Example #1
 * Unicode Reminder メモ
 * Dieses Script berechnet andhand von Geodb-Daten die adm1..adm4-Daten
 * für die GNS-DB.
$opt['rootpath'] = '../../';
require_once $opt['rootpath'] . 'lib2/cli.inc.php';
require_once $opt['rootpath'] . 'lib2/search/search.inc.php';
$rsLocations = sql("SELECT `uni`, `lat`, `lon`, `rc`, `cc1`, `adm1` FROM `gns_locations` WHERE `dsg` LIKE 'PPL%'");
while ($rLocations = sql_fetch_array($rsLocations)) {
    $minlat = geomath::getMinLat($rLocations['lon'], $rLocations['lat'], 10, 1);
    $maxlat = geomath::getMaxLat($rLocations['lon'], $rLocations['lat'], 10, 1);
    $minlon = geomath::getMinLon($rLocations['lon'], $rLocations['lat'], 10, 1);
    $maxlon = geomath::getMaxLon($rLocations['lon'], $rLocations['lat'], 10, 1);
    // den nächsgelegenen Ort in den geodb ermitteln
    $sql = "SELECT " . geomath::getSqlDistanceFormula($rLocations['lon'], $rLocations['lat'], 10, 1, 'lon', 'lat', 'geodb_coordinates') . " `distance`,\n            `geodb_coordinates`.`loc_id` `loc_id`\n         FROM `geodb_coordinates`\n         WHERE\n            `lon` > '" . sql_escape($minlon) . "' AND `lon` < '" . sql_escape($maxlon) . "' AND\n            `lat` > '" . sql_escape($minlat) . "' AND `lat` < '" . sql_escape($maxlat) . "'\n         HAVING `distance` < 10\n         ORDER BY `distance` ASC\n         LIMIT 1";
    $rs = sql($sql);
    if (mysql_num_rows($rs) == 1) {
        $r = sql_fetch_array($rs);
        $locid = $r['loc_id'];
        $admtxt1 = GeoDb::landFromLocid($locid);
        if ($admtxt1 == '0') {
            $admtxt1 = '';
        // bundesland ermitteln
        $rsAdm2 = sql("SELECT `full_name`, `short_form`\n            FROM `gns_locations`\n            WHERE `rc`='&1'\n            AND `fc`='A'\n            AND `dsg`='ADM1'\n            AND `cc1`='&2'\n            AND `adm1`='&3'\n            AND `nt`='N'\n            LIMIT 1", $rLocations['rc'], $rLocations['cc1'], $rLocations['adm1']);
        if (mysql_num_rows($rsAdm2) == 1) {
            $rAdm2 = sql_fetch_array($rsAdm2);
            $admtxt2 = $rAdm2['short_form'];
            if ($admtxt2 == '') {
Example #2
function output_namesearch($sName, $nLat, $nLon, $nResultId)
    global $login, $opt;
    echo '<caches>' . "\n";
    $rs = sql_slave("SELECT " . geomath::getSqlDistanceFormula($nLon, $nLat, 0) . " AS `distance`, \n                          `caches`.`name`, `caches`.`wp_oc` \n                     FROM `map2_data` \n               INNER JOIN `caches` ON `map2_data`.`cache_id`=`caches`.`cache_id`\n               INNER JOIN `cache_status` ON `caches`.`status`=`cache_status`.`id`\n                    WHERE `caches`.`name` LIKE '&1' \n                      AND (`cache_status`.`allow_user_view`=1 OR `caches`.`user_id`='&3')\n                      AND `map2_data`.`result_id`='&2'\n\t\t\t\t\t       ORDER BY `distance` ASC LIMIT 30", '%' . $sName . '%', $nResultId, $login->userid);
    $caches_found = 0;
    while ($r = sql_fetch_assoc($rs)) {
        echo '<cache name="' . xmlentities($r['name']) . '" wpoc="' . xmlentities($r['wp_oc']) . '" />' . "\n";
