public function __construct() { self::$db = $GLOBALS['wpdb']->prefix . 'fileaway_downloads'; $this->ops = get_option('fileaway_options'); $define = new fileaway_definitions(); $this->pathoptions = $define->pathoptions; $this->version = '1.0'; if (is_admin()) { add_action('admin_init', array($this, 'addtable')); add_action('wp_ajax_fileaway-stats', array($this, 'ajax')); add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_fileaway-stats', array($this, 'ajax')); } if ($this->ops['stats'] == 'true' && isset($this->ops['recordlimit']) && $this->ops['recordlimit'] && is_numeric($this->ops['recordlimit'])) { if (!wp_next_scheduled('fileaway_scheduled_record_limit')) { wp_schedule_event(time(), 'sixhours', 'fileaway_scheduled_record_limit'); } add_action('fileaway_scheduled_record_limit', array($this, 'limitpurge')); } elseif (wp_next_scheduled('fileaway_scheduled_record_limit')) { wp_clear_scheduled_hook('fileaway_scheduled_record_limit'); } if ($this->ops['stats'] == 'true' && isset($this->ops['recordlifespan']) && $this->ops['recordlifespan'] && $this->ops['recordlifespan'] != 'forever') { if (!wp_next_scheduled('fileaway_scheduled_record_lifespan')) { wp_schedule_event(time(), 'daily', 'fileaway_scheduled_record_lifespan'); } add_action('fileaway_scheduled_record_lifespan', array($this, 'lifespanpurge')); } elseif (wp_next_scheduled('fileaway_scheduled_record_lifespan')) { wp_clear_scheduled_hook('fileaway_scheduled_record_lifespan'); } if ($this->ops['stats'] == 'true' && isset($this->ops['compiled_stats']) && $this->ops['compiled_stats'] && $this->ops['recordlimit'] != 'false') { if (!wp_next_scheduled('fileaway_scheduled_compiled_stats')) { wp_schedule_event(time(), $this->ops['compiled_stats'], 'fileaway_scheduled_compiled_stats'); } add_action('fileaway_scheduled_compiled_stats', array($this, 'cmail')); } elseif (wp_next_scheduled('fileaway_scheduled_compiled_stats')) { wp_clear_scheduled_hook('fileaway_scheduled_compiled_stats'); } }
public function manager() { $dm = 'Go directly to jail. Do not pass GO. Do not collect $200 dollars.'; if (!wp_verify_nonce($_POST['nonce'], 'fileaway-nonce')) { die($dm); } $li = is_user_logged_in(); extract($this->pathoptions); $action = $_POST['act']; // Flightbox if ($action === 'flightbox') { if (!wp_verify_nonce($_POST['flightbox_nonce'], 'fileaway-flightbox-nonce')) { die($dm); } list($url, $query) = explode('?boxtype=', $_POST['url']); $src = $url; $query = 'boxtype=' . $query; parse_str($query); if (($s2 == 'true' || $s2 == 'skip') && $g == 'false') { $s2skip = $s2 == 'skip' ? '&s2member_skip_confirmation' : ''; $init = fileaway_utility::replacefirst($url, rtrim($this->settings['baseurl'], '/') . '/', $rootpath); $sub = fileaway_utility::replacefirst($init, WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/s2member-files/', ''); $url = rtrim($this->settings['baseurl'], '/') . '/?s2member_file_download=' . $sub . $s2skip; } $url = $g == 'true' ? $this->settings['redirect'] : $url; $statstatus = $s == 'true' ? ' data-stat="true"' : ' data-stat="false"'; $linktype = $g == 'true' || $GLOBALS['is_IE'] || $GLOBALS['is_safari'] ? 