public function DBInsertNoReload()
     $oMutex = new iTopMutex('ticket_insert');
     $iNextId = MetaModel::GetNextKey(get_class($this));
     $sRef = $this->MakeTicketRef($iNextId);
     $this->Set('ref', $sRef);
     $iKey = parent::DBInsertNoReload();
     return $iKey;
Example #2
 case 'restore_exec':
     require_once APPROOT . "setup/";
     require_once APPROOT . '/application/';
     require_once APPROOT . '/setup/';
     require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/';
     IssueLog::Enable(APPROOT . 'log/error.log');
     $oPage = new ajax_page("");
     if (utils::GetConfig()->Get('demo_mode')) {
         $oPage->add("<div data-error-stimulus=\"Error\">Sorry, iTop is in <b>demonstration mode</b>: the feature is disabled.</div>");
     } else {
         $sEnvironment = utils::ReadParam('environment', 'production', false, 'raw_data');
         $oRestoreMutex = new iTopMutex('restore.' . $sEnvironment);
         IssueLog::Info("Backup Restore - Acquiring the LOCK 'restore.{$sEnvironment}'");
         IssueLog::Info('Backup Restore - LOCK acquired, executing...');
         try {
             // Get the file and destroy the token (single usage)
             $sToken = utils::ReadParam('token', '', false, 'raw_data');
             $sTokenFile = APPROOT . '/data/restore.' . $sToken . '.tok';
             if (!is_file($sTokenFile)) {
                 throw new Exception("Error: missing token file: '{$sTokenFile}'");
             $sFile = file_get_contents($sTokenFile);
             $sMySQLBinDir = utils::ReadParam('mysql_bindir', '', false, 'raw_data');
             $sDBHost = utils::ReadParam('db_host', '', false, 'raw_data');
             $sDBUser = utils::ReadParam('db_user', '', false, 'raw_data');
             $sDBPwd = utils::ReadParam('db_pwd', '', false, 'raw_data');
Example #3
 // Go for parsing and interpretation
 try {
     if ($bSimulate) {
         CMDBSource::Query('START TRANSACTION');
     $aData = $oCSVParser->ToArray();
     $iLineCount = count($aData);
     $sTable = $oDataSource->GetDataTable();
     // Prepare insert columns
     $sInsertColumns = '`' . implode('`, `', $aInputColumns) . '`';
     $oMutex = new iTopMutex('synchro_import_' . $oDataSource->GetKey());
     foreach ($aData as $iRow => $aRow) {
         $sReconciliationCondition = "`primary_key` = " . CMDBSource::Quote($aRow[$iPrimaryKeyCol]);
         $sSelect = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `{$sTable}` WHERE {$sReconciliationCondition}";
         $aRes = CMDBSource::QueryToArray($sSelect);
         $iCount = $aRes[0]['COUNT(*)'];
         if ($iCount == 0) {
             // No record... create it
             if ($sOutput == 'details') {
                 $oP->add("{$iRow}: New entry, reconciliation: '{$sReconciliationCondition}'\n");
             $aValues = array();
             // Used to build the insert query
             foreach ($aRow as $iCol => $value) {
  * Perform a synchronization between the data stored in the replicas (&synchro_data_xxx_xx table)
  * and the iTop objects. If the lastFullLoadStartDate is NOT specified then the full_load_periodicity
  * is used to determine which records are obsolete.