    if (!$caches_found && preg_match('/^[^\\s[:punct:]]{2,}\\.[^\\s[:punct:]]{2,}\\.[^\\s[:punct:]]{2,}$/', $sName)) {
        $result = @file_get_contents('http://api.what3words.com/w3w?key=' . $opt['lib']['w3w']['apikey'] . '&string=' . urlencode($sName));
        if ($result) {
            $json = json_decode($result, true);
            if (!is_null($json['words']) && !is_null($json['position']) && count($json['position']) == 2) {
                echo '<coord name="' . xmlentities(implode('.', $json['words'])) . '" latitude="' . xmlentities($json["position"][0]) . '" longitude="' . xmlentities($json["position"][1]) . '" />' . "\n";
    echo '</caches>' . "\n";
Example #3
    if (isset($lat_rad) && isset($lon_rad)) {
        $sql .= geomath::getSqlDistanceFormula($lon_rad * 180 / 3.14159, $lat_rad * 180 / 3.14159, 0, $multiplier[$distance_unit]) . ' `distance`, ';
    } else {
        if (!$login->logged_in()) {
            $sql .= 'NULL distance, ';
        } else {
            // get the user's home coords
            $rs_coords = sql_slave("SELECT `latitude`, `longitude` FROM `user` WHERE `user_id`='&1'", $login->userid);
            $record_coords = sql_fetch_array($rs_coords);
            if ($record_coords['latitude'] == 0 && $record_coords['longitude'] == 0) {
                $sql .= 'NULL distance, ';
            } else {
                $lon_rad = $record_coords['longitude'] * 3.14159 / 180;
                $lat_rad = $record_coords['latitude'] * 3.14159 / 180;
                $sql .= geomath::getSqlDistanceFormula($record_coords['longitude'], $record_coords['latitude'], 0, $multiplier[$distance_unit]) . ' `distance`, ';
    if ($options['sort'] == 'bylastlog' || $options['sort'] == 'bymylastlog') {
        $sAddFields .= ', MAX(`cache_logs`.`date`) AS `lastLog`';
        $sAddJoin .= ' LEFT JOIN `cache_logs` ON `caches`.`cache_id`=`cache_logs`.`cache_id`';
        if ($options['sort'] == 'bymylastlog') {
            $sAddJoin .= ' AND `cache_logs`.`user_id`=' . sql_escape($login->userid);
        $sGroupBy .= ' GROUP BY `caches`.`cache_id`';
    $sql .= '`caches`.`cache_id`,
Example #4
function startXmlSession($sModifiedSince, $bCache, $bCachedesc, $bCachelog, $bUser, $bPicture, $bRemovedObject, $bPictureFromCachelog, $selection, $sAgent)
    global $opt, $ocxmlversion;
    // session anlegen
    sql("INSERT INTO `xmlsession` (`last_use`, `modified_since`, `date_created`, `agent`) VALUES (NOW(), '&1', NOW(), '&2')", date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($sModifiedSince)), $sAgent);
    $sessionid = mysql_insert_id();
    $recordcount['caches'] = 0;
    $recordcount['cachedescs'] = 0;
    $recordcount['cachelogs'] = 0;
    $recordcount['users'] = 0;
    $recordcount['pictures'] = 0;
    $recordcount['removedobjects'] = 0;
    if ($selection['type'] == 0) {
        // ohne selection
        if ($bCache == 1) {
            if ($ocxmlversion >= 15) {
                // Starting with version 15, we include the 'needs maintenance' and
                // 'listing is outdated' flags in the <cache> records.
