     * Function renderTable
     * @author David S. Callizaya S. <*****@*****.**>
     * @param eter $block : = 'content'(Prints contentBlock only)
     * @access public
     * @return string
    public function renderTable($block = '', $fields = '')
        //Render Title
        $thereisnotitle = true;
        foreach ($this->fields as $r => $rval) {
            if ($this->fields[$r]['Type'] === 'title') {
                $this->title = $this->fields[$r]['Label'];
                $thereisnotitle = false;
        if ($thereisnotitle) {
            $this->title = '';
        $oHeadPublisher =& headPublisher::getSingleton();
        $oHeadPublisher->addInstanceModule('leimnud', 'panel');
        $time_start = microtime(true);
        $time_end = microtime(true);
        $time = $time_end - $time_start;
        // verify if there are templates folders registered, template and method folders are the same
        $folderTemplate = explode('/', $this->template);
        $oPluginRegistry =& PMPluginRegistry::getSingleton();
        if ($oPluginRegistry->isRegisteredFolder($folderTemplate[0])) {
            $templateFile = PATH_PLUGINS . $this->template . '.html';
        } else {
            $templateFile = PATH_TPL . $this->template . '.html';
            // Prepare the template
        $this->tpl = new TemplatePower($templateFile);
        if (is_array($fields)) {
            foreach ($fields as $key => $val) {
                $this->tpl->assignGlobal($key, $val);
                //Changed to Global by JHL on Dec 14,2009.. then thes fields are available for all Blocks
         * ******** HEAD BLOCK **************
        if ($block === '' || $block === 'head') {
            $this->tpl->assign('pagedTable_Id', $this->id);
            $this->tpl->assign('pagedTable_Name', $this->name);
            $this->tpl->assign('pagedTable_Height', $this->xmlForm->height);
            $this->tpl->assign("title", $this->title);
            if (file_exists($this->xmlForm->home . $this->filterForm . '.xml')) {
                $filterForm = new filterForm($this->filterForm, $this->xmlForm->home);
                if ($this->menu === '') {
                    $this->menu = 'gulliver/pagedTable_Options';
            if (file_exists($this->xmlForm->home . $this->menu . '.xml')) {
                $menu = new xmlMenu($this->menu, $this->xmlForm->home);
                $template = PATH_CORE . 'templates' . PATH_SEP . $menu->type . '.html';
                $menu->setValues(array('PAGED_TABLE_ID' => $this->id));
                if (isset($filterForm->name)) {
                    $menu->setValues(array('SEARCH_FILTER_FORM' => $filterForm->name));
                $this->tpl->assign('content', $menu->render($template, $scriptCode));
            if (file_exists($this->xmlForm->home . $this->filterForm . '.xml')) {
                $this->filterForm_Id = $filterForm->id;
                $filterForm->type = 'filterform';
                $filterForm->ajaxServer = '../gulliver/defaultAjax';
                $template = PATH_CORE . 'templates/' . $filterForm->type . '.html';
                $filterForm->setValues(array('PAGED_TABLE_ID' => $this->id));
                $filterForm->setValues(array('PAGED_TABLE_FAST_SEARCH' => $this->fastSearch));
                $this->tpl->assign('content', $filterForm->render($template, $scriptCode));
                if (isset($_SESSION)) {
                    $_SESSION[$filterForm->id] = $filterForm->values;
         * ******** CONTENT BLOCK **************
        if ($block === '' || $block === 'content') {
            $this->tpl->assign('gridWidth', '=[' . substr($this->gridWidth, 1) . ']');
            $this->tpl->assign('fieldNames', '=[' . substr($this->gridFields, 1) . ']');
            $this->tpl->assign('ajaxUri', '="' . addslashes($this->ajaxServer) . '"');
            $this->tpl->assign('currentUri', '="' . addslashes($this->ownerPage) . '"');
            $this->tpl->assign('currentOrder', '="' . addslashes($this->orderBy) . '"');
            $this->tpl->assign('currentPage', '=' . $this->currentPage);
