function __construct() { $this->appid = iCMS_APP_TAG; $this->id = (int) $_GET['id']; $this->tagcategory = iACP::app('tagcategory'); $this->categoryApp = iACP::app('category', 'all'); }
function do_iCMS($appid = 0) { iPHP::import(iPHP_APP_CORE . '/iAPP.class.php'); $this->categoryApp = iACP::app('category', 'all'); $this->category = $this->categoryApp->category; $sql = "WHERE 1=1"; if ($appid || $_GET['appid']) { $_GET['appid'] && ($appid = (int) $_GET['appid']); $sql .= " AND `appid`='{$appid}'"; } $_GET['iid'] && ($sql .= " AND `iid`='" . (int) $_GET['iid'] . "'"); isset($_GET['status']) && ($sql .= " AND `status`='" . $_GET['status'] . "'"); if ($_GET['cid']) { $cid = (int) $_GET['cid']; if (isset($_GET['sub'])) { $cids = $this->categoryApp->get_ids($cid, true); array_push($cids, $cid); $sql .= " AND cid IN(" . implode(',', $cids) . ")"; } else { $sql .= " AND cid ='{$cid}'"; } } $_GET['userid'] && ($sql .= " AND `userid`='" . (int) $_GET['userid'] . "'"); $_GET['ip'] && ($sql .= " AND `ip`='" . $_GET['ip'] . "'"); if ($_GET['keywords']) { $sql .= " AND CONCAT(username,title) REGEXP '{$_GET['keywords']}'"; } $maxperpage = $_GET['perpage'] > 0 ? (int) $_GET['perpage'] : 20; $total = iPHP::total(false, "SELECT count(*) FROM `#iCMS@__comment` {$sql}", "G"); iPHP::pagenav($total, $maxperpage, "条评论"); $rs = iDB::all("SELECT * FROM `#iCMS@__comment` {$sql} order by id DESC LIMIT " . iPHP::$offset . " , {$maxperpage}"); $_count = count($rs); include iACP::view("comment.manage"); }
function do_article() { $this->categoryApp = iACP::app('category', iCMS_APP_ARTICLE); include iACP::view("html.article"); }
function __construct() { $this->uid = (int) $_GET['id']; $this->groupApp = iACP::app('groups', 1); }
function do_addproject() { $rs = array(); $this->pid && ($rs = spider::project($this->pid)); $cid = empty($rs['cid']) ? $this->cid : $rs['cid']; $categoryApp = iACP::app('category', iCMS_APP_ARTICLE); $cata_option = $categoryApp->select(false, $cid); $rule_option = $this->rule_opt($rs['rid']); $post_option = $this->post_opt($rs['poid']); //$rs['sleep'] OR $rs['sleep'] = 30; include iACP::view("spider.addproject"); }
public static function files_modal_btn($title = '', $click = 'file', $target = 'template_index', $callback = '', $do = 'seltpl', $from = 'modal') { $filesApp = iACP::app('files'); $filesApp->modal_btn($title, $click, $target, $callback, $do, $from); }
<?php /** * iCMS - i Content Management System * Copyright (c) 2007-2012 iiimon Inc. All rights reserved. * * @author coolmoo <*****@*****.**> * @site * @licence * @version 6.0.0 * @$Id: 2374 2014-03-17 11:46:13Z coolmoo $ */ defined('iPHP') or exit('What are you doing?'); iACP::app('category', 'import'); class pushcategoryApp extends categoryApp { function __construct() { parent::__construct(iCMS_APP_PUSH); $this->category_name = "版块"; $this->_app = 'push'; $this->_app_name = '推送'; $this->_app_table = 'push'; $this->_app_cid = 'cid'; // $this->_app_indexTPL = ''; // $this->_app_listTPL = ''; // $this->_app_contentTPL = ''; } }
function __construct() { $this->id = (int) $_GET['id']; $this->categoryApp = iACP::app('pushcategory'); $this->category = $this->categoryApp->category; }
function __construct() { $this->categoryApp = iACP::app('category', 'all'); $this->category = $this->categoryApp->category; $this->pid = (int) $_GET['pid']; }