                $wherefield = 'GREATEST(`listing_last_modified`,`flags_last_modified`)';
            } else {
                if ($ocxmlversion == 14) {
                    // Starting with version 14, we include listing_last_modified in the
                    // <caches> records, so this date is relevant for updates
                    $wherefield = '`listing_last_modified`';
                } else {
                    $wherefield = '`last_modified`';
            sql("INSERT INTO xmlsession_data (`session_id`, `object_type`, `object_id`)\n\t\t\t     SELECT &1, 2, `cache_id` FROM `caches` WHERE " . $wherefield . " >= '&2' AND `status`!=5", $sessionid, $sModifiedSince);
            $recordcount['caches'] = mysql_affected_rows();
        if ($bCachedesc == 1) {
            sql("INSERT INTO `xmlsession_data` (`session_id`, `object_type`, `object_id`)\n\t\t\t     SELECT &1, 3, `cache_desc`.`id` FROM `cache_desc` INNER JOIN `caches` ON `cache_desc`.`cache_id`=`caches`.`cache_id` WHERE `cache_desc`.`last_modified` >= '&2' AND `caches`.`status`!=5", $sessionid, $sModifiedSince);
            $recordcount['cachedescs'] = mysql_affected_rows();
        if ($bCachelog == 1) {
            sql("INSERT INTO `xmlsession_data` (`session_id`, `object_type`, `object_id`)\n\t\t\t     SELECT &1, 1, `cache_logs`.`id` FROM `cache_logs` INNER JOIN `caches` ON `cache_logs`.`cache_id`=`caches`.`cache_id` WHERE `cache_logs`.`last_modified` >= '&2' AND `caches`.`status`!=5", $sessionid, $sModifiedSince);
            $recordcount['cachelogs'] = mysql_affected_rows();
        if ($bUser == 1) {
            sql("INSERT INTO `xmlsession_data` (`session_id`, `object_type`, `object_id`)\n\t\t\t     SELECT &1, 4, `user_id` FROM `user` WHERE `last_modified` >= '&2'", $sessionid, $sModifiedSince);
            $recordcount['users'] = mysql_affected_rows();
        if ($bPicture == 1) {
            sql("INSERT INTO `xmlsession_data` (`session_id`, `object_type`, `object_id`)\n\t\t\t     SELECT &1, 6, `pictures`.`id` FROM `pictures` INNER JOIN\n\t\t\t                                        `caches` ON `pictures`.`object_type`=2 AND\n\t\t\t                                                    `pictures`.`object_id`=`caches`.`cache_id`\n\t\t\t                                  WHERE `pictures`.`last_modified` >= '&2' AND\n\t\t\t                                        `caches`.`status`!=5\n\t\t\t     UNION DISTINCT\n\t\t\t     SELECT &1, 6, `pictures`.`id` FROM `pictures` INNER JOIN\n\t\t\t                                        `cache_logs` ON `pictures`.`object_type`=1 AND\n\t\t\t                                                        `pictures`.`object_id`=`cache_logs`.`id` INNER JOIN\n\t\t\t                                        `caches` ON `cache_logs`.`cache_id`=`caches`.`cache_id`\n\t\t\t                                  WHERE `pictures`.`last_modified` >= '&2' AND\n\t\t\t                                        `caches`.`status`!=5", $sessionid, $sModifiedSince);
            $recordcount['pictures'] = mysql_affected_rows();
        if ($bRemovedObject == 1) {
            sql("INSERT INTO `xmlsession_data` (`session_id`, `object_type`, `object_id`)\n\t\t\t     SELECT &1, 7, `id` FROM `removed_objects` WHERE `removed_date` >= '&2' AND `type`<>8", $sessionid, $sModifiedSince);
            $recordcount['removedobjects'] = mysql_affected_rows();
    } else {
        $sqlWhere = '';
