if ($relpath[0] === '/') { $uplevels = 1; } if ($relpath[0] === '.') { function _empty($x) { return empty($x); } $max_uplevels = count(explode('/', trim(parse_url(gb::$site_url, PHP_URL_PATH), '/'))); $uplevels = count(array_filter(explode('../', $relpath), '_empty')); } if ($uplevels > $max_uplevels) { trigger_error('gb::$theme_url could not be deduced since the theme you are ' . 'using (' . gb::$theme_dir . ') is not reachable from ' . gb::$site_url . '. You need to manually define $gb_theme_url before including gitblog.php', E_USER_ERROR); } } else { gb::$theme_url = gb::$site_url . $relpath . '/'; } } } unset($s); unset($u); #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Define error handler which throws PHPException s function gb_throw_php_error($errno, $errstr, $errfile = null, $errline = -1, $errcontext = null) { if (error_reporting() === 0) { return; } try { gb::vlog(LOG_WARNING, array($errstr), 2); } catch (Exception $e) {