Example #1
  * Return the available custom styles
  * @return array An array of strings containing the available custom styles
  * @access public
  * @see $_customStyle
 public function getCustomStyles()
     $css_path = ilUtil::getStyleSheetLocation("filesystem", "ta.css", "Modules/Test");
     $css_path = str_replace("ta.css", "customstyles", $css_path) . "/";
     $customstyles = array();
     if (is_dir($css_path)) {
         $results = array();
         include_once "./Services/Utilities/classes/class.ilFileUtils.php";
         ilFileUtils::recursive_dirscan($css_path, $results);
         if (is_array($results["file"])) {
             foreach ($results["file"] as $filename) {
                 if (strpos($filename, ".css")) {
                     array_push($customstyles, $filename);
     return $customstyles;
  * processes errorhandling etc for uploaded archive
  * @param string $tmpFile path and filename to uploaded file
  * @param string $storageMethod deliverFile or storeUploadedFile 
  * @param boolean $persistentErrorMessage Defines whether sendInfo will be persistent or not
 function processUploadedFile($fileTmp, $storageMethod, $persistentErrorMessage, $a_ass_id)
     global $lng, $ilUser;
     // Create unzip-directory
     $newDir = ilUtil::ilTempnam();
     include_once "Services/Utilities/classes/class.ilFileUtils.php";
     try {
         $processDone = ilFileUtils::processZipFile($newDir, $fileTmp, false);
         ilFileUtils::recursive_dirscan($newDir, $filearray);
         foreach ($filearray["file"] as $key => $filename) {
             $a_http_post_files["name"] = ilFileUtils::utf8_encode($filename);
             $a_http_post_files["type"] = "other";
             $a_http_post_files["tmp_name"] = $filearray["path"][$key] . "/" . $filename;
             $a_http_post_files["error"] = 0;
             $a_http_post_files["size"] = filesize($filearray["path"][$key] . "/" . $filename);
             if ($storageMethod == "deliverFile") {
                 $this->{$storageMethod}($a_http_post_files, $a_ass_id, $ilUser->id, true);
             } else {
                 if ($storageMethod == "storeUploadedFile") {
                     $this->file_obj->{$storageMethod}($a_http_post_files, true, true);
         ilExerciseMembers::_writeReturned($this->getId(), $ilUser->id, 1);
         ilUtil::sendSuccess($this->lng->txt("file_added"), $persistentErrorMessage);
     } catch (ilFileUtilsException $e) {
         ilUtil::sendFailure($e->getMessage(), $persistentErrorMessage);
     return $processDone;
 function exportPDF($a_inst, $a_target_dir, &$expLog)
     global $tpl, $lng, $ilCtrl;
     $a_xml_writer = new ilXmlWriter();
     $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("ContentObject", array("Type" => "SCORM2004SCO"));
     $this->exportPDFPrepareXmlNFiles($a_inst, $a_target_dir, $expLog, $a_xml_writer);
     include_once 'Services/Transformation/classes/class.ilXML2FO.php';
     $xml2FO = new ilXML2FO();
     $xml2FO->setXSLTParams(array('target_dir' => $a_target_dir));
     $fo_string = $xml2FO->getFOString();
     $fo_xml = simplexml_load_string($fo_string);
     $fo_ext = $fo_xml->xpath("//fo:declarations");
     $fo_ext = $fo_ext[0];
     $results = array();
     include_once "./Services/Utilities/classes/class.ilFileUtils.php";
     ilFileUtils::recursive_dirscan($a_target_dir . "/objects", $results);
     if (is_array($results["file"])) {
         foreach ($results["file"] as $key => $value) {
             $e = $fo_ext->addChild("fox:embedded-file", "", "http://xml.apache.org/fop/extensions");
             $e->addAttribute("src", $results[path][$key] . $value);
             $e->addAttribute("name", $value);
             $e->addAttribute("desc", "");
     $fo_string = $fo_xml->asXML();
     return $fo_string;
  * save object
  * @access	public
 function afterSave($newObj)
     if (!$newObj->getStartFile()) {
         // try to set start file automatically