        $sqlHaving = '';
        if ($selection['type'] == 1) {
            sql("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `tmpxmlSesssionCaches` (`cache_id` int(11), PRIMARY KEY (`cache_id`)) ENGINE=MEMORY\n\t\t\t     SELECT DISTINCT `cache_countries`.`cache_id` FROM `caches`, `cache_countries` WHERE `caches`.`cache_id`=`cache_countries`.`cache_id` AND `cache_countries`.`country`='&1' AND `caches`.`status`!=5", $selection['country']);
        } else {
            if ($selection['type'] == 2) {
                $sql = 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `tmpxmlSesssionCaches` (`cache_id` int(11), `distance` double, KEY (`cache_id`)) ENGINE=MEMORY ';
                $sql .= 'SELECT `cache_coordinates`.`cache_id`, ';
                $sql .= geomath::getSqlDistanceFormula($selection['lon'], $selection['lat'], $selection['distance'], 1, 'longitude', 'latitude', 'cache_coordinates') . ' `distance` ';
                $sql .= 'FROM `caches`, `cache_coordinates` WHERE ';
                $sql .= '`cache_coordinates`.`cache_id`=`caches`.`cache_id`';
                $sql .= ' AND `caches`.`status`!=5';
                $sql .= ' AND `cache_coordinates`.`latitude` > ' . geomath::getMinLat($selection['lon'], $selection['lat'], $selection['distance']);
                $sql .= ' AND `cache_coordinates`.`latitude` < ' . geomath::getMaxLat($selection['lon'], $selection['lat'], $selection['distance']);
                $sql .= ' AND `cache_coordinates`.`longitude` >' . geomath::getMinLon($selection['lon'], $selection['lat'], $selection['distance']);
                $sql .= ' AND `cache_coordinates`.`longitude` < ' . geomath::getMaxLon($selection['lon'], $selection['lat'], $selection['distance']);
                $sql .= ' HAVING `distance` < ' . ($selection['distance'] + 0);
            } else {
                if ($selection['type'] == 3) {
                    sql("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `tmpxmlSesssionCaches` (`cache_id` int(11), PRIMARY KEY (`cache_id`)) ENGINE=MEMORY\n\t\t\t     SELECT `cache_id` FROM `caches` WHERE `cache_id`='&1' AND `status`!=5", $selection['cacheid'] + 0);
        if ($bCache == 1) {
            sql("INSERT INTO `xmlsession_data` (`session_id`, `object_type`, `object_id`)\n\t\t\t     SELECT DISTINCT &1, 2, `tmpxmlSesssionCaches`.`cache_id` FROM `tmpxmlSesssionCaches`, `caches`\n\t\t\t     WHERE `tmpxmlSesssionCaches`.`cache_id`=`caches`.`cache_id` AND `caches`.`last_modified` >= '&2'", $sessionid, $sModifiedSince);
            $recordcount['caches'] = mysql_affected_rows();
        if ($bCachedesc == 1) {
            sql("INSERT INTO `xmlsession_data` (`session_id`, `object_type`, `object_id`)\n\t\t\t     SELECT DISTINCT &1, 3, `cache_desc`.`id` FROM `cache_desc`, `tmpxmlSesssionCaches`\n\t\t\t     WHERE `cache_desc`.`cache_id`=`tmpxmlSesssionCaches`.`cache_id` AND `cache_desc`.`last_modified` >= '&2'", $sessionid, $sModifiedSince);
            $recordcount['cachedescs'] = mysql_affected_rows();
        if ($bCachelog == 1) {
            sql("INSERT INTO `xmlsession_data` (`session_id`, `object_type`, `object_id`)\n\t\t\t     SELECT DISTINCT &1, 1, `cache_logs`.`id` FROM `cache_logs`, `tmpxmlSesssionCaches`\n\t\t\t     WHERE `cache_logs`.`cache_id`=`tmpxmlSesssionCaches`.`cache_id` AND `cache_logs`.`last_modified` >= '&2'", $sessionid, $sModifiedSince);
            $recordcount['cachelogs'] = mysql_affected_rows();
