Example #1
 function EmailSuppliers()
     $EmailText = _('This email has been automatically generated by KwaMoja') . "\n";
     $EmailText .= _('You are invited to Tender for the following products to be delivered to') . ' ' . $_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['coyname'] . "\n";
     $EmailText .= _('Tender number') . ': ' . $this->TenderId . "\n";
     $EmailText .= _(' Quantity ') . ' ' . _(' Unit ') . ' ' . _(' Item Description') . "\n";
     foreach ($this->LineItems as $LineItem) {
         $EmailText .= $LineItem->Quantity . ' ' . $LineItem->Units . ' ' . $LineItem->ItemDescription . "\n";
     $Subject = _('Tender received from') . ' ' . $_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['coyname'];
     $Headers = 'From: ' . $_SESSION['PurchasingManagerEmail'] . "\r\n" . 'Reply-To: ' . $_SESSION['PurchasingManagerEmail'] . "\r\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();
     if ($_SESSION['SmtpSetting'] == 1) {
         include 'includes/htmlMimeMail.php';
         $mail = new htmlMimeMail();
         $mail->setHeader('Reply-To', $_SESSION['PurchasingManagerEmail']);
         //Set this as a copy for filing purpose
     foreach ($this->Suppliers as $Supplier) {
         $result = mail($Supplier->EmailAddress, $Subject, $EmailText, $Headers);
         if ($_SESSION['SmtpSetting'] == 0) {
             $result = mail($Supplier->EmailAddress, $Subject, $EmailText, $Headers);
         } else {
             $result = SendmailBySmtp($mail, array($Supplier->EmailAddress, $_SESSION['PurchasingManagerEmail']));
Example #2
function sendMail($from, $to, $subject, $body)
    $mail = new htmlMimeMail();
    if (is_array($to)) {
        $result = $mail->send($to);
    } else {
        $result = $mail->send(array($to));
    return $result;
     $LeftOvers = $pdf->addTextWrap($FormDesign->Comments->x, $YPos, $FormDesign->Comments->Length, $FormDesign->Comments->FontSize, $LeftOvers, 'left');
 $Success = 1;
 //assume the best and email goes - has to be set to 1 to allow update status
 if ($MakePDFThenDisplayIt) {
     $pdf->OutputD($_SESSION['DatabaseName'] . '_WorkOrder_' . $SelectedWO . '_' . date('Y-m-d') . '.pdf');
 } else {
     $PdfFileName = $_SESSION['DatabaseName'] . '_WorkOrder_' . $SelectedWO . '_' . date('Y-m-d') . '.pdf';
     $pdf->Output($_SESSION['reports_dir'] . '/' . $PdfFileName, 'F');
     include 'includes/htmlMimeMail.php';
     $mail = new htmlMimeMail();
     $attachment = $mail->getFile($_SESSION['reports_dir'] . '/' . $PdfFileName);
     $mail->setText(_('Please Process this Work order number') . ' ' . $SelectedWO);
     $mail->setSubject(_('Work Order Number') . ' ' . $SelectedWO);
     $mail->addAttachment($attachment, $PdfFileName, 'application/pdf');
     //since sometime the mail server required to verify the users, so must set this information.
     if ($_SESSION['SmtpSetting'] == 0) {
         //use the mail service provice by the server.
         $mail->setFrom($_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['coyname'] . '<' . $_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['email'] . '>');
         $Success = $mail->send(array($_POST['EmailTo']));
     } else {
         if ($_SESSION['SmtpSetting'] == 1) {
             $Success = SendmailBySmtp($mail, array($_POST['EmailTo']));
         } else {
             prnMsg(_('The SMTP settings are wrong, please ask administrator for help'), 'error');
             include 'includes/footer.inc';
Example #4
function SendMail($from, $to, $subj, $body, $attach = "")
    $mail = new htmlMimeMail();
    if ($attach != '') {
        $attach_data = $mail->getFile($attach);
        $mail->addAttachment($attach_data, basename($attach), '');
    $result = $mail->send(array($to));
    return $result;
    $YPos -= 2 * $line_height;
$YPos -= 2 * $line_height;
/*Print out the grand totals */
$LeftOvers = $pdf->addTextWrap(80, $YPos, 260 - $Left_Margin, $FontSize, _('Grand Total Value'), 'right');
$DisplayTotalVal = locale_money_format($Tot_Val, $_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['currencydefault']);
$LeftOvers = $pdf->addTextWrap(500, $YPos, 60, $FontSize, $DisplayTotalVal, 'right');
if ($_POST['DetailedReport'] == 'Yes') {
    $pdf->line($Left_Margin, $YPos + $line_height - 2, $Page_Width - $Right_Margin, $YPos + $line_height - 2);
    $YPos -= 2 * $line_height;
if ($ListCount == 0) {
    $title = _('Print Inventory Valuation Error');
    include 'includes/header.inc';
    echo '<br />' . _('There were no items with any value to print out for the location specified');
    echo '<br /><a href="' . $rootpath . '/index.php">' . _('Back to the menu') . '</a>';
    include 'includes/footer.inc';
    // Javier: needs check
} else {
    include 'includes/htmlMimeMail.php';
    $pdf->Output($_SESSION['reports_dir'] . '/InventoryReport.pdf', 'F');
    $mail = new htmlMimeMail();
    $attachment = $mail->getFile($_SESSION['reports_dir'] . '/InventoryReport.pdf');
    $mail->setText(_('Please find herewith the stock valuation report'));
    $mail->setSubject(_('Inventory Valuation Report'));
    $mail->addAttachment($attachment, 'InventoryReport.pdf', 'application/pdf');
    $mail->setFrom($_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['coyname'] . "<" . $_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['email'] . ">");
    $result = $mail->send($Recipients);
Example #6
if ($_SESSION['SalesmanLogin'] != '') {
    $sql .= " AND debtortrans.salesperson='" . $_SESSION['SalesmanLogin'] . "'";
$ErrMsg = _('Could not retrieve the count of sales order lines in the period under review');
$result = DB_query($sql, $db, $ErrMsg);
$myrow = DB_fetch_row($result);
$YPos -= $line_height;
$LeftOvers = $pdf->addTextWrap($Left_Margin, $YPos, 200, $FontSize, _('Total number of order lines') . ' ' . locale_number_format($myrow[0]), 'left');
$YPos -= $line_height;
$LeftOvers = $pdf->addTextWrap($Left_Margin, $YPos, 200, $FontSize, _('DIFOT') . ' ' . locale_number_format((1 - $TotalDiffs / $myrow[0]) * 100, 2) . '%', 'left');
$ReportFileName = $_SESSION['DatabaseName'] . '_DeliveryDifferences_' . date('Y-m-d') . '.pdf';
if ($_POST['Email'] == 'Yes') {
    if (file_exists($_SESSION['reports_dir'] . '/' . $ReportFileName)) {
        unlink($_SESSION['reports_dir'] . '/' . $ReportFileName);
    $pdf->Output($_SESSION['reports_dir'] . '/' . $ReportFileName, 'F');
    include 'includes/htmlMimeMail.php';
    $mail = new htmlMimeMail();
    $attachment = $mail->getFile($_SESSION['reports_dir'] . '/' . $ReportFileName);
    $mail->setText(_('Please find herewith delivery differences report from') . ' ' . $_POST['FromDate'] . ' ' . _('to') . ' ' . $_POST['ToDate']);
    $mail->addAttachment($attachment, $ReportFileName, 'application/pdf');
    if ($_SESSION['SmtpSetting'] == 0) {
        $mail->setFrom($_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['coyname'] . ' <' . $_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['email'] . '>');
        $result = $mail->send(array($_SESSION['FactoryManagerEmail']));
    } else {
        $result = SendmailBySmtp($mail, array($_SESSION['FactoryManagerEmail']));
 if (sizeOf($RejectsArray) > 0) {
     $MailText = _('This email has been automatically generated by the webERP installation at') . ' ' . $_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['coyname'] . "\n";
     $MailText .= _('The following offers you made have been rejected') . "\n\n";
     foreach ($RejectsArray as $RejectID) {
         $sql = "SELECT offers.quantity,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\toffers.price,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tstockmaster.description\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM offers\n\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN stockmaster\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tON offers.stockid=stockmaster.stockid\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE offerid='" . $RejectID . "'";
         $result = DB_query($sql);
         $myrow = DB_fetch_array($result);
