/** *发送邮件 * *@param string 发送邮箱地址 *@param array 接收邮箱地址 *@param array 抄送人 *@param string 邮件标题 *@param string 邮件内容 *@param array 文件附件,地址格式 *@param string 编码格式 */ public function send($from, $to, $cc = '', $subject, $content = '', $files = '', $char = 'utf-8') { $site_email = new htmlMimeMail5(); $site_email->setHeadCharset($char); $site_email->setTextCharset($char); $site_email->setHtmlCharset($char); $site_email->setFrom($from); $site_email->setSubject($subject); $site_email->setHTML($content); $site_email->setCc($cc); $address = explode(",", $to); if ($files != '') { foreach ($files as $file) { if (file_exists($file)) { $attachment = new fileAttachment($file); $site_email->addAttachment($attachment); } else { $this->logger->write_log('ERROR', 'MAIL: attachment ' . $file . ' not exists'); } } } foreach ($address as $k) { $mail[$k] = 1; } foreach ($mail as $k => $v) { $address_new[] = $k; } if ($site_email->send($address_new)) { return true; } else { return false; } }
* | | * | http://www.phpguru.org/static/license.html | * o------------------------------------------------------------------------------o * * © Copyright 2008,2009 Richard Heyes */ /** * This example shows you how to create an email with another email attached */ require_once 'htmlMimeMail5.php'; /** * Create the attached email */ $attachment = new htmlMimeMail5(); $attachment->setFrom('Bob <*****@*****.**>'); $attachment->setText('This email is attached.'); $attachment->setSubject('This email is attached.'); $body = $attachment->getRFC822(array('*****@*****.**')); /** * Now create the email it will be attached to */ $mail = new htmlMimeMail5(); $mail->addAttachment(new StringAttachment($body, 'Attached message', 'message/rfc822', new SevenBitEncoding())); $mail->addAttachment(new FileAttachment('example.zip')); $mail->setFrom('Richard <*****@*****.**>'); $mail->setSubject('Test email'); $mail->setText('Sample text'); $result = $mail->send(array('*****@*****.**')); ?> Message has been sent
function handleForm($valuesAssocArray) { $this->classes(); switch ($valuesAssocArray["action"]) { case "register": $F = new Factory("Adresse"); $F->sA("firma", $valuesAssocArray["firma"]); $F->sA("strasse", $valuesAssocArray["strasse"]); $F->sA("nr", $valuesAssocArray["nr"]); $F->sA("plz", $valuesAssocArray["plz"]); $F->sA("ort", $valuesAssocArray["ort"]); $F->sA("email", $valuesAssocArray["userEmail"]); //from email $F->sA("tel", $valuesAssocArray["tel"]); $AdresseID = $F->store(false, false); $K = new Kunden(); $Kappendix = $K->createKundeToAdresse($AdresseID, false, true); $Kappendix->changeA("KappendixKontonummer", $valuesAssocArray["kontonummer"]); $Kappendix->changeA("KappendixBLZ", $valuesAssocArray["blz"]); $Kappendix->changeA("KappendixSameKontoinhaber", "1"); $KappendixID = $Kappendix->newMe(false); $token = sha1($AdresseID . $KappendixID . microtime()); $F = new Factory("PDFixUser"); $F->sA("PDFixUserAdresseID", $AdresseID); $F->sA("PDFixUserKappendixID", $KappendixID); $F->sA("PDFixUserPDFixUserDBID", "0"); $F->sA("PDFixUserIsActive", "0"); $F->sA("PDFixUserVorNachname", $valuesAssocArray["userVorNachname"]); $F->sA("PDFixUserUsername", $valuesAssocArray["userUsername"]); $F->sA("PDFixUserPassword", $valuesAssocArray["userPassword"]); $F->sA("PDFixUserEmail", $valuesAssocArray["userEmail"]); $F->sA("PDFixUserRate", $valuesAssocArray["zahlungsweise"]); $F->sA("PDFixUserRegisteredDate", time()); $F->sA("PDFixUserToken", $token); $F->store(false, false); $mail = new htmlMimeMail5(); $mail->setFrom("*****@*****.**"); $mail->setSubject(utf8_decode("PDFix Registrierung ihres Mitarbeiters " . $valuesAssocArray["userVorNachname"])); $mail->setText(utf8_decode("Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,\n \nSie selbst oder Ihr Mitarbeiter/Ihre Mitarbeiterin \n" . $valuesAssocArray["userVorNachname"] . " hat sich soeben bei www.pdfix.de angemeldet. \n \nDer Account wurde angelegt.