Example #1
  * Lookup all plugin slots of a component
 static function lookupPluginSlots($a_type, $a_name)
     //		global $ilDB;
     $cached_component = ilCachedComponentData::getInstance();
     $recs = $cached_component->lookupPluginSlotByComponent($a_type . "/" . $a_name);
     //$set = $ilDB->query("SELECT * FROM il_pluginslot WHERE component = ".
     //	$ilDB->quote($a_type."/".$a_name, "text"));
     $ps = array();
     //echo "<br>".$a_type."/".$a_name;
     //while($rec = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($set))
     foreach ($recs as $rec) {
         $rec["dir"] = "Customizing/global/plugins/" . $a_type . "/" . $a_name . "/" . $rec["name"];
         $rec["dir_pres"] = "Customizing/global/plugins/<br />" . $a_type . "/" . $a_name . "/" . $rec["name"];
         $rec["lang_prefix"] = ilComponent::lookupId($a_type, $a_name) . "_" . $rec["id"] . "_";
         $ps[$rec["id"]] = $rec;
     return $ps;
Example #2
  * Get slot prefix, used for lang vars and db tables. Needs
  * plugin id appended.
 function getPrefix()
     if ($this->prefix == "") {
         $this->prefix = ilComponent::lookupId($this->getComponentType(), $this->getComponentName()) . "_" . $this->getSlotId();
     return $this->prefix;
  * Lookup all plugin slots of a component
 static function lookupPluginSlots($a_type, $a_name)
     global $ilDB;
     $set = $ilDB->query("SELECT * FROM il_pluginslot WHERE component = " . $ilDB->quote($a_type . "/" . $a_name, "text"));
     $ps = array();
     //echo "<br>".$a_type."/".$a_name;
     while ($rec = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($set)) {
         $rec["dir"] = "Customizing/global/plugins/" . $a_type . "/" . $a_name . "/" . $rec["name"];
         $rec["dir_pres"] = "Customizing/global/plugins/<br />" . $a_type . "/" . $a_name . "/" . $rec["name"];
         $rec["lang_prefix"] = ilComponent::lookupId($a_type, $a_name) . "_" . $rec["id"] . "_";
         $ps[$rec["id"]] = $rec;
     return $ps;
Example #4
  * Get css file location
 public final function getStyleSheetLocation($a_css_file)
     $d2 = ilComponent::lookupId($this->getComponentType(), $this->getComponentName()) . "_" . $this->getSlotId() . "_" . ilPlugin::lookupIdForName($this->getComponentType(), $this->getComponentName(), $this->getSlotId(), $this->getPluginName());
     $css = ilUtil::getStyleSheetLocation("output", $a_css_file, $d2);
     if (is_int(strpos($css, "Customizing"))) {
         return $css;
     return $this->getDirectory() . "/templates/" . $a_css_file;
  * Check access rights of the requested file
  * @access	public
 public function checkAccess()
     global $ilLog, $ilUser, $ilObjDataCache, $objDefinition;
     // an error already occurred at class initialisation
     if ($this->errorcode) {
         return false;
     // check for type by subdirectory
     $pos1 = strpos($this->subpath, "lm_data/lm_") + 11;
     $pos2 = strpos($this->subpath, "mobs/mm_") + 8;
     $pos3 = strpos($this->subpath, "usr_images/") + 11;
     $pos4 = strpos($this->subpath, "sec") + 3;
     $obj_id = 0;
     $type = 'none';
     // trying to access data within a learning module folder
     if ($pos1 > 11) {
         $type = 'lm';
         $seperator = strpos($this->subpath, '/', $pos1);
         $obj_id = substr($this->subpath, $pos1, ($seperator > 0 ? $seperator : strlen($this->subpath)) - $pos1);
     } else {
         if ($pos2 > 8) {
             $type = 'mob';
             $seperator = strpos($this->subpath, '/', $pos2);
             $obj_id = substr($this->subpath, $pos2, ($seperator > 0 ? $seperator : strlen($this->subpath)) - $pos2);
         } elseif ($pos3 > 11) {
             $type = 'user_image';
             // user images may be:
             // upload_123pic, upload_123
             // usr_123.jpg, usr_123_small.jpg, usr_123_xsmall.jpg, usr_123_xxsmall.jpg
             $seperator = strpos($this->subpath, '_', $pos3);
             $obj_id = (int) substr($this->subpath, $seperator + 1);
         } elseif ($pos4 > 3) {
             $plugin = false;
             $seperator = strpos($this->subpath, '/', $pos4);
             $path = explode("/", substr($this->subpath, $seperator + 1));
             $component = array_shift($path);
             if (substr($component, 0, 2) == "il") {
                 $component = substr($component, 2);
                 $comp_dir = null;
                 if (ilComponent::lookupId(IL_COMP_MODULE, $component)) {
                     $comp_dir = "Modules";
                 } else {
                     if (ilComponent::lookupId(IL_COMP_SERVICE, $component)) {
                         $comp_dir = "Services";
                     } else {
                         if ($objDefinition->isPlugin($pl_id = strtolower($component))) {
                             $comp_class = $objDefinition->getClassName($pl_id);
                             $comp_dir = $objDefinition->getLocation($pl_id);
                             $plugin = true;
                 if ($comp_dir) {
                     if ($plugin) {
                         $comp_class = "il" . $comp_class . "WebAccessChecker";
                         $comp_include = $comp_dir . "/class." . $comp_class . ".php";
                     } else {
                         $comp_class = "il" . $component . "WebAccessChecker";
                         $comp_include = $comp_dir . "/" . $component . "/classes/class." . $comp_class . ".php";
                     if (file_exists($comp_include)) {
                         include_once $comp_include;
                         if (class_exists($comp_class)) {
                             $comp_inst = new $comp_class();
                             if ($comp_inst instanceof ilComponentWebAccessChecker) {
                                 if ($comp_inst->isValidPath($path)) {
                                     $type = "sec";
     if (!$obj_id && $type != "sec" || $type == 'none') {
         $this->errorcode = 404;
         $this->errortext = $this->lng->txt("obj_not_found");
         return false;
     // #13237 - if imporint is display on login page we have user id 0
     if ($type == "mob") {
         $usages = ilObjMediaObject::lookupUsages($obj_id);
         foreach ($usages as $usage) {
             if ($usage['type'] == 'impr:pg') {
                 return $this->checkAccessMobUsage($usage, 1);
     // get proper user id (could be anonymous)
     // do this here because ip based checking may be set after construction
     switch ($type) {
         // SCORM or HTML learning module
         case 'lm':
             if ($this->checkAccessObject($obj_id)) {
                 return true;
             // media object
         // media object
         case 'mob':
             if ($this->checkAccessMob($obj_id)) {
                 return true;
             // image in user profile
         // image in user profile
         case 'user_image':
             if ($this->checkAccessUserImage($obj_id)) {
                 return true;
         case 'sec':
             if ($obj_id = $comp_inst->getRepositoryObjectId()) {
                 return $this->checkAccessObject($obj_id);
             } else {
                 return $comp_inst->checkAccess($this->check_users);
     // none of the checks above gives access
     $this->errorcode = 403;
     $this->errortext = $this->lng->txt('msg_no_perm_read');
     return false;