         $MailText .= $myrow['description'] . "\t" . _('Quantity') . ' ' . $myrow['quantity'] . "\t" . _('Price') . ' ' . locale_number_format($myrow['price']) . "\n";
         $sql = "DELETE FROM offers WHERE offerid='" . $RejectID . "'";
         $result = DB_query($sql);
     $mail = new htmlMimeMail();
     $mail->setSubject(_('Your offer to') . ' ' . $_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['coyname'] . ' ' . _('has been rejected'));
     $mail->setFrom($_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['coyname'] . ' <' . $_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['email'] . '>');
     $Recipients = GetMailList('OffersReceivedResultRecipients');
     if (sizeOf($Recipients) == 0) {
         prnMsg(_('There are no members of the Offers Received Result Recipients email group'), 'warn');
         include 'includes/footer.inc';
     array_push($Recipients, $Email);
     if ($_SESSION['SmtpSetting'] == 0) {
         $mail->setFrom($_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['coyname'] . ' <' . $_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['email'] . '>');
         $result = $mail->send($Recipients);
     } else {
         $result = SendmailBySmtp($mail, $Recipients);
     if ($result) {
        $TaxGroupTaxesResult = DB_query("SELECT taxgroupid,\n\t\t\t\t\t                                                 taxauthid,\n\t\t\t\t\t                                                 calculationorder,\n\t\t\t\t\t                                                 taxontax\n\t\t\t\t\t                                            FROM taxgrouptaxes");
        while ($TaxGroupTaxesRow = DB_fetch_array($TaxGroupTaxesResult)) {
            $SQLScript .= "INSERT INTO taxgrouptaxes (taxgroupid,\n                                                        taxauthid,\n                                                        calculationorder,\n                                                        taxontax)\n                                   VALUES (" . $TaxGroupTaxesRow['taxgroupid'] . ",\n                                           " . $TaxGroupTaxesRow['taxauthid'] . ",\n                                           " . $TaxGroupTaxesRow['calculationorder'] . ",\n                                           " . $TaxGroupTaxesRow['taxontax'] . ");\n";
        $SQLScript .= "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1;";
        /*Now write $SQLScript to a file */
        $FileHandle = fopen("./companies/" . $_SESSION['DatabaseName'] . "/reports/" . $_POST['TemplateName'] . ".sql", "w");
        fwrite($FileHandle, $SQLScript);
        echo '<P><a href="' . $RootPath . '/companies/' . $_SESSION['DatabaseName'] . '/reports/' . $_POST['TemplateName'] . '.sql">' . _('Show the sql template file produced') . '</a>';
        include 'includes/htmlMimeMail.php';
        $Recipients = array('"Submissions" <*****@*****.**>');
        $mail = new htmlMimeMail();
        $Host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
        $attachment = $mail->getFile('http://' . $Host . $RootPath . '/companies/' . $_SESSION['DatabaseName'] . '/reports/' . $_POST['TemplateName'] . '.sql');
        $mail->setText('Please find company template ' . $_POST['TemplateName']);
        $mail->addAttachment($attachment, 'CompanyTemplate.sql', 'application/txt');
        $mail->setSubject('Company Template Submission');
        if ($_SESSION['SmtpSetting'] == 0) {
            $mail->setFrom($_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['coyname'] . '<' . $_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['email'] . '>');
            $result = $mail->send($Recipients);
        } else {
            $result = SendmailBySmtp($mail, $Recipients);
        /*end of SQL Script creation */
    /*end if Input error*/
/*end submit button hit */
echo '<form method="post" action="' . htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '">';
echo '<div class="centre">';
function welcome_email_send(&$registration_details)
    global $main_smarty, $current_user;
    include_once mnminclude . 'user.php';
    // Check User ID != 0
    if ($registration_details['id'] > 0) {
        $username = $registration_details['username'];
        $password = $registration_details['password'];
        $email = $registration_details['email'];
        $id = $registration_details['id'];
        $user = new User();
        $user->id = $id;
        // Check User Data
        if ($user->read()) {
            include_once mnmmodules . 'welcome_email/includes/htmlMimeMail.php';
            // Current Date/Time of Server
            $thisDate = date("M d, Y");
            $thisTime = date("H:i:s");
            // User Information
            $thisUserName = $username;
            $thisUserEmail = $email;
            // Pligg Information
            $siteName = $main_smarty->get_config_vars('PLIGG_Visual_Name');
            $siteEmail = $main_smarty->get_config_vars('PLIGG_PassEmail_From');
            $installedURL = my_base_url;
            $installedBase = my_pligg_base;
            // Email Subject
            $messageSubject = "Welcome to " . $siteName . "!";
            // Email Message
            $messageText = "Hello, " . $thisUserName . ".\n\n";
            $messageText .= "Your account at " . $siteName . " has been successfully set up.\n\n";
            $messageText .= "Please keep the below information for future reference:\n";
            $messageText .= "-----------------------------------------\n\n";
            $messageText .= "  Login URL: " . $installedURL . $installedBase . "/login.php\n\n";
            $messageText .= "  Username.: " . $thisUserName . "\n";
            $messageText .= "  Password.: (password choosen when registered)\n\n";
            $messageText .= "-----------------------------------------\n";
            $messageText .= "Email has been automatically generated on " . $thisDate . " at " . $thisTime . ".\n";
            // Setup Mail Class
            $mail = new htmlMimeMail();
            // Set Mail Body Text
            // Set Mail From
            $mail->setFrom($siteName . " <" . $siteEmail . ">");
            // Set Mail Subject
            // Send Mail
        } else {
            // Unable to find user data
            echo "Module Error #2";
            // To disable this error message and continue with registration,
            // remove the above ELSE statement this comment is within.
    } else {
        // Unable to find User ID
        echo "Module Error #1";
Example #10
  * Replace placeholders in mail templates and send
  * e-mails.
 function send_mail($mail_content, $content_data, $post_data = null)
     global $text_wrap, $my_sendmail, $send_alternative_mail, $debug_mode, $sender_count, $sender_duration, $recipient_count, $recipient_duration, $txt, $remove_tags, $tplt, $configuration;
     $multiple = $this->collect_multiples($post_data);
     $mail_content = $this->replace_multiples($mail_content, $multiple);
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($mail_content); $i++) {
          * Replace placeholder with form, text (from language
          * file) and environment data
         $mail_content[$i] = $this->replace_values($mail_content[$i], $post_data);
         $mail_content[$i] = $this->replace_values($mail_content[$i], $txt);
         $mail_content[$i] = $this->replace_values($mail_content[$i], $content_data);
         $mail_content[$i] = $this->replace_values($mail_content[$i], $this->get_environment_var($_SERVER));
         //$mail_content[$i] = $this->replace_values($mail_content[$i], $url);
          * Remove unselected value placeholders
         $mail_content[$i] = $this->remove_values($mail_content[$i]);
          * Remove tags
         // $mail_content[$i] = $this->clean_output($mail_content[$i], $remove_tags);
          * Strip slashes
         $final_mail_content = stripslashes($mail_content[$i]);
         if ($this->validate_to($final_mail_content) == false) {
          * Check whether the user is allowed to send e-mails
          * with or to a certain e-mail address.
