				<div class="inside">
        echo $metaOpts['adminOptsContent'];
	<div style="clear: both;"></div>
echo htmlCsp::hidden('reqType', array('value' => 'ajax'));
echo htmlCsp::hidden('page', array('value' => 'options'));
echo htmlCsp::hidden('action', array('value' => 'saveGroup'));
echo htmlCsp::submit('saveAll', array('value' => langCsp::_('Save All Changes'), 'attrs' => 'class="button button-primary button-large"'));
	<div id="cspAdminMetaOptionsMsg"></div>
Example #2
<form id="cspAdminAccessFormRole">
    <td>Only users at or above this level will be able to log in:</td>
$selected = frameCsp::_()->getTable('access')->get('access', array('type_access' => 3));
echo htmlCsp::selectbox('roleCsp', array('attrs' => 'style="float:left; width:120px; margin-right:8px;"', 'options' => $this->selectRole, 'value' => $selected[0]['access']));
echo htmlCsp::hidden('reqType', array('value' => 'ajax'));
echo htmlCsp::hidden('page', array('value' => 'access'));
echo htmlCsp::hidden('action', array('value' => 'saveRole'));
echo htmlCsp::submit('submitRole', array('value' => langCsp::_('Save'), 'attrs' => 'class="button button-primary button-large" style="float:right;"'));
dispatcherCsp::doAction('subscribe_' . $this->code . '_SettingsEnd');
echo htmlCsp::hidden('page', array('value' => 'options'));
echo htmlCsp::hidden('action', array('value' => 'saveGroup'));
echo htmlCsp::hidden('reqType', array('value' => 'ajax'));
echo htmlCsp::submit('save', array('value' => langCsp::_('Save')));
									<td class="cspEngineSubscribeOptionsFormMsg"></td>

				<div id="id_<?php 
echo $this->code;
_ExportCsp" class="postbox cspAdminTemplateOptRow" style="display: block;">
					<div class="handlediv" title="<?php 
langCsp::_e('Click to toggle');
Example #4
			<p>There are so many features, so we can't post it here. Like:</p>
				<li>Works with any WordPress Theme</li>
				<li>Build with HTML5 & CSS3</li>
				<li>Responsive. Work on any device</li>
				<li>Access controls (Restrict By User Role, IP Address)</li>
				<li>Social integration (Facebook, Tweeter, Google+, YouTube, Instagram)</li>
			<p>So check full features list <a target="_blank" href="">here</a>.</p>
		<div class="clear"></div>

echo htmlCsp::hidden('pl', array('value' => CSP_CODE));
echo htmlCsp::hidden('page', array('value' => 'promo_ready'));
echo htmlCsp::hidden('action', array('value' => 'welcomePageSaveInfo'));
echo htmlCsp::submit('gonext', array('value' => 'Thank for check info. Start using plugin.', 'attrs' => 'class="button button-primary button-hero"'));
echo htmlCsp::hidden('original_page', array('value' => reqCsp::getVar('page')));
		<span id="toeWelcomePageFindUsMsg"></span>
echo htmlCsp::hidden('page', array('value' => 'options'));
echo htmlCsp::hidden('action', array('value' => 'activatePlugin'));
echo htmlCsp::hidden('reqType', array('value' => 'ajax'));
echo htmlCsp::hidden('plugName');
echo htmlCsp::hidden('goto');
echo htmlCsp::submit('activate', array('value' => langCsp::_('Activate')));
			<br />
			<div id="toeModActivationPopupMsgCsp"></div>
langCsp::_e('To get your keys - go to');
		<a target="_blank" href=""></a>
langCsp::_e('and copy & paste key from your ordered extension here.');
foreach ($formData as $key => $val) {
    if (is_array($val)) {
        foreach ($val as $subKey => $subVal) {
            echo htmlCsp::hidden($key . '[' . $subKey . ']', array('value' => $subVal));
    } else {