        if ($bPicture == 1) {
            // cachebilder
            sql("INSERT INTO `xmlsession_data` (`session_id`, `object_type`, `object_id`)\n\t\t\t     SELECT DISTINCT &1, 6, `pictures`.`id` FROM `pictures`, `tmpxmlSesssionCaches`\n\t\t\t     WHERE `pictures`.`object_id`=`tmpxmlSesssionCaches`.`cache_id` AND `pictures`.`object_type`=2 AND\n\t\t\t           `pictures`.`last_modified` >= '&2'", $sessionid, $sModifiedSince);
            $recordcount['pictures'] = mysql_affected_rows();
            // bilder von logs
            if ($bPictureFromCachelog == 1) {
                sql("INSERT INTO `xmlsession_data` (`session_id`, `object_type`, `object_id`)\n\t\t\t\t     SELECT DISTINCT &1, 6, `pictures`.id FROM `pictures` , `cache_logs`, `tmpxmlSesssionCaches`\n\t\t\t\t     WHERE `tmpxmlSesssionCaches`.`cache_id`=`cache_logs`.`cache_id` AND\n\t\t\t\t           `pictures`.`object_type`=1 AND `pictures`.`object_id`=`cache_logs`.`id` AND\n\t\t\t\t           `pictures`.`last_modified` >= '&2'", $sessionid, $sModifiedSince);
                $recordcount['pictures'] += mysql_affected_rows();
        if ($bRemovedObject == 1) {
            sql("INSERT INTO `xmlsession_data` (`session_id`, `object_type`, `object_id`)\n\t\t\t     SELECT DISTINCT &1, 7, `id` FROM `removed_objects` WHERE `removed_date` >= '&2'", $sessionid, $sModifiedSince);
            $recordcount['removedobjects'] = mysql_affected_rows();
    sql('UPDATE `xmlsession` SET `caches`=&1, `cachedescs`=&2, `cachelogs`=&3, `users`=&4, `pictures`=&5, `removedobjects`=&6 WHERE `id`=&7 LIMIT 1', $recordcount['caches'], $recordcount['cachedescs'], $recordcount['cachelogs'], $recordcount['users'], $recordcount['pictures'], $recordcount['removedobjects'], $sessionid);
    return $sessionid;
Example #5
function sqlStringbySearchradius($distance, $lat, $lon, $multiplier, $distance_unit)
    global $sql_select, $sql_from, $sql_innerjoin;
    //all target caches are between lat - max_lat_diff and lat + max_lat_diff
    $max_lat_diff = $distance / (111.12 * $multiplier[$distance_unit]);
    //all target caches are between lon - max_lon_diff and lon + max_lon_diff
    //TODO: check!!!
    $max_lon_diff = $distance * 180 / (abs(sin((90 - $lat) * 3.14159 / 180)) * 6378 * $multiplier[$distance_unit] * 3.14159);
    $lon_rad = $lon * 3.14159 / 180;
    $lat_rad = $lat * 3.14159 / 180;
    $cachesFilter = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE &result_caches ENGINE=MEMORY\n            SELECT\n                (" . geomath::getSqlDistanceFormula($lon, $lat, $distance, $multiplier[$distance_unit]) . ") `distance`,\n                `caches`.`cache_id` `cache_id`\n            FROM `caches` FORCE INDEX (`latitude`)\n            WHERE\n                `longitude` > " . ($lon - $max_lon_diff) . "\n                AND `longitude` < " . ($lon + $max_lon_diff) . "\n                AND `latitude` > " . ($lat - $max_lat_diff) . "\n                AND `latitude` < " . ($lat + $max_lat_diff) . "\n            HAVING `distance` < " . ($distance + 0);
    sql_slave("ALTER TABLE &result_caches ADD PRIMARY KEY ( `cache_id` )");
    $sql_select[] = '&result_caches.`cache_id`';
    $sql_from = '&result_caches';
    $sql_innerjoin[] = '`caches` ON `caches`.`cache_id`=&result_caches.`cache_id`';
Example #6
 * Dieses Script berechnet andhand von Geodb-Daten die adm1..adm4-Daten
 * für die GNS-DB.