         $files = array();
         include_once "Services/Utilities/classes/class.ilFileUtils.php";
         ilFileUtils::recursive_dirscan($newObj->getDataDirectory(), $files);
         if (is_array($files["file"])) {
             $zip_file = null;
             if (stristr($newObj->getTitle(), ".zip")) {
                 $zip_file = strtolower($newObj->getTitle());
                 $suffix = strrpos($zip_file, ".");
                 if ($suffix) {
                     $zip_file = substr($zip_file, 0, $suffix);
             $valid = array("index.htm", "index.html", "start.htm", "start.html");
             foreach ($files["file"] as $idx => $file) {
                 $chk_file = null;
                 if (stristr($file, ".htm")) {
                     $chk_file = strtolower($file);
                     $suffix = strrpos($chk_file, ".");
                     if ($suffix) {
                         $chk_file = substr($chk_file, 0, $suffix);
                 if (in_array($file, $valid) || $chk_file && $zip_file && $chk_file == $zip_file) {
                     $newObj->setStartFile(str_replace($newObj->getDataDirectory() . "/", "", $files["path"][$idx]) . $file);
     // always send a message
     ilUtil::sendSuccess($this->lng->txt("object_added"), true);
     ilUtil::redirect("ilias.php?baseClass=ilHTLMEditorGUI&ref_id=" . $newObj->getRefId());
Example #5
  * Handles the upload of a single file and adds it to the parent object.
  * @param array $file_upload An array containing the file upload parameters.
  * @return object The response object.
 protected function handleFileUpload($file_upload)
     global $ilUser;
     // file upload params
     $filename = $file_upload["name"];
     $type = $file_upload["type"];
     $size = $file_upload["size"];
     $temp_name = $file_upload["tmp_name"];
     // additional params
     $title = $file_upload["title"];
     $description = $file_upload["description"];
     $extract = $file_upload["extract"];
     $keep_structure = $file_upload["keep_structure"];
     // create answer object
     $response = new stdClass();
     $response->fileName = $filename;
     $response->fileSize = intval($size);
     $response->fileType = $type;
     $response->fileUnzipped = $extract;
     $response->error = null;
     // extract archive?
     if ($extract) {
         $zip_file = $filename;
         $adopt_structure = $keep_structure;
         include_once "Services/Utilities/classes/class.ilFileUtils.php";
         // Create unzip-directory
         $newDir = ilUtil::ilTempnam();
         // Check if permission is granted for creation of object, if necessary
         if ($this->id_type != self::WORKSPACE_NODE_ID) {
             $type = ilObject::_lookupType((int) $this->parent_id, true);
         } else {
             $type = ilObject::_lookupType($this->tree->lookupObjectId($this->parent_id), false);
         $tree = $access_handler = null;
         switch ($type) {
             // workspace structure
             case 'wfld':
             case 'wsrt':
                 $permission = $this->checkPermissionBool("create", "", "wfld");
                 $containerType = "WorkspaceFolder";
                 $tree = $this->tree;
                 $access_handler = $this->getAccessHandler();
                 // use categories as structure
             // use categories as structure
             case 'cat':
             case 'root':
                 $permission = $this->checkPermissionBool("create", "", "cat");
                 $containerType = "Category";
                 // use folders as structure (in courses)
             // use folders as structure (in courses)
                 $permission = $this->checkPermissionBool("create", "", "fold");
                 $containerType = "Folder";
         try {
             // 	processZipFile (
             //		Dir to unzip,
             //		Path to uploaded file,
             //		should a structure be created (+ permission check)?