'target="_blank"' : 'download'; $uid = (string) $_POST['uid']; $icons = (string) $_POST['icons']; $next = stripslashes($_POST['next']); $prev = stripslashes($_POST['prev']); $current = stripslashes($_POST['current']); $nolinks = $_POST['nolinks'] == 'true' ? true : false; $wh = $_POST['wh']; $ww = $_POST['ww']; if ($wh > 1000) { $font = 20; $bar = 40; $mrg = 20; } elseif ($wh > 800) { $font = 16; $bar = 32; $mrg = 16; } elseif ($wh > 600) { $font = 14; $bar = 28; $mrg = 14; } elseif ($wh > 400) { $font = 12; $bar = 24; $mrg = 12; } else { $font = 8; $bar = 20; $mrg = 8; } if ($boxtype == 'image') { if ($wh < $mh + 150) { $mh = $wh - 150; } if ($ww < $mw) { $mw = $ww - 150; } if ($d == 'width') { $ratio = $w / $h; $width = $w < $mw ? $w : $mw; $height = round($width / $ratio, 0); if ($height > $mh) { $d = 'height'; } } if ($d == 'height') { $ratio = $h / $w; $height = $h < $mh ? $h : $mh; $width = round($height / $ratio, 0); } if ($width < 200) { $offset = ($ww - 230) / 2; $cwidth = 200 + 30; $cheight = $height + $bar + 30; } else { $offset = ($ww - ($width + 30)) / 2; $cwidth = $width + 30; $cheight = $height + $bar + 30; } $csize = 'width:' . $cwidth . 'px; height:' . $cheight . 'px;'; $isize = 'width:' . $width . 'px; height:' . $height . 'px;'; $top = $wh < $height + $bar + 30 ? '0' : ($wh - ($height + $bar + 30)) / 2; $download_link = $nolinks ? null : '<a href="' . $url . '" class="ssfa-flightbox-download" ' . $linktype . $statstatus . '>' . '<span class="ssfa-icon-arrow-down-2" style="font-size:' . $font . 'px; margin-right:5px; display:inline-block;"></span>' . '</a>'; $response = array('html' => '<div id="ssfa-flightbox" class="' . $_POST['theme'] . '" style="display:inline-block; ' . $csize . ' left:' . $offset . 'px; top:' . $top . 'px; padding:0px!important;">' . '<div id="ssfa-flightbox-inner" style="opacity:0; margin: 15px 15px 0!important;">' . '<a href="' . $_POST['nexturl'] . '" onclick="' . $next . '"><img src="' . $src . '" style="' . $isize . '"></a>' . '</div>' . '<div class="ssfa-flightbox-controls ' . $icons . '" style="margin:' . $mrg . 'px 15px!important; display:block; text-align:right;">' . '<a href="' . $_POST['prevurl'] . '" onclick="' . $prev . '">' . '<span class="ssfa-icon-arrow-left-2" style="font-size:' . $font . 'px; margin-right:5px; display:inline-block;"></span>' . '</a>' . '<a href="' . $_POST['nexturl'] . '" onclick="' . $next . '">' . '<span class="ssfa-icon-arrow-right-2" style="font-size:' . $font . 'px; margin-right:5px; display:inline-block;"></span>' . '</a>' . $download_link . '<a href="javascript:" onclick="Xflightbox();">' . '<span class="ssfa-icon-console-2" style="font-size:' . $font . 'px; margin-right:0; display:inline-block;"></span>' . '</a>' . '</div>' . '</div>', 'width' => $cwidth . 'px', 'height' => $cheight . 'px', 'top' => $top . 'px', 'offset' => $offset . 'px', 'iframe' => 'false'); } elseif ($boxtype == 'video') { $is_iframe = 'true'; $ratio = 1920 / 1080; $height = round($w / $ratio, 0); if ($wh < $height + 150) { $height = $wh - 150; $w = round($height * $ratio, 0); } $csize = 'width:' . ($w + 30) . 'px; height:' . ($height + $bar + 30) . 'px;'; $top = $wh < $height + $bar + 30 ? '0' : ($wh - ($height + $bar + 30)) / 2; $offset = ($ww - ($w + 30)) / 2; if ($e == 'vmeo') { $download = null; $vimeo = explode('', $src); $vid_id = $vimeo[1]; $video = '<iframe src="//' . $vid_id . '?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&color=ffffff&autoplay=0" ' . 'width="' . $w . '" height="' . $height . '" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>'; } elseif ($e == 'tube') { $download = null; if (stripos($src, '') !== false) { $youtube = explode('', $src); $yt = explode('?', $youtube[1]); $vid_id = $yt[0]; } else { $youtube = explode('?', $src); parse_str($youtube[1], $yt); $vid_id = $yt['v']; } $video = '<iframe width="' . $w . '" height="' . $height . '" src="//' . $vid_id . '?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>'; } elseif ($e == 'flv') { $is_iframe = 'false'; $download = $nolinks ? null : '<a href="' . $url . '" class="ssfa-flightbox-download" ' . $linktype . $statstatus . '>' . '<span class="ssfa-icon-arrow-down-2" style="font-size:' . $font . 