            $this->tpl->assign('currentFilter', '="' . '"');
            $this->tpl->assign('totalRows', '=' . $this->totRows);
            $this->tpl->assign('rowsPerPage', '=' . $this->rowsPerPage);
            $this->tpl->assign('popupPage', '="' . addslashes($this->popupPage) . '"');
            $this->tpl->assign('popupWidth', '=' . $this->popupWidth);
            $this->tpl->assign('popupHeight', '=' . $this->popupHeight);
            $this->tpl->assign('pagedTable_Id', $this->id);
            $this->tpl->assign('pagedTable_Name', $this->name);
            $this->tpl->assign("pagedTable_JS", "{$this->id}.element=document.getElementById('pagedtable[{$this->id}]');");
            //Render rows
            if ($this->criteria->getDbName() == 'dbarray') {
                $rs = ArrayBasePeer::doSelectRs($this->criteria);
            } else {
                $rs = GulliverBasePeer::doSelectRs($this->criteria);
                         print "<div class='pagedTableDefault'><table  class='default'>";
                         $row = $rs->getRow();
                         while ( is_array ( $row ) ) {
                         print "<tr  class='Row1'>";
                         foreach ( $row as $k=>$v ) print "<td>$v</td>";
                         print "</tr>";
                         $row = $rs->getRow();
                         print "</table></div>";  die;*/
            $gridRows = 0;
            //Initialize the array of breakFields for Master Detail View
            foreach ($this->masterdetail as $keyMasterDetail => $fieldMasterDetail) {
                $breakField[$fieldMasterDetail] = "novaluehere";
            $breakFieldKeys = array_flip($this->masterdetail);
            for ($j = 0; $j < $rs->getRecordCount(); $j++) {
                $result = $rs->getRow();
                $this->tpl->assign("class", "Row" . ($j % 2 + 1));
                $this->tdStyle = '';
                $this->tdClass = '';
                //Start Master Detail: This enable the MasterDEtail view. By JHL November 2008
                if (count($this->masterdetail) > 0) {
                    //TODO: Validate if there is a Field that doesn't exist
                    //TODO: Style
                    //TODO: Improve Collapse function....
                    foreach ($this->masterdetail as $keyMasterDetail => $fieldMasterDetail) {
                        if ($breakField[$fieldMasterDetail] != $result[$fieldMasterDetail]) {
                            $this->tpl->assign("alignAttr", " colspan=" . count($this->fields) * 2);
                            $this->tpl->assign("value", $this->fields[$fieldMasterDetail]['Label'] == "" ? "" : $this->fields[$fieldMasterDetail]['Label'] . ": " . $this->xmlForm->fields[$fieldMasterDetail]->renderTable($result[$fieldMasterDetail], $this->xmlForm, true));
                            $breakField[$fieldMasterDetail] = $result[$fieldMasterDetail];
                            for ($i = $breakFieldKeys[$fieldMasterDetail] + 1; $i < count($breakField); $i++) {
                                $breakField[$this->masterdetail[$i]] = "novaluehere";
                            $rowName = array();
                            foreach ($breakField as $key => $value) {
                                if ($value != "novaluehere") {
                                    $rowName[$key] = $key . "_" . $value;
                            $this->tpl->assign("masterRowName", implode(",", $rowName));
                            $this->tpl->assign('pagedTable_Name', $this->name);
                            $many = "";
                            $this->tpl->assign("value1", str_pad($many, count($rowName) - 1, "-"));
                            $this->tpl->assign("masterRowName", "_MD_" . implode(",", $rowName));
                            $this->tpl->assign("masterRowClass", $keyMasterDetail == 0 ? "masterDetailMain" : "masterDetailOther");
                    if (!isset($rowName)) {
                        $rowName = array();
                    $this->tpl->assign("rowName", implode(",", $rowName));
