function public_qrcode($vars = null) { $data = $vars['data']; $query = array('app' => 'public', 'do' => 'qrcode', 'url' => $data); isset($vars['cache']) && ($query['cache'] = true); $url = iPHP::router('/api', iCMS_REWRITE); echo buildurl($url, $query); }
function do_login() { if ($this->uid) { $user = iDB::row("SELECT * FROM `#iCMS@__user` WHERE `uid`='{$this->uid}' LIMIT 1;", ARRAY_A); iPHP::app('user.class', 'static'); user::set_cookie($user['username'], $user['password'], $user); $url = iPHP::router(array('/{uid}/', $this->uid), iPHP_ROUTER_REWRITE); iPHP::gotourl($url); } }
function favorite_list($vars = null) { $maxperpage = isset($vars['row']) ? (int) $vars['row'] : "10"; $where_sql = "WHERE 1=1 "; isset($vars['userid']) && ($where_sql .= " AND `uid`='" . (int) $vars['userid'] . "' "); isset($vars['fid']) && ($where_sql .= " AND `fid`='" . (int) $vars['fid'] . "' "); isset($vars['mode']) && ($where_sql .= " AND `mode`='" . (int) $vars['mode'] . "'"); isset($vars['appid']) && ($where_sql .= " AND `appid`='" . (int) $vars['appid'] . "' "); $cache_time = isset($vars['time']) ? (int) $vars['time'] : -1; $by = $vars['by'] == "ASC" ? "ASC" : "DESC"; switch ($vars['orderby']) { case 'hot': $order_sql = " ORDER BY `count` {$by}"; break; default: $order_sql = " ORDER BY `id` {$by}"; } $md5 = md5($where_sql . $order_sql); $offset = 0; if ($vars['page']) { $total = iPHP::total($md5, "SELECT count(*) FROM `#iCMS@__favorite` {$where_sql} "); iPHP::assign("fav_total", $total); $multi = iCMS::page(array('total' => $total, 'perpage' => $maxperpage, 'unit' => iPHP::lang('iCMS:page:list'), 'nowindex' => $GLOBALS['page'])); $offset = $multi->offset; } if ($vars['cache']) { $cache_name = iPHP_DEVICE . '/favorite/' . $md5 . "/" . (int) $GLOBALS['page']; $resource = iCache::get($cache_name); } if (empty($resource)) { $rs = iDB::all("SELECT * FROM `#iCMS@__favorite` {$where_sql} {$order_sql} LIMIT {$offset},{$maxperpage}"); iPHP_SQL_DEBUG && iDB::debug(1); $resource = array(); $vars['user'] && iPHP::app('user.class', 'static'); if ($rs) { foreach ($rs as $key => $value) { $value['url'] = iPHP::router(array('/favorite/{id}/', $value['id']), iPHP_ROUTER_REWRITE); $vars['user'] && ($value['user'] = user::info($value['uid'], $value['nickname'])); if (isset($vars['loop'])) { $resource[$key] = $value; } else { $resource[$value['id']] = $value; } } } $vars['cache'] && iCache::set($cache_name, $resource, $cache_time); } return $resource; }
/** * @package iCMS * @copyright 2007-2010, iDreamSoft * @license iDreamSoft * @author coolmoo <*****@*****.**> * @$Id: iCMS.push.php 148 2013-03-14 16:15:12Z coolmoo $ */ function iCMS_router($vars) { if (empty($vars['url'])) { echo 'javascript:;'; return; } $router = $vars['url']; unset($vars['url'], $vars['app']); $url = iPHP::router($router, iCMS_REWRITE); $vars['query'] && ($url = buildurl($url, $vars['query'])); if ($url && stripos($url, 'http://') === false && $vars['host']) { $url = rtrim(iCMS_URL, '/') . '/' . ltrim($url, '/'); } echo $url ? $url : 'javascript:;'; }