\n \nIm Anhang finden Sie unsere AGB und den Softwarelizenzvertrag.\nMit der Aktivierung des Accounts werden die AGB und Nutzungsbedingungen\nannerkannt.\n\nSobald die Abbuchungserklärung bei uns eingegangen ist,\nwird der Account innerhalb 24 Std. freigeschalten und\n\"pdfix\" kann dann genutzt werden.\n \nWenn Sie die Kosten übernehmen, dann klicken Sie auf\n\n\nnachstehenden Aktivierungslink.\n\nhttp://" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . "" . str_replace("/ubiquitous/CustomerPage/index.php", "/ubiquitous/CustomerPage/?CC=RegistrationPDFix&activate={$token}", $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]) . "\n \n\nAnsonsten klären Sie bitte die Kostenübernahme mit Ihrem Mitarbeiter ab.\n\n \nMit freundlichen Grüßen\n \nM. Tischler\nGeschäftsführer\nETS-SÜD UG (haftungsbeschränkt)\nDR. Michael Samer Ring 2a\n86609 Donauwörth\nAG Augsburg\nHRB 26204\ninfo@pdfix.de")); /* Zum Download von pdfix besuchen Sie bitte http://www.meine-smn.de und klicken auf \"Login\" melden Sie sich an mit: Benutzername: ".$valuesAssocArray["userUsername"]." Passwort: ".$valuesAssocArray["userPassword"]." Bestätigen Sie jeweils am Ende der Seiten die AGB´s und Lizenzbedingungen und laden \"pdfix\" down. Sobald die Abbuchungserklärung bei uns eingegangen ist, wird der Account innerhalb 24 Std. freigeschalten,und \"pdfix\" kann dann genutzt werden. */ #$mail->setTextCharset("UTF-8"); #$mail->addAttachment(new fileAttachment(Util::getRootPath()."open3A/PDFix/abbuchungserkl.pdf", "application/pdf")); $mail->addAttachment(new fileAttachment(Util::getRootPath() . "../download/Agbs.pdf", "application/pdf")); $mail->addAttachment(new fileAttachment(Util::getRootPath() . "../download/Softwarelizenzvertrag.pdf", "application/pdf")); if (!$mail->send(array($valuesAssocArray["userEmail"]))) { //from email Red::errorD("Die E-Mail konnte nicht verschickt werden, bitte versuchen Sie es erneut!"); } break; case "activate": $PU = anyC::getFirst("PDFixUser", "PDFixUserToken", $valuesAssocArray["token"]); $PU->changeA("PDFixUserActivatedDate", time()); $PU->changeA("PDFixUserIsActive", "1"); $PU->changeA("PDFixUserRate", $valuesAssocArray["zahlungsweise"]); $PU->saveMe(); $mail = new htmlMimeMail5(); $mail->setFrom("*****@*****.**"); $mail->setSubject(utf8_decode("PDFix Registrierung ihres Mitarbeiters " . $valuesAssocArray["userVorNachname"])); $mail->setText(utf8_decode("Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,\n \nIhr Account wurde soeben angelegt.\n \nBenutzername: " . $PU->A("PDFixUserUsername") . "\nPasswort: " . $PU->A("PDFixUserPassword") . "\n \nSobald die Abbuchungserklärung bei uns eingegangen ist,\nwird der Account innerhalb 24 Std. freigeschalten und\n\"pdfix\" kann dann genutzt werden.\n\t\n\nMit freundlichen Grüßen\n \nM. Tischler\nGeschäftsführer\nETS-SÜD UG (haftungsbeschränkt)\nDR. Michael Samer Ring 2a\n86609 Donauwörth\nAG Augsburg\nHRB 26204\ninfo@pdfix.de")); /* Zum Download von pdfix besuchen Sie bitte http://www.meine-smn.de und klicken auf \"Login\" melden Sie sich an mit: Bestätigen Sie jeweils am Ende der Seiten die AGB´s und Lizenzbedingungen und laden \"pdfix\" down. */ #$mail->setTextCharset("UTF-8"); if (!$mail->send(array($PU->A("PDFixUserEmail")))) { Red::errorD("Die E-Mail konnte nicht verschickt werden, bitte versuchen Sie es erneut!"); } $Adresse = new Adresse($PU->A("PDFixUserAdresseID")); $mail = new htmlMimeMail5(); $mail->setFrom("*****@*****.**"); $mail->setSubject("PDFix Aktivierung"); $mail->setText(utf8_decode("\nFirma: " . $Adresse->A("firma") . "\nBenutzername: " . $PU->A("PDFixUserUsername") . "")); #$mail->setTextCharset("UTF-8"); if (!$mail->send(array("*****@*****.**"))) { Red::errorD("Die E-Mail konnte nicht verschickt werden, bitte versuchen Sie es erneut!"); } break; } }
