Example #1
        if ($message == "") {
            require 'core_extra.php';
            if ($_POST['ViewMonitor']) {
                $SHOW_MONITOR_2 = TRUE;
            } else {
                $SHOW_MONITOR_3 = TRUE;
        $TimeStart = $RealTimeStart;
        $TimeEnd = $RealTimeEnd;
$html_writer = new html();
$html_writer->draw_header('Security Monitor', $message, $message_type);
if ($SHOW_MONITOR_2) {
} elseif ($SHOW_MONITOR_3) {
function NoRange()
    window.document.cobalt_form.TimeStart.value='-NO RANGE-';
    window.document.cobalt_form.TimeEnd.value='-NO RANGE-'
function WithRange()
    if(window.document.cobalt_form.TimeStart.value=='-NO RANGE-') window.document.cobalt_form.TimeStart.value='';
Example #2

//This file was generated by Cobalt, a rapid application development
//framework developed by JV Roig (jvroig@jvroig.com).
//Cobalt on the web: http://cobalt.jvroig.com
require_once 'path.php';
$html = new html();
$html->draw_header('About ' . GLOBAL_PROJECT_NAME, $message, $message_type);
$project_name = GLOBAL_PROJECT_NAME;
$msg = <<<EOD
This is a microsite wherein the students and the internship head communicate with each other during the internship period.
<br /><br /><b> {$project_name} is powered by Cobalt</b>
$html->draw_page_title('About Cobalt');
$msg = <<<EOD
Cobalt is a web-based code generator and framework using PHP and Oracle Database created by JV Roig.
It makes web-based systems maintainable, scalable, secure and efficient, and makes the life of developers a lot easier. <br><br>

<a href="http://cobalt.jvroig.com/co/download/" target="_blank">Download Cobalt</a> |
<a href="http://cobalt.jvroig.com/co/documentation/" target="_blank">Cobalt FAQ</a>
Example #3
                $dbh->set_where("username='******' AND link_id='" . quote_smart($link_id) . "'");
                if ($dbh->num_rows == 0) {
                    $dbh->set_values("'" . quote_smart($Username) . "','" . quote_smart($link_id) . "'");
        $message = 'Success! User passport has been updated.';
        $message_type = 'system';
$html_writer = new html();
$html_writer->draw_header('Set User Passports', $message, $message_type);

<div class="container">
<fieldset class="container_invisible">
<fieldset class="top"> Role-Based Access Control Interface</fieldset>
<fieldset class="middle">
<table class="input_form" width="800">
<tr><td><a href="set_user_passports.php">[Custom Permissions]</a> :: <a href="set_user_passports2.php">[View and Remove Permissions Per Module]</a> :: <b>[Role-Based Access Control Interface]</b><hr></td>
<table width="75%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" class="input_form">
Example #4

require_once 'path.php';
init_cobalt('ALLOW_ALL', FALSE);
$html = new html();
$html->draw_header('Welcome to your Control Center', $message, $message_type, FALSE);
    echo '
    if (top.location == location)
    $html->display_error('System is running in DEBUG MODE. Please contact the system administrator ASAP.');
require_once 'subclasses/request.php';
$dbh_request = new request();
$dbh_request->execute_query("SELECT date_served FROM request WHERE date_served = '0000-00-00'");
$result1 = $dbh_request->result;
$hi = array();
while ($row1 = $result1->fetch_assoc()) {
    $hi[] = $row1['date_served'];
$res = count($hi);
$html->display_tip('You have: ' . $res . ' documents to process');
require_once 'subclasses/citizen.php';
Example #5
            $_SESSION['footer'] = $footer;
            $_SESSION['skin'] = $skin_name;
            $_SESSION['master_css'] = $master_css;
            $_SESSION['colors_css'] = $colors_css;
            $_SESSION['fonts_css'] = $fonts_css;
            $_SESSION['override_css'] = $override_css;
            $_SESSION['icon_set'] = $icon_set;
            if (trim($_SESSION['icon_set'] == '')) {
                $_SESSION['icon_set'] = 'cobalt';
        $redraw = TRUE;
$html = new html();
$html->draw_header('Change Skin', $message);
$html->display_info('Changing the System Skin does not affect functionality.<br>All changes are merely aesthetic.');
echo '<div class="container">
      <fieldset class="container_invisible">
    <fieldset class="top"> Skin (UI Theme) Management
    <fieldset class="middle">
    <table class="input_form">';
echo '<tr><td class="label">System Skin:</td><td> <select name="skin_id">';
$data_con = new data_abstraction();
$data_con->set_fields('skin_id AS new_skin_id, skin_name');
$result = $data_con->make_query()->result;
$numrows = $data_con->num_rows;
if ($data_con->error) {
            $result_message_type = 'error';
        } else {
            //Delete passports of all users retreived
            $db = new data_abstraction();
            $db->execute_query('DELETE FROM user_passport WHERE username IN (' . $lst_user . ')');
            //Assign role privileges to each user
            foreach ($arr_user as $username) {
                $db->execute_query("INSERT `user_passport` SELECT '" . quote_smart($username) . "', `link_id` FROM user_role_links WHERE role_id='" . quote_smart($role_id) . "'");