'px; margin-right:5px; display:inline-block;"></span>' . '</a>'; $video = '<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="' . fileaway_url . '/lib/swf/player_flv_maxi.swf" width="' . $w . '" height="' . $height . '">' . '<param name="movie" value="' . fileaway_url . '/lib/swf/player_flv_maxi.swf" />' . '<param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" />' . '<param name="FlashVars" ' . 'value="flv=' . $src . '&margin=0' . '&bgcolor=000000&' . 'amp;bgcolor1=000000' . '&bgcolor2=000000' . '&showstop=1' . '&showvolume=1' . '&showtime=1' . '&showfullscreen=1' . '&buttonovercolor=ffffff' . '&sliderovercolor=ffffff' . '&showiconplay=1' . '&showmouse=autohide" ' . '/>' . '</object>'; } else { $is_iframe = 'false'; $download = $nolinks ? null : '<a href="' . $url . '" class="ssfa-flightbox-download" ' . $linktype . $statstatus . '>' . '<span class="ssfa-icon-arrow-down-2" style="font-size:' . $font . 'px; margin-right:5px; display:inline-block;"></span>' . '</a>'; $video = fileaway_utility::video(array('src' => $src, 'height' => $height, 'width' => $w, 'class' => 'ssfa-flightbox-video-player', 'preload' => 'none', 'id' => uniqid('flightbox-video-'))); } $response = array('html' => '<div id="ssfa-flightbox" class="' . $_POST['theme'] . '" style="display:inline-block; ' . $csize . ' left:' . $offset . 'px; top:' . $top . 'px; padding:0!important;">' . '<div id="ssfa-flightbox-inner" style="opacity:0; margin: 15px 15px 0!important;">' . $video . '</div>' . '<div class="ssfa-flightbox-controls ' . $icons . '" style="margin:' . $mrg . 'px 15px!important; display:block; text-align:right;">' . '<a href="' . $_POST['prevurl'] . '" onclick="' . $prev . '">' . '<span class="ssfa-icon-arrow-left-2" style="font-size:' . $font . 'px; margin-right:5px; display:inline-block;"></span>' . '</a>' . '<a href="' . $_POST['nexturl'] . '" onclick="' . $next . '">' . '<span class="ssfa-icon-arrow-right-2" style="font-size:' . $font . 'px; margin-right:5px; display:inline-block;"></span>' . '</a>' . $download . '<a href="javascript:" onclick="Xflightbox();">' . '<span class="ssfa-icon-console-2" style="font-size:' . $font . 'px; margin-right:0; display:inline-block;"></span>' . '</a>' . '</div>' . '</div>', 'width' => $w + 30 . 'px', 'height' => $height + $bar + 30 . 'px', 'top' => $top . 'px', 'offset' => $offset . 'px', 'iframe' => $is_iframe, 'iwidth' => $w, 'iheight' => $height); } elseif ($boxtype == 'pdf') { $of = $wh < 720 ? 100 : ($wh < 400 ? 50 : 200); if ($r == 'tall') { $ratio = 22 / 17; $height = $wh - $of; $width = round($height / $ratio, 0); $rotate = 'expand'; $current = str_replace('&r=tall', '&r=wide', $current); $currenturl = str_replace('&r=tall', '&r=wide', $_POST['currenturl']); } else { $ratio = 22 / (17 / 1.5); $height = $wh - $of; $width = round($height * $ratio, 0); while ($width > $ww - $of) { $width = $width - 10; } $rotate = 'contract'; $current = str_replace('&r=wide', '&r=tall', $current); $currenturl = str_replace('&r=wide', '&r=tall', $_POST['currenturl']); } if ($width < 200) { $width = 200; } $csize = 'width:' . ($width + 30) . 'px; height:' . ($height + $bar + 30) . 'px;'; $top = $wh < $height + $bar + 30 ? '0' : ($wh - ($height + $bar + 30)) / 2; $offset = ($ww - ($width + 30)) / 2; $download_link = $nolinks ? null : '<a href="' . $url . '" class="ssfa-flightbox-download" ' . $linktype . $statstatus . '>' . '<span class="ssfa-icon-arrow-down-2" style="font-size:' . $font . 