                //End Master Detail: This enable the MasterDEtail view
                //Merge $result with $xmlForm values (for default valuesSettings)
                if (is_array($this->xmlForm->values)) {
                    $result = array_merge($this->xmlForm->values, $result);
                foreach ($this->fields as $r => $rval) {
                    if (strcasecmp($this->fields[$r]['Type'], 'cellMark') == 0) {
                        $result1 = $result;
                        $result1['row__'] = $j + 1;
                        $result1 = array_merge($this->xmlForm->values, $result1);
                        $this->tdStyle = $this->xmlForm->fields[$this->fields[$r]['Name']]->tdStyle($result1, $this->xmlForm);
                        $this->tdClass = $this->xmlForm->fields[$this->fields[$r]['Name']]->tdClass($result1, $this->xmlForm);
                    } elseif ($this->style[$r]['showInTable'] != '0') {
                        if ($this->style[$r]['showInTable'] != '0' && !in_array($this->fields[$r]['Name'], $this->masterdetail)) {
                            $this->renderField($j + 1, $r, $result);
            $this->tpl->assign('_ROOT.gridRows', '=' . $gridRows);
            //number of rows in the current page
            $this->tpl->assign('rowId', 'insertAtLast');
            if ($this->currentPage > 1) {
                $firstUrl = $this->ownerPage . '?order=' . $this->orderBy . '&page=1';
                $firstAjax = $this->id . ".doGoToPage(1);return false;";
                $prevpage = $this->currentPage - 1;
                $prevUrl = $this->ownerPage . '?order=' . $this->orderBy . '&page=' . $prevpage;
                $prevAjax = $this->id . ".doGoToPage(" . $prevpage . ");return false;";
                $first = "<a href=\"" . htmlentities($firstUrl, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8') . "\" onclick=\"" . $firstAjax . "\" class='firstPage'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>";
                $prev = "<a href=\"" . htmlentities($prevUrl, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8') . "\"  onclick=\"" . $prevAjax . "\" class='previousPage'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>";
            } else {
                $first = "<a class='noFirstPage'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>";
                $prev = "<a class='noPreviousPage'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>";
            if ($this->currentPage < $this->totPages) {
                $lastUrl = $this->ownerPage . '?order=' . $this->orderBy . '&page=' . $this->totPages;
                $lastAjax = $this->id . ".doGoToPage(" . $this->totPages . ");return false;";
                $nextpage = $this->currentPage + 1;
                $nextUrl = $this->ownerPage . '?order=' . $this->orderBy . '&page=' . $nextpage;
                $nextAjax = $this->id . ".doGoToPage(" . $nextpage . ");return false;";
                $next = "<a href=\"" . htmlentities($nextUrl, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8') . "\" onclick=\"" . $nextAjax . "\" class='nextPage'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>";
                $last = "<a href=\"" . htmlentities($lastUrl, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8') . "\" onclick=\"" . $lastAjax . "\" class='lastPage'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>";
            } else {
                $next = "<a class='noNextPage'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>";
                $last = "<a class='noLastPage'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>";
            $pagesEnum = '';
            for ($r = 1; $r <= $this->totPages; $r++) {
                if ($r >= $this->currentPage - 5 && $r <= $this->currentPage + 5) {
                    $pageAjax = $this->id . ".doGoToPage(" . $r . ");return false;";
                    if ($r != $this->currentPage) {
