if ($showFields->bName) {
if ($showFields->bSponsorInfo) {
if ($showFields->bClient) {
if ($lNumCols == 0) {
    echoT('There are no sponsorship fields to report.');
} else {
    echoT('<br>' . $clsRpt->openReport(800));
    echoT($clsRpt->writeTitle($strRptTitle, '', '', $lNumCols));
    if ($showFields->bSponsorID) {
        echoT($clsRpt->writeLabel('SponsorID', 40));
    if ($showFields->bName) {
    if ($showFields->bSponsorInfo) {
        echoT($clsRpt->writeLabel('Sponsorship Info'));
    if ($showFields->bClient) {
    foreach ($sponInfo as $sponsor) {

if ($lNumDisplayRows == 0) {
    echoT('<i>There are no business contacts that meet your search criteria.<br><br></i>');
$params = array('enumStyle' => 'enpRptC');
$clsRpt = new generic_rpt($params);
echoT('<br>' . $clsRpt->openReport());
echoT($clsRpt->writeTitle($strRptTitle, '', '', 6));
echoT($clsRpt->writeLabel('PeopleID', 60));
//   echoT($clsRpt->writeLabel('&nbsp;',     20));
echoT($clsRpt->writeLabel('Name', 150));
echoT($clsRpt->writeLabel('Business Relationships'));
foreach ($bizRecs as $bz) {
    $lPID = $bz->lPeopleID;
    echoT($clsRpt->writeCell(strLinkView_PeopleRecord($lPID, 'View people record', true) . '&nbsp;' . str_pad($lPID, 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT), 60));
    echoT($clsRpt->writeCell($bz->strSafeNameLF, 210));
    echoT($clsRpt->writeCell($bz->strAddress, 160));
    echoT($clsRpt->writeCell(strPhoneCell($bz->strPhone, $bz->strCell, true, true) . '<br>' . $bz->strEmailFormatted));
    if ($bz->lNumBiz == 0) {
        echoT($clsRpt->writeCell('<i>none</i>', 260));
    } else {
        $strOut = '<table width="100%">' . "\n";
        foreach ($bz->biz as $biz) {
            if ($biz->bSoftCash) {

echoT(strLinkAdd_GiftAcct('Add new donation account', true) . ' ' . strLinkAdd_GiftAcct('Add new account', false) . '<br><br>');
if ($lNumAccts == 0) {
    echoT('<i>There are currently no accounts defined in your database!</i><br><br>');
} else {
    $params = array('enumStyle' => 'enpRptC');
    $clsRpt = new generic_rpt($params);
    echoT($clsRpt->openReport(400) . $clsRpt->writeTitle('Donation Accounts', 500, '', 4) . $clsRpt->openRow(false) . $clsRpt->writeLabel('Acct ID', '65', 'text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;') . $clsRpt->writeLabel('Account Name', '', 'text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;') . $clsRpt->writeLabel('# Campaigns', '30', 'text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;') . $clsRpt->writeLabel('Total Donations', '130', 'text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;') . $clsRpt->closeRow());
    $idx = 0;
    foreach ($accts as $clsAcct) {
        $lAID = $clsAcct->lKeyID;
        if ($clsAcct->bProtected) {
            $strLinkEdit = '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
        } else {
            $strLinkEdit = strLinkEdit_GiftAcct($lAID, 'Edit account', true);
        echoT($clsRpt->writeCell($strLinkEdit . ' ' . str_pad($lAID, 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT), '', $strStyleExtra = 'text-align: center;') . $clsRpt->writeCell(htmlspecialchars($clsAcct->strAccount)) . $clsRpt->writeCell($clsAC->lNumCampsViaAcctID($lAID, false) . ' ' . strLinkView_GiftCampaigns($lAID, 'View campaigns', true) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;', '', 'text-align: right;') . $clsRpt->writeCell($strCumGiftsNonSoft[$idx] . $strLinkGifts[$idx], '', 'text-align: left;') . $clsRpt->closeRow());
 function viewViaObject($enumRemType, $lFID)
     global $gbDateFormatUS, $gdteNow, $glUserID, $genumDateFormat;
     if (!bTestForURLHack('notVolunteer')) {
     verifyIDsViaType($this, $enumRemType, $lFID, false);
     $displayData = array();
     $displayData['enumRemType'] = $enumRemType;
     $displayData['lFID'] = $lFID = (int) $lFID;
     // models & helpers
     $this->load->model('admin/madmin_aco', 'clsACO');
     $this->load->library('util/dl_date_time', '', 'clsDateTime');
     $this->load->model('sponsorship/msponsorship', 'clsSpon');
     $this->load->model('biz/mbiz', 'clsBiz');
     //      $this->load->helper('dl_util/email_web');
     $params = array('enumStyle' => 'enpRptC');