'px; margin-right:5px; display:inline-block;"></span>' . '</a>'; $response = array('html' => '<div id="ssfa-flightbox" class="' . $_POST['theme'] . '" style="display:inline-block; ' . $csize . ' left:' . $offset . 'px; top:' . $top . 'px; padding:0!important;">' . '<div id="ssfa-flightbox-inner" style="opacity:0; margin: 15px 15px 0!important;">' . '<iframe src="' . $src . '" frameborder=0 height="' . $height . '" width="' . $width . '" name="' . fileaway_utility::basename($src) . '" scrolling="no" seamless>' . 'Your browser does not support iframes.' . '</iframe>' . '</div>' . '<div class="ssfa-flightbox-controls ' . $icons . '" style="margin:' . $mrg . 'px 15px!important; display:block; text-align:right;">' . '<a href="' . $_POST['prevurl'] . '" onclick="' . $prev . '">' . '<span class="ssfa-icon-arrow-left-2" style="font-size:' . $font . 'px; margin-right:5px; display:inline-block;"></span>' . '</a>' . '<a href="' . $_POST['nexturl'] . '" onclick="' . $next . '">' . '<span class="ssfa-icon-arrow-right-2" style="font-size:' . $font . 'px; margin-right:5px; display:inline-block;"></span>' . '</a>' . '<a href="' . $currenturl . '" onclick="' . $current . '">' . '<span class="ssfa-icon-' . $rotate . '" style="font-size:' . $font . 'px; margin-right:5px; display:inline-block;"></span>' . '</a>' . $download_link . '<a href="javascript:" onclick="Xflightbox();">' . '<span class="ssfa-icon-console-2" style="font-size:' . $font . 'px; margin-right:0; display:inline-block;"></span>' . '</a>' . '</div>' . '</div>', 'width' => $width + 30 . 'px', 'height' => $height + $bar + 30 . 'px', 'top' => $top . 'px', 'offset' => $offset . 'px', 'iframe' => 'true', 'iwidth' => $width, 'iheight' => $height); } } elseif ($action === 'createdir') { if (!$li) { die($dm); } if (!wp_verify_nonce($_POST['manager_nonce'], 'fileaway-manager-nonce')) { die($dm); } $parents = stripslashes(trim(str_replace('..', '', $_POST['parents']), '/')); $newsub = stripslashes(trim(str_replace('..', '', $_POST['newsub']), '/')); $uid = $_POST['uid']; $count = $_POST['count']; $page = $_POST['pg']; $querystring = ltrim($_POST['querystring'], '?'); $drawericon = $_POST['drawer']; $drawerid = $_POST['drawerid']; $cells = $_POST['cells']; $class = $_POST['cls']; $base = $_POST['base']; $subs = explode('/', $newsub); $first = $subs[0]; $last = $subs[count($subs) - 1]; $start = trim(fileaway_utility::replacefirst($parents, $base, '') . '/' . $first, '/'); $drawer = str_replace('/', '*', $start); $final = $rootpath . $parents . '/' . $newsub; $prettyfolder = str_replace(array('~', '--', '_', '.', '*'), ' ', "{$first}"); $prettyfolder = preg_replace('/(?<=\\D)-(?=\\D)/', ' ', "{$prettyfolder}"); $prettyfolder = preg_replace('/(?<=\\D)-(?=\\d)/', ' ', "{$prettyfolder}"); $prettyfolder = preg_replace('/(?<=\\d)-(?=\\D)/', ' ', "{$prettyfolder}"); $prettyfolder = fileaway_utility::strtotitle($prettyfolder); if (is_dir($final)) { $response = array('status' => 'error', 'message' => __('That directory name already exists in this location.', 'file-away')); } else { $first_exists = is_dir($rootpath . $parents . '/' . $first) ? true : false; if (mkdir($final, 0755, true)) { fileaway_utility::indexmulti($rootpath . $parents . '/' . $newsub, $rootpath . $parents . '/'); if (!