             //		ref_id of parent
             //		object that contains files (folder or category)
             //		should sendInfo be persistent?)
             ilFileUtils::processZipFile($newDir, $temp_name, $adopt_structure && $permission, $this->parent_id, $containerType, $tree, $access_handler);
         } catch (ilFileUtilsException $e) {
             $response->error = $e->getMessage();
         } catch (Exception $ex) {
             $response->error = $ex->getMessage();
         // #15404
         if ($this->id_type != self::WORKSPACE_NODE_ID) {
             foreach (ilFileUtils::getNewObjects() as $parent_ref_id => $objects) {
                 if ($parent_ref_id != $this->parent_id) {
                 foreach ($objects as $object) {
                     $this->after_creation_callback_objects[] = $object;
     } else {
         if (trim($title) == "") {
             $title = $filename;
         } else {
             // BEGIN WebDAV: Ensure that object title ends with the filename extension
             $fileExtension = ilObjFileAccess::_getFileExtension($filename);
             $titleExtension = ilObjFileAccess::_getFileExtension($title);
             if ($titleExtension != $fileExtension && strlen($fileExtension) > 0) {
                 $title .= '.' . $fileExtension;
             // END WebDAV: Ensure that object title ends with the filename extension
         // create and insert file in grp_tree
         include_once "./Modules/File/classes/class.ilObjFile.php";
         $fileObj = new ilObjFile();
         include_once "./Services/Utilities/classes/class.ilMimeTypeUtil.php";
         $fileObj->setFileType(ilMimeTypeUtil::getMimeType("", $filename, $type));
         $this->object_id = $fileObj->create();
         $this->putObjectInTree($fileObj, $this->parent_id);
         // see uploadFiles()
         if (is_array($this->after_creation_callback_objects)) {
             $this->after_creation_callback_objects[] = $fileObj;
         // upload file to filesystem
         $fileObj->getUploadFile($temp_name, $filename);
         // BEGIN ChangeEvent: Record write event.
         require_once './Services/Tracking/classes/class.ilChangeEvent.php';
         ilChangeEvent::_recordWriteEvent($fileObj->getId(), $ilUser->getId(), 'create');
         // END ChangeEvent: Record write event.
     return $response;
  * unzip file
  * @param	string	$a_file		full path/filename
  * @param	boolean	$overwrite	pass true to overwrite existing files
  * @static
 public static function unzip($a_file, $overwrite = false, $a_flat = false)
     if (!is_file($a_file)) {
     // if flat, move file to temp directory first
     if ($a_flat) {
         $tmpdir = ilUtil::ilTempnam();
         copy($a_file, $tmpdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . basename($a_file));
         $orig_file = $a_file;
         $a_file = $tmpdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . basename($a_file);
         $origpathinfo = pathinfo($orig_file);
     $pathinfo = pathinfo($a_file);
     $dir = $pathinfo["dirname"];
     $file = $pathinfo["basename"];
     // unzip
     $cdir = getcwd();
     $unzip = PATH_TO_UNZIP;
     // the following workaround has been removed due to bug
     // http://www.ilias.de/mantis/view.php?id=7578
     // since the workaround is quite old, it may not be necessary
     // anymore, alex 9 Oct 2012
     		// workaround for unzip problem (unzip of subdirectories fails, so
     		// we create the subdirectories ourselves first)
     		// get list
     		$unzipcmd = "-Z -1 ".ilUtil::escapeShellArg($file);
     		$arr = ilUtil::execQuoted($unzip, $unzipcmd);
     		$zdirs = array();
     		foreach($arr as $line)
     			if(is_int(strpos($line, "/")))
     				$zdir = substr($line, 0, strrpos($line, "/"));
     				$nr = substr_count($zdir, "/");
     				//echo $zdir." ".$nr."<br>";
     				while ($zdir != "")
     					$nr = substr_count($zdir, "/");