     $this->load->library('generic_rpt', $params);
     $clsRpt = new generic_rpt($params);
     $this->load->model('reminders/mreminders', 'clsRem');
     $this->clsRem->enumSort = 'currentFirst';
     configRemRecViewViaType($enumRemType, $lFID, $displayData);
     $bUserReminder = $enumRemType == CENUM_CONTEXT_USER;
     if ($bUserReminder) {
         $this->clsRem->enumLookupType = 'CurrentViaEnumRemTypeUserID';
     } else {
         $this->clsRem->enumLookupType = 'ViaEnumRemTypeFID';
     $strRemRpt = '';
     $lTotRems = 0;
     $this->clsRem->lFID = $lFID;
     foreach ($this->clsRem->enumRemTypeList as $enumRT) {
         $this->clsRem->enumRemType = $enumRT;
         $strRT = strtoupper(substr($enumRT, 0, 1)) . substr($enumRT, 1);
         $lTotRems += $this->clsRem->lNumReminders;
         if ($this->clsRem->lNumReminders > 0) {
             $strRemRpt .= $clsRpt->openReport(550);
             if ($bUserReminder) {
                 $strRemRpt .= $clsRpt->openRow(false);
                 $strRemRpt .= $clsRpt->writeTitle($strRT . ' Reminders', '', '', 8);
                 $strRemRpt .= $clsRpt->closeRow();
             $strRemRpt .= $clsRpt->openRow(false);
             $strRemRpt .= $clsRpt->writeLabel('Reminder Dates', '160pt');
             $strRemRpt .= $clsRpt->writeLabel('Reminder', '');
             //            $strRemRpt .= $clsRpt->writeLabel('&nbsp;', '');
             $strRemRpt .= $clsRpt->closeRow();
             foreach ($this->clsRem->reminders as $clsSingleRem) {
                 if ($this->clsRem->bOKToView($clsSingleRem, $glUserID)) {
                     $lRemID = $clsSingleRem->lKeyID;
                     $strRemRpt .= $clsRpt->openRow(true);
                     $strRemLogLabel = '';
                     $lNumPast = $this->clsRem->lNumPast($clsSingleRem, $gdteNow, $lIdxLastPast);
                     $lNumFuture = $this->clsRem->lNumFuture($clsSingleRem, $gdteNow, $lIdxFirstFuture);
                     $lCurDateIdx = $this->clsRem->lCurrentRemIdx($clsSingleRem, $gdteNow);
                     // it's the little things that make a house a home....
                     if ($lNumPast > 0) {
                         $strRemLogLabel .= ' / ' . $lNumPast . ' past reminder' . ($lNumPast == 1 ? '' : 's');
                     if ($lNumFuture > 0) {
                         $strRemLogLabel .= ' / ' . $lNumFuture . ' future reminder' . ($lNumFuture == 1 ? '' : 's');
                     if ($strRemLogLabel != '') {
                         $strRemLogLabel = '<br><small>' . substr($strRemLogLabel, 3) . '</small>';
                     if ($bUserReminder) {
                         $strRemLink = '<br><i>' . $this->clsRem->strHTMLOneLineLink($clsSingleRem) . '</i>';
                     } else {
                         $strRemLink = '';
                     // if reminder is not current, indicate next reminder; if no next reminder,
                     // indicate most recent reminder
                     $bCurrent = !is_null($lCurDateIdx);
                     if (!$bCurrent) {
                         $strRemStyle = 'color: #999999;';
                         if ($lNumFuture > 0) {
                             $strRemDate = '<i>next reminder: ' . date($genumDateFormat, $clsSingleRem->dates[$lIdxFirstFuture]->dteDisplayStart) . '</i>';
                         } else {
                             $strRemDate = '<i>reminded on: ' . date($genumDateFormat, $clsSingleRem->dates[$lIdxLastPast]->dteDisplayStart) . '</i>';
                     } else {
                         $strRemStyle = '';
                         $strRemDate = date($genumDateFormat, $clsSingleRem->dates[$lCurDateIdx]->dteDisplayStart);
                     // reminder title/note
                     $strReminder = '<b>' . htmlspecialchars($clsSingleRem->strTitle) . '</b>' . $strRemLink;
                     if ($clsSingleRem->strTitle != '') {
                         $strReminder .= '<br>' . nl2br(htmlspecialchars($clsSingleRem->strReminderNote));
                     // follow-up notes
                     if ($clsSingleRem->lNumFollowUps > 0) {
                         $strReminder .= '<small><br><br><b>Follow-up notes:</b><br>';
