xml = new ilXmlWriter();
     // set dtd definition
     $this->xml->xmlSetDtdDef("<!DOCTYPE Test SYSTEM \"http://www.ilias.uni-koeln.de/download/dtd/ilias_co.dtd\">");
     // set generated comment
     $this->xml->xmlSetGenCmt("Export of ILIAS Test " . $this->test_obj->getId() . " of installation " . $this->inst . ".");
     // set xml header
     // create directories
     include_once "./Services/Utilities/classes/class.ilUtil.php";
     ilUtil::makeDir($this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir);
     ilUtil::makeDir($this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir . "/objects");
     // get Log File
     $expDir = $this->test_obj->getExportDirectory();
     include_once "./Services/Logging/classes/class.ilLog.php";
     $expLog = new ilLog($expDir, "export.log");
     $expLog->write(date("[y-m-d H:i:s] ") . "Start Export");
     // write qti file
     $qti_file = fopen($this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir . "/" . $this->qti_filename, "w");
     fwrite($qti_file, $this->test_obj->toXML());
     // get xml content
     $ilBench->start("TestExport", "buildExportFile_getXML");
     $this->test_obj->exportPagesXML($this->xml, $this->inst_id, $this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir, $expLog);
     $ilBench->stop("TestExport", "buildExportFile_getXML");
     // dump xml document to screen (only for debugging reasons)
     echo "<PRE>";
     echo htmlentities($this->xml->xmlDumpMem($format));
     echo "</PRE>";
     // dump xml document to file
     $ilBench->start("TestExport", "buildExportFile_dumpToFile");
     $this->xml->xmlDumpFile($this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir . "/" . $this->filename, false);
     $ilBench->stop("TestExport", "buildExportFile_dumpToFile");
     if (@file_exists("./Modules/Test/classes/class.ilTestResultsToXML.php")) {
         // dump results xml document to file
         include_once "./Modules/Test/classes/class.ilTestResultsToXML.php";
         $resultwriter = new ilTestResultsToXML($this->test_obj->getTestId(), $this->test_obj->getAnonymity());
         $ilBench->start("TestExport", "buildExportFile_results");
         $resultwriter->xmlDumpFile($this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir . "/" . $this->resultsfile, false);
         $ilBench->stop("TestExport", "buildExportFile_results");
     // add media objects which were added with tiny mce
     $ilBench->start("QuestionpoolExport", "buildExportFile_saveAdditionalMobs");
     $this->exportXHTMLMediaObjects($this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir);
     $ilBench->stop("QuestionpoolExport", "buildExportFile_saveAdditionalMobs");
     // zip the file
     $ilBench->start("TestExport", "buildExportFile_zipFile");
     ilUtil::zip($this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir, $this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir . ".zip");
     $ilBench->stop("TestExport", "buildExportFile_zipFile");
     // destroy writer object
     $expLog->write(date("[y-m-d H:i:s] ") . "Finished Export");
     $ilBench->stop("TestExport", "buildExportFile");
     return $this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir . ".zip";
  * Download the given IDs of certificates as ZIP-File.
  * Note: No permission checking, this must be done by the controller calling this method
  * @param array $cert_ids
  * @param string $filename Filename of zip, appended to the current date
 public static function downloadAsZip(array $cert_ids = array(), $filename = 'certificates')
     if (count($cert_ids)) {
         $zip_filename = date('d-m-Y') . '-' . $filename;
         // Make a random temp dir in ilias data directory
         $tmp_dir = ilUtil::ilTempnam();
         $zip_base_dir = $tmp_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $zip_filename;
         // Copy all PDFs in folder
         foreach ($cert_ids as $cert_id) {
             /** @var srCertificate $cert */
             $cert = srCertificate::find((int) $cert_id);
             if (!is_null($cert) && $cert->getStatus() == srCertificate::STATUS_PROCESSED) {
                 copy($cert->getFilePath(), $zip_base_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $cert->getFilename(true));
         $tmp_zip_file = $tmp_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $zip_filename . '.zip';
         try {
             ilUtil::zip($zip_base_dir, $tmp_zip_file);
             rename($tmp_zip_file, $zip_file = ilUtil::ilTempnam());
             ilUtil::deliverFile($zip_file, $zip_filename . '.zip', '', false, true);
         } catch (ilFileException $e) {