         $sender = $this->get_header_info($mail_content[$i], 'From');
         $recipient = $this->get_header_info($mail_content[$i], 'To');
         // Check if recipient is blocked by domain
         if (sizeof($configuration['recipients_domains']) > 0) {
             foreach ($configuration['recipients_domains'] as $recipient_domain) {
                 $domain = '#' . preg_quote(trim($recipient_domain)) . '#';
                 if (preg_match($domain, $recipient) === 1) {
                     return array('status' => 'failed', 'message' => array(), 'mail_content' => $mail_content[$i]);
         if ($tplt == 'recom') {
             if ($limit = $this->check_value_limit($sender, $sender_count, $sender_duration, 4, $txt['txt_sender_expiration'])) {
                 $message[] = array('message' => $limit, 'fields' => '');
             if ($limit = $this->check_value_limit($recipient, $recipient_count, $recipient_duration, 5, $txt['txt_recipient_expiration'])) {
                 $message[] = array('message' => $limit, 'fields' => '');
             if (isset($message) and !empty($message)) {
                 return array('status' => 'failed', 'message' => $message);
          * Start attachment handling
         $send_attachments = false;
         if (!empty($this->attachments) and is_array($this->attachments)) {
             $send_alternative_mail = 'yes';
             $send_attachments = true;
         if (isset($configuration['attach_mail_vars']) and is_array($configuration['attach_mail_vars']) and sizeof($configuration['attach_mail_vars']) > 0) {
             $send_alternative_mail = 'yes';
             $send_attachments = true;
          * Get sendmail path from php ini settings or use the
          * value of $my_sendmail.
         if ($send_alternative_mail != 'yes') {
             $sendmail = @ini_get('sendmail_path');
             debug_mode($sendmail, 'ini_get()');
             if (empty($sendmail)) {
                 $sendmail = "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t ";
                 debug_mode($sendmail, 'empty($sendmail)');
             if (isset($my_sendmail) and !empty($my_sendmail)) {
                 $sendmail = $my_sendmail;
                 debug_mode(array('$my_sendmail', $sendmail));
              * Try to send e-mail by using popen() to access
              * sendmail.
             if ($fd = @popen($sendmail, "w")) {
                 if (!@fputs($fd, $final_mail_content . "\n")) {
                     $send_alternative_mail = 'yes';
                     debug_mode(array($txt['txt_popen_error'] . ' - fputs()', gettype($fd), $fd));
             } else {
                 $send_alternative_mail = 'yes';
                 debug_mode(array($txt['txt_popen_error'] . ' - popen()', gettype($fd), $fd));
             debug_mode($final_mail_content, 'Mail Content popen()');
          * If popen() - or fputs() - fails, extract mail
          * header from the template and use the PHP  function
          * mail().
         if ($send_alternative_mail == 'yes') {
             $header_info = explode("\n", $final_mail_content);
             $mail_subject = '';
             $mail_header = $this->mail_headers;
             $mail_header = join($mail_header, '|');
             $attachment_headers = array();
             for ($k = 0; $k < count($header_info); $k++) {
                 $clean_header = trim($header_info[$k]);
                 if (empty($clean_header)) {
                 if (preg_match("/^From:/i", $header_info[$k])) {
                     $mail_from = trim(preg_replace("/From:/i", '', $header_info[$k]));
                     $attachment_headers['From'] = $mail_from;
                 if (preg_match("/^To:/i", $header_info[$k])) {
                     $mail_recipient = trim(preg_replace("/^To:/i", '', $header_info[$k]));
                 if (preg_match("/^Subject:/i", $header_info[$k])) {
                     $mail_subject = trim(preg_replace("/^Subject:/i", '', $header_info[$k]));
                 if (preg_match("/^X-Form-Mail-Attachment:/i", $header_info[$k])) {
                     if (trim(str_replace('X-Form-Mail-Attachment:', '', $header_info[$k])) == 'no') {
                         $send_attachments = false;
                 if (preg_match("/^" . $mail_header . "/i", $header_info[$k], $match)) {
                     $additional_headers[] = $header_info[$k];
                     $attachment_headers[str_replace(':', '', $match[0])] = trim(preg_replace("/" . $match[0] . "/i", '', $header_info[$k]));
             if (isset($header_info) and is_array($header_info)) {
                 $new_mail_content = trim(implode($header_info, "\n"));
                 $new_mail_content = str_replace("\r", '', $new_mail_content);
             } else {
                 $new_mail_content = '';
             //                if (isset($additional_headers) and is_array($additional_headers)) {
             //                    $additional_headers = implode($additional_headers, "\n");
             //                } else {
             //                    $additional_headers = '';
             //                }
              * Wrap mail content (and only mail content - not
              * headers).
             $new_mail_content = $this->wrap_content($new_mail_content, $text_wrap);
              * Send mail using simple mail function
             if (!$send_attachments and $debug_mode != 'on' and $mail_recipient != '') {
                 //  @mail ($mail_recipient, $mail_subject, $new_mail_content, $additional_headers);
                 send_mail($mail_recipient, $mail_subject, $new_mail_content, $mail_from, $attachment_headers);
              * Send mail using mail class
             if ($send_attachments and $debug_mode != 'on' and $mail_recipient != '') {
                 $att = new htmlMimeMail();
                 // Switch to smtp mode
                 if ($configuration['mail_type'] == 'smtp') {
                     $type = 'smtp';
                     $smtp = $configuration['smtp'];
                     $att->setSMTPParams($smtp['host'], $smtp['port'], $smtp['helo'], $smtp['auth'], $smtp['user'], $smtp['pass']);
                 } else {
                     $type = 'mail';
                 // Register file attachments in mime class
                 foreach ($this->attachments as $file_name) {
                     $att->addAttachment($att->getFile($file_name['new']), $file_name['old']);
                 //Manage mail var attachments
                 if (isset($configuration['attach_mail_vars']) and is_array($configuration['attach_mail_vars']) and sizeof($configuration['attach_mail_vars']) > 0) {
                     foreach ($configuration['attach_mail_vars'] as $attach_type) {
                         if ($attach_type == 'vcard') {
                             $attach_config = array('mailvars' => $post_data, 'type' => G10E_ATTACH_TYPE_VCARD, 'control' => $this->control_fields);
                             if ($res = attach_mail_variables::get_content($attach_config)) {
                                 $att->addAttachment($res, 'vcard.vcf');
                         if ($attach_type == 'csv') {
                             $attach_config = array('mailvars' => $post_data, 'type' => G10E_ATTACH_TYPE_CSV, 'control' => $this->control_fields, 'csv_head' => true);
                             if ($res = attach_mail_variables::get_content($attach_config)) {
                                 $att->addAttachment($res, 'csv.csv');
                 // Register headers in mime class
                 $html = false;
                 if (isset($attachment_headers) and is_array($attachment_headers)) {
                     foreach ($attachment_headers as $key => $val) {
                         $att->setHeader($key, $val);
                         if ($key == 'Content-Type' and preg_match('#text/html#i', $val)) {