* Set the HTML of the email. Any embedded images will be automatically found as long as you have added them * using addEmbeddedImage() as below. */ $mail->setHTML('<p><b>Dear Recipient</b>,</p> <br> <a href="http://www.emmgts.com/export/export_cafehits.php?w=1&DB_TBLName=cafe_hits">Download Report</a> </p> <p><img src="background.gif" width="1024" height="6" /><img src="4.jpg" width="137" height="40" /></p> '); /** * Set the delivery receipt of the email. This should be an email address that the receipt should be sent to. * You are NOT guaranteed to receive this receipt - it is dependent on the receiver. */ $mail->setReceipt('*****@*****.**'); /** * Add an embedded image. The path is the file path to the image. */ $mail->addEmbeddedImage(new fileEmbeddedImage('background.gif')); $mail->addEmbeddedImage(new fileEmbeddedImage('4.jpg')); /** * Add an attachment to the email. */ $mail->addAttachment(new fileAttachment('')); /** * Send the email. Pass the method an array of recipients. */ $result = $mail->send(array('*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**')); ?>
public function sendEmail($subject, $body, $recipientID, $parameters) { $emailData = $this->getEMailData($parameters); $parameters = explode("::", $parameters); $action = $parameters[0]; $className = $parameters[1]; $classID = $parameters[2]; $time = $parameters[3]; $C = new $className($classID); $data = $C->getCalendarDetails($className, $classID); $adresse = $data->getAdresse(); $fromName = Session::currentUser()->A("name"); $from = Session::currentUser()->A("UserEmail"); $mail = new htmlMimeMail5(); $mail->setFrom(utf8_decode($fromName . " <" . $from . ">")); if (!ini_get('safe_mode')) { $mail->setReturnPath($from); } $mail->setSubject(utf8_decode($subject)); /*if($action == "reply"){ $ics = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//lightCRM Kalender VERSION:2.0 METHOD:REPLY BEGIN:VEVENT CREATED:20121130T004454Z LAST-MODIFIED:20121201T143509Z DTSTAMP:20121201T143509Z UID:7715ie5i20hvm0b71p18vhgj70@google.com SUMMARY:Test STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER;CN=rainer.furtmeier@googlemail.com:mailto:rainer.furtmeier@googl email.com ATTENDEE;CN=nemi@2sins.de;PARTSTAT=ACCEPTED;CUTYPE=INDIVIDUAL;ROLE=REQ-PAR TICIPANT;X-NUM-GUESTS=0:mailto:nemi@2sins.de DTSTART:20121206T123000Z DTEND:20121206T133000Z DESCRIPTION: SEQUENCE:5 TRANSP:OPAQUE END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR"; }*/ if ($action == "notification") { $ics = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\nPRODID:-//lightCRM Kalender\nVERSION:2.0\nMETHOD:REQUEST\nBEGIN:VTIMEZONE\nTZID:Europe/Berlin\nX-LIC-LOCATION:Europe/Berlin\nBEGIN:DAYLIGHT\nTZOFFSETFROM:+0100\nTZOFFSETTO:+0200\nTZNAME:CEST\nDTSTART:19700329T020000\nRRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYDAY=-1SU;BYMONTH=3\nEND:DAYLIGHT\nBEGIN:STANDARD\nTZOFFSETFROM:+0200\nTZOFFSETTO:+0100\nTZNAME:CET\nDTSTART:19701025T030000\nRRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYDAY=-1SU;BYMONTH=10\nEND:STANDARD\nEND:VTIMEZONE\nBEGIN:VEVENT\nLAST-MODIFIED:20120629T094018Z\nDTSTAMP:" . date("Ymd") . "T" . date("His") . "\nUID:" . $data->UID() . "\nSUMMARY:" . $data->summary() . "\nORGANIZER;CN=\"{$fromName}\":MAILTO:{$from}\nDTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:" . date("Ymd", Kalender::parseDay($data->getDay())) . "T" . $data->getTime() . "00\nDTEND;TZID=Europe/Berlin:" . date("Ymd", Kalender::parseDay($data->getEndDay())) . "T" . $data->getEndTime() . "00\nEND:VEVENT\nEND:VCALENDAR"; } $mail->addAttachment(new stringAttachment($ics, "event.ics", 'application/ics')); $adresse->replaceByAnsprechpartner($recipientID); $body = str_replace("{Anrede}", Util::formatAnrede($_SESSION["S"]->getUserLanguage(), $adresse), $body); if ($action == "notification") { $mail->setCalendar($ics, "REQUEST"); } #if($action == "reply") # $mail->setCalendar($ics, "REPLY"); $mail->setTextCharset("UTF-8"); $mail->setCalendarCharset("UTF-8"); $mail->setText($body); #print_r($mail->getRFC822(array("*****@*****.**"))); #die(); $mail->send(array($emailData["recipients"][$recipientID][1])); $C->setNotified($className, $classID); }