                         foreach ($clsSingleRem->followUpNotes as $clsFollow) {
                             $strReminder .= '<i>' . date($genumDateFormat, $clsFollow->dteOfNote) . ' by ' . $clsFollow->strSafeName . '</i><br>' . nl2br(htmlspecialchars($clsFollow->strFollowUpNote)) . '<br><br>';
                         $strReminder .= '</small>';
                     // follow-up note form
                     $clsNav = new stdClass();
                     $clsNav->strKey02 = 'RID';
                     $clsNav->lKey02 = $lRemID;
                     $attributes = array('name' => 'frmFollowUp' . $lRemID);
                     $strReminder .= form_open('reminders/rem_add_edit/addReminderFollup/' . $enumRemType . '/' . $lFID . '/' . $lRemID, $attributes) . '<br>
                   <i>add follow-up note:</i>
                     <input type="submit" name="cmdSubmit" value="Save"
                          style="font-size: 7pt; height: 13pt; vertical-align: center;"
                          onclick="this.disabled=1; this.form.submit();"
                             onmouseover="this.className=\'btn btnhov\'"
                     <textarea name="txtFollowUp" rows="1" cols="45"></textarea><br>
                     $strRemRpt .= $clsRpt->writeCell($strRemDate . $strRemLogLabel . '<br><br>' . strLinkRem_Reminder($lRemID, $lFID, $enumRemType, 'Remove reminder', true, true));
                     $strRemRpt .= $clsRpt->writeCell($strReminder, '', $strRemStyle);
                                    $strRemRpt .= $clsRpt->writeCell(strLinkRem_Reminder($lRemID, $lFID, $enumRemType,
                                                        'Remove reminder', true, true), '', $strRemStyle);
                     $strRemRpt .= $clsRpt->closeRow();
             $strRemRpt .= $clsRpt->closeReport('<br>');
     if ($lTotRems == 0) {
         $strRemRpt = '<br><i>There are no reminders for this user.</i><br><br>';
     $displayData['strRemRpt'] = $strRemRpt;
     // breadcrumbs
     $displayData['title'] = CS_PROGNAME . ' | People';
     $displayData['nav'] = $this->mnav_brain_jar->navData();
     $displayData['mainTemplate'] = 'reminders/view_reminder_record_view';
Example #5
 private function strAttribRptSponsor(&$sRpt, $strLimit, $strAttrib, $strLabel)
     global $genumDateFormat;
     $this->load->model('sponsorship/msponsorship', 'clsSpon');
     $params = array('enumStyle' => 'enpRptC');
     $clsRpt = new generic_rpt($params);
     //      $this->load->helper('dl_util/email_web');
     $this->clsSpon->sponsorInfoGenericViaWhere(" AND sp_lAttributedTo {$strAttrib} ", $strLimit);
     $strOut = '<br>' . $clsRpt->openReport();
     $strOut .= $clsRpt->writeTitle('Sponsorships ' . $strLabel, '', '', 7);
     $strOut .= $clsRpt->openRow(true);
     $strOut .= $clsRpt->writeLabel('SponsorID', 60) . $clsRpt->writeLabel('Active', 90) . $clsRpt->writeLabel('Sponsor', 150) . $clsRpt->writeLabel('Address') . $clsRpt->writeLabel('Client') . $clsRpt->writeLabel('Commitment') . $clsRpt->closeRow();
     foreach ($this->clsSpon->sponInfo as $sponRec) {
         $lSponID = $sponRec->lKeyID;
         $lFID = $sponRec->lForeignID;
         if ($sponRec->bInactive) {
             $strIStyle = 'color: #999;';
             $strActiveDates = 'sponsor dates: ' . date($genumDateFormat, $sponRec->dteStart) . ' - ' . date($genumDateFormat, $sponRec->dteInactive);
         } else {
             $strIStyle = '';
             $strActiveDates = 'sponsor since: ' . date($genumDateFormat, $sponRec->dteStart);
         $strOut .= $clsRpt->openRow(true);
         $strOut .= $clsRpt->writeCell(strLinkView_Sponsorship($lSponID, 'View sponsorship record', true) . '&nbsp;' . str_pad($lSponID, 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT), 60, $strIStyle);
         // active state
         $strOut .= $clsRpt->writeCell($strActiveDates, '', $strIStyle);
         if ($sponRec->bSponBiz) {
             $strLinkFID = 'business ID: ' . strLinkView_BizRecord($lFID, 'View business record', true);
         } else {
             $strLinkFID = 'people ID: ' . strLinkView_PeopleRecord($lFID, 'View people record', true);