     					$zdirs[$zdir] = $nr;				// collect directories
     					//echo $dir." ".$nr."<br>";
     					$zdir = substr($zdir, 0, strrpos($zdir, "/"));
     		foreach($zdirs as $zdir => $nr)				// create directories
     // real unzip
     if (!$overwrite) {
         $unzipcmd = ilUtil::escapeShellArg($file);
     } else {
         $unzipcmd = "-o " . ilUtil::escapeShellArg($file);
     ilUtil::execQuoted($unzip, $unzipcmd);
     // if flat, get all files and move them to original directory
     if ($a_flat) {
         include_once "./Services/Utilities/classes/class.ilFileUtils.php";
         $filearray = array();
         ilFileUtils::recursive_dirscan($tmpdir, $filearray);
         if (is_array($filearray["file"])) {
             foreach ($filearray["file"] as $k => $f) {
                 if (substr($f, 0, 1) != "." && $f != basename($orig_file)) {
                     copy($filearray["path"][$k] . $f, $origpathinfo["dirname"] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $f);
 function exportPDF($a_inst, $a_target_dir, &$expLog)
     global $ilBench;
     $a_xml_writer = new ilXmlWriter();
     $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("ContentObject", array("Type" => "SCORM2004SCO"));
     $tree = new ilTree($this->getId());
     $tree->setTableNames('sahs_sc13_tree', 'sahs_sc13_tree_node');
     foreach ($tree->getSubTree($tree->getNodeData($tree->getRootId()), true, 'sco') as $sco) {
         include_once "./Modules/Scorm2004/classes/class.ilSCORM2004Sco.php";
         $sco_folder = $a_target_dir . "/" . $sco['obj_id'];
         $node = new ilSCORM2004Sco($this, $sco['obj_id']);
         $node->exportPDFPrepareXmlNFiles($a_inst, $a_target_dir, $expLog, $a_xml_writer);
     if ($this->getAssignedGlossary() != 0) {
         ilUtil::makeDir($a_target_dir . "/glossary");
         include_once "./Modules/Glossary/classes/class.ilObjGlossary.php";
         include_once "./Modules/Glossary/classes/class.ilGlossaryExport.php";
         $glos = new ilObjGlossary($this->getAssignedGlossary(), false);
         $glos_export = new ilGlossaryExport($glos, "xml");
         $glos->exportXML($a_xml_writer, $glos_export->getInstId(), $a_target_dir . "/glossary", $expLog);
     copy('./templates/default/images/icon_attachment_s.png', $a_target_dir . "/icon_attachment_s.png");
     include_once 'Services/Transformation/classes/class.ilXML2FO.php';
     $xml2FO = new ilXML2FO();
     $xml2FO->setXSLTParams(array('target_dir' => $a_target_dir));
     $fo_string = $xml2FO->getFOString();
     $fo_xml = simplexml_load_string($fo_string);
     $fo_ext = $fo_xml->xpath("//fo:declarations");
     $fo_ext = $fo_ext[0];
     $results = array();
     include_once "./Services/Utilities/classes/class.ilFileUtils.php";
     ilFileUtils::recursive_dirscan($a_target_dir . "/objects", $results);
     if (is_array($results["file"])) {
         foreach ($results["file"] as $key => $value) {
             $e = $fo_ext->addChild("fox:embedded-file", "", "http://xml.apache.org/fop/extensions");
             $e->addAttribute("src", $results[path][$key] . $value);
             $e->addAttribute("name", $value);
             $e->addAttribute("desc", "");
     $fo_string = $fo_xml->asXML();
     return $fo_string;
  * delete object file
 function unzipFile()
     global $lng;
     if (isset($_GET["upfile"])) {
         $file = basename($_GET["upfile"]);
     } else {
         if (!isset($_POST["file"])) {
             $this->ilias->raiseError($this->lng->txt("no_checkbox"), $this->ilias->error_obj->MESSAGE);
         if (count($_POST["file"]) > 1) {
             $this->ilias->raiseError($this->lng->txt("cont_select_max_one_item"), $this->ilias->error_obj->MESSAGE);
         $file = basename($_POST["file"][0]);
     $cur_subdir = str_replace(".", "", ilUtil::stripSlashes($_GET["cdir"]));
     $cur_dir = !empty($cur_subdir) ? $this->main_dir . "/" . $cur_subdir : $this->main_dir;