            $result_message = 'Role cascade update was succesful.';
            $result_message_type = 'system';
$html = new html();
$html->draw_header('Role Cascade Update', $message, $message_type);
$html->draw_listview_referrer_info($filter_field_used, $filter_used, $page_from, $filter_sort_asc, $filter_sort_desc);
echo '<div class="container">';
echo '<fieldset class="container_invisible">';
$html->draw_fieldset_header('Batch Process to Update "' . cobalt_htmlentities($role_name) . '" Users');
echo '<tr><td>';
if ($show_result) {
    if ($result_message_type == 'error') {
    } else {
} else {
Example #7

if (isset($valid_directory) && $valid_directory != '') {
    $html = new html();
    $filename = str_replace("", '', cobalt_htmlentities_decode(basename(urldecode($_GET['filename']))));
    $download_name = substr($filename, $html->upload_token_length);
    $filename = $valid_directory . '/' . $filename;
    if (is_readable($filename) && dirname($filename) === $valid_directory) {
        log_action('Successful file download: ' . $download_name . ' (' . $filename . ')');
        header('Content-Description: File Download');
        header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
        header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
        header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
        header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $download_name . '"');
        header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($filename));
        //error suppression to avoid Notice if output buffering was turned off in php.ini; otherwise, Notice will corrupt the file
    } else {
        log_action('Failed file download: ' . $download_name . ' (' . $filename . ')');
        $message = 'File not found or server error encountered.<br>
                    Please press the back button in your browser and try again.
                    If this error persists, the file must have been deleted. Please contact your system administrator.';
        $html->draw_header('File Download Error', $message);
Example #8
                if ($mod_update_con->error != '') {
        $message = 'Modules status have been updated.';
        $message_type = 'system';
$html_writer = new html();
$html_writer->draw_header('Module Control', $message, $message_type);
//Display system message after module status update.
echo '<div class="container">
    <fieldset class="container_invisible">
    <fieldset class="top"> Enable or Disable System Modules</fieldset>
    <fieldset class="middle">
    <table class="input_form" width="900">';
echo '<tr><td style="vertical-align: middle">';
$html_writer->draw_button('SPECIAL', 'submit', 'btn_submit', 'SAVE CHANGES', FALSE, 0);
$html_writer->draw_button('SPECIAL', 'cancel', 'btn_cancel', 'BACK', FALSE, 0);
$html_writer->draw_button('BUTTON', '', 'enable', 'ENABLE ALL', FALSE, 0, "onClick='checkAll()'");
$html_writer->draw_button('BUTTON', '', 'disable', 'DISABLE ALL', FALSE, 0, "onClick='uncheckAll()'");
echo '</td><td align="right">';
    <span class="label">Module Category: </span><select name="passportGroup" onChange="this.form.submit();">
Example #9
            $data_con = new data_abstraction();
            $data_con->set_update("`password`='{$hashed_password}', `salt`='{$new_salt}', `iteration`='{$new_iteration}', `method`='{$new_method}'");
            $data_con->set_where("username='******'user']) . "'");
            $message = 'Your password has been successfully updated! You can <a href="main.php"> click here </a> to go back to your control center or use the menu above.';
            $message_type = 'SYSTEM';
            $old_password = '';
            $password1 = '';
            $password2 = '';
$html = new html();
$html->draw_header('Change Password', $message, $message_type);
echo '<div class="container">
    <fieldset class="container_invisible">
    <fieldset class="top"> Password Management
    <fieldset class="middle">
    <table class="input_form">';
$html->draw_text_field('Old Password', 'old_password', FALSE, 'password', TRUE, 'maxlength="' . MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH . '"');
$html->draw_text_field('New Password', 'password1', FALSE, 'password', TRUE, 'maxlength="' . MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH . '"');
$html->draw_text_field('Confirm New Password', 'password2', FALSE, 'password', TRUE, 'maxlength="' . MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH . '"');
echo '</table>
    <fieldset class="bottom">';
echo '</fieldset>';
echo '</fieldset>';
Example #10
        for ($a = 0; $a < $numLinks; $a++) {
            if (isset($link[$a])) {
                $data_con->set_fields('role_id, link_id');
                $data_con->set_values("'" . quote_smart($role_id) . "', '{$link[$a]}'");
        $message = 'Role privileges succesfully updated';
        $message_type = 'system';
$html_writer = new html();