                        $pagesEnum .= "&nbsp;<a href=\"" . htmlentities($this->ownerPage . '?order=' . $this->orderBy . '&page=' . $r, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8') . "\" onclick=\"" . $pageAjax . "\">" . $r . "</a>";
                    } else {
                        $pagesEnum .= "&nbsp;<a>" . $r . "</a>";
            if ($this->totRows === 0) {
                $this->tpl->assign("columnCount", $this->colCount);
                $noRecordsFound = 'ID_NO_RECORDS_FOUND';
                if (G::LoadTranslation($noRecordsFound)) {
                    $noRecordsFound = G::LoadTranslation($noRecordsFound);
                $this->tpl->assign("noRecordsFound", $noRecordsFound);
            if (!$this->disableFooter) {
                $this->tpl->assign("columnCount", $this->colCount);
                $this->tpl->assign("pagedTableId", $this->id);
                if ($this->totRows !== 0) {
                    if ($this->totPages > 1) {
                        $this->tpl->assign("first", $first);
                        $this->tpl->assign("prev", $prev);
                        $this->tpl->assign("next", $next);
                        $this->tpl->assign("last", $last);
                    $this->tpl->assign("currentPage", $this->currentPage);
                    $this->tpl->assign("totalPages", $this->totPages);
                    $firstRow = ($this->currentPage - 1) * $this->rowsPerPage + 1;
                    $lastRow = $firstRow + $rs->getRecordCount() - 1;
                    $this->tpl->assign("firstRow", $firstRow);
                    $this->tpl->assign("lastRow", $lastRow);
                    $this->tpl->assign("totalRows", $this->totRows);
                } else {
                    $this->tpl->assign("indexStyle", 'visibility:hidden;');
                if ($this->searchBy) {
                    $this->tpl->assign("fastSearchValue", $this->fastSearch);
                } else {
                    $this->tpl->assign("fastSearchStyle", 'visibility:hidden;');
                if ($this->addRow) {
                    if ($this->sqlInsert != '') {
                        $this->tpl->assign("insert", '<a href="#" onclick="pagedTable.event=\'Insert\';popup(\'' . $this->popupPage . '\');return false;">' . 'ID_ADD_NEW' . '</a>');
                $this->tpl->assign("pagesEnum", $pagesEnum);

            <script language='JavaScript'>
            var <?php 
            echo $this->id;
            echo $this->name != '' ? '=' . $this->name : '';
=new G_PagedTable();
            echo $this->id;
            echo '="' . addslashes($this->id) . '"';
            echo $this->id;
            echo '="' . addslashes($this->name) . '"';
            echo $this->id;
            echo '="' . addslashes($this->ajaxServer) . '?ptID=' . $this->id . '"';
            echo $this->id;
            echo '="' . addslashes($this->orderBy) . '"';
            echo $this->id;
            echo $this->id;
            echo '=' . $this->currentPage;
            echo $this->id;
            echo '=' . $this->totRows;
            echo $this->id;
            echo '=' . $this->rowsPerPage;
            echo $this->id;
            echo '="' . addslashes($this->popupPage) . '?ptID=' . $this->id . '"';
            echo $this->id;
            echo '="' . addslashes($this->onUpdateField) . '"';
            echo $this->id;
            echo '=' . $this->shownFields;

            var panelPopup;
            var popupWidth<?php 
            echo '=' . $this->popupWidth;
            var popupHeight<?php 
            echo '=' . $this->popupHeight;
         * ******** CLOSE BLOCK **************
        if ($block === '' || $block === 'close') {
        //By JHL
        //Put the content of the table in a variable to be used for other puposes
        //Like rendering as PDF
        global $_TABLE_CONTENT_;
        $_TABLE_CONTENT_ = $this->tpl->getOutputContent();
        $_SESSION['pagedTable[' . $this->id . ']'] = serialize($this);
        $this->fastSearch = '';
    /* End Block*/
require_once PATH_GULLIVER_HOME . 'methods/pagedTableAjax.php';
$id = get_ajax_value('ptID');
$ntable = unserialize($_SESSION['pagedTable[' . $id . ']']);
