public function minify($cacheFile = null, $dir = null) { if ($dir === null) { $dir = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']); } // MODIFICATION TIME FILES $mtFiles = array(__FILE__, $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'], "conf/config.php"); // GET SOURCE CODE FILES $files = dir::content($dir, array('types' => "file", 'pattern' => '/^.*\\.' . $this->type . '$/')); // GET NEWEST MODIFICATION TIME $mtime = 0; foreach (array_merge($mtFiles, $files) as $file) { $fmtime = filemtime($file); if ($fmtime > $mtime) { $mtime = $fmtime; } } $header = "Content-Type: {$this->mime[$this->type]}"; // GET SOURCE CODE FROM CLIENT HTTP CACHE IF EXISTS httpCache::checkMTime($mtime, $header); // OUTPUT SOURCE CODE header($header); // GET SOURCE CODE FROM SERVER-SIDE CACHE if ($cacheFile !== null && file_exists($cacheFile) && (filemtime($cacheFile) >= $mtime || !is_writable($cacheFile))) { // with its distribution content readfile($cacheFile); die; } // MINIFY AND JOIN SOURCE CODE $source = ""; foreach ($files as $file) { if (strlen($this->minCmd) && substr($file, 4, 1) != "_") { $cmd = str_replace("{file}", $file, $this->minCmd); $source .= `{$cmd}`; } else { $source .= file_get_contents($file); } } // UPDATE SERVER-SIDE CACHE if ($cacheFile !== null && (is_writable($cacheFile) || !file_exists($cacheFile) && dir::isWritable(dirname($cacheFile)))) { file_put_contents($cacheFile, $source); touch($cacheFile, $mtime); } // OUTPUT SOURCE CODE echo $source; }
* @author Pavel Tzonkov <*****@*****.**> * @copyright 2010-2014 KCFinder Project * @license GPLv3 * @license LGPLv3 * @link */ namespace kcfinder; require "core/autoload.php"; if (!isset($_GET['lng']) || $_GET['lng'] == 'en' || $_GET['lng'] != basename($_GET['lng']) || !is_file("lang/" . $_GET['lng'] . ".php")) { header("Content-Type: text/javascript"); die; } $file = "lang/" . $_GET['lng'] . ".php"; $mtime = @filemtime($file); if ($mtime) { httpCache::checkMTime($mtime, "Content-Type: text/javascript"); } require $file; header("Content-Type: text/javascript"); echo "_.labels={"; $i = 0; foreach ($lang as $english => $native) { if (substr($english, 0, 1) != "_") { echo "'" . text::jsValue($english) . "':\"" . text::jsValue($native) . "\""; if (++$i < count($lang)) { echo ","; } } } echo "}";
/** This file is part of KCFinder project * * @desc Base CSS definitions * @package KCFinder * @version 2.21 * @author Pavel Tzonkov <*****@*****.**> * @copyright 2010 KCFinder Project * @license GPLv2 * @license LGPLv2 * @link */ require "core/autoload.php"; $mtime = @filemtime(__FILE__); if ($mtime) { httpCache::checkMTime($mtime); } $browser = new browser(); $config = $browser->config; ob_start(); ?> html, body { overflow: hidden; } body, form, th, td { margin: 0; padding: 0; } a {