$html_writer->draw_header('Role Permissions', $message, $message_type);
$html_writer->draw_listview_referrer_info($filter_field_used, $filter_used, $page_from, $filter_sort_asc, $filter_sort_desc);
<div class="container">
<fieldset class="container_invisible">
<fieldset class="top"> Modify System Privileges for Role: <?php 
echo $role_name;
<fieldset class="middle">
<table width="75%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" align="center" class="tableContent">
 function auto_doc()
     //Getting documentation data
     $module_name = $this->readable_name;
     $vocabulary = FULLPATH_BASE . 'help/' . $this->language_dir . '/' . $this->language . '/' . $this->vocabulary;
     require $vocabulary;
     $highlight_style = 'font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline;';
     //Get Field Info
     $arr_required = array();
     $arr_optional = array();
     $arr_field_labels = array();
     $arr_field_max_length = array();
     $arr_allow_html = array();
     $arr_allowed_chars = array();
     $arr_valid_set = array();
     $arr_date_default = array();
     foreach ($this->fields as $field => $arr_field_data) {
         $display_max_length = TRUE;
         $display_allowed_chars = TRUE;
         $display_valid_set = TRUE;
         if ($arr_field_data['required'] == TRUE) {
             $arr_required[] = $arr_field_data['label'];
         } elseif ($arr_field_data['control_type'] == 'none' || $arr_field_data['control_type'] == '') {
             //nothing for fields without control types (auto-increment, hidden / auto fields, removed fields)
             //we also disable showing max length and allowed chars
             $display_max_length = FALSE;
             $display_allowed_chars = FALSE;
         } else {
             $arr_optional[] = $arr_field_data['label'];
         if ($display_max_length) {
             $arr_field_labels[] = $arr_field_data['label'];
             $arr_field_max_length[] = $arr_field_data['length'];
         if ($display_allowed_chars) {
             if ($arr_field_data['char_set_method'] == '') {
                 $arr_allowed_chars[] = '***';
                 //This is a placeholder value that will be interpreted by the template as "all chars allowed"
             } else {
                 $extra_chars_allowed = $arr_field_data['extra_chars_allowed'];
                 $char_set_allow_space = $arr_field_data['char_set_allow_space'];
                 $char_set_method = $arr_field_data['char_set_method'];
                 require_once 'char_set_class.php';
                 $cg = new char_set();
                 $cg->allow_space = $char_set_allow_space;
                 $arr_allowed_chars[] = $cg->allowed_chars;
                 $cg = null;
     //Scan for images
     $arr_images = array();
     $image_dir = getcwd() . '/' . $this->doc_images_dir;
     if (is_dir($image_dir) && is_readable($image_dir)) {
         $arr_valid_formats = $this->image_formats;
         if ($dh = opendir($image_dir)) {
             while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
                 $extension = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
                 //Verify that file extension is in whitelist
                 $allowed_extension = FALSE;
                 if (in_array(strtolower($extension), $arr_valid_formats)) {
                     $arr_images[] = $file;
                 } else {
     if (count($arr_images) > 0) {
         //Make sure images fit -- width should be no more than max_image_width
         $arr_image_widths = array();
         foreach ($arr_images as $file) {
             $image_data = getimagesize($image_dir . '/' . $file);
             $dimensions = $image_data[3];
             $quote1_pos = strpos($dimensions, '"');
             $quote2_pos = strpos($dimensions, '"', $quote1_pos + 1);
             $quote3_pos = strpos($dimensions, '"', $quote2_pos + 1);
             $quote4_pos = strpos($dimensions, '"', $quote3_pos + 1);
             $width = substr($dimensions, $quote1_pos + 1, $quote2_pos - $quote1_pos - 1);
             $height = substr($dimensions, $quote3_pos + 1, $quote4_pos - $quote3_pos - 1);
             //echo $dimensions . ' with quotes at positions: ' . " $quote1_pos $quote2_pos $quote3_pos $quote4_pos " . '<br>';
             //echo "$file width is $width and height is $height" . '<hr>';
             if ($width > 1000) {
                 $width = 1000;
             $arr_image_widths[] = $width;
     //Set path to images for image links
     $path_to_images = '/' . BASE_DIRECTORY . '/help/' . $this->document_dir . '/' . basename(getcwd()) . '/' . $this->doc_images_dir . '/';
     $html = new html();
     echo '<div style="padding: 30px;">';
     echo '<a href="../../contents.php">[Back to Table of Contents]</a>';
     echo '<hr><br>';
     if (isset($arr_images[0])) {
         echo '<div style="display: block">';
         echo '<img src="' . $path_to_images . $arr_images[0] . '" width="' . $arr_image_widths[0] . '">';
         echo '</div>';
