require_once '../classes/class.filesystem.php'; $filesystem = new filesystem($config['ftp_server'], $config['ftp_user'], $config['ftp_pw'], $config['ftp_port']); $filesystem->set_wd($config['ftp_path']); } if (!class_exists('DB')) { require_once '../classes/database/' . $config['dbsystem'] . '.inc.php'; $db = new DB($config['host'], $config['dbuser'], $config['dbpw'], $config['database'], $config['pconnect'], true, $config['dbprefix']); $db->pre = $db->prefix(); $db->errlogfile = '../' . $db->errlogfile; } // admin $file = '../admin/data/hooks.txt'; $edit = file_get_contents($file); $edit = preg_replace("~(-editprofile_abos_end[\r\n]+)~i", "\\1-editprofile_pic3_start\r\n-editprofile_pic3_end\r\n", $edit); $edit = preg_replace("~(-misc_rules_end[\r\n]+)~i", "\\1-misc_board_rules_start\r\n-misc_board_rules_prepared\r\n-misc_board_rules_end\r\n", $edit); $filesystem->chmod($file, 0666); $filesystem->file_put_contents($file, $edit); $file = '../admin/data/lang_email.php'; $edit = file($file); $edit = array_map("trim", $edit); $edit[] = "new_topic\tNotification about new topics for the board team"; $edit[] = "new_reply\tNotification about new replies for the board team"; $filesystem->chmod($file, 0666); $filesystem->file_put_contents($file, implode("\n", $edit)); // classes if (file_exists('../classes/function.cache.php')) { $filesystem->unlink('../classes/function.cache.php'); } // data $c = new manageconfig(); $c->getdata('../data/');
if (!isset($_GET['dirperms']) || !isset($_GET['fileperms']) || !isset($_SESSION['flist'])) { header("Location: ./404.php"); exit; } if (!isset($_GET['getcwd'])) { $getcwd = OPEN; } else { $getcwd = ___realpath(trim($_GET['getcwd'])); } xhtml_head("批量改权"); if (count($_SESSION['flist']) < 1) { echo "<div class=\"error\">\n"; echo "[<a href=\"./index.php?path=" . urlencode($getcwd) . "\">返回</a>]抱歉,文件清单为空!\n"; echo "</div>\n"; } else { $i = 0; $fs = new filesystem(); echo "<div class=\"like\">\n"; echo "<a href=\"./index.php?path=" . urlencode($getcwd) . "\">文件列表</a>(操作结果)\n"; echo "</div>"; while ($i < count($_SESSION['flist'])) { $fs->chpath($tmp = $_SESSION['flist'][$i]); if ($fs->chmod(trim($_GET['dirperms']), trim($_GET['fileperms']))) { echo "<div class=\"love\">[{$i}][√] - {$tmp}</div>\n"; } else { echo "<div class=\"error\">[{$i}][×] - {$tmp}</div>\n"; } $i++; } } xhtml_footer();
$config['dbsystem'] = 'mysql'; } $c = new manageconfig(); $c->getdata('../data/'); $c->updateconfig('host', str); $c->updateconfig('dbuser', str); $c->updateconfig('dbpw', str); $c->updateconfig('database', str); $c->updateconfig('pconnect', int); $c->updateconfig('dbprefix', str); $c->updateconfig('dbsystem', str); $c->savedata(); $errlog = '../data/errlog_' . $config['dbsystem'] . '.inc.php'; if (!file_exists($errlog)) { $filesystem->file_put_contents($errlog, ''); $filesystem->chmod($errlog, 0666); } ?> <div class="bfoot center">Database Settings saved!</div> <?php } require '../data/'; $prefix = preg_replace("/\\W+/i", '', $config['dbprefix']); if ($prefix != $config['dbprefix']) { ?> <div class="bbody">The prefix is not valid!</div> <div class="bfoot center"><a class="submit" href="index.php?package=install&step=<?php echo $step - 1; ?> ">Go back</a> <a class="submit" href="index.php?package=install&step=<?php echo $step;
foreach ($replicable as $rep) { if ($dirs[$rep[1]] === null) { $dirs[$rep[1]] = array(); $dir = dir($rep[1]); while (false !== ($entry = $dir->read())) { if (is_id($entry) && is_dir($rep[1] . '/' . $entry)) { $dirs[$rep[1]][$entry] = $rep[1] . '/' . $entry . '/'; } } $dir->close(); } $content = file_get_contents($rep[0]); foreach ($dirs[$rep[1]] as $path) { $target = $path . $rep[3]; if (file_exists($target)) { $filesystem->chmod($target, 0666); } elseif (!@is_dir(dirname($target))) { $filesystem->mkdir(dirname($target), 0777); } $filesystem->file_put_contents($target, $content); } } ?> <div class="bfoot">Source file updater - Step <?php echo $sub; ?> of <?php echo count($tar_packs); ?> - Currently extracting: <?php echo $tar_packs[$sub];
