function mod() { $rec = freemed::get_link_rec($_REQUEST['id'], $this->table_name); $template = CreateObject('org.freemedsoftware.core.FormTemplate', $rec['fr_template']); $information = $template->GetInformation(); $controls = $template->GetControls(); // Only update timestamp on master record $fr_query = $GLOBALS['sql']->update_query($this->table_name, array('fr_timestamp' => SQL__NOW), array('id' => $_REQUEST['id'])); $fr_result = $GLOBALS['sql']->query($fr_query); // Get id for association $fid = $_REQUEST['id']; foreach ($controls as $k => $v) { // Decide if we have defined the control if (method_exists($this, 'control_' . $v['type'])) { // Call the appropriate method $value = call_user_func(array($this, 'control_' . $v['type']), 'serialize', $v); // Build UPDATE query $query = "UPDATE form_record SET fr_value = '" . addslashes($value) . "' WHERE fr_id='" . addslashes($fid) . "' AND fr_uuid='" . $v['uuid'] . "'"; $result = $GLOBALS['sql']->query($query); } } // end foreach controls // Return to where we came from: if ($_REQUEST['return'] == 'manage') { $GLOBALS['refresh'] = "manage.php?id=" . urlencode($_REQUEST['patient']); } else { $GLOBALS['refresh'] = "module_loader.php?module=" . urlencode(get_class($this)); } }