     echo $how_to_add_intro;
     echo '&nbsp;';
     echo $how_to_add_required;
     if (count($arr_required) > 0) {
         echo '<ul style="list-style-type: disc; ' . $highlight_style . '; padding: 10px; padding-left: 25px">';
         foreach ($arr_required as $field_name) {
             echo '<li>' . $field_name . '</li>';
         echo '</ul>';
     if (count($arr_optional) > 0) {
         echo $how_to_add_optional;
         echo '<ul style="list-style-type: circle; ' . $highlight_style . '; padding: 10px; padding-left: 25px">';
         foreach ($arr_optional as $field_name) {
             echo '<li>' . $field_name . '</li>';
         echo '</ul>';
     if (isset($arr_images[1])) {
         echo '<div style="display: block">';
         echo '<img src="' . $path_to_images . $arr_images[1] . '" width="' . $arr_image_widths[1] . '">';
         echo '</div>';
     echo '<br>';
     echo $how_to_add_working_with_fields_0;
     echo '<ul style="list-style-type: circle; padding: 10px; padding-left: 25px">';
     foreach ($arr_field_labels as $index => $field_name) {
         echo '<li>';
         echo $how_to_add_working_with_fields_1;
         echo ' <span style="' . $highlight_style . '">' . $field_name . '</span> ';
         if ($arr_field_max_length[$index] == 0) {
             echo $how_to_add_working_with_fields_4;
         } else {
             echo $how_to_add_working_with_fields_2;
             echo ' ' . $arr_field_max_length[$index] . ' ';
             echo $how_to_add_working_with_fields_3;
         echo '</li>';
     echo '</ul>';
     if (isset($arr_images[2])) {
         $limit = count($arr_images);
         for ($a = 2; $a < $limit; ++$a) {
             echo '<div style="display: block">';
             echo '<img src="' . $path_to_images . $arr_images[$a] . '" width="' . $arr_image_widths[$a] . '">';
             echo '</div>';
             echo '<br>';
     echo '<br>';
     echo $how_to_add_allowed_chars_0;
     echo '<ul style="list-style-type: circle; padding: 10px; padding-left: 25px">';
     $char_limit = 15;
     //this should probably be a setting of some sort, perhaps in base_documentation_class
     foreach ($arr_field_labels as $index => $field_name) {
         echo '<li>';
         echo $how_to_add_allowed_chars_1;
         echo ' <span style="' . $highlight_style . '">' . $field_name . '</span> ';
         if ($arr_allowed_chars[$index] == '***') {
             echo $how_to_add_allowed_chars_2;
             echo '<br>';
             echo '<table>';
             echo '<tr>';
             echo '<td style="text-align: center; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px; width: ' . (40 * $char_limit + 14) . 'px;" colspan="' . $char_limit . '">';
             echo $how_to_add_allowed_chars_4;
             echo '</td>';
             echo '</tr>';
             echo '</table><br>';
         } else {
             echo $how_to_add_allowed_chars_3;
             echo '<br>';
             echo '<table>';
             echo '<tr>';
             $char_counter = 0;
             foreach ($arr_allowed_chars[$index] as $char) {
                 echo '<td style="text-align: center; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px; width: 40px;">';
                 if ($char == ' ') {
                     echo '<span style="font-size: 9px">[space]</span>';
                 } elseif ($char == "\r") {
                     echo '\\r';
                 } elseif ($char == "\n") {
                     echo '\\n';
                 } else {
                     echo $char;
                 echo '</td>';
                 if ($char_counter == $char_limit) {
                     $char_counter = 0;
                     echo '</tr>';
                     echo '<tr>';
             echo '</tr>';
             echo '</table><br>';
         echo '</li>';
     echo '</ul>';
     echo '<br><hr>';
     echo '<a href="../../contents.php">[Back to Table of Contents]</a>';
     echo '</div>';
Example #12

if (isset($enable_red_alert) && $enable_red_alert == TRUE) {
    $username = $_SESSION['user'];
    $ip_address = get_ip();
    $message = 'You tried to access a module without sufficient privileges.<br>' . 'Cobalt Security has detected and blocked this illegal access attempt.<br><br>' . 'The following details have been logged and sent to the system administrator for review: ' . '<br>*Date & time of illegal access attempt: ' . date('Y-m-d, h:ia') . '<br>*Username: '******'<br>*IP Address: ' . $ip_address . '<br>*Module: ' . basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . '<br><br>If you have seen this alert by mistake, or you believe you should have access, please ask the system administrator to review your permissions and relevant module settings.';
    $message_type = 'error';
    if (isset($_COOKIE[session_name()])) {
        setcookie(session_name(), "", time() - 86400);
    $html = new html();
    $html->draw_header('Possible Hack Attempt Detected and Blocked', $message, $message_type);
    $_SESSION = array();