</ul> </div> <div id="<?php echo iACP::$app_name; ?> -cpower" class="tab-pane hide"> <div class="input-prepend input-append"><span class="add-on">全选</span><span class="add-on"> <input type="checkbox" class="checkAll checkbox" data-target="#<?php echo iACP::$app_name; ?> -cpower"/> </span><button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit"><i class="fa fa-check"></i> 提交</button> </div> <div class="clearfloat mb10"></div> <div class="input-prepend input-append"> <span class="add-on"><i class="fa fa-cog"></i> 全局权限</span> <span class="add-on">::</span> <span class="add-on">允许添加顶级栏目</span> <span class="add-on"><input type="checkbox" name="cpower[]" value="0:a" /></span> </div> <div class="clearfloat mb10"></div> <span class="label label-important">注:只有文章类型的栏目才有内容权限</span> <div id="cpower_treecontrol"> <a style="display:none;"></a> <a style="display:none;"></a> <a class="btn btn-mini btn-info" href="javascript:;">展开/收缩</a></div> <ul id="cpower_tree"> <?php echo iACP::app('category', 'all')->power_tree(); ?> </ul> </div>
function __construct() { $this->setting = iACP::app('setting'); }
public static function publish($work = null) { $_POST = spiderData::crawl(); if (spider::$work == 'shell') { if (empty($_POST['title'])) { echo "标题不能为空\n"; return false; } if (empty($_POST['body'])) { echo "内容不能为空\n"; return false; } } $checker = spider::checker($work, spider::$pid, $_POST['reurl'], $_POST['title']); if ($checker !== true) { return $checker; } $project = spider::project(spider::$pid); if (!isset($_POST['cid'])) { $_POST['cid'] = $project['cid']; } $postArgs = spider::postArgs($project['poid']); if ($_GET['indexid']) { $aid = (int) $_GET['indexid']; $_POST['aid'] = $aid; $_POST['adid'] = iDB::value("SELECT `id` FROM `#iCMS@__article_data` WHERE aid='{$aid}'"); } $title = iS::escapeStr($_POST['title']); $url = iS::escapeStr($_POST['reurl']); $hash = md5($url); if (empty(spider::$sid)) { $spider_url = iDB::row("SELECT `id`,`publish`,`indexid` FROM `#iCMS@__spider_url` where `url`='{$url}'", ARRAY_A); if (empty($spider_url)) { $spider_url_data = array('cid' => $project['cid'], 'rid' => spider::$rid, 'pid' => spider::$pid, 'title' => addslashes($title), 'url' => $url, 'hash' => $hash, 'status' => '1', 'addtime' => time(), 'publish' => '0', 'indexid' => '0', 'pubdate' => ''); $suid = iDB::insert('spider_url', $spider_url_data); } else { if ($spider_url['indexid']) { $_POST['aid'] = $spider_url['indexid']; $_POST['adid'] = iDB::value("SELECT `id` FROM `#iCMS@__article_data` WHERE aid='" . $spider_url['indexid'] . "'"); } $suid = $spider_url['id']; } } else { $suid = spider::$sid; } if (spider::$callback['post'] && is_callable(spider::$callback['post'])) { $_POST = call_user_func_array(spider::$callback['post'], array($_POST)); } iS::slashes($_POST); $app = iACP::app($postArgs->app); $fun = $postArgs->fun; $app->callback['code'] = '1001'; /** * 主表 回调 更新关联ID */ $app->callback['primary'] = array(array('spider', 'update_spider_url_indexid'), array('suid' => $suid)); /** * 数据表 回调 成功发布 */ $app->callback['data'] = array(array('spider', 'update_spider_url_publish'), array('suid' => $suid)); $callback = $app->{$fun}(); if ($callback['code'] == $app->callback['code']) { if (spider::$sid) { $work === NULL && iPHP::success("发布成功!", 'js:1'); } else { $work === NULL && iPHP::success("发布成功!", 'js:parent.$("#' . $hash . '").remove();'); } } if ($work == "shell" || $work == "WEB@AUTO") { $callback['work'] = $work; return $callback; } }
function do_artCount($dialog = true) { $app = iACP::app('category'); $app->recount(); $dialog && iPHP::success('更新完成'); }
function __construct() { $this->appid = iCMS_APP_USER; $this->uid = (int) $_GET['id']; $this->groupApp = iACP::app('groups', 0); }