Example #1
  * Change the quantity of an item 
 function changeqty($VAR)
     if (empty($this->account_id)) {
         $this->account_id = SESS_ACCOUNT;
     if (empty($this->session_id)) {
         $this->session_id = SESS;
     @($id = $VAR['id']);
     @($qty = $VAR['qty']);
     if ($id <= 0) {
     $db =& DB();
     if ($qty == '0') {
         # Product Plugin Level deletion
         $cartid =& $db->Execute($sql = sqlSelect($db, "cart", "*", "id=::{$id}:: AND session_id = ::{$this->session_id}::"));
         if ($cartid) {
             $product =& $db->Execute($sql = sqlSelect($db, "product", "*", "id=::{$cartid->fields['product_id']}::"));
         if (!empty($product->fields['prod_plugin']) && !empty($product->fields['prod_plugin_data'])) {
             $prodplgfile = PATH_PLUGINS . 'product/' . $product->fields['prod_plugin_file'] . '.php';
             if (is_file($prodplgfile)) {
                 include_once PATH_PLUGINS . 'product/' . $product->fields['prod_plugin_file'] . '.php';
                 eval('$prodplg = new plgn_prov_' . $product->fields['prod_plugin_file'] . ';');
                 if (is_object($prodplg)) {
                     if (is_callable(array($prodplg, 'delete_cart'))) {
                         $prodplg->delete_cart($VAR, $cartid->fields);
         # delete main cart items & subitems:
         $sql = '';
         if (empty($this->admin)) {
             $sql = "AND session_id = ::{$this->session_id}::";
         $rs =& $db->Execute($sql = sqlDelete($db, "cart", "(id=::{$id}:: OR cart_parent_id=::{$id}:: ) {$sql}"));
         global $smarty;
         $smarty->assign('js', false);
         return false;
     # update the quantity:
     if (!eregi("^[0-9]{1,5}\$", $qty)) {
         $qty = 1;
     if ($qty < 1) {
         $qty = 1;
     if (!$this->admin) {
         $sql_extra = " AND session_id=::{$this->session_id}::";
     } else {
         $sql_extra = '';
     if ($VAR["type"] == 1) {
         $fields = array('quantity' => $qty);
         $db->Execute($sql = sqlUpdate($db, "cart", $fields, "id=::{$id}:: {$sql_extra}"));
     } else {
         if ($VAR["type"] == 2) {
             $fields = array('recurr_schedule' => $VAR["schedule"]);
             $db->Execute($sql = sqlUpdate($db, "cart", $fields, "id=::{$id}:: {$sql_extra}"));
         } else {
             if ($VAR["type"] == 3) {
                 # change domain term
                 $fields = array('domain_term' => $VAR["term"]);
                 $db->Execute($sql = sqlUpdate($db, "cart", $fields, "id=::{$id}:: {$sql_extra}"));
     # get the product id:
     $result = $db->Execute(sqlSelect($db, "cart", "*", "id={$id} {$sql_extra}", "cart_type,date_orig"));
     # get the product details:
     $product = $db->Execute(sqlSelect($db, "product", "*", "id={$result->fields["product_id"]}"));
     if ($result->fields["cart_type"] == "2") {
         # domain name, get pricing
         include_once PATH_MODULES . 'host_tld/host_tld.inc.php';
         $tldObj = new host_tld();
         $tldprice = $tldObj->price_tld_arr($result->fields["domain_tld"], $result->fields["host_type"], false, false, false, $this->account_id);
         $qty = $result->fields["domain_term"];
         $base_price = $tldprice[$qty];
         $setup_price = 0;
     } else {
         if ($result->fields["cart_type"] == "3") {
             # ad-hoc, get price
             $base_price = $result->fields["ad_hoc_amount"] * $result->fields["quantity"];
             $setup_price = $result->fields["ad_hoc_setup"] * $result->fields["quantity"];
         } else {
             include_once PATH_MODULES . 'product/product.inc.php';
             $productObj = new product();
             # get pricing for this product:
             $prod_price = $productObj->price_prod($product->fields, $result->fields["recurr_schedule"], $this->account);
             $setup_price = $prod_price["setup"] * $result->fields["quantity"];
             $base_price = $prod_price["base"] * $result->fields["quantity"];
             # get pricing for any attributes:
             $attr_price = $productObj->price_attr($product->fields, $result->fields["product_attr"], $result->fields["recurr_schedule"], $this->account);
             $setup_price += $attr_price["setup"] * $result->fields["quantity"];
             $base_price += $attr_price["base"] * $result->fields["quantity"];
             # get the qty
             $qty = $result->fields["quantity"];