     $file = $cur_dir . "/" . ilUtil::stripSlashes($file);
     if (@is_file($file)) {
         $cur_files = array_keys(ilUtil::getDir($cur_dir));
         if ($this->getAllowDirectories()) {
             ilUtil::unzip($file, true);
         } else {
             ilUtil::unzip($file, true, true);
         $new_files = array_keys(ilUtil::getDir($cur_dir));
         $diff = array_diff($new_files, $cur_files);
         if (sizeof($diff)) {
             if ($this->getAllowDirectories()) {
                 include_once "./Services/Utilities/classes/class.ilFileUtils.php";
                 $new_files = array();
                 foreach ($diff as $new_item) {
                     if (is_dir($cur_dir . "/" . $new_item)) {
                         ilFileUtils::recursive_dirscan($cur_dir . "/" . $new_item, $new_files);
                 if (is_array($new_files["path"])) {
                     foreach ($new_files["path"] as $idx => $path) {
                         $path = substr($path, strlen($this->main_dir) + 1);
                         $diff[] = $path . $new_files["file"][$idx];
             $this->setPerformedCommand("unzip_file", array("name" => substr($file, strlen($this->main_dir) + 1), "added" => $diff));
     $this->ctrl->saveParameter($this, "cdir");
     ilUtil::sendSuccess($lng->txt("cont_file_unzipped"), true);
     $this->ctrl->redirect($this, "listFiles");
 public function dbImportSco($slm, $sco, $asset = false)
     $qtis = array();
     $d = ilUtil::getDir($this->packageFolder);
     foreach ($d as $f) {
         if ($f[type] == 'file' && substr($f[entry], 0, 4) == 'qti_') {
             include_once "./Services/QTI/classes/class.ilQTIParser.php";
             include_once "./Modules/Test/classes/class.ilObjTest.php";
             $qtiParser = new ilQTIParser($this->packageFolder . "/" . $f[entry], IL_MO_VERIFY_QTI, 0, "");
             $result = $qtiParser->startParsing();
             $founditems =& $qtiParser->getFoundItems();
             //					die(print_r($founditems));
             foreach ($founditems as $qp) {
                 $newObj = new ilObjTest(0, true);
                 // This creates a lot of invalid repository objects for each question
                 // question are not repository objects (see e.g. table object_data), alex 29 Sep 2009
                 //					$newObj->setType ( $qp ['type'] );
                 //					$newObj->setTitle ( $qp ['title'] );
                 //					$newObj->create ( true );
                 //					$newObj->createReference ();
                 //					$newObj->putInTree ($_GET ["ref_id"]);
                 //					$newObj->setPermissions ( $sco->getId ());
                 //					$newObj->notify ("new", $_GET["ref_id"], $sco->getId (), $_GET["ref_id"], $newObj->getRefId () );
                 //					$newObj->mark_schema->flush ();
                 $qtiParser = new ilQTIParser($this->packageFolder . "/" . $f[entry], IL_MO_PARSE_QTI, 0, "");
                 $result = $qtiParser->startParsing();
                 //					$newObj->saveToDb ();
                 $qtis = array_merge($qtis, $qtiParser->getImportMapping());
     include_once 'Modules/Scorm2004/classes/class.ilSCORM2004Page.php';
     $doc = new SimpleXMLElement($this->imsmanifest->saveXml());
     $l = $doc->xpath("/ContentObject/MetaData");
     if ($l[0]) {
         include_once 'Services/MetaData/classes/class.ilMDXMLCopier.php';
         $mdxml =& new ilMDXMLCopier($l[0]->asXML(), $slm->getId(), $sco->getId(), $sco->getType());
     $l = $doc->xpath("/ContentObject/PageObject");
     foreach ($l as $page_xml) {
         $tnode = $page_xml->xpath('MetaData/General/Title');
         $page = new ilSCORM2004PageNode($slm);
         ilSCORM2004Node::putInTree($page, $sco->getId(), $target);
         $pmd = $page_xml->xpath("MetaData");
         if ($pmd[0]) {
             include_once 'Services/MetaData/classes/class.ilMDXMLCopier.php';
             $mdxml =& new ilMDXMLCopier($pmd[0]->asXML(), $slm->getId(), $page->getId(), $page->getType());