        echo htmlCsp::hidden($key, array('value' => $val));
        <table width="100%">
langCsp::_e('Delete Plugin Data (options, setup data, database tables, etc.)');
echo htmlCsp::radiobuttons('deleteOptions', array('options' => array('No', 'Yes')));
echo htmlCsp::submit('toeGo', array('value' => langCsp::_('Done')));
echo htmlCsp::formEnd();
: <?php 
echo htmlCsp::selectbox('shortcodeType', array('optionsCsp' => $this->shortcodesSelectOptions));
            <div class="toeInsertShortcodeAtts"></div>
        <h3><a href="#" title="category"><?php 
            <div class="toeInsertShortcodeAtts"></div>
        <h3><a href="#" title="product"><?php 
            <div class="toeInsertShortcodeAtts"></div>
echo htmlCsp::hidden('newContent');
echo htmlCsp::submit('insert', array('value' => langCsp::_('Insert')));
echo htmlCsp::formEnd();
	<label for=""><?php 
echo $this->enterEmailMsg;
if ($this->sub_name_enable == 1) {
    echo htmlCsp::text('name', array('attrs' => 'id="cspSubscribeName" placeholder="Your Name" '));
echo htmlCsp::text('email');
<br />
echo htmlCsp::hidden('reqType', array('value' => 'ajax'));
echo htmlCsp::hidden('page', array('value' => 'subscribe'));
echo htmlCsp::hidden('action', array('value' => 'create'));
echo htmlCsp::submit('create', array('value' => langCsp::_('Subscribe')));
	<div id="cspSubscribeCreateMsg"></div>
Example #9
echo htmlCsp::text('ipAddressCsp', array('value' => ''));
echo htmlCsp::hidden('reqType', array('value' => 'ajax'));
echo htmlCsp::hidden('page', array('value' => 'access'));
 <!--page = для адинки | mod = для сайт-->
echo htmlCsp::hidden('action', array('value' => 'saveIp'));
echo htmlCsp::submit('submitIp', array('value' => langCsp::_('add Ip address'), 'attrs' => 'class="button button-primary button-large"'));
<form action="" method="post" id="cspSubscribeForm">
	<div class="cspFormHint"><?php 
echo $this->enterEmailMsg;
<span class="cspFormHintCorner"></span></div>
if ($this->sub_name_enable == 1) {
    echo htmlCsp::text('name', array('attrs' => 'id="cspSubscribeName" placeholder="Your Name" '));
echo htmlCsp::text('email', array('attrs' => 'id="subscribe_email" placeholder="Your Email"'));
echo htmlCsp::hidden('reqType', array('value' => 'ajax'));
echo htmlCsp::hidden('page', array('value' => 'subscribe'));
echo htmlCsp::hidden('action', array('value' => 'create'));
echo htmlCsp::submit('create', array('value' => langCsp::_('Subscribe'), 'attrs' => 'id="cspSubscribeButton"'));
	<div id="cspSubscribeCreateMsg"></div>
Example #11
echo htmlCsp::textarea('message', array('attrs' => 'placeholder="' . langCsp::_('Type your meassage here. If you have any troubles, please describe it accurately. If it`s possibe send us: (text of the errors, print screen of errors, link to the webpages where you try to insert products, and any other information)') . '"'));
                            <td valign="top">
echo htmlCsp::hidden('mod', array('value' => 'adminmenu'));
echo htmlCsp::hidden('action', array('value' => 'sendMailToDevelopers'));
echo htmlCsp::hidden('reqType', array('value' => 'ajax'));
echo htmlCsp::submit('send', array('value' => langCsp::_('Send e-mail')));
                            <td><div id="msg"></div></td>
        <div id="id4" class="postbox" style="display: block">
            <div class="handlediv" title="Click to toggle"><br></div>
            <h3 class="hndle"><?php 
langCsp::_e('News and Info');
            <div class="inside">