     # set the smarty fields:
     global $smarty;
     $smarty->assign('qty', $qty);
     $smarty->assign('base', $base_price);
     $smarty->assign('setup', $setup_price);
     $smarty->assign('js', true);
Example #2
 /** Invoice expiring domains p2 
 function generatedomaininvoice($VAR)
     include_once PATH_MODULES . 'tax/tax.inc.php';
     $taxObj = new tax();
     $db =& DB();
     if (is_array($VAR)) {
         $expire = time();
         $rs = $db->Execute(sqlSelect($db, 'service', '*', " id = ::{$VAR['id']}:: AND active=1\n\t        \t\t\t\tAND type = 'domain' AND queue = 'none' AND\n\t        \t\t\t\t( domain_type = 'register' OR domain_type = 'transfer' OR domain_type = 'renew'  ) AND\n\t        \t\t\t\t( suspend_billing = 0 OR suspend_billing IS NULL ) "));
         $service = $rs->fields;
     } else {
         $service = $VAR;
     if (empty($service['id'])) {
         global $C_debug;
         $C_debug->alert("Unable to generate domain renweal invoice due to domain status.");
         return false;
     # Get the parent invoice details:
     if (!empty($service['invoice_id'])) {
         $rs = $db->Execute(sqlSelect($db, 'invoice', '*', " id = {$service['invoice_id']} ", ""));
         $invoice = $rs->fields;
     } else {
         $invoice = false;
     # Get the account details:
     $rs = $db->Execute(sqlSelect($db, 'account', '*', " id = {$service['account_id']} ", ""));
     $account = $rs->fields;
     # Get the account price
     include_once PATH_MODULES . 'host_tld/host_tld.inc.php';
     $tldObj = new host_tld();
     $tld_arr = $tldObj->price_tld_arr($service['domain_tld'], 'renew', false, false, false, $service['account_id']);
     foreach ($tld_arr as $term => $price) {
     # Calculate taxes:
     $rs = $db->Execute($sql = sqlSelect($db, "host_tld", "taxable", "name = ::{$service['domain_tld']}::"));
     if ($service['taxable'] || @$rs->fields['taxable']) {
         $tax_arr = $taxObj->calculate($price, $account["country_id"], $account["state"]);
     } else {
         $tax_arr = false;
     $total = $price;
     $tax_amt = 0;
     if (is_array($tax_arr)) {
         foreach ($tax_arr as $tx) {
             $tax_amt += $tx['rate'];
         $total += $tax_amt;
     # calculate the dates
     $expire = $service['domain_date_expire'] + $term * 86400;
     $due_date = $service['domain_date_expire'] - 86400 * 3;
     # Create the invoice
     $id = sqlGenID($db, "invoice");
     $insert = $db->Execute($sql = sqlInsert($db, "invoice", array('date_orig' => time(), 'date_last' => time(), 'type' => 2, 'process_status' => 0, 'billing_status' => 0, 'suspend_billing' => 0, 'print_status' => 0, 'parent_id' => $service['invoice_id'], 'account_id' => $service['account_id'], 'account_billing_id' => $service['account_billing_id'], 'affiliate_id' => @$invoice['affiliate_id'], 'campaign_id' => @$invoice['campaign_id'], 'reseller_id' => @$invoice['reseller_id'], 'checkout_plugin_id' => @$invoice['checkout_plugin_id'], 'tax_amt' => $tax_amt, 'discount_arr' => serialize(@$discount_arr), 'discount_amt' => @$discount_amt, 'total_amt' => $total, 'billed_amt' => 0, 'billed_currency_id' => DEFAULT_CURRENCY, 'actual_billed_amt' => 0, 'actual_billed_currency_id' => @$invoice['actual_billed_currency_id'], 'notice_count' => 0, 'notice_next_date' => time(), 'notice_max' => MAX_BILLING_NOTICE, 'grace_period' => 0, 'due_date' => $due_date), $id));
     # create the invoice item:
     if ($insert) {
         $db->Execute($idx = sqlInsert($db, "invoice_item", array('date_orig' => time(), 'invoice_id' => $id, 'account_id' => $service['account_id'], 'service_id' => $service['id'], 'sku' => 'DOMAIN-RENEW', 'quantity' => 1, 'item_type' => 2, 'price_type' => 0, 'price_base' => $price, 'price_setup' => 0, 'domain_type' => 'renew', 'date_start' => $service['domain_date_expire'], 'date_stop' => $expire, 'domain_name' => $service['domain_name'], 'domain_tld' => $service['domain_tld'], 'domain_term' => $term, 'tax_amt' => $tax_amt, 'total_amt' => $price)));
         # Insert tax records
         $taxObj->invoice_item($id, $idx, $service['account_id'], @$item_tax_arr);
         # Update the service record
         $fields = array('active' => 0);
         $db->Execute(sqlUpdate($db, "service", $fields, "id = {$service['id']}"));
         global $C_debug;
         $C_debug->alert("Generated domain renewal invoice for {$service['domain_name']}.{$service['domain_tld']}");
         return $id;