public static function router($uid, $type, $size = 0) { switch ($type) { case 'avatar': return iCMS_FS_URL . get_user_pic($uid, $size); break; case 'url': return iPHP::router(array('/{uid}/', $uid), iPHP_ROUTER_REWRITE); break; case 'coverpic': $dir = get_user_dir($uid, 'coverpic'); return array('pc' => iFS::fp($dir . '/' . $uid . ".jpg", '+http'), 'mo' => iFS::fp($dir . '/m_' . $uid . ".jpg", '+http')); break; case 'urls': return array('inbox' => iPHP::router(array('/user/inbox/{uid}', $uid), iPHP_ROUTER_REWRITE), 'home' => iPHP::router(array('/{uid}/', $uid), iPHP_ROUTER_REWRITE), 'comment' => iPHP::router(array('/{uid}/comment/', $uid), iPHP_ROUTER_REWRITE), 'favorite' => iPHP::router(array('/{uid}/favorite/', $uid), iPHP_ROUTER_REWRITE), 'fans' => iPHP::router(array('/{uid}/fans/', $uid), iPHP_ROUTER_REWRITE), 'follower' => iPHP::router(array('/{uid}/follower/', $uid), iPHP_ROUTER_REWRITE)); break; } }
function search_url($vars) { $q = rawurlencode($vars['query']); if (empty($q)) { return; } $query['app'] = 'search'; if (isset($vars['_app'])) { $query['app'] = $vars['_app']; $query['do'] = 'search'; } $query['q'] = $q; $url = iPHP::router('/api', iPHP_ROUTER_REWRITE); $url = buildurl($url, $query); if ($vars['ret']) { return $url; } echo $url; }
function user_inbox($vars = null) { $maxperpage = 30; $where_sql = "WHERE `status` ='1'"; if ($_GET['user']) { if ($_GET['user'] == "10000") { $where_sql .= " AND `userid`='10000' AND `friend` IN ('" . user::$userid . "','0')"; } else { $friend = (int) $_GET['user']; $where_sql .= " AND `userid`='" . user::$userid . "' AND `friend`='" . $friend . "'"; } $group_sql = ''; $p_fields = 'COUNT(*)'; $s_fields = '*'; iPHP::assign("msg_count", false); } else { // $where_sql.= " AND (`userid`='".user::$userid."' OR (`userid`='10000' AND `friend`='0'))"; $where_sql .= " AND `userid`='" . user::$userid . "'"; $group_sql = ' GROUP BY `friend` DESC'; $p_fields = 'COUNT(DISTINCT id)'; $s_fields = 'max(id) AS id ,COUNT(id) AS msg_count,`userid`, `friend`, `send_uid`, `send_name`, `receiv_uid`, `receiv_name`, `content`, `type`, `sendtime`, `readtime`'; iPHP::assign("msg_count", true); } $offset = 0; $total = iPHP::total($md5, "SELECT {$p_fields} FROM `#iCMS@__message` {$where_sql} {$group_sql}", 'nocache'); iPHP::assign("msgs_total", $total); $multi = iCMS::page(array('total' => $total, 'perpage' => $maxperpage, 'unit' => iPHP::lang('iCMS:page:list'), 'nowindex' => $GLOBALS['page'])); $offset = $multi->offset; $resource = iDB::all("SELECT {$s_fields} FROM `#iCMS@__message` {$where_sql} {$group_sql} ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT {$offset},{$maxperpage}"); iPHP_SQL_DEBUG && iDB::debug(1); $msg_type_map = array('0' => '系统信息', '1' => '私信', '2' => '提醒', '3' => '留言'); if ($resource) { foreach ($resource as $key => $value) { $value['sender'] = user::info($value['send_uid'], $value['send_name']); $value['receiver'] = user::info($value['receiv_uid'], $value['receiv_name']); $value['label'] = $msg_type_map[$value['type']]; if ($value['userid'] == $value['send_uid']) { $value['is_sender'] = true; $value['user'] = $value['receiver']; } if ($value['userid'] == $value['receiv_uid']) { $value['is_sender'] = false; $value['user'] = $value['sender']; } $value['url'] = iPHP::router(array('/user/inbox/{uid}', $value['user']['uid']), iPHP_ROUTER_REWRITE); $resource[$key] = $value; } } return $resource; }