         $strLinkFID .= str_pad($lFID, 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
         // sponsor name
         $strHonoree = '';
         if ($sponRec->bHonoree) {
             $lHFID = $sponRec->lHonoreeID;
             if ($sponRec->bHonBiz) {
                 $strLinkHFID = 'business ID: ' . strLinkView_BizRecord($lHFID, 'View business record', true);
             } else {
                 $strLinkHFID = 'people ID: ' . strLinkView_PeopleRecord($lHFID, 'View people record', true);
             $strLinkHFID .= str_pad($lHFID, 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
             $strHonoree = '<br><br>Honoree: ' . $sponRec->strHonSafeNameLF . '<br>' . $strLinkHFID;
         $strContact = '<b>' . $sponRec->strSponSafeNameLF . '</b>' . '<br>' . $strLinkFID . $strHonoree . '<br>
             program: ' . htmlspecialchars($sponRec->strSponProgram);
         $strOut .= $clsRpt->writeCell($strContact, '', $strIStyle);
         // address / contact
         $strAddr = strBuildAddress($sponRec->strSponAddr1, $sponRec->strSponAddr2, $sponRec->strSponCity, $sponRec->strSponState, $sponRec->strSponCountry, $sponRec->strSponZip, true);
         if ($sponRec->strSponEmail . '' != '') {
             $strAddr .= strBuildEmailLink($sponRec->strSponEmail, '<br>', false, ' style="' . $strIStyle . '"');
         $strPhone = strPhoneCell($sponRec->strSponPhone, $sponRec->strSponPhone, true, true);
         if ($strPhone != '') {
             $strAddr .= '<br>' . $strPhone;
         $strOut .= $clsRpt->writeCell($strAddr, '', $strIStyle);
         // client
         $lClientID = $sponRec->lClientID;
         if (is_null($lClientID)) {
             if ($sponRec->bInactive) {
                 $strClientInfo = '<i>Client not set</i>';
             } else {
                 $strClientInfo = '<i>Client not set</i><br>' . strLinkAdd_ClientToSpon($lSponID, 'Add client to sponsorship', false);
         } else {
             $strClientInfo = '<b>' . $sponRec->strClientSafeNameLF . '</b><br>' . 'client ID: ' . strLinkView_ClientRecord($lClientID, 'View client record', true) . str_pad($lClientID, 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '<br>' . htmlspecialchars($sponRec->strLocation) . '<br>' . 'birth/age: ' . $sponRec->strClientAgeBDay;
             $strClientInfo .= '<br>' . htmlspecialchars($sponRec->strLocation);
         $strOut .= $clsRpt->writeCell($strClientInfo, '', $strIStyle);
         // financial commitment
         $strOut .= $clsRpt->writeCell($sponRec->strCommitACOCurSym . ' ' . number_format($sponRec->curCommitment, 2) . ' ' . $sponRec->strCommitACOFlagImg . '<br>' . strLinkView_SponsorFinancials($lSponID, 'View sponsorship financials', true) . strLinkView_SponsorFinancials($lSponID, 'View financials', false), '', $strIStyle);
         $strOut .= $clsRpt->closeRow();
     $strOut .= $clsRpt->closeReport();
     return $strOut;

if ($lNumInHousehold == 0) {
    echoT('<i>The requested household was not found.</i>');
} else {
    $params = array('enumStyle' => 'enpRptC');
    $clsRpt = new generic_rpt($params);
    $clsSpon = new msponsorship();
    echoT(strLinkAdd_PersonToHousehold($lHouseholdID, 'Add person to this household', true) . '&nbsp;' . strLinkAdd_PersonToHousehold($lHouseholdID, 'Add person to this household', false) . '<br>');
    echoT('<br>' . $clsRpt->openReport());
    echoT($clsRpt->writeTitle(htmlspecialchars($strHouseholdName), '', '', 7));
    echoT($clsRpt->writeLabel('&nbsp;', ''));
    echoT($clsRpt->writeLabel('&nbsp;', ''));
    echoT($clsRpt->writeLabel('Name', 160));
    echoT($clsRpt->writeLabel('Contact Info', 160));
    if (bAllowAccess('showGiftHistory')) {
        echoT($clsRpt->writeLabel('Gift Totals (hard)', 160));
        echoT($clsRpt->writeLabel('Gift Totals (soft)', 160));
    if (bAllowAccess('showSponsors')) {
        echoT($clsRpt->writeLabel('Sponsorship', 160));
    $bHOH = true;
    foreach ($households as $contact) {
        $strLinkGiftHistory = '';
        $lPID = $contact->PID;
        if ($bHOH) {
            $strHOH = '<b>';
            $strEndHOH = '</b> <span class="smaller">(head)</span>';
            $bHOH = false;