$page = get_ajax_value('page');
$function = get_ajax_value('function');
if (isset($ntable->filterForm_Id) && $ntable->filterForm_Id !== '') {
    $filterForm = new filterForm(G::getUIDName($ntable->filterForm_Id));
    $filterForm->values = $_SESSION[$filterForm->id];
    parse_str(urldecode(get_ajax_value('filter')), $newValues);
    if (isset($newValues['form'])) {
        $filter = array();
        foreach ($filterForm->fields as $fieldName => $field) {
            if ($field->dataCompareField !== '' && isset($newValues['form'][$fieldName])) {
                $filter[$field->dataCompareField] = $filterForm->values[$fieldName];
            $ntable->filterType[$field->dataCompareField] = $field->dataCompareType;
        $ntable->filter = $filter;
$fastSearch = get_ajax_value('fastSearch');
if (isset($fastSearch)) {
    $ntable->fastSearch = urldecode($fastSearch);
Example #3
     * Function renderTable
     * @author David S. Callizaya S. <*****@*****.**>
     * @param $block : = 'content'(Prints contentBlock only)
     * @access public
     * @return string
    function renderTable($block = '')
        // DBConnection
        //Query for get the number of rows
        $this->query = $this->ses->execute($this->sql);
        $this->totRows = $this->query->count();
        $this->totpages = ceil($this->query->count() / $this->rowsPerPage);
        //Query for obtain the records
        $this->query = $this->ses->execute($this->sql . ' LIMIT ' . ($this->currentPage - 1) * $this->rowsPerPage . ', ' . $this->rowsPerPage);
        // Prepare the template
        $this->tpl = new TemplatePower(PATH_CORE . $this->template);
        /********** HEAD BLOCK ***************/
        if ($block === '' || $block === 'head') {
            $this->tpl->assign('pagedTable_Id', $this->id);
            $this->tpl->assign('pagedTable_Name', $this->name);
            $this->tpl->assign('pagedTable_Height', $this->xmlForm->height);
            if (file_exists($this->xmlForm->home . $this->filterForm . '.xml')) {
                $filterForm = new filterForm($this->filterForm, $this->xmlForm->home);
                if ($this->menu === '') {
                    $this->menu = 'gulliver/pagedTable_Options';
            if (file_exists($this->xmlForm->home . $this->menu . '.xml')) {
                $menu = new xmlMenu($this->menu, $this->xmlForm->home);
                $template = PATH_CORE . 'templates' . PATH_SEP . $menu->type . '.html';
                $menu->setValues(array('PAGED_TABLE_ID' => $this->id));
                $menu->setValues(array('PAGED_TABLE_FAST_SEARCH' => $this->fastSearch));
                if (isset($filterForm->name)) {
                    $menu->setValues(array('SEARCH_FILTER_FORM' => $filterForm->name));
                $this->tpl->assign('content', $menu->render($template, $scriptCode));
                $oHeadPublisher =& headPublisher::getSingleton();
            if (file_exists($this->xmlForm->home . $this->filterForm . '.xml')) {
                $this->filterForm_Id = $filterForm->id;
                $filterForm->type = 'filterform';
                $filterForm->ajaxServer = '../gulliver/defaultAjax';
                $template = PATH_CORE . 'templates/' . $filterForm->type . '.html';
                $filterForm->setValues(array('PAGED_TABLE_ID' => $this->id));
                $filterForm->setValues(array('PAGED_TABLE_FAST_SEARCH' => $this->fastSearch));
                $this->tpl->assign('content', $filterForm->render($template, $scriptCode));
                $oHeadPublisher =& headPublisher::getSingleton();
                if (isset($_SESSION)) {
                    $_SESSION[$filterForm->id] = $filterForm->values;
        /********** CONTENT BLOCK ***************/
        if ($block === '' || $block === 'content') {
            $this->tpl->assign('gridWidth', '=[' . substr($this->gridWidth, 1) . ']');
            $this->tpl->assign('fieldNames', '=[' . substr($this->gridFields, 1) . ']');
            $this->tpl->assign('ajaxUri', '="' . addslashes($this->ajaxServer) . '"');
