foreach ($state_fields as $k => $discard) { if ($k === 'body') { $modified_state[$k] = $post->rawBody(); } else { $v = $post->{$k}; if ($v instanceof GBDateTime) { $v = strval($v); } $modified_state[$k] = $v; } } } # commit? if ($input['commit']) { git::add($post->name); git::commit(($created ? 'Created' : 'Updated') . ' post ' . r($post->title), gb::$authorized, $post->name); } # build response entity $rsp = array('name' => $post->name, 'version' => $post->id, 'exists' => $post->exists(), 'isTracked' => $post->isTracked(), 'isDirty' => $post->isDirty(), 'state' => $modified_state); # status $status = '200 OK'; if ($created) { $status = '201 Created'; } # send JSON response gb_admin::json_rsp($rsp, $status); gb::log('saved post %s', $post->name); } catch (Exception $e) { gb::log('failed to save post: %s', GBException::format($e, true, false, null, 0)); gb_admin::json_rsp($e->getMessage(), '400 Bad Request'); }
title="Hide this message"><span>X</span></a> <div class="icon"></div> <ul> <li class="title"> <?php echo count(gb::$errors) === 1 ? 'An error occured' : counted(count(gb::$errors), '', 'errors occured'); ?> </li> <?php foreach (gb::$errors as $error) { ?> <li><?php echo h($error); ?> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> </div> </div> <div id="menu" <?php if ($integrity == 2) { echo 'class="disabled"'; } ?> > <?php echo gb_admin::render_menu($integrity == 2); ?> </div>
function render_menu($menu_disabled = false, $items = null, $baseurl = null, $currurlpath = null, $liststart = '<ul>', $listend = '</ul>') { if ($items === null) { $items = self::$menu; } if ($baseurl === null) { $baseurl = gb_admin::$url; } if ($currurlpath === null) { $currurlpath = gb::url()->path; } $accesskey_prefix = ''; $is_osx = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Mac OS X') !== false; if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Safari') !== false) { if ($is_osx) { $accesskey_prefix = '⌃⌥'; } } $s = $liststart; foreach ($items as $k => $item) { $uri = $url = ''; $is_curr = $is_todo = false; $accesskey = is_string($k) ? strtoupper($k) : ''; if (isset($item[1]) && is_string($item[1])) { $uri = $item[1]; $url = $uri && ($uri[0] === '/' || strpos($uri, '://') !== false) ? $uri : $baseurl . $uri; $url_st = GBURL::parse($url); $actual_currpath = $url_st->path; $is_todo = strpos($url_st->fragment, 'todo:') === 0; $is_curr = !$is_todo && $actual_currpath === substr($currurlpath, 0, strlen($actual_currpath)); if ($uri === '') { $is_curr = gb::url()->path === GBURL::parse(gb_admin::$url)->path; } } $dom_id = $uri ? gb_strtodomid(gb_filenoext($item[1])) : $k; $s .= '<li id="menu-item-' . $dom_id . '"'; $css_class = ''; if ($is_curr) { $css_class .= 'selected'; self::$current_domid = $dom_id; } if ($is_todo) { $css_class .= ' todo'; } if ($css_class) { $s .= ' class="' . $css_class . '"'; } $s .= '><a'; if ($url && !$is_todo && !$menu_disabled) { $s .= ' href="' . h($url) . '"'; } if ($accesskey && !$menu_disabled) { $s .= ' accesskey="' . $accesskey . '"'; } $s .= '><span class="title">' . h($item[0]) . '</span>'; if ($accesskey && !$menu_disabled) { $s .= '<span class="accesskey-hint">' . $accesskey_prefix . $accesskey . '</span>'; } $s .= '</a>'; if (isset($item[2]) && $item[2]) { $s .= self::render_menu($menu_disabled, $item[2], $baseurl, $currurlpath, $liststart, $listend); } $s .= '</li>'; } $s .= $listend; return $s; }
function writeExposedContent(GBExposedContent $obj) { gb_admin::write_content($obj); git::add($obj->name); if ($this->includeComments) { $this->writeComments($obj); } return true; }
if (!empty($action) && !empty($tbl) && !empty($id)) { $adminVariables = htmlspecialchars('?action=' . $action . '&tbl=' . $tbl . '&id=' . intval($id)); } $EMAILJS = ''; $enter_html = ''; eval("\$enter_html = \"" . $template->get_template('header') . "\";"); eval("\$enter_html .= \"" . $template->get_template('admin_enter') . "\";"); eval("\$enter_html .= \"" . $template->get_template('footer') . "\";"); echo $enter_html; } else { // This is an array of some generic variables common to most forms $postVars = array('gbsession', 'uid', 'action', 'panel', 'section', 'tbl'); create_variable($postVars); $action = !isset($action) ? '' : $action; $rid = !isset($rid) ? '' : $rid; $admin = new gb_admin($AUTH['session'], $AUTH['uid']); $admin->VARS =& $VARS; $admin->db =& $gb_auth; switch ($action) { case 'accept': $admin->accept_entry($id, $tbl); $admin->show_entry($tbl, $rid, $LANG['AdminTopMessAcc']); break; case 'unaccept': $admin->unaccept_entry($id, $tbl); $admin->show_entry($tbl, $rid, $LANG['AdminTopMessUnacc']); break; case 'show': $postVars = array('record', 'table'); create_variable($postVars); $admin->show_entry($tbl, $rid);
if (isset($_COOKIE['lang']) && !empty($_COOKIE['lang'])) { $template->set_lang($_COOKIE['lang']); } else { $template->set_lang($VARS['lang']); } $LANG = $template->get_content(); $enter_html = ""; if (!$AUTH) { $message = isset($username) || isset($password) ? $LANG["PassMess2"] : $LANG["PassMess1"]; eval("\$enter_html = \"" . $template->get_template($GB_TPL['header']) . "\";"); eval("\$enter_html .= \"" . $template->get_template($GB_TPL['adm_enter']) . "\";"); eval("\$enter_html .= \"" . $template->get_template($GB_TPL['footer']) . "\";"); echo $enter_html; } else { $action = !isset($action) ? "" : $action; $admin = new gb_admin($AUTH["session"], $AUTH["uid"]); $admin->VARS =& $VARS; $admin->db =& $gb_auth; $admin->table =& $GB_TBL; switch ($action) { case "show": $admin->show_entry($tbl); break; case "del": $admin->del_entry($id, $tbl); $admin->show_entry($tbl); break; case "edit": $admin->show_form($id, $tbl); break; case "info":