         $tnode = $page_xml->xpath("//MediaObject/MediaAlias | //InteractiveImage/MediaAlias");
         foreach ($tnode as $ttnode) {
             include_once './Services/MediaObjects/classes/class.ilObjMediaObject.php';
             $OriginId = $ttnode[OriginId];
             $medianodes = $doc->xpath("//MediaObject[MetaData/General/Identifier/@Entry='" . $OriginId . "']");
             $medianode = $medianodes[0];
             if ($medianode) {
                 $media_object = new ilObjMediaObject();
                 $mmd = $medianode->xpath("MetaData");
                 if ($mmd[0]) {
                     include_once 'Services/MetaData/classes/class.ilMDXMLCopier.php';
                     $mdxml =& new ilMDXMLCopier($mmd[0]->asXML(), 0, $media_object->getId(), $media_object->getType());
                 // determine and create mob directory, move uploaded file to directory
                 $mob_dir = ilObjMediaObject::_getDirectory($media_object->getId());
                 foreach ($medianode->MediaItem as $xMediaItem) {
                     $media_item =& new ilMediaItem();
                     $nr = 0;
                     // add map areas (external links only)
                     foreach ($xMediaItem->MapArea as $n => $v) {
                         if ($v->ExtLink[Href] != "") {
                             include_once "./Services/MediaObjects/classes/class.ilMapArea.php";
                             $ma = new ilMapArea();
                             $map_area = new ilMapArea();
                     if ($media_item->getLocationType() == "LocalFile") {
                         //							$tmp_name = $this->packageFolder."/objects/".$OriginId."/".$xMediaItem->Location;
                         //							copy($tmp_name,  $mob_dir."/".$xMediaItem->Location);
                 // copy whole directory
                 ilUtil::rCopy($this->packageFolder . "/objects/" . $OriginId, $mob_dir);
                 // alex: fixed media import: these lines have been
                 // behind the next curly bracket which makes it fail
                 // when no medianode is given. (id=0 -> fatal error)
                 $ttnode[OriginId] = "il__mob_" . $media_object->getId();
         include_once "./Modules/File/classes/class.ilObjFile.php";
         include_once "./Services/Utilities/classes/class.ilFileUtils.php";
         include_once "./Services/MediaObjects/classes/class.ilObjMediaObject.php";
         $intlinks = $page_xml->xpath("//IntLink");
         foreach ($intlinks as $intlink) {
             if ($intlink[Type] != "File") {
             $path = $this->packageFolder . "/objects/" . str_replace('dfile', 'file', $intlink[Target]);
             if (!is_dir($path)) {
             $ffiles = array();
             ilFileUtils::recursive_dirscan($path, $ffiles);
             $filename = $ffiles[file][0];
             $fileObj = new ilObjFile();
             // better use this, mime_content_type is deprecated
             $fileObj->setFileType(ilObjMediaObject::getMimeType($path . "/" . $filename));
             $fileObj->setFileSize(filesize($path . "/" . $filename));
             //$fileObj->setPermissions($slm->getId ());
             $fileObj->storeUnzipedFile($path . "/" . $filename, ilFileUtils::utf8_encode(ilUtil::stripSlashes($filename)));
             $intlink[Target] = "il__dfile_" . $fileObj->getId();
         $fileitems = $page_xml->xpath("//FileItem/Identifier");
         foreach ($fileitems as $fileitem) {
             $path = $this->packageFolder . "/objects/" . $fileitem[Entry];
             if (!is_dir($path)) {
             $ffiles = array();
             ilFileUtils::recursive_dirscan($path, $ffiles);
             $filename = $ffiles[file][0];
             $fileObj = new ilObjFile();
             // better use this, mime_content_type is deprecated
             $fileObj->setFileType(ilObjMediaObject::getMimeType($path . "/" . $filename));