            $this->tpl->assign('currentUri', '="' . addslashes($this->ownerPage) . '"');
            $this->tpl->assign('currentOrder', '="' . addslashes($this->orderBy) . '"');
            $this->tpl->assign('currentPage', '=' . $this->currentPage);
            $this->tpl->assign('currentFilter', '="' . '"');
            $this->tpl->assign('totalRows', '=' . $this->query->count());
            $this->tpl->assign('rowsPerPage', '=' . $this->rowsPerPage);
            $this->tpl->assign('popupPage', '="' . addslashes($this->popupPage) . '"');
            $this->tpl->assign('popupWidth', '=' . $this->popupWidth);
            $this->tpl->assign('popupHeight', '=' . $this->popupHeight);
            $this->tpl->assign('pagedTable_Id', $this->id);
            $this->tpl->assign('pagedTable_Name', $this->name);
            $this->tpl->assign("pagedTable_JS", "{$this->id}.element=document.getElementById('pagedtable[{$this->id}]');");
            //Render rows
            $gridRows = 0;
            for ($j = 0; $j < $this->query->count(); $j++) {
                $result = $this->query->read();
                $this->tpl->assign("class", "Row" . ($j % 2 + 1));
                $this->tdStyle = '';
                $this->tdClass = '';
                foreach ($this->fields as $r => $rval) {
                    if (strcasecmp($this->fields[$r]['Type'], 'cellMark') == 0) {
                        $result1 = $result;
                        $result1['row__'] = $j + 1;
                        $result1 = array_merge($this->xmlForm->values, $result1);
                        $this->tdStyle = $this->xmlForm->fields[$this->fields[$r]['Name']]->tdStyle($result1, $this->xmlForm);
                        $this->tdClass = $this->xmlForm->fields[$this->fields[$r]['Name']]->tdClass($result1, $this->xmlForm);
                    } elseif ($this->style[$r]['showInTable'] != '0') {
                        $this->renderField($j + 1, $r, $result);
            $this->tpl->assign('_ROOT.gridRows', '=' . $gridRows);
            //number of rows in the current page
            $this->tpl->assign('rowId', 'insertAtLast');
            if ($this->currentPage > 1) {
                $firstUrl = $this->ownerPage . '?order=' . $this->orderBy . '&page=1';
                $firstAjax = $this->id . ".doGoToPage(1);return false;";
                $prevpage = $this->currentPage - 1;
                $prevUrl = $this->ownerPage . '?order=' . $this->orderBy . '&page=' . $prevpage;
                $prevAjax = $this->id . ".doGoToPage(" . $prevpage . ");return false;";
                $first = "<a href=\"" . htmlentities($firstUrl, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8') . "\" onclick=\"" . $firstAjax . "\" class='firstPage'>&nbsp;</a>";
                $prev = "<a href=\"" . htmlentities($prevUrl, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8') . "\"  onclick=\"" . $prevAjax . "\" class='previousPage'>&nbsp;</a>";
            } else {
                $first = "<a class='noFirstPage'>&nbsp;</a>";
                $prev = "<a class='noPreviousPage'>&nbsp;</a>";
            if ($this->currentPage < $this->totpages) {
                $lastUrl = $this->ownerPage . '?order=' . $this->orderBy . '&page=' . $this->totpages;
                $lastAjax = $this->id . ".doGoToPage(" . $this->totpages . ");return false;";
                $nextpage = $this->currentPage + 1;
                $nextUrl = $this->ownerPage . '?order=' . $this->orderBy . '&page=' . $nextpage;
                $nextAjax = $this->id . ".doGoToPage(" . $nextpage . ");return false;";
                $next = "<a href=\"" . htmlentities($nextUrl, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8') . "\" onclick=\"" . $nextAjax . "\" class='nextPage'>&nbsp;</a>";
                $last = "<a href=\"" . htmlentities($lastUrl, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8') . "\" onclick=\"" . $lastAjax . "\" class='lastPage'>&nbsp;</a>";
            } else {
                $next = "<a class='noNextPage'>&nbsp;</a>";