                             $html = true;
                 if ($html != true) {
                 $att->send(array($mail_recipient), $type);
             debug_mode($mail_recipient, 'Mail Recipient mail()');
             debug_mode($mail_subject, 'Mail Subject mail()');
             debug_mode($new_mail_content, 'Mail Content mail()');
             debug_mode($additional_headers, 'Mail Additional Headers mail()');
     // -re- for
     $this->mail_content = $mail_content[0];
     return array('status' => 'ok', 'mail_content' => $this->mail_content);
    $LeftOvers = $pdf->addTextWrap($Left_Margin + $Col9, $YPos, $Col10 - $Col9 - 5, $FontSize, $myrow['salesmanname'], 'left');
    if ($YPos - 2 * $line_height < $Bottom_Margin) {
        include 'includes/PDFWeeklyOrdersPageHeader.inc';
    /*end of new page header  */
    $YPos -= $line_height;
include 'includes/htmlMimeMail.php';
$filename = $_SESSION['reports_dir'] . '/SalesBySalesperson.pdf';
$pdf->Output($filename, 'F');
$mail = new htmlMimeMail();
$attachment = $mail->getFile($filename);
$mail->setText(_('Please find the Sales By Salesperson report'));
$mail->setSubject(_('Sales By Salesperson Report'));
$mail->addAttachment($attachment, $filename, 'application/pdf');
//echo '<br /><div class="centre"><a href="' . $RootPath . '/' . $filename . '">' . _('click here') . '</a> ' . _('to view the file') . '</div>';
if ($_SESSION['SmtpSetting'] == 0) {
    $mail->setFrom($_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['coyname'] . '<' . $_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['email'] . '>');
    $result = $mail->send($Recipients);
} else {
    $result = SendmailBySmtp($mail, $Recipients);
if ($result) {
    $Title = _('Print Weekly Orders');
    include 'includes/header.inc';
    prnMsg(_('The Weekly Orders report has been mailed'), 'success');
    echo '<br /><a href="' . $RootPath . '/index.php">' . _('Back to the menu') . '</a>';
    include 'includes/footer.inc';
 function EmailOffer()
     $Subject = _('Offer received from') . ' ' . $this->GetSupplierName();
     $Message = _('This email is automatically generated by webERP') . "\n" . _('You have received the following offer from') . ' ' . $this->GetSupplierName() . "\n\n" . $this->OfferMailText;
     $Headers = 'From: ' . $this->GetSupplierEmail() . "\r\n" . 'Reply-To: ' . $this->GetSupplierEmail() . "\r\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();
     if ($_SESSION['SmtpSetting'] == 1) {
         include 'includes/htmlMimeMail.php';
         $mail = new htmlMimeMail();
         $mail->setHeader('Reply-To', $this->GetSupplierEmail());
     if ($_SESSION['SmtpSetting'] == 0) {
         $result = mail($_SESSION['PurchasingManagerEmail'], $Subject, $Message, $Headers);
     } else {
         $result = SendmailBySmtp($mail, array($Supplier->EmailAddress, $_SESSION['PurchasingManagerEmail']));
     return $result;
    $Recipient[$i] = "<" . $Recipient[$i] . ">";
$AllowAnyone = true;
include 'includes/session.inc';
include 'includes/ConstructSQLForUserDefinedSalesReport.inc';
include 'includes/PDFSalesAnalysis.inc';
include 'includes/htmlMimeMail.php';
$mail = new htmlMimeMail();
if ($Counter > 0) {
    /* the number of lines of the sales report is more than 0  ie there is a report to send! */
    $pdfcode = $pdf->output();
    $fp = fopen($_SESSION['reports_dir'] . "/" . $reportname, "wb");
    fwrite($fp, $pdfcode);
    $attachment = $mail->getFile($_SESSION['reports_dir'] . "/" . $reportname);
    $mail->setText($mailtext . "\nPlease find herewith " . $reportname . "  report");
    $mail->setSubject($reportname . " Report");
    $mail->addAttachment($attachment, $reportname, 'application/pdf');
    if ($_SESSION['SmtpSetting'] == 0) {
        $result = $mail->send($Recipients);
    } else {
        $result = SendmailBySmtp($mail, $Recipients);
} else {
    $mail->setText("Error running automated sales report number {$ReportID}");
    if ($_SESSION['SmtpSetting'] == 0) {
        $mail->setFrom("Do_not_reply_" . $_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['coyname'] . "<" . $_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['email'] . ">");
        $result = $mail->send($Recipients);
    } else {
        $result = SendmailBySmtp($mail, $Recipients);
Example #14
    $sql = "SELECT COUNT(salesorderdetails.orderno)\n\t\tFROM salesorderdetails INNER JOIN debtortrans\n\t\t\tON salesorderdetails.orderno=debtortrans.order_ INNER JOIN stockmaster\n\t\t\tON salesorderdetails.stkcode=stockmaster.stockid INNER JOIN salesorders\n\t\t\tON salesorderdetails.orderno = salesorders.orderno INNER JOIN locationusers\n\t\t\tON locationusers.loccode=salesorders.fromstkloc AND locationusers.userid='" . $_SESSION['UserID'] . "' AND locationusers.canview=1\n\t\tWHERE debtortrans.trandate>='" . FormatDateForSQL($_POST['FromDate']) . "'\n\t\tAND debtortrans.trandate <='" . FormatDateForSQL($_POST['ToDate']) . "'\n\t\tAND stockmaster.categoryid='" . $_POST['CategoryID'] . "'";
} elseif ($_POST['CategoryID'] == 'All' and $_POST['Location'] != 'All') {
    $sql = "SELECT COUNT(salesorderdetails.orderno)\n\t\tFROM salesorderdetails INNER JOIN debtortrans\n\t\t\tON salesorderdetails.orderno=debtortrans.order_ INNER JOIN salesorders\n\t\t\tON salesorderdetails.orderno = salesorders.orderno INNER JOIN locationusers\n\t\t\tON locationusers.loccode=salesorders.fromstkloc AND locationusers.userid='" . $_SESSION['UserID'] . "' AND locationusers.canview=1\n\t\tWHERE debtortrans.trandate>='" . FormatDateForSQL($_POST['FromDate']) . "'\n\t\tAND debtortrans.trandate <='" . FormatDateForSQL($_POST['ToDate']) . "'\n\t\tAND salesorders.fromstkloc='" . $_POST['Location'] . "'";
} elseif ($_POST['CategoryID'] != 'All' and $_POST['Location'] != 'All') {
    $sql = "SELECT COUNT(salesorderdetails.orderno)\n\t\tFROM salesorderdetails INNER JOIN debtortrans ON salesorderdetails.orderno=debtortrans.order_\n\t\t\tINNER JOIN salesorders ON salesorderdetails.orderno = salesorders.orderno\n\t\t\tINNER JOIN locationusers ON locationusers.loccode=salesorders.fromstkloc AND locationusers.userid='" . $_SESSION['UserID'] . "' AND locationusers.canview=1\n\t\t\tINNER JOIN stockmaster ON salesorderdetails.stkcode = stockmaster.stockid\n\t\tWHERE salesorders.fromstkloc ='" . $_POST['Location'] . "'\n\t\tAND categoryid='" . $_POST['CategoryID'] . "'\n\t\tAND trandate >='" . FormatDateForSQL($_POST['FromDate']) . "'\n\t\tAND trandate <= '" . FormatDateForSQL($_POST['ToDate']) . "'";
$ErrMsg = _('Could not retrieve the count of sales order lines in the period under review');
$result = DB_query($sql, $ErrMsg);
$myrow = DB_fetch_row($result);
$YPos -= $line_height;
$LeftOvers = $pdf->addTextWrap($Left_Margin, $YPos, 200, $FontSize, _('Total number of order lines') . ' ' . locale_number_format($myrow[0]), 'left');
$YPos -= $line_height;
$LeftOvers = $pdf->addTextWrap($Left_Margin, $YPos, 200, $FontSize, _('DIFOT') . ' ' . locale_number_format((1 - $TotalDiffs / $myrow[0]) * 100, 2) . '%', 'left');
$ReportFileName = $_SESSION['DatabaseName'] . '_DIFOT_' . date('Y-m-d') . '.pdf';
if ($_POST['Email'] == 'Yes') {
    $pdf->Output($_SESSION['reports_dir'] . '/' . $ReportFileName, 'F');
    include 'includes/htmlMimeMail.php';
    $mail = new htmlMimeMail();
    $attachment = $mail->getFile($_SESSION['reports_dir'] . '/' . $ReportFileName);
    $mail->setText(_('Please find herewith DIFOT report from') . ' ' . $_POST['FromDate'] . ' ' . _('to') . ' ' . $_POST['ToDate']);
    $mail->addAttachment($attachment, 'DIFOT.pdf', 'application/pdf');
    $mail->setFrom($_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['coyname'] . '<' . $_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['email'] . '>');
    if ($_SESSION['SmtpSetting'] == 0) {