  * @return void
 public function Process()
     self::$m_oCurrentTask = $this->m_oDataSource;
     $oMutex = new iTopMutex('synchro_process_' . $this->m_oDataSource->GetKey());
     try {
         $this->m_oStatLog->Set('end_date', time());
         $this->m_oStatLog->Set('status', 'completed');
         $iErrors = $this->m_oStatLog->GetErrorCount();
         if ($iErrors > 0) {
             $sIssuesOQL = "SELECT SynchroReplica WHERE sync_source_id=" . $this->m_oDataSource->GetKey() . " AND status_last_error!=''";
             $sAbsoluteUrl = utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot();
             $sIssuesURL = "{$sAbsoluteUrl}synchro/replica.php?operation=oql&datasource=" . $this->m_oDataSource->GetKey() . "&oql=" . urlencode($sIssuesOQL);
             $sSeeIssues = "<p></p>";
             $sStatistics = "<h1>Statistics</h1>\n";
             $sStatistics .= "<ul>\n";
             $sStatistics .= "<li>" . $this->m_oStatLog->GetLabel('start_date') . ": " . $this->m_oStatLog->Get('start_date') . "</li>\n";
             $sStatistics .= "<li>" . $this->m_oStatLog->GetLabel('end_date') . ": " . $this->m_oStatLog->Get('end_date') . "</li>\n";
             $sStatistics .= "<li>" . $this->m_oStatLog->GetLabel('stats_nb_replica_seen') . ": " . $this->m_oStatLog->Get('stats_nb_replica_seen') . "</li>\n";
             $sStatistics .= "<li>" . $this->m_oStatLog->GetLabel('stats_nb_replica_total') . ": " . $this->m_oStatLog->Get('stats_nb_replica_total') . "</li>\n";
             $sStatistics .= "<li>" . $this->m_oStatLog->GetLabel('stats_nb_obj_deleted') . ": " . $this->m_oStatLog->Get('stats_nb_obj_deleted') . "</li>\n";
             $sStatistics .= "<li>" . $this->m_oStatLog->GetLabel('stats_nb_obj_deleted_errors') . ": " . $this->m_oStatLog->Get('stats_nb_obj_deleted_errors') . "</li>\n";
             $sStatistics .= "<li>" . $this->m_oStatLog->GetLabel('stats_nb_obj_obsoleted') . ": " . $this->m_oStatLog->Get('stats_nb_obj_obsoleted') . "</li>\n";
             $sStatistics .= "<li>" . $this->m_oStatLog->GetLabel('stats_nb_obj_obsoleted_errors') . ": " . $this->m_oStatLog->Get('stats_nb_obj_obsoleted_errors') . "</li>\n";
             $sStatistics .= "<li>" . $this->m_oStatLog->GetLabel('stats_nb_obj_created') . ": " . $this->m_oStatLog->Get('stats_nb_obj_created') . " (" . $this->m_oStatLog->Get('stats_nb_obj_created_warnings') . " warnings)" . "</li>\n";
             $sStatistics .= "<li>" . $this->m_oStatLog->GetLabel('stats_nb_obj_created_errors') . ": " . $this->m_oStatLog->Get('stats_nb_obj_created_errors') . "</li>\n";
             $sStatistics .= "<li>" . $this->m_oStatLog->GetLabel('stats_nb_obj_updated') . ": " . $this->m_oStatLog->Get('stats_nb_obj_updated') . " (" . $this->m_oStatLog->Get('stats_nb_obj_updated_warnings') . " warnings)" . "</li>\n";
             $sStatistics .= "<li>" . $this->m_oStatLog->GetLabel('stats_nb_obj_updated_errors') . ": " . $this->m_oStatLog->Get('stats_nb_obj_updated_errors') . "</li>\n";
             $sStatistics .= "<li>" . $this->m_oStatLog->GetLabel('stats_nb_replica_reconciled_errors') . ": " . $this->m_oStatLog->Get('stats_nb_replica_reconciled_errors') . "</li>\n";
             $sStatistics .= "<li>" . $this->m_oStatLog->GetLabel('stats_nb_replica_disappeared_no_action') . ": " . $this->m_oStatLog->Get('stats_nb_replica_disappeared_no_action') . "</li>\n";
             $sStatistics .= "<li>" . $this->m_oStatLog->GetLabel('stats_nb_obj_new_updated') . ": " . $this->m_oStatLog->Get('stats_nb_obj_new_updated') . " (" . $this->m_oStatLog->Get('stats_nb_obj_new_updated_warnings') . " warnings)" . "</li>\n";
