$j = 1;
 echo "<table border=1 class='stripeMe'>";
 echo "<tr ><td>#</td><td>Takeoff ID</td><td>Country</td><td># of flights</td><td>Takeoff name</td><td>Int name</td><td>lat</td><td>lon</td><td>Distance in m</td><td>Select</td><td>Metric 1</td><td>Metric 2</td></tr>\n";
 $query2 = "SELECT {$waypointsTable}.*, count({$flightsTable}.ID) as flightsNum FROM  {$waypointsTable} LEFT JOIN {$flightsTable} ON ( {$flightsTable}.takeoffID={$waypointsTable}.ID ) \n\t\t\t\tWHERE {$groupStr}='" . $row['nameSoundex'] . "'  {$countryCodeWhere}\n\t\t\t\tgroup by {$waypointsTable}.ID\n\t\t\t\torder by lat , lon ";
 $lastLat = 0;
 $lastLon = 0;
 $lastName = '';
 $res2 = $db->sql_query($query2);
 if ($res2 == 0) {
     echo "Error in query : {$query2}<BR>";
 while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($res2)) {
     // compute distance from previous
     if ($lastLat && $lastLon) {
         $distanceFromPrevious = gpsPoint::calc_distance($lastLat, $lastLon, $row2['lat'], $row2['lon']);
     } else {
         $distanceFromPrevious = 0;
     $lastLat = $row2['lat'];
     $lastLon = $row2['lon'];
     if ($lastName) {
         $nameDistanceFromPrevious1 = levenshtein(strtolower($lastIntName), strtolower($row2['intName']));
         similar_text(strtolower($lastIntName), strtolower($row2['intName']), &$nameDistanceFromPrevious2);
     } else {
         $nameDistanceFromPrevious1 = 0;
         $nameDistanceFromPrevious2 = 0;
     $lastName = $row2['name'];
     $lastIntName = $row2['intName'];
     if ($j == 1) {
Example #2
function getTZ($lat, $lon, $theDate)
    global $db, $waypointsTable;
    global $CONF_use_date_for_TZ_detection;
    // fall back to simple lon method in case of old php (4.4.1)
    if (!$CONF_use_date_for_TZ_detection) {
        return getUTMtimeOffset($lat, $lon, $theDate);
    $query = "SELECT lat,lon,ABS({$lat}-lat) as dlat , ABS({$lon}- lon ) as dlon ,countryCode from {$waypointsTable} \n\t\t\t\tWHERE ABS({$lat}-lat) < 1 AND ABS({$lon}- lon )  < 1\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY dlat,dlon ASC";
    DEBUG('getTZ', 128, "getTZ: {$query}<BR>");
    $res = $db->sql_query($query);
    if ($res <= 0) {
        DEBUG('getTZ', 128, "getTZ: no waypont near by will try rough method<BR>");
        return getUTMtimeOffset($lat, $lon, $theDate);
    $i = 0;
    $minTakeoffDistance = 1000000;
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
        $this_distance = gpsPoint::calc_distance($row["lat"], $row["lon"], $lat, $lon);
        DEBUG('getTZ', 128, "getTZ: " . $row["lat"] . " , " . $row["lon"] . " country-> " . $row["countryCode"] . " distance-> {$this_distance} <BR>");
        if ($this_distance < $minTakeoffDistance) {
            $minTakeoffDistance = $this_distance;
            $countryCode = $row["countryCode"];
    if (!$i) {
        DEBUG('getTZ', 128, "getTZ: No waypont near by #2. Will try rough method<BR>");
        return getUTMtimeOffset($lat, $lon, $theDate);
    DEBUG('getTZ', 128, "getTZ: Min dist: {$minTakeoffDistance} , country: {$countryCode} <BR>");
    if ($minTakeoffDistance > 50000) {
        DEBUG('getTZ', 128, "getTZ: Nearest waypoint is too far. Will try rough method<BR>");
        return getUTMtimeOffset($lat, $lon, $theDate);
    // now we will try the getTZoffset()
    // make $tm from YYYY-MM-DD
    $tm = gmmktime(1, 0, 0, substr($theDate, 5, 2), substr($theDate, 8, 2), substr($theDate, 0, 4));
    // this will return  good results only for countries that have ONE timezone
    // else '' will be returned
    require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/FN_timezones.php';
    // $TZone=getTZforCountry($countryCode);
    global $Countries2timeZones;
    $TZone = $Countries2timeZones[strtoupper($countryCode)];
    if (strtoupper($countryCode) == 'AU') {
        DEBUG('getTZ', 128, "getTZ: Australia timezones<BR>");
        central - west is on 129E
        central - east is on 
        lon > 141E for lat < -26 (S)
        lon > 138E for lat > -26 (S)
        east - > Australia/Sydney
        if ($lon > -129) {
            $TZone = 'Australia/Perth';
        } else {
            if ($lon > -138 && $lat > -26) {
                $TZone = 'Australia/Darwin';
            } else {
                if ($lon > -141 && $lat < -26) {
                    $TZone = 'Australia/Adelaide';
                } else {
                    if ($lat > -29) {
                        $TZone = 'Australia/Brisbane';
                    } else {
                        $TZone = 'Australia/Sydney';
        //  South-East
    if ($TZone == '') {
        DEBUG('getTZ', 128, "getTZ: Country {$countryCode} has more than one timezones.. Back to rough method<BR>");
        return getUTMtimeOffset($lat, $lon, $theDate);
    return getTZoffset($TZone, $tm) / 3600;