        $mail->setFrom($_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['coyname'] . ' <' . $_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['email'] . '>');
        $result = $mail->send(array($_SESSION['FactoryManagerEmail']));
    } else {
        $result = SendmailBySmtp($mail, array($_SESSION['FactoryManagerEmail']));
Example #15
     $a2 = $mail->getFile('temp/mail_attachs/' . $_REQUEST["attach2file"]);
     $mail->addAttachment($a2, $_REQUEST["attach2"], $_REQUEST["attach2type"]);
     @unlink('temp/mail_attachs/' . $_REQUEST["attach2file"]);
 if ($_REQUEST["attach3"]) {
     $a3 = $mail->getFile('temp/mail_attachs/' . $_REQUEST["attach3file"]);
     $mail->addAttachment($a3, $_REQUEST["attach3"], $_REQUEST["attach3type"]);
     @unlink('temp/mail_attachs/' . $_REQUEST["attach3file"]);
 $mail->setSMTPParams($current["smtp"], $current["smtpPort"], '', $current["useAuth"], $current["username"], $current["pass"]);
 if (isset($_REQUEST["useHTML"]) && $_REQUEST["useHTML"] == 'on') {
     $mail->setHTML($_REQUEST["body"], strip_tags($_REQUEST["body"]));
 } else {
 $to_array_1 = split('[, ;]', $_REQUEST["to"]);
 $to_array = array();
 foreach ($to_array_1 as $to_1) {
     if (!empty($to_1)) {
         $to_array[] = $to_1;
 $to_array = $webmaillib->parse_nicknames($to_array);
 // Get email addresses not in the address book
 $not_contacts = $webmaillib->are_contacts($to_array, $user);
 if (count($not_contacts) > 0) {
     $smarty->assign('notcon', 'y');
 } else {
     $smarty->assign('notcon', 'n');
Example #16
 * Send e-mails
 * @param String $to      Recipient mail address
 * @param String $subject Subject
 * @param String $message Mail content
 * @param String $from    Sender mail address
 * @param Array  $headers Additional mail headers
 * @return Bool Returs true if mail has been sent
function send_mail($to, $subject, $message, $from, $headers = NULL)
    global $configuration;
    $mail = new htmlMimeMail();
    if ($configuration['mail_type'] == 'smtp') {
        $type = 'smtp';
        $smtp = $configuration['smtp'];
        $mail->setSMTPParams($smtp['host'], $smtp['port'], $smtp['helo'], $smtp['auth'], $smtp['user'], $smtp['pass']);
    } else {
        $type = 'mail';
    // Set additional mail headers
    $html = false;
    if (is_array($headers)) {
        foreach ($headers as $name => $value) {
            $mail->setHeader($name, $value);
            if (strtolower($name) == 'content-type' and preg_match('#text/html#i', $value)) {
                $html = true;
            // Set return path
            if (strtolower($name) == 'return-path') {
    if ($html != true) {
    $result = $mail->send(array($to), $type);
    if ($result) {
        return true;
        /*Then set up a new page */
        include 'includes/PDFChequeListingPageHeader.inc';
    /*end of new page header  */
/* end of while there are customer receipts in the batch to print */
$YPos -= $line_height;
$LeftOvers = $pdf->addTextWrap($Left_Margin, $YPos, 60, $FontSize, locale_money_format($TotalCheques, $Currency), 'right');
$LeftOvers = $pdf->addTextWrap($Left_Margin + 65, $YPos, 300, $FontSize, _('TOTAL') . ' ' . $Currency . ' ' . _('CHEQUES'), 'left');
$ReportFileName = $_SESSION['DatabaseName'] . '_ChequeListing_' . date('Y-m-d') . '.pdf';
if ($_POST['Email'] == 'Yes') {
    if (file_exists($_SESSION['reports_dir'] . '/' . $ReportFileName)) {
        unlink($_SESSION['reports_dir'] . '/' . $ReportFileName);
    $fp = fopen($_SESSION['reports_dir'] . '/' . $ReportFileName, 'wb');
    fwrite($fp, $pdfcode);
    include 'includes/htmlMimeMail.php';
    $mail = new htmlMimeMail();
    $attachment = $mail->getFile($_SESSION['reports_dir'] . '/' . $ReportFileName);
    $mail->setText(_('Please find herewith payments listing from') . ' ' . $_POST['FromDate'] . ' ' . _('to') . ' ' . $_POST['ToDate']);
    $mail->addAttachment($attachment, 'PaymentListing.pdf', 'application/pdf');
    $mail->setFrom(array('"' . $_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['coyname'] . '" <' . $_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['email'] . '>'));
    /* $ChkListingRecipients defined in config.php */
    $result = $mail->send($ChkListingRecipients);
    $TotalGP = ($TotalSalesValue - $TotalSalesCost) / $TotalSalesValue * 100;
} else {
    $TotalGP = 0;
$LeftOvers = $pdf->addTextWrap($Left_Margin + $Col2, $YPos, $Col3 - $Col2 - 5, $FontSize, _('Monthly Invoiced Total'), 'left');
$LeftOvers = $pdf->addTextWrap($Left_Margin + $Col6, $YPos, $Col7 - $Col6 - 5, $FontSize, locale_number_format($TotalSalesVolume, $_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['decimalplaces']), 'right');
$LeftOvers = $pdf->addTextWrap($Left_Margin + $Col7, $YPos, $Col8 - $Col7 - 5, $FontSize, locale_number_format($TotalSalesValue, $_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['decimalplaces']), 'right');
$LeftOvers = $pdf->addTextWrap($Left_Margin + $Col8, $YPos, $Col9 - $Col8 - 5, $FontSize, locale_number_format($TotalSalesCost, $_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['decimalplaces']), 'right');
$LeftOvers = $pdf->addTextWrap($Left_Margin + $Col9, $YPos, $Col10 - $Col9 - 5, $FontSize, locale_number_format($TotalGP, 2), 'right');
include 'includes/htmlMimeMail.php';
$filename = $_SESSION['reports_dir'] . '/WeeklyOrders.pdf';
$pdf->Output($filename, 'F');
$mail = new htmlMimeMail();
$attachment = $mail->getFile($filename);
$mail->setText(_('Please find the weekly order report'));
$mail->setSubject(_('Weekly Orders Report'));
$mail->addAttachment($attachment, $filename, 'application/pdf');
if ($_SESSION['SmtpSetting'] == 0) {
    $mail->setFrom($_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['coyname'] . '<' . $_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['email'] . '>');
    $result = $mail->send($Recipients);
} else {
    $result = SendmailBySmtp($mail, $Recipients);
if ($result) {
    $Title = _('Print Weekly Orders');
    include 'includes/header.inc';
    prnMsg(_('The Weekly Orders report has been mailed'), 'success');
    echo '<br /><a href="' . $RootPath . '/index.php">' . _('Back to the menu') . '</a>';
    include 'includes/footer.inc';
// get me the report name from the command line
$_GET['ReportID'] = $reportnumber;
$Recipients = explode(";", $emailaddresses);
//wrap in angles so that mail can accept it
for ($i = 0; $i < count($Recipients); $i++) {
    $Recipient[$i] = "<" . $Recipient[$i] . ">";
$AllowAnyone = true;
include 'includes/session.inc';
include 'includes/ConstructSQLForUserDefinedSalesReport.inc';
include 'includes/PDFSalesAnalysis.inc';
include 'includes/htmlMimeMail.php';
$mail = new htmlMimeMail();
if ($Counter > 0) {
    /* the number of lines of the sales report is more than 0  ie there is a report to send! */
    $pdfcode = $pdf->output();
    $fp = fopen($_SESSION['reports_dir'] . "/" . $reportname, "wb");
    fwrite($fp, $pdfcode);
    $attachment = $mail->getFile($_SESSION['reports_dir'] . "/" . $reportname);
    $mail->setText($mailtext . "\nPlease find herewith " . $reportname . "  report");
    $mail->setSubject($reportname . " Report");
    $mail->addAttachment($attachment, $reportname, 'application/pdf');
    $result = $mail->send($Recipients);
} else {
    $mail->setText("Error running automated sales report number {$ReportID}");
    $mail->setFrom("Do_not_reply_" . $_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['coyname'] . "<" . $_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['email'] . ">");
    $result = $mail->send($Recipients);
Example #20
 * Find the specified error message, and return the first found with the following precedence:
 * 1. Current language(s) set by setMsgLangage()
 * 2. English message
 * 3. Debug message
 * 4. Generic error
 * Each language can be found through ['lnk'] if needed
 * Tags (%1..%n) in the message are replaced by mixed arguments specified after $errNum.