// MySQL $db->query("ALTER TABLE `{$db->pre}spider` CHANGE `last_visit` `last_visit` text NOT NULL default ''", __LINE__, __FILE__); echo "- Database table updated.<br />"; // templates $dir = "../templates/"; $tplids = array(); $d = dir($dir); while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) { if (is_dir($dir . $entry) && preg_match('/^\\d{1,}$/', $entry) && $entry != '.' && $entry != '..') { $tplids[] = $entry; } } $d->close(); foreach ($tplids as $id) { $tpldir = $dir . $id; $filesystem->chmod($tpldir . '/header.html', 0666); $header = file_get_contents($tpldir . '/header.html'); $header = str_ireplace("<!--[if lt IE 7]>", "<!--[if IE]>", $header); $filesystem->file_put_contents($tpldir . '/header.html', $header); } echo "- Templates updated.<br />"; $ini = array('global' => array('language' => array('post_settings' => 'Options:', 'pm_not_found' => 'Private Message not found.'), 'language_de' => array('register_resend_desc' => 'Sollten Sie sich bereits registriert - aber den Bestätigungslink der Registrierungs-E-Mail noch nicht angeklickt haben, konnte Ihre Registrierung nicht vollständig abgeschlossen werden. Sie haben hier die Möglichkeit, Ihnen diese E-Mail erneut zuschicken zu lassen, ohne den Registrierungsvorgang wiederholen zu müssen. Dazu tragen Sie lediglich den bereits von Ihnen beantragten Benutzernamen ein - und die E-Mail wird Ihnen erneut an Ihre bereits bei der Registrierung angegebene E-Mail-Adresse übersandt.', 'pm_not_found' => 'Die PN wurde nicht gefunden.'))); $c = new manageconfig(); $codes = array(); $keys = array('language', 'language_de'); foreach ($keys as $entry) { if (preg_match('~language_(\\w{2})_?(\\w{0,2})~i', $entry, $code)) { if (!isset($codes[$code[1]])) { $codes[$code[1]] = array(); } if (isset($code[2])) {
$ftp->quit(); ?> </pre></div> <div class="bbody">Directory "install" does not exist. Please check the path.</div> <div class="bfoot center"><a class="submit" href="index.php?package=install&step=<?php echo $step - 1; ?> ">Go back</a></div> <?php } else { $ftp->quit(); $dataGiven = true; require_once 'install/classes/class.filesystem.php'; $filesystem = new filesystem($config['ftp_server'], $config['ftp_user'], $config['ftp_pw'], $config['ftp_port']); $filesystem->set_wd($config['ftp_path'], $config['fpath']); $filesystem->chmod('data/', 0666); include 'install/classes/class.phpconfig.php'; $c = new manageconfig(); $c->getdata('data/'); $c->updateconfig('ftp_server', str); $c->updateconfig('ftp_user', str); $c->updateconfig('ftp_pw', str); $c->updateconfig('ftp_path', str); $c->updateconfig('ftp_port', int); $c->savedata(); ?> </pre></div> <div class="bfoot center">FTP Settings saved!<br />Connection: OK!</div> <?php } }
} echo "- Source files loaded<br />"; if (!class_exists('filesystem')) { require_once '../classes/class.filesystem.php'; $filesystem = new filesystem($config['ftp_server'], $config['ftp_user'], $config['ftp_pw'], $config['ftp_port']); $filesystem->set_wd($config['ftp_path']); } if (!class_exists('DB')) { require_once '../classes/database/' . $config['dbsystem'] . '.inc.php'; $db = new DB($config['host'], $config['dbuser'], $config['dbpw'], $config['database'], $config['pconnect'], true, $config['dbprefix']); $db->pre = $db->prefix(); $db->errlogfile = '../' . $db->errlogfile; } echo "- FTP class loaded, Database connection started.<br />"; // Hooks $filesystem->chmod('../admin/data/hooks.txt', 0666); $hooks = file_get_contents('../admin/data/hooks.txt'); $hooks = str_replace("-register_form_end", "-register_form_end\n-register_resend_start\n-register_resend_form_start\n-register_resend_form_end\n-register_resend2_start\n-register_resend2_check\n-register_resend2_end", $hooks); $filesystem->file_put_contents('../admin/data/hooks.txt', $hooks); $hooks = file_get_contents('../admin/data/hooks.txt'); if (strpos($hooks, 'register_resend_form_start') !== false) { echo "- Hooks added.<br />"; } else { echo "- Hooks could not be added. Ask the support for help.<br />"; } // Config $c = new manageconfig(); $c->getdata('../data/'); $c->updateconfig('version', str, VISCACHA_VERSION); $c->updateconfig('sessionmails', int, $config['sessionmails'] == 1 ? 0 : 1); $c->updateconfig('email_check_mx', int, 0);