$opt['rootpath'] = '../../';
require_once $opt['rootpath'] . 'lib2/cli.inc.php';
require_once $opt['rootpath'] . 'lib2/search/search.inc.php';
require_once $opt['rootpath'] . 'lib2/logic/geomath.class.php';
require_once $opt['rootpath'] . 'lib2/logic/geodb.inc.php';
$rsLocations = sql("SELECT `uni`, `lat`, `lon`, `rc`, `cc1`, `adm1` FROM `gns_locations` WHERE `dsg` LIKE 'PPL%'");
while ($rLocations = sql_fetch_array($rsLocations)) {
    $minlat = geomath::getMinLat($rLocations['lon'], $rLocations['lat'], 10, 1);
    $maxlat = geomath::getMaxLat($rLocations['lon'], $rLocations['lat'], 10, 1);
    $minlon = geomath::getMinLon($rLocations['lon'], $rLocations['lat'], 10, 1);
    $maxlon = geomath::getMaxLon($rLocations['lon'], $rLocations['lat'], 10, 1);
    // den nächsgelegenen Ort in den geodb ermitteln
    $sql = 'SELECT ' . geomath::getSqlDistanceFormula($rLocations['lon'], $rLocations['lat'], 10, 1, 'lon', 'lat', 'geodb_coordinates') . ' `distance`,
							`geodb_coordinates`.`loc_id` `loc_id`
					  FROM `geodb_coordinates`
					  WHERE `lon` > ' . $minlon . ' AND
					        `lon` < ' . $maxlon . ' AND
					        `lat` > ' . $minlat . ' AND
					        `lat` < ' . $maxlat . '
					  HAVING `distance` < 10
					  ORDER BY `distance` ASC
					  LIMIT 1';
    $rs = sql($sql);
    if (mysql_num_rows($rs) == 1) {
        $r = sql_fetch_array($rs);
        $locid = $r['loc_id'];
        $admtxt1 = geodb_landFromLocid($locid);
Example #7
function output_namesearch($sName, $nLat, $nLon, $nResultId)
    global $login;
    $sName = '%' . $sName . '%';
    echo '<caches>' . "\n";
    $rs = sql_slave("SELECT " . geomath::getSqlDistanceFormula($nLon, $nLat, 0) . " AS `distance`, \r\n                          `caches`.`name`, `caches`.`wp_oc` \r\n                     FROM `map2_data` \r\n               INNER JOIN `caches` ON `map2_data`.`cache_id`=`caches`.`cache_id`\r\n               INNeR JOIN `cache_status` ON `caches`.`status`=`cache_status`.`id`\r\n                    WHERE `caches`.`name` LIKE '&1' \r\n                      AND (`cache_status`.`allow_user_view`=1 OR `caches`.`user_id`='&3')\r\n                      AND `map2_data`.`result_id`='&2'\r\n\t\t\t\t\t       ORDER BY `distance` ASC LIMIT 30", $sName, $nResultId, $login->userid);
    while ($r = sql_fetch_assoc($rs)) {
        echo '<cache name="' . xmlentities($r['name']) . '" wpoc="' . xmlentities($r['wp_oc']) . '" />' . "\n";
    echo '</caches>';
Example #8
function output_namesearch($name, $lat, $lon)
    $name = '%' . $name . '%';
    echo '<caches>' . "\n";
    $rs = sql_slave("SELECT " . geomath::getSqlDistanceFormula($lon, $lat, 0) . " AS `distance`, \r\n                          `caches`.`name`, `caches`.`wp_oc` \r\n                     FROM `caches` \r\n                    WHERE `name` LIKE '&1' \r\n                      AND `status` IN (1, 2) \r\n\t\t\t\t\t       ORDER BY `distance` ASC LIMIT 30", $name);
    while ($r = sql_fetch_assoc($rs)) {
        echo '<cache name="' . xmlentities($r['name']) . '" wpoc="' . xmlentities($r['wp_oc']) . '" />' . "\n";
    echo '</caches>';