                $last = "<a class='noLastPage'>&nbsp;</a>";
            $pagesEnum = '';
            for ($r = 1; $r <= $this->totpages; $r++) {
                if ($r >= $this->currentPage - 5 && $r <= $this->currentPage + 5) {
                    $pageAjax = $this->id . ".doGoToPage(" . $r . ");return false;";
                    if ($r != $this->currentPage) {
                        $pagesEnum .= "&nbsp;<a href=\"" . htmlentities($this->ownerPage . '?order=' . $this->orderBy . '&page=' . $r, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8') . "\" onclick=\"" . $pageAjax . "\">" . $r . "</a>";
                    } else {
                        $pagesEnum .= "&nbsp;<a>" . $r . "</a>";
            if ($this->query->count() === 0) {
                $this->tpl->assign("columnCount", $this->colCount);
                $noRecordsFound = 'ID_NO_RECORDS_FOUND';
                if (G::LoadTranslation($noRecordsFound)) {
                    $noRecordsFound = G::LoadTranslation($noRecordsFound);
                $this->tpl->assign("noRecordsFound", $noRecordsFound);
            if (!$this->disableFooter) {
                $this->tpl->assign("columnCount", $this->colCount);
                $this->tpl->assign("pagedTableId", $this->id);
                if ($this->query->count() !== 0) {
                    if ($this->totpages > 1) {
                        $this->tpl->assign("first", $first);
                        $this->tpl->assign("prev", $prev);
                        $this->tpl->assign("next", $next);
                        $this->tpl->assign("last", $last);
                    $this->tpl->assign("currentPage", $this->currentPage);
                    $this->tpl->assign("totalPages", $this->totpages);
                    $firstRow = ($this->currentPage - 1) * $this->rowsPerPage + 1;
                    $lastRow = $firstRow + $this->query->count() - 1;
                    $this->tpl->assign("firstRow", $firstRow);
                    $this->tpl->assign("lastRow", $lastRow);
                    $this->tpl->assign("totalRows", $this->totRows);
                } else {
                    $this->tpl->assign("indexStyle", 'visibility:hidden;');
                if ($this->searchBy) {
                    $this->tpl->assign("fastSearchValue", $this->fastSearch);
                } else {
                    $this->tpl->assign("fastSearchStyle", 'visibility:hidden;');
                if ($this->addRow) {
                    if ($this->sqlInsert != '') {
                        $this->tpl->assign("insert", '<a href="#" onclick="pagedTable.event=\'Insert\';popup(\'' . $this->popupPage . '\');return false;">' . 'ID_ADD_NEW' . '</a>');
                $this->tpl->assign("pagesEnum", $pagesEnum);
<script language='JavaScript' >
var <?php 
            echo $this->id;
            echo $this->name != '' ? '=' . $this->name : '';
=new G_PagedTable();
            echo $this->id;
            echo '="' . addslashes($this->id) . '"';
            echo $this->id;
            echo '="' . addslashes($this->name) . '"';
            echo $this->id;
            echo '="' . addslashes($this->ajaxServer) . '?ptID=' . $this->id . '"';
            echo $this->id;
            echo '="' . addslashes($this->orderBy) . '"';
            echo $this->id;
            echo $this->id;
            echo '=' . $this->currentPage;
            echo $this->id;
            echo '=' . $this->query->count();
            echo $this->id;
            echo '=' . $this->rowsPerPage;
            echo $this->id;
            echo '="' . addslashes($this->popupPage) . '?ptID=' . $this->id . '"';
            echo $this->id;
            echo '="' . addslashes($this->onUpdateField) . '"';
            echo $this->id;
            echo '=' . $this->shownFields;

var panelPopup;
var popupWidth<?php 
            echo '=' . $this->popupWidth;
var popupHeight<?php 
            echo '=' . $this->popupHeight;
        /********** CLOSE BLOCK ***************/
        if ($block === '' || $block === 'close') {
        $_SESSION['pagedTable[' . $this->id . ']'] = serialize($this);