 * Ex: errorMsg(55, $domainName)
 * if 'dbg' is found in ['add'] or $DisplayDbg is true, the 'dbg' version is appended to the found version.
function errorMsg($errNum = GENERIC_ERROR_NUM)
    // Find specified message using precedence rules
    global $MsgLanguages;
    $precedence = array(array($errNum, $MsgLanguages == 'all' ? array('en', 'fr', 'de') : $MsgLanguages), array($errNum, array('en')), array($errNum, array('dbg')), array(GENERIC_ERROR_NUM, $MsgLanguages), array(GENERIC_ERROR_NUM, array('en')));
    global $ErrMsgs;
    $args = func_get_args();
    $msg = '';
    foreach ($precedence as $rule) {
        // Find message
        list($actualErrNum, $languages) = $rule;
        foreach ($languages as $lg) {
            if (isset($ErrMsgs[$actualErrNum][$lg]) && $ErrMsgs[$actualErrNum][$lg] != 'TODO') {
                appendToMsg($msg, $errNum, $ErrMsgs[$actualErrNum][$lg], $args);
            } else {
                if (isset($ErrMsgs[$actualErrNum]['lnk']) && isset($ErrMsgs[$actualErrNum]['lnk'][$lg]) && $ErrMsgs[$actualErrNum]['lnk'][$lg] != 'TODO') {
                    appendToMsg($msg, $errNum, $ErrMsgs[$actualErrNum]['lnk'][$lg], $args);
        // Try next rule only if not found
        if (!empty($msg)) {
    // Add debug version if needed
    global $DisplayDbg;
    $msgHasDebug = in_array('dbg', $languages);
    $logExtMsg = '';
    if (!$msgHasDebug && isset($ErrMsgs[$actualErrNum]['dbg'])) {
        if ($DisplayDbg || isset($ErrMsgs[$actualErrNum]['add']) && $ErrMsgs[$actualErrNum]['add'] == 'dbg') {
            $msg .= '[' . $ErrMsgs[$actualErrNum]['dbg'] . "]\n";
        } else {
            $logExtMsg .= '[' . $ErrMsgs[$actualErrNum]['dbg'] . ']';
        // to log message
    // Get mail data if specified
    $mailData = isset($ErrMsgs[$actualErrNum]['mail']) ? $ErrMsgs[$actualErrNum]['mail'] : (isset($ErrMsgs[$actualErrNum]['lnk']['mail']) ? $ErrMsgs[$actualErrNum]['lnk']['mail'] : array());
    // Apply params if applicable
    $numArgs = func_num_args();
    if ($numArgs > 1) {
        for ($i = 0; $i != $numArgs; ++$i) {
            $msg = str_replace("%{$i}", $args[$i], $msg);
            $logExtMsg = str_replace("%{$i}", $args[$i], $logExtMsg);
            $mIdx = 0;
            foreach ($mailData as $field) {
                $mailData[$mIdx] = str_replace("%{$i}", $args[$i], $field);
    // Log technical errors if possible
    $logMode = isset($ErrMsgs[$actualErrNum]['log']) ? $ErrMsgs[$actualErrNum]['log'] : (isset($ErrMsgs[$actualErrNum]['lnk']['log']) ? $ErrMsgs[$actualErrNum]['lnk']['log'] : true);
    if ($logMode && class_exists('CWwwLog')) {
        $logFile = new CWwwLog();
        // message is already logged by ob_callback_r2login()
    // Send email if specified
    if (!empty($mailData) && count($mailData) >= 3) {
        include_once 'email/htmlMimeMail.php';
        $mail = new htmlMimeMail();
        $mail->setText('Application: ' . $_GET['clientApplication'] . ' - Login: '******'login'] . "\n" . $mailData[2]);
        $result = $mail->send(array($mailData[0]));
    return $msg;
and an array of the receipients */
/*The following three variables need to be modified for the report - the company database to use and the receipients */
/*The Sales report to send */
$_GET['ReportID'] = 2;
/*The company database to use */
$DatabaseName = 'kwamojademo';
/*The people to receive the emailed report */
$Recipients = array('"Root" <root@localhost>', '"' . _('someone else') . '" <*****@*****.**>');
$AllowAnyone = true;
include 'includes/session.inc';
include 'includes/ConstructSQLForUserDefinedSalesReport.inc';
include 'includes/PDFSalesAnalysis.inc';
include 'includes/htmlMimeMail.php';
$mail = new htmlMimeMail();
if ($Counter > 0) {
    /* the number of lines of the sales report is more than 0  ie there is a report to send! */
    $pdfcode = $pdf->output();
    $fp = fopen($_SESSION['reports_dir'] . '/SalesReport.pdf', 'wb');
    fwrite($fp, $pdfcode);
    $attachment = $mail->getFile($_SESSION['reports_dir'] . '/SalesReport.pdf');
    $mail->setText(_('Please find herewith sales report'));
    $mail->SetSubject(_('Sales Analysis Report'));
    $mail->addAttachment($attachment, 'SalesReport.pdf', 'application/pdf');
    $mail->setFrom($_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['coyname'] . '<' . $_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['email'] . '>');
    $result = $mail->send($Recipients);
} else {
    $mail->setText(_('Error running automated sales report number') . ' ' . $ReportID);
    $mail->setFrom($_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['coyname'] . '<' . $_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['email'] . '>');
    $result = $mail->send($Recipients);
Example #22
* Create the mail object.
$mail = new htmlMimeMail();
* Read the file test.zip into $attachment.
$attachment = $mail->getFile('example.zip');
* Since we're sending a plain text email,
* we only need to read in the text file.
