/** * Render the plugin settings menu */ function flowplayer_settings() { echo flowplayer::admin_head(); flowplayer::get_nonce(); if (wp_verify_nonce($_POST['flowplayer_noncename'], FLOWPLAYER_NONCE_FILE)) { flowplayer::_setautoplay($_POST['flowplayer_autoplay']); flowplayer::_setkey($_POST['flowplayer_key']); flowplayer::_setautobuffer($_POST['flowplayer_autobuffer']); flowplayer::_setbackgroundColor($_POST['flowplayer_backgroundColor']); flowplayer::_setcanvas($_POST['flowplayer_canvas']); flowplayer::_setsliderColor($_POST['flowplayer_sliderColor']); flowplayer::_setbuttonColor($_POST['flowplayer_buttonColor']); flowplayer::_setbuttonOverColor($_POST['flowplayer_buttonOverColor']); flowplayer::_setdurationColor($_POST['flowplayer_durationColor']); flowplayer::_settimeColor($_POST['flowplayer_timeColor']); flowplayer::_setprogressColor($_POST['flowplayer_progressColor']); flowplayer::_setbufferColor($_POST['flowplayer_bufferColor']); flowplayer::_setlogo($_POST['flowplayer_logo']); flowplayer::_setlogolink($_POST['flowplayer_logolink']); } echo flowplayer::flowplayer_settings(); }
function flowplayer_settings() { $html = ' <script type="text/javascript"> WPFP(document).ready(function() { //load player $f("player", "' . (flowplayer::_getkey() ? flowplayer::commercial_url() : flowplayer::gpl_url()) . '", { plugins: { controls: { ' . (flowplayer::_getbuttonOverColor() != '' ? 'buttonOverColor: \'' . flowplayer::_getbuttonOverColor() . '\',' : '') . ' ' . (flowplayer::_getsliderColor() != '' ? 'sliderColor: \'' . flowplayer::_getsliderColor() . '\',' : '') . ' ' . (flowplayer::_getbufferColor() != '' ? 'bufferColor: \'' . flowplayer::_getbufferColor() . '\',' : '') . ' sliderGradient: \'none\', progressGradient: \'medium\', ' . (flowplayer::_getdurationColor() != '' ? 'durationColor: \'' . flowplayer::_getdurationColor() . '\',' : '') . ' ' . (flowplayer::_getprogressColor() != '' ? 'progressColor: \'' . flowplayer::_getprogressColor() . '\',' : '') . ' ' . (flowplayer::_getbackgroundColor() != '' ? 'backgroundColor: \'' . flowplayer::_getbackgroundColor() . '\',' : '') . ' ' . (flowplayer::_gettimeColor() != '' ? 'timeColor: \'' . flowplayer::_gettimeColor() . '\',' : '') . ' ' . (flowplayer::_getbuttonColor() != '' ? 'buttonColor: \'' . flowplayer::_getbuttonColor() . '\',' : '') . ' backgroundGradient: \'none\', bufferGradient: \'none\', opacity:1.0 } }, clip: { url:\'http://saiweb.co.uk/wp-content/videos/wpfp_config_demo.mp4\', autoPlay: ' . (flowplayer::_getautoplay() == 'true' ? 'true' : 'false') . ', autoBuffering: ' . (flowplayer::_getautobuffer() == 'true' ? 'true' : 'false') . ' }, ' . (flowplayer::_getkey() ? 'key:\'' . flowplayer::_getkey() . '\',' : ''); if (strlen(flowplayer::_getlogo()) > 0) { $html .= ' logo: { url: \'' . flowplayer::_getlogo() . '\', displayTime: 0, fullscreenOnly: false, linkUrl: \'' . flowplayer::_getlogolink() . '\' },'; } $html .= ' canvas: { backgroundColor:\'' . flowplayer::_getcanvas() . '\' }, onLoad: function() { $(":input[name=tgt]").removeAttr("disabled"); }, onUnload: function() { $(":input[name=tgt]").attr("disabled", true); } }); //colour picker call back to api and hidden vars WPFP(\'#colourpicker\').farbtastic(function(color){ var tgt = $(":input[name=tgt]:checked").val(); tgtArr = tgt.split(\'_\'); //set to hidden input $(":input[name="+tgt+"]").val(color); var player = $f("player"); if (player.isLoaded()) { // adjust canvas bgcolor. uses undocumented API call. not stabilized yet if (tgtArr[1] == \'canvas\') { player._api().fp_css("canvas", {backgroundColor:color}); // adjust controlbar coloring } else { window.canvasColor = color; player.getControls().css(tgtArr[1], color); } } else { player.load(); } }); }); </script> <div class="wrap"> <form id="wpfp_options" method="post"> <div id="icon-options-general" class="icon32"><br></div> <h2><a href="http://www.saiweb.co.uk">Saiweb</a> Flowplayer for Wordpress</h2> '; if (!flowplayer::_getkey()) { $html .= ' <h3>Like this plugin?</h3> A lot of development time and effort went into Flowplayer and this plugin, you can help support further development by purchasing a comercial license for flowplayer. <h3><a href="http://Flowplayer.ojrq.net/c/12651/7417/510" target="_blank">Get a commercial license now!</a></h3> '; } $html .= '<h3>Please set your default player options below</h3> <table> <tr> <td>AutoPlay: </td> <td> <select name="flowplayer_autoplay"> ' . flowplayer::bool_select(flowplayer::_getautoplay()) . ' </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Commercial License Key: </td> <td> <input type="text" size="20" name="flowplayer_key" id="flowplayer_key" value="' . flowplayer::_getkey() . '" /> (Required for certain features i.e. custom logo) </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Logo URL: </td> <td> <input type="text" size="20" name="flowplayer_logo" id="flowplayer_logo" value="' . flowplayer::_getlogo() . '" /> (only works with valid license key) </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Logo Link: </td> <td> <input type="text" size="20" name="flowplayer_logolink" id="flowplayer_logolink" value="' . flowplayer::_getlogolink() . '" /> (only works with valid license key) </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Auto Buffering:</td> <td><select name="flowplayer_autobuffer">' . flowplayer::bool_select(flowplayer::_getautobuffer()) . '</select></td> </tr> <tr> <td><div id="colourpicker"></div></td> <td> ' . flowplayer::flowplayer_colours() . ' </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <input type="submit" name="submit" class="button-primary" value="Save Changes" /> </td> </tr> </table> <input type="hidden" name="flowplayer_noncename" id="flowplayer_noncename" value="' . flowplayer::get_nonce() . '" /> </form> <div id="player" style="width:300px;height:200px;"></div> </div> '; return $html; }