             $fileObj->setFileSize(filesize($path . "/" . $filename));
             //$fileObj->setPermissions($slm->getId ());
             $fileObj->storeUnzipedFile($path . "/" . $filename, ilFileUtils::utf8_encode(ilUtil::stripSlashes($filename)));
             $fileitem[Entry] = "il__file_" . $fileObj->getId();
         $pagex = new ilSCORM2004Page($page->getId());
         $ddoc = new DOMDocument();
         $ddoc->async = false;
         $ddoc->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
         $ddoc->formatOutput = false;
         $xpath = new DOMXPath($ddoc);
         $tnode = $xpath->query('PageContent');
         $t = "<PageObject>";
         foreach ($tnode as $ttnode) {
             $t .= $ddoc->saveXML($ttnode);
         $t .= "</PageObject>";
         foreach ($qtis as $old => $q) {
             $t = str_replace($old, 'il__qst_' . $q['pool'], $t);
  * handler for end of element
  * @param	resource	$a_xml_parser		xml parser
  * @param	string		$a_name				element name
 function handlerEndTag($a_xml_parser, $a_name)
     $this->cdata = trim($this->cdata);
     $GLOBALS['ilLog']->write(__METHOD__ . ': ' . $this->cdata);
     switch ($a_name) {
         case 'File':
             $this->result = true;
         case 'Filename':
             if (strlen($this->cdata) == 0) {
                 throw new ilFileException("Filename ist missing!");
         case 'Title':
         case 'Description':
         case 'Content':
             $this->isReadingFile = false;
             $baseDecodedFilename = ilUtil::ilTempnam();
             if ($this->mode == ilFileXMLParser::$CONTENT_COPY) {
                 $this->tmpFilename = $this->getImportDirectory() . "/" . $this->cdata;
             } elseif ($this->mode == ilFileXMLParser::$CONTENT_REST) {
                 include_once './Services/WebServices/Rest/classes/class.ilRestFileStorage.php';
                 $storage = new ilRestFileStorage();
                 $this->tmpFilename = $storage->getStoredFilePath($this->cdata);
                 if (!ilFileUtils::fastBase64Decode($this->tmpFilename, $baseDecodedFilename)) {
                     throw new ilFileException("Base64-Decoding failed", ilFileException::$DECOMPRESSION_FAILED);
                 $this->tmpFilename = $baseDecodedFilename;
             } else {
                 if (!ilFileUtils::fastBase64Decode($this->tmpFilename, $baseDecodedFilename)) {
                     throw new ilFileException("Base64-Decoding failed", ilFileException::$DECOMPRESSION_FAILED);
                 if ($this->mode == ilFileXMLParser::$CONTENT_GZ_COMPRESSED) {
                     if (!ilFileUtils::fastGunzip($baseDecodedFilename, $this->tmpFilename)) {
                         throw new ilFileException("Deflating with fastzunzip failed", ilFileException::$DECOMPRESSION_FAILED);
                 } elseif ($this->mode == ilFileXMLParser::$CONTENT_ZLIB_COMPRESSED) {
                     if (!ilFileUtils::fastGunzip($baseDecodedFilename, $this->tmpFilename)) {
                         throw new ilFileException("Deflating with fastDecompress failed", ilFileException::$DECOMPRESSION_FAILED);
                 } else {
                     $this->tmpFilename = $baseDecodedFilename;
             //$this->content = $content;
             // strlen($this->content));
             // if no file type is given => lookup mime type
             if (!$this->file->getFileType()) {
                 global $ilLog;
                 #$ilLog->write(__METHOD__.': Trying to detect mime type...');
                 include_once './Services/Utilities/classes/class.ilFileUtils.php';
     $this->cdata = '';
  * saveUnzip object
  * @access	public
 function saveUnzip()
     $zip_form_gui = $this->initZipUploadForm();
     if ($this->checkPermissionBool("create", "", "file")) {
         if ($zip_form_gui->checkInput()) {
             $zip_file = $zip_form_gui->getInput("zip_file");