$text = $mail->getFile('example.txt');
* To set the text body of the email, we
* are using the setText() function. This
* is an alternative to the setHtml() function
* which would obviously be inappropriate here.
* This is used to add an attachment to
* the email.
$mail->addAttachment($attachment, 'example.zip', 'application/zip');
* Sends the message.
$mail->setFrom('Joe <*****@*****.**>');
$result = $mail->send(array('"Richard" <postmaster@localhost>'));
echo $result ? 'Mail sent!' : 'Failed to send mail';
 /*end if there are order details to show on the order*/
 //} /* end of check to see that there was an order selected to print */
 $Success = 1;
 //assume the best and email goes - has to be set to 1 to allow update status
 if ($MakePDFThenDisplayIt) {
     $pdf->OutputD($_SESSION['DatabaseName'] . '_PurchaseOrder_' . $OrderNo . '_' . date('Y-m-d') . '.pdf');
 } else {
     /* must be MakingPDF to email it */
     $PdfFileName = $_SESSION['DatabaseName'] . '_PurchaseOrder_' . $OrderNo . '_' . date('Y-m-d') . '.pdf';
     $pdf->Output($_SESSION['reports_dir'] . '/' . $PdfFileName, 'F');
     include 'includes/htmlMimeMail.php';
     $mail = new htmlMimeMail();
     $attachment = $mail->getFile($_SESSION['reports_dir'] . '/' . $PdfFileName);
     $mail->setText(_('Please find herewith our purchase order number') . ' ' . $OrderNo);
     $mail->setSubject(_('Purchase Order Number') . ' ' . $OrderNo);
     $mail->addAttachment($attachment, $PdfFileName, 'application/pdf');
     $mail->setFrom($_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['coyname'] . '<' . $_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['email'] . '>');
     $Success = $mail->send(array($_POST['EmailTo']));
     if ($Success == 1) {
         $title = _('Email a Purchase Order');
         include 'includes/header.inc';
         echo '<div class="centre"><br /><br /><br />';
         prnMsg(_('Purchase Order') . ' ' . $OrderNo . ' ' . _('has been emailed to') . ' ' . $_POST['EmailTo'] . ' ' . _('as directed'), 'success');
     } else {
         //email failed
         $title = _('Email a Purchase Order');
         include 'includes/header.inc';
         echo '<div class="centre"><br /><br /><br />';
         prnMsg(_('Emailing Purchase order') . ' ' . $OrderNo . ' ' . _('to') . ' ' . $_POST['EmailTo'] . ' ' . _('failed'), 'error');
     /* end of check to see that there was an invoice record to print */
 /* end loop to print invoices */
 /* Put the transaction number back as would have been incremented by one after last pass */
 if (isset($_GET['Email'])) {
     //email the invoice to address supplied
     include 'includes/header.inc';
     include 'includes/htmlMimeMail.php';
     $FileName = $_SESSION['reports_dir'] . '/' . $_SESSION['DatabaseName'] . '_' . $InvOrCredit . '_' . $FromTransNo . '.pdf';
     $pdf->Output($FileName, 'F');
     $mail = new htmlMimeMail();
     $Attachment = $mail->getFile($FileName);
     $mail->setText(_('Please find attached') . ' ' . $InvOrCredit . ' ' . $FromTransNo);
     $mail->SetSubject($InvOrCredit . ' ' . $FromTransNo);
     $mail->addAttachment($Attachment, $FileName, 'application/pdf');
     if ($_SESSION['SmtpSetting'] == 0) {
         $mail->setFrom($_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['coyname'] . ' <' . $_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['email'] . '>');
         $result = $mail->send(array($_GET['Email']));
     } else {
         $result = SendmailBySmtp($mail, array($_GET['Email']));
     //delete the temporary file
     $Title = _('Emailing') . ' ' . $InvOrCredit . ' ' . _('Number') . ' ' . $FromTransNo;
     include 'includes/header.inc';
     echo '<p>' . $InvOrCredit . ' ' . _('number') . ' ' . $FromTransNo . ' ' . _('has been emailed to') . ' ' . $_GET['Email'];
     include 'includes/footer.inc';
Example #25
 		echo '<p>' . _('There were no transactions to print in the range selected');
 if (isset($_GET['Email'])) {
     //email the invoice to address supplied
     include 'includes/header.inc';
     include 'includes/htmlMimeMail.php';
     $mail = new htmlMimeMail();
     $filename = $_SESSION['reports_dir'] . '/Invoice.pdf';
     $fp = fopen($_SESSION['reports_dir'] . '/Invoice.pdf', 'wb');
     fwrite($fp, $pdfcode);
     $attachment = $mail->getFile($filename);
     $mail->setText(_('Please find attached') . ' ' . $InvOrCredit . ' ' . $_GET['FromTransNo']);
     $mail->SetSubject($InvOrCredit . ' ' . $_GET['FromTransNo']);
     $mail->addAttachment($attachment, $filename, 'application/pdf');
     $mail->setFrom($_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['coyname'] . ' <' . $_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['email'] . '>');
     $result = $mail->send(array($_GET['Email']));
     //delete the temporary file
     $title = _('Emailing') . ' ' . $InvOrCredit . ' ' . _('Number') . ' ' . $FromTransNo;
     include 'includes/header.inc';
     echo "<p>{$InvOrCredit} " . _('number') . ' ' . $_GET['FromTransNo'] . ' ' . _('has been emailed to') . ' ' . $_GET['Email'];
     include 'includes/footer.inc';
 } else {
     header('Content-type: application/pdf');
     header('Content-Length: ' . $len);
     header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename=Customer_trans.pdf');

/* $Revision: 1.7 $ */
/*Now this is not secure so a malicious user could send multiple emails of the report to the intended receipients

The intention is that this script is called from cron at intervals defined with a command like:

/usr/bin/wget http://localhost/web-erp/MailSalesReport.php

The configuration of this script requires the id of the sales analysis report to send
and an array of the receipients and the company database to use*/
/*The Sales report to send */
$ReportID = 4;
/*The company database to use */
$DatabaseName = 'weberp';
/*The people to receive the emailed report */
$Recipients = array('"Root" <root@localhost>', '"someone else" <*****@*****.**>');
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
$AllowAnyone = true;
include 'includes/session.inc';
include 'includes/ConstructSQLForUserDefinedSalesReport.inc';
include 'includes/CSVSalesAnalysis.inc';
include 'includes/htmlMimeMail.php';
$mail = new htmlMimeMail();
$attachment = $mail->getFile($_SESSION['reports_dir'] . '/SalesAnalysis.csv');
$mail->setText(_('Please find herewith the comma seperated values sales report'));
$mail->addAttachment($attachment, 'SalesAnalysis.csv', 'application/csv');
$mail->setSubject(_('Sales Analysis') . ' - ' . _('CSV Format'));
$mail->setFrom($_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['coyname'] . '<' . $_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['email'] . '>');
$result = $mail->send($Recipients);
        $DbgMsg = _('The following SQL to insert the debtor transaction record was used');
        $Result = DB_query($SQL, $db, $ErrMsg, $DbgMsg, true);
        $DebtorTransID = DB_Last_Insert_ID($db, 'debtortrans', 'id');
        $SQL = 'INSERT INTO debtortranstaxes (debtortransid,
				VALUES (' . $DebtorTransID . ',
					' . $TaxAuthID . ',
					' . $Tax['FXAmount'] / $CurrencyRate . ')';
        $ErrMsg = _('CRITICAL ERROR') . '! ' . _('NOTE DOWN THIS ERROR AND SEEK ASSISTANCE') . ': ' . _('The debtor transaction taxes records could not be inserted because');
        $DbgMsg = _('The following SQL to insert the debtor transaction taxes record was used');
        $Result = DB_query($SQL, $db, $ErrMsg, $DbgMsg, true);
        $SQL = 'COMMIT';
