/** * Export personal data * * @param * @return */ function exportPersonalData() { include_once "./Services/Export/classes/class.ilExport.php"; $exp = new ilExport(); $dir = ilExport::_getExportDirectory($this->getId(), "xml", "usr", "personal_data"); ilUtil::delDir($dir, true); $title = $this->getLastname() . ", " . $this->getLastname() . " [" . $this->getLogin() . "]"; $exp->exportEntity("personal_data", $this->getId(), "4.3.0", "Services/User", $title, $dir); }
/** * Export page layout template object */ function exportLayoutObject() { include_once "./Services/Export/classes/class.ilExport.php"; $exp = new ilExport(); $tmpdir = ilUtil::ilTempnam(); ilUtil::makeDir($tmpdir); $succ = $exp->exportEntity("pgtp", (int) $_GET["layout_id"], "4.2.0", "Services/COPage", "Title", $tmpdir); if ($succ["success"]) { ilUtil::deliverFile($succ["directory"] . "/" . $succ["file"], $succ["file"], "", false, false, false); } if (is_file($succ["directory"] . "/" . $succ["file"])) { unlink($succ["directory"] . "/" . $succ["file"]); } if (is_dir($succ["directory"])) { unlink($succ["directory"]); } }
/** * build xml export file */ function buildExportFileXML() { global $ilBench; $ilBench->start("ContentObjectExport", "buildExportFile"); require_once "./Services/Xml/classes/class.ilXmlWriter.php"; $this->xml = new ilXmlWriter(); // set dtd definition $this->xml->xmlSetDtdDef("<!DOCTYPE ContentObject SYSTEM \"http://www.ilias.de/download/dtd/ilias_co_3_7.dtd\">"); // set generated comment $this->xml->xmlSetGenCmt("Export of ILIAS Content Module " . $this->cont_obj->getId() . " of installation " . $this->inst . "."); // set xml header $this->xml->xmlHeader(); // create directories $this->cont_obj->createExportDirectory(); ilUtil::makeDir($this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir); ilUtil::makeDir($this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir . "/objects"); // get Log File $expDir = $this->cont_obj->getExportDirectory(); $expLog = new ilLog($expDir, "export.log"); $expLog->delete(); $expLog->setLogFormat(""); $expLog->write(date("[y-m-d H:i:s] ") . "Start Export"); // get xml content //echo "ContObjExport:".$this->inst_id.":<br>"; $ilBench->start("ContentObjectExport", "buildExportFile_getXML"); $this->cont_obj->exportXML($this->xml, $this->inst_id, $this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir, $expLog); $ilBench->stop("ContentObjectExport", "buildExportFile_getXML"); // export style if ($this->cont_obj->getStyleSheetId() > 0) { include_once "./Services/Style/classes/class.ilObjStyleSheet.php"; $style_obj = new ilObjStyleSheet($this->cont_obj->getStyleSheetId(), false); //$style_obj->exportXML($this->export_dir."/".$this->subdir); $style_obj->setExportSubDir("style"); $style_file = $style_obj->export(); if (is_file($style_file)) { copy($style_file, $this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir . "/style.zip"); } } // dump xml document to screen (only for debugging reasons) /* echo "<PRE>"; echo htmlentities($this->xml->xmlDumpMem($format)); echo "</PRE>"; */ // dump xml document to file $this->xml->xmlDumpFile($this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir . "/" . $this->filename, false); // help export (workaround to use ref id here) if (ilObjContentObject::isOnlineHelpModule((int) $_GET["ref_id"])) { include_once "./Services/Export/classes/class.ilExport.php"; $exp = new ilExport(); $exp->exportEntity("help", $this->cont_obj->getId(), "4.3.0", "Services/Help", "OnlineHelp", $this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir); } // zip the file ilUtil::zip($this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir, $this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir . ".zip"); // destroy writer object $this->xml->_XmlWriter; $expLog->write(date("[y-m-d H:i:s] ") . "Finished Export"); $ilBench->stop("ContentObjectExport", "buildExportFile"); return $this->export_dir . "/" . $this->subdir . ".zip"; }