             $adopt_structure = $zip_form_gui->getInput("adopt_structure");
             include_once "Services/Utilities/classes/class.ilFileUtils.php";
             // Create unzip-directory
             $newDir = ilUtil::ilTempnam();
             // Check if permission is granted for creation of object, if necessary
             if ($this->id_type != self::WORKSPACE_NODE_ID) {
                 $type = ilObject::_lookupType((int) $this->parent_id, true);
             } else {
                 $type = ilObject::_lookupType($this->tree->lookupObjectId($this->parent_id), false);
             $tree = $access_handler = null;
             switch ($type) {
                 // workspace structure
                 case 'wfld':
                 case 'wsrt':
                     $permission = $this->checkPermissionBool("create", "", "wfld");
                     $containerType = "WorkspaceFolder";
                     $tree = $this->tree;
                     $access_handler = $this->getAccessHandler();
                     // use categories as structure
                 // use categories as structure
                 case 'cat':
                 case 'root':
                     $permission = $this->checkPermissionBool("create", "", "cat");
                     $containerType = "Category";
                     // use folders as structure (in courses)
                 // use folders as structure (in courses)
                     $permission = $this->checkPermissionBool("create", "", "fold");
                     $containerType = "Folder";
             // 	processZipFile (
             //		Dir to unzip,
             //		Path to uploaded file,
             //		should a structure be created (+ permission check)?
             //		ref_id of parent
             //		object that contains files (folder or category)
             //		should sendInfo be persistent?)
             try {
                 $processDone = ilFileUtils::processZipFile($newDir, $zip_file["tmp_name"], $adopt_structure && $permission, $this->parent_id, $containerType, $tree, $access_handler);
                 ilUtil::sendSuccess($this->lng->txt("file_added"), true);
             } catch (ilFileUtilsException $e) {
                 ilUtil::sendFailure($e->getMessage(), true);
         } else {
     } else {
         $this->ilErr->raiseError($this->lng->txt("permission_denied"), $this->ilErr->MESSAGE);
Example #12
  * Creates and inserts file object into tree
  * @author Jan Hippchen
  * @version	
  * @param string $filename Name of the object
  * @param string $path Path to file 
  * @param integer $ref_id ref_id of parent
 function createFile($filename, $path, $ref_id, $tree = null, $access_handler = null)
     global $rbacsystem;
     if (!$access_handler) {
         $permission = $rbacsystem->checkAccess("create", $ref_id, "file");
     } else {
         $permission = $access_handler->checkAccess("create", "", $ref_id, "file");
     if ($permission) {
         // create and insert file in grp_tree
         include_once "./Modules/File/classes/class.ilObjFile.php";
         $fileObj = new ilObjFile();
         // better use this, mime_content_type is deprecated
         include_once "./Services/MediaObjects/classes/class.ilObjMediaObject.php";
         $fileObj->setFileType(ilObjMediaObject::getMimeType($path . "/" . $filename));
         $fileObj->setFileSize(filesize($path . "/" . $filename));
         // repository
         if (!$access_handler) {
             self::$new_files[$ref_id][] = $fileObj;
         } else {
             $node_id = $tree->insertObject($ref_id, $fileObj->getId());
             $access_handler->setPermissions($ref_id, $node_id);
         // upload file to filesystem
         $fileObj->storeUnzipedFile($path . "/" . $filename, ilFileUtils::utf8_encode(ilUtil::stripSlashes($filename)));
     } else {
         $this->ilErr->raiseError($this->lng->txt("permission_denied"), $this->ilErr->MESSAGE);