        $Result = DB_query($SQL, $db);
        echo _('Invoice number') . ' ' . $InvoiceNo . ' ' . _('processed') . '<BR>';
        $EmailText .= "\n" . _('This recurring order was set to produce the invoice automatically on invoice number') . ' ' . $InvoiceNo;
    /*end if the recurring order is set to auto invoice */
    if (IsEmailAddress($RecurrOrderRow['email'])) {
        $mail = new htmlMimeMail();
        $mail->setSubject(_('Recurring Order Created Advice'));
        $mail->setFrom($_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['coyname'] . "<" . $_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['email'] . ">");
        $result = $mail->send(array($RecurrOrderRow['email']));
    } else {
        prnMsg(_('No email advice was sent for this order because the location has no email contact defined with a valid email address'), 'warn');
/*end while there are recurring orders due to have a new order created */
include 'includes/footer.inc';
Example #28
 function subscriber_sendspam()
     if (!$this->haveAccessTo('sendspam-subscribers')) {
         return $this->showAccessDenied();
     $aData = array();
     $aSelectedEmails = func::POSTGET('user_id', false);
     if (is_array($aSelectedEmails)) {
         $aSelectedEmails = array_unique($aSelectedEmails);
     $sFrom = self::SENDSPAM_FROM;
     if (func::isPostMethod() || func::POSTGET('submit') == 'send') {
         $sSubject = func::POSTGET('subject', true);
         $sBody = func::POSTGET('body', true);
         if (!$sSubject) {
         if (!$sBody) {
         if (!is_array($aSelectedEmails) || count($aSelectedEmails) == 0) {
         if ($this->errors->no()) {
             include PATH_CORE . 'mail/htmlMimeMail.php';
             $nCountSuccessfull = 0;
             $nCountUnsuccessfull = 0;
             $aEmailsSuccessfull = array();
             $oMail = new htmlMimeMail();
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($aSelectedEmails); $i++) {
                 if (@$oMail->send(array($aSelectedEmails[$i]))) {
                     $aEmailsSuccessfull[] = $aSelectedEmails[$i];
                 } else {
             if ($nCountUnsuccessfull == 0) {
                 $this->adminRedirect(Errors::SUCCESSFULL, 'subscriber_sendspam');
             } else {
                 $this->errors->set('result_of_sendmail', false, 'успешно - ' . $nCountSuccessfull . ' / с ошибками - ' . $nCountUnsuccessfull);
                 //leave only unsuccessfull emails :)
                 $aSelectedEmails = array_diff($aSelectedEmails, $aEmailsSuccessfull);
         $aData = $_REQUEST;
     $aSubscribers = $this->db->select('SELECT id, email, name FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'subscribers ORDER BY name');
     $htmlExistsOptions = '';
     $htmlReceiversOptions = '';
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($aSubscribers); $i++) {
         if (!$aSubscribers[$i]['email']) {
         $htmlItem = '<option value="' . $aSubscribers[$i]['email'] . '">' . $aSubscribers[$i]['name'] . ' &lt;' . $aSubscribers[$i]['email'] . '&gt; </option>';
         if (is_array($aSelectedEmails) && in_array($aSubscribers[$i]['email'], $aSelectedEmails)) {
             $htmlReceiversOptions .= $htmlItem;
         } else {
             $htmlExistsOptions .= $htmlItem;
     $aData['from'] = $sFrom;
     $this->tplAssign('aData', $aData);
     $this->tplAssign("exists_values", $htmlExistsOptions);
     $this->tplAssign("sendtousers_options", $htmlReceiversOptions);
     return $this->tplFetch('admin.subscriber.sendspam.tpl');
         $SQL = "UPDATE stockrequestitems\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSET completed=1\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE dispatchid='" . $RequestID . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND dispatchitemsid='" . $LineID . "'";
         $Result = DB_query($SQL, $db, $ErrMsg, $DbgMsg, true);
     $Result = DB_Txn_Commit($db);
     $ConfirmationText = _('An internal stock request for') . ' ' . $StockID . ' ' . _('has been fulfilled from location') . ' ' . $Location . ' ' . _('for a quantity of') . ' ' . locale_number_format($Quantity, $DecimalPlaces);
     prnMsg($ConfirmationText, 'success');
     if ($_SESSION['InventoryManagerEmail'] != '') {
         $ConfirmationText = $ConfirmationText . ' ' . _('by user') . ' ' . $_SESSION['UserID'] . ' ' . _('at') . ' ' . Date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         $EmailSubject = _('Internal Stock Request Fulfillment for') . ' ' . $StockID;
         if ($_SESSION['SmtpSetting'] == 0) {
             mail($_SESSION['InventoryManagerEmail'], $EmailSubject, $ConfirmationText);
         } else {
             include 'includes/htmlMimeMail.php';
             $mail = new htmlMimeMail();
             $result = SendmailBySmtp($mail, array($_SESSION['InventoryManagerEmail']));
 } else {
     $ConfirmationText = _('An internal stock request for') . ' ' . $StockID . ' ' . _('has been fulfilled from location') . ' ' . $Location . ' ' . _('for a quantity of') . ' ' . locale_number_format($Quantity, $DecimalPlaces) . ' ' . _('cannot be created as there is insufficient stock and your system is configured to not allow negative stocks');
     prnMsg($ConfirmationText, 'warn');
 // Check if request can be closed and close if done.
 if (isset($RequestID)) {
     $SQL = "SELECT dispatchid\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM stockrequestitems\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE dispatchid='" . $RequestID . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND completed=0";
     $Result = DB_query($SQL, $db);
     if (DB_num_rows($Result) == 0) {
         $SQL = "UPDATE stockrequest\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSET closed=1\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE dispatchid='" . $RequestID . "'";
         $Result = DB_query($SQL, $db);
Example #30
    $Title = _('Inventory Valuation') . ' - ' . _('Problem Report');
    include 'includes/header.inc';
    prnMsg(_('There are no members of the Sales Analysis Report Recipients email group'), 'warn');
    include 'includes/footer.inc';
include 'includes/ConstructSQLForUserDefinedSalesReport.inc';
include 'includes/PDFSalesAnalysis.inc';
include 'includes/htmlMimeMail.php';
$mail = new htmlMimeMail();
if ($Counter > 0) {
    $pdf->Output($_SESSION['reports_dir'] . '/SalesAnalysis_' . date('Y-m-d') . '.pdf', 'F');
    //save to file
    $attachment = $mail->getFile($_SESSION['reports_dir'] . '/SalesAnalysis_' . date('Y-m-d') . '.pdf');
    $mail->setText(_('Please find herewith sales report'));
    $mail->SetSubject(_('Sales Analysis Report'));
    $mail->addAttachment($attachment, 'SalesAnalysis_' . date('Y-m-d') . '.pdf', 'application/pdf');
    if ($_SESSION['SmtpSetting'] == 0) {
        $mail->setFrom($_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['coyname'] . '<' . $_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['email'] . '>');
        $result = $mail->send($Recipients);
    } else {
        $result = SendmailBySmtp($mail, $Recipients);
} else {
    $mail->setText(_('Error running automated sales report number') . ' ' . $ReportID);
    if ($_SESSION['SmtpSetting'] == 0) {
        $mail->setFrom($_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['coyname'] . '<' . $_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['email'] . '>');
        $result = $mail->send($Recipients);
    } else {
        $result = SendmailBySmtp($mail, $Recipients);