public function ACTION_findpwd() { $seccode = iS::escapeStr($_POST['seccode']); iPHP::seccode($seccode, true) or iPHP::code(0, 'iCMS:seccode:error', 'seccode', 'json'); $uid = (int) $_POST['uid']; $auth = iS::escapeStr($_POST['auth']); if ($auth && $uid) { //print_r($_POST); $authcode = rawurldecode($auth); $authcode = base64_decode($authcode); $authcode = authcode($authcode); if (empty($authcode)) { iPHP::code(0, 'user:findpwd:error', 'uname', 'json'); } list($uid, $username, $password, $timeline) = explode(USER_AUTHASH, $authcode); $now = time(); if ($now - $timeline > 86400) { iPHP::code(0, 'user:findpwd:error', 'time', 'json'); } $user = user::get($uid, false); if ($username != $user->username || $password != $user->password) { iPHP::code(0, 'user:findpwd:error', 'user', 'json'); } $rstpassword = md5(trim($_POST['rstpassword'])); if ($rstpassword == $user->password) { iPHP::code(0, 'user:findpwd:same', 'password', 'json'); } iDB::update("user", array('password' => $rstpassword), array('uid' => $uid)); iPHP::code(1, 'user:findpwd:success', 0, 'json'); } else { $uname = iS::escapeStr($_POST['uname']); $uname or iPHP::code(0, 'user:findpwd:username:empty', 'uname', 'json'); $uid = user::check($uname, 'username'); $uid or iPHP::code(0, 'user:findpwd:username:noexist', 'uname', 'json'); $user = user::get($uid, false); $user or iPHP::code(0, 'user:findpwd:username:noexist', 'uname', 'json'); $authcode = authcode($uid . USER_AUTHASH . $user->username . USER_AUTHASH . $user->password . USER_AUTHASH . time(), 'ENCODE'); $authcode = base64_encode($authcode); $authcode = rawurlencode($authcode); $find_url = iPHP::router('/api/user/findpwd', iPHP_ROUTER_REWRITE, '?&'); if (iPHP_ROUTER_REWRITE) { $find_url = iFS::fp($find_url, '+http'); } $find_url .= 'auth=' . $authcode; $config = iCMS::$config['mail']; $config['title'] = iCMS::$config['site']['name']; $config['subject'] = '[' . $config['title'] . '] 找回密码(重要)!'; $config['body'] = ' <p>尊敬的' . $user->nickname . ',您好:</p> <br /> <p>您在' . $config['title'] . '申请找回密码,重设密码地址:</p> <a href="' . $find_url . '" target="_blank">' . $find_url . '</a> <p>本链接将在24小时后失效!</p> <p>如果上面的链接无法点击,您也可以复制链接,粘贴到您浏览器的地址栏内,然后按“回车”打开重置密码页面。</p> <p>如果您有其他问题,请联系我们:' . $config['replyto'] . '。</p> <p>如果您没有进行过找回密码的操作,请不要点击上述链接,并删除此邮件。</p> <p>谢谢!</p> '; $config['address'] = array(array($user->username, $user->nickname)); //var_dump(iCMS::$config); $result = iPHP::sendmail($config); if ($result === true) { iPHP::code(1, 'user:findpwd:send:success', 'mail', 'json'); } else { iPHP::code(0, 'user:findpwd:send:failure', 'mail', 'json'); } } }
<thead> <tr> <th><i class="fa fa-arrows-v"></i></th> <th>ID</th> <th>账号</th> <th>昵称</th> <th>用户组</th> <th>最后登陆IP</th> <th style="width:130px;"><a class="fa fa-clock-o tip-top" title="注册时间/最后登陆时间"></a></th> <th>操作</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php for ($i = 0; $i < $_count; $i++) { $url = iPHP::router(array('/{uid}/', $rs[$i]['uid']), iPHP_ROUTER_REWRITE); ?> <tr id="tr<?php echo $rs[$i]['uid']; ?> "> <td><?php if ($rs[$i]['uid'] != "1") { ?> <input type="checkbox" name="id[]" value="<?php echo $rs[$i]['uid']; ?> " /><?php } ?> </td>
<thead> <tr> <th><i class="fa fa-arrows-v"></i></th> <th>ID</th> <th>账号</th> <th>昵称</th> <th>用户组</th> <th>最后登陆IP</th> <th style="width:130px;"><a class="fa fa-clock-o tip-top" title="注册时间/最后登陆时间"></a></th> <th>操作</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php for ($i = 0; $i < $_count; $i++) { $url = iPHP::router(array('/{uid}/', $rs[$i]['uid']), iCMS_REWRITE); ?> <tr id="tr<?php echo $rs[$i]['uid']; ?> "> <td><?php if ($rs[$i]['uid'] != "1") { ?> <input type="checkbox" name="id[]" value="<?php echo $rs[$i]['uid']; ?> " /><?php } ?> </td>