public function __construct($parent_obj, $parent_cmd, $role_id, $template_context = "") { parent::__construct($parent_obj, $parent_cmd, $template_context); global $lng, $ilCtrl, $ilTabs; /** * @var $ilCtrl ilCtrl * @var $ilTabs ilTabsGUI */ $this->ctrl = $ilCtrl; $this->tabs = $ilTabs; $this->lng = $lng; $this->setPrefix("sr_other_role_" . $role_id); $this->setFormName('sr_other_role_' . $role_id); $this->setId("sr_other_role_" . $role_id); $this->setRoleId($role_id); $this->setTableHeaders(); $this->setTopCommands(true); $this->setEnableHeader(true); $this->setShowRowsSelector(true); $this->setShowTemplates(false); $this->setEnableHeader(true); $this->setDefaultOrderField("role"); $this->setEnableTitle(true); $this->setTitle(ilObjRole::_lookupTitle($role_id)); $this->setRowTemplate("tpl.staff_row.html", "Modules/OrgUnit"); }
/** * Get formatted mail body text of user profile data. * * @param object Language object (choose user language of recipient) or null to use language of current user */ function getProfileAsString(&$a_language) { include_once './Services/AccessControl/classes/class.ilObjRole.php'; include_once './Services/Utilities/classes/class.ilFormat.php'; global $lng, $rbacreview; $language =& $a_language; $language->loadLanguageModule('registration'); $language->loadLanguageModule('crs'); $body = ''; $body .= $language->txt("login") . ": " . $this->getLogin() . "\n"; if (strlen($this->getUTitle())) { $body .= $language->txt("title") . ": " . $this->getUTitle() . "\n"; } if (strlen($this->getGender())) { $gender = $this->getGender() == 'm' ? $language->txt('gender_m') : $language->txt('gender_f'); $body .= $language->txt("gender") . ": " . $gender . "\n"; } if (strlen($this->getFirstname())) { $body .= $language->txt("firstname") . ": " . $this->getFirstname() . "\n"; } if (strlen($this->getLastname())) { $body .= $language->txt("lastname") . ": " . $this->getLastname() . "\n"; } if (strlen($this->getInstitution())) { $body .= $language->txt("institution") . ": " . $this->getInstitution() . "\n"; } if (strlen($this->getDepartment())) { $body .= $language->txt("department") . ": " . $this->getDepartment() . "\n"; } if (strlen($this->getStreet())) { $body .= $language->txt("street") . ": " . $this->getStreet() . "\n"; } if (strlen($this->getCity())) { $body .= $language->txt("city") . ": " . $this->getCity() . "\n"; } if (strlen($this->getZipcode())) { $body .= $language->txt("zipcode") . ": " . $this->getZipcode() . "\n"; } if (strlen($this->getCountry())) { $body .= $language->txt("country") . ": " . $this->getCountry() . "\n"; } if (strlen($this->getSelectedCountry())) { $body .= $language->txt("sel_country") . ": " . $this->getSelectedCountry() . "\n"; } if (strlen($this->getPhoneOffice())) { $body .= $language->txt("phone_office") . ": " . $this->getPhoneOffice() . "\n"; } if (strlen($this->getPhoneHome())) { $body .= $language->txt("phone_home") . ": " . $this->getPhoneHome() . "\n"; } if (strlen($this->getPhoneMobile())) { $body .= $language->txt("phone_mobile") . ": " . $this->getPhoneMobile() . "\n"; } if (strlen($this->getFax())) { $body .= $language->txt("fax") . ": " . $this->getFax() . "\n"; } if (strlen($this->getEmail())) { $body .= $language->txt("email") . ": " . $this->getEmail() . "\n"; } if (strlen($this->getHobby())) { $body .= $language->txt("hobby") . ": " . $this->getHobby() . "\n"; } if (strlen($this->getComment())) { $body .= $language->txt("referral_comment") . ": " . $this->getComment() . "\n"; } if (strlen($this->getMatriculation())) { $body .= $language->txt("matriculation") . ": " . $this->getMatriculation() . "\n"; } if (strlen($this->getCreateDate())) { ilDatePresentation::setUseRelativeDates(false); ilDatePresentation::setLanguage($language); $date = ilDatePresentation::formatDate(new ilDateTime($this->getCreateDate(), IL_CAL_DATETIME)); ilDatePresentation::resetToDefaults(); $body .= $language->txt("create_date") . ": " . $date . "\n"; } foreach ($rbacreview->getGlobalRoles() as $role) { if ($rbacreview->isAssigned($this->getId(), $role)) { $gr[] = ilObjRole::_lookupTitle($role); } } if (count($gr)) { $body .= $language->txt('reg_role_info') . ': ' . implode(',', $gr) . "\n"; } // Time limit if ($this->getTimeLimitUnlimited()) { $body .= $language->txt('time_limit') . ": " . $language->txt('crs_unlimited') . "\n"; } else { ilDatePresentation::setUseRelativeDates(false); ilDatePresentation::setLanguage($language); $period = ilDatePresentation::formatPeriod(new ilDateTime($this->getTimeLimitFrom(), IL_CAL_UNIX), new ilDateTime($this->getTimeLimitUntil(), IL_CAL_UNIX)); ilDatePresentation::resetToDefaults(); $start = new ilDateTime($this->getTimeLimitFrom(), IL_CAL_UNIX); $end = new ilDateTime($this->getTimeLimitUntil(), IL_CAL_UNIX); $body .= $language->txt('time_limit') . ': ' . $start->get(IL_CAL_DATETIME); $body .= $language->txt('time_limit') . ': ' . $end->get(IL_CAL_DATETIME); #$body .= $language->txt('time_limit').': '.$period; /* $body .= ($language->txt('time_limit').": ".$language->txt('crs_from')." ". ilFormat::formatUnixTime($this->getTimeLimitFrom(), true)." ". $language->txt('crs_to')." ". ilFormat::formatUnixTime($this->getTimeLimitUntil(), true)."\n"); */ } return $body; }
function __buildRoleSelection($assignment_id) { include_once './Services/AccessControl/classes/class.ilObjRole.php'; global $rbacreview; $assignments = $this->assignments_obj->getAssignments(); $selected = $assignment_id > 0 ? $assignments[$assignment_id]['role'] : $this->assignments_obj->getDefaultRole(); if (!$selected) { $roles[0] = $this->lng->txt('please_choose'); } foreach ($rbacreview->getGlobalRoles() as $role_id) { if ($role_id == ANONYMOUS_ROLE_ID) { continue; } $roles[$role_id] = ilObjRole::_lookupTitle($role_id); } if ($assignment_id > 0) { return ilUtil::formSelect($selected, "role[{$assignment_id}][role]", $roles, false, true); } else { return ilUtil::formSelect($selected, "default_role", $roles, false, true); } }