             $sStatistics .= "<li>" . $this->m_oStatLog->GetLabel('stats_nb_obj_new_unchanged') . ": " . $this->m_oStatLog->Get('stats_nb_obj_new_unchanged') . " (" . $this->m_oStatLog->Get('stats_nb_obj_new_unchanged_warnings') . " warnings)" . "</li>\n";
             $sStatistics .= "</ul>\n";
             $this->m_oDataSource->SendNotification("errors ({$iErrors})", "<p>The synchronization has been executed, {$iErrors} errors have been encountered. Click <a href=\"{$sIssuesURL}\">here</a> to see the records being currently in error.</p>" . $sStatistics);
         } else {
             //$this->m_oDataSource->SendNotification('success', '<p>The synchronization has been successfully executed.</p>');
     } catch (SynchroExceptionNotStarted $e) {
         // Set information for reporting... but delete the object in DB
         $this->m_oStatLog->Set('end_date', time());
         $this->m_oStatLog->Set('status', 'error');
         $this->m_oStatLog->Set('last_error', $e->getMessage());
         $this->m_oDataSource->SendNotification('fatal error', '<p>The synchronization could not start: \'' . $e->getMessage() . '\'</p><p>Please check its configuration</p>');
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->m_oStatLog->Set('end_date', time());
         $this->m_oStatLog->Set('status', 'error');
         $this->m_oStatLog->Set('last_error', $e->getMessage());
         $this->m_oDataSource->SendNotification('exception', '<p>The synchronization has been interrupted: \'' . $e->getMessage() . '\'</p><p>Please contact the application support team</p>');
     self::$m_oCurrentTask = null;
     return $this->m_oStatLog;
 public function Process($iUnixTimeLimit)
     $oMutex = new iTopMutex('backup.' . utils::GetCurrentEnvironment());
     try {
         // Make sure the target directory exists
         $oBackup = new DBBackupScheduled();
         // Eliminate files exceeding the retention setting
         if ($this->iRetentionCount > 0) {
             $aFiles = $oBackup->ListFiles($this->sBackupDir);
             while (count($aFiles) >= $this->iRetentionCount) {
                 $sFileToDelete = array_shift($aFiles);
                 if (file_exists($sFileToDelete)) {
                     // Ok, do not loop indefinitely on this
         // Do execute the backup
         $oBackup->SetMySQLBinDir(MetaModel::GetConfig()->GetModuleSetting('itop-backup', 'mysql_bindir', ''));
         $sBackupFile = MetaModel::GetConfig()->GetModuleSetting('itop-backup', 'file_name_format', '__DB__-%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M');
         $sName = $oBackup->MakeName($sBackupFile);
         if ($sName == '') {
             $sName = $oBackup->MakeName(BACKUP_DEFAULT_FORMAT);
         $sZipFile = $this->sBackupDir . $sName . '.zip';
         $sSourceConfigFile = APPCONF . utils::GetCurrentEnvironment() . '/' . ITOP_CONFIG_FILE;
         $oBackup->CreateZip($sZipFile, $sSourceConfigFile);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw $e;
     return "Created the backup: {$sZipFile}";
  * Checks if an exclusive lock exists on the specified DBObject.
  * @param string $sObjClass The class of the object for which to acquire the lock
  * @param integer $iObjKey The identifier of the object for which to acquire the lock
  * @return multitype:boolean iTopOwnershipLock Ambigous <boolean, string, DBObjectSet>
 public static function IsLocked($sObjClass, $iObjKey)
     $bLocked = false;
     $oMutex = new iTopMutex('lock_' . $sObjClass . '::' . $iObjKey);
     $oOwnershipLock = new iTopOwnershipLock($sObjClass, $iObjKey);
     if ($oOwnershipLock->IsOwned()) {
         $bLocked = true;
     return array('locked' => $bLocked, 'owner' => $oOwnershipLock->GetOwner());