function enviarMail($para = "",$asunto = "",$mensaje = "",$adj = "") { if (!is_array($para)) { $para = array($para); } if (!is_array($adj)) { $adj = array($adj); } $hmm = new htmlMimeMail5(); //$hmm->setSMTPParams('smtp.msa.orange-business.com',587,'audial.fr',true,'audialsite','audial2133'); $hmm->setCrlf("\n"); $hmm->setSubject($asunto); $hmm->setText($mensaje); $hmm->setFrom("Cityzen Mobility <*****@*****.**>"); //$hmm->setFrom("UMPB "); $hmm->setReturnPath("*****@*****.**"); //$hmm->setHeader("return-path", "*****@*****.**"); //echo "ici : " . count($adj) . "<br>"; foreach ($adj as $n => $v) { if ($v != "") { //echo "ajout de " . $v . "<br>"; $hmm->addAttachment(new fileAttachment($v)); } } $result = $hmm->send($para,'mail'); //echo "----- " . date("H:i:s") . " : " . $result . "<br>"; if (!$result) { print_r($hmm->errors); die(); } }
<?php // Instantiate the class $mail = new htmlMimeMail5(); // Set the From and Reply-To headers $mail->setFrom('Jason <*****@*****.**>'); $mail->setReturnPath('*****@*****.**'); // Set the Subject $mail->setSubject('Test with attached email'); // Set the body $mail->setText("Please find attached Chapter 16. Thank you!"); // Retrieve a file for attachment $attachment = $mail->getFile('chapter16.doc'); // Attach the file, assigning it a name and a corresponding Mime-type. $mail->addAttachment($attachment, 'chapter16.doc', 'application/vnd.ms-word'); // Send the email to editor@example.com $result = $mail->send(array('*****@*****.**'));
/** * @param string $iCal * @param string $myEmail * @param int $answer possible values: accept: 1, maybe: 2, decline: 3 */ public static function answerInvitation(string $iCal, string $myEmail, int $answer) { if ($answer == "1") { $text = "akzeptiert"; } if ($answer == "2") { $text = "vorläufig akzeptiert"; } if ($answer == "3") { $text = "abgelehnt"; } $VC = new vcalendar(); $VC->parse($iCal); $event = $VC->getComponent("vevent"); $targetAttendee = "MAILTO:" . $myEmail; $i = 1; while ($valueOccur = $event->getProperty("ATTENDEE", $i, true)) { if (stripos($valueOccur["value"], $targetAttendee) === false) { $i++; continue; } $params = $valueOccur["params"]; if ($answer == "1") { $params["PARTSTAT"] = "ACCEPTED"; } if ($answer == "2") { $params["PARTSTAT"] = "TENTATIVE"; } if ($answer == "3") { $params["PARTSTAT"] = "DECLINED"; } if (isset($params["RSVP"])) { unset($params["RSVP"]); } $event->setAttendee($targetAttendee, $params, $i); $i++; } $i = 1; while ($valueOccur = $event->getProperty("ATTENDEE", $i, true)) { if (stripos($valueOccur["value"], $targetAttendee) === false) { $i++; $event->deleteProperty("ATTENDEE"); continue; } $i++; } $event->setProperty("DTSTAMP", gmdate("Ymd") . "T" . gmdate("His") . "Z"); $event->setProperty("LAST-MODIFIED", gmdate("Ymd") . "T" . gmdate("His") . "Z"); $VC->deleteComponent("vevent"); $VC->setComponent($event); $VC->setMethod("REPLY"); $ics = $VC->createCalendar(); $fromName = Session::currentUser()->A("name"); $from = Session::currentUser()->A("UserEmail"); $mail = new htmlMimeMail5(); $mail->setFrom(utf8_decode($fromName . " <" . $from . ">")); if (!ini_get('safe_mode')) { $mail->setReturnPath($from); } $mail->setSubject(utf8_decode("Antwort Termineinladung (" . ucfirst($text) . "): " . $event->getProperty("SUMMARY"))); $mail->addAttachment(new stringAttachment($ics, "invite.ics", 'application/ics')); $mail->setCalendar($ics, "REPLY"); $mail->setCalendarCharset("UTF-8"); $mail->setTextCharset("UTF-8"); $mail->setText("{$fromName} hat diesen Termin {$text}"); $organizer = str_replace("MAILTO:", "", $event->getProperty("ORGANIZER")); return $mail->send(array($organizer)); }