$first_exists) { $status = "insert"; $message = "<tr id='ssfa-dir-{$uid}-{$count}' class='ssfa-drawers'>" . "<td id='folder-ssfa-dir-{$uid}-{$count}' data-value=\"# # # # # {$first}\" class='ssfa-sorttype {$class}-first-column'>" . "<a href=\"" . fileaway_utility::querystring(get_permalink($page), $querystring, array($drawerid => $drawer)) . "\" data-name=\"" . $first . "\" data-path=\"" . $start . "\">" . "<span style='font-size:20px; margin-left:3px;' class='ssfa-faminicon ssfa-icon-{$drawericon} ssfa-classic' aria-hidden='true'></span>" . "<br>" . _x('dir', 'abbrv. of *directory*', 'file-away') . "</a>" . "</td>" . "<td id='name-ssfa-dir-{$uid}-{$count}' data-value='# # # # # {$first}' class='ssfa-sortname'>" . "<a class='ssfa-classic' href=\"" . fileaway_utility::querystring(get_permalink($page), $querystring, array($drawerid => $drawer)) . "\">" . "<span class='ssfa-filename' style='text-transform:uppercase;'>{$prettyfolder}</span>" . "</a>" . "<input type='text' id='rename-ssfa-dir-{$uid}-{$count}' type='text' value=\"{$first}\" " . "style='width:90%; text-align:center; display:none'>" . "</td>"; $icell = 1; while ($icell < $cells) { $message .= "<td class='{$class}' data-value=\"# # # # # {$first}\"> </td>"; $icell++; } $message .= "<td id='manager-ssfa-dir-{$uid}-{$count}' class=\"{$class}\" data-value=\"# # # # # {$first}\">" . "<a href='' id='rename-ssfa-dir-{$uid}-{$count}'>" . __('Rename', 'file-away') . "</a><br>" . "<a href='' id='delete-ssfa-dir-{$uid}-{$count}'>" . __('Delete', 'file-away') . "</a>" . "</td>"; $message .= "</tr>"; } else { $status = "success"; $message = __('Your sub-directories have been successfully created.', 'file-away'); } $response = array('status' => $status, 'message' => $message, 'uid' => $uid); } else { $response = array('status' => 'error', 'message' => __('Sorry, there was a problem creating that directory for you.', 'file-away')); } } } elseif ($action === 'renamedir') { global $wpdb; if (!$li) { die($dm); } if (!wp_verify_nonce($_POST['manager_nonce'], 'fileaway-manager-nonce')) { die($dm); } $table = fileaway_stats::$db; $table_exists = $wpdb->get_var("SHOW TABLES LIKE '{$table}'") != $table ? false : true; $meta_table = fileaway_metadata::$db; $meta_table_exists = $wpdb->get_var("SHOW TABLES LIKE '{$meta_table}'") != $meta_table ? false : true; $metadata = $_POST['metadata'] == 'true' ? true : false; $oldpath = stripslashes(trim(str_replace('..', '', $_POST['oldpath']), '/')); $newname = stripslashes(str_replace(array('..', '/'), '', $_POST['newname'])); $pp = explode('/', $oldpath); $newpath = fileaway_utility::replacelast($oldpath, end($pp), $newname); $olddata = $_POST['datapath']; $datapp = explode('/', $olddata); $newdata = fileaway_utility::replacelast($olddata, end($datapp), $newname); $parents = stripslashes($_POST['parents']); $old = $parents . '/' . end($pp); $dst = $rootpath . $newpath; $src = $rootpath . $old; $check_path = trim(str_replace('/', '', $newpath)); if ($rootpath . $check_path == $rootpath || $rootpath . $check_path == $rootpath . 'wp-content' || strpos($check_path, 'wp-admin') !== false || strpos($check_path, 'wp-includes') !== false) { die($dm); } $page = $_POST['pg']; $querystring = ltrim($_POST['querystring'], '?'); $drawer = str_replace('/', '*', $newdata); $drawerid = $_POST['drawerid']; $newurl = fileaway_utility::querystring(get_permalink($page), $querystring, array($drawerid => $drawer)); $response = false; if (is_dir($dst)) { $response = array('status' => 'error', 'message' => __('That directory already exists.', 'file-away')); } elseif (!is_dir($src)) { $response = array('status' => 'error', 'message' => __('The directory you\'re trying to rename could not be found.', 'file-away')); } else { if (!is_dir("{$dst}")) { mkdir("{$dst}", 0755, true); } $dirs = fileaway_utility::recursivedirs($src); if (is_array($dirs)) { $dirs = array_reverse($dirs); $fcount = 0; $fscount = 0; $dcount = 1; $dscount = 0; foreach ($dirs as $dir) { $dcount++; $files = false; $filedest = str_replace("{$src}", "{$dst}", "{$dir}"); if (!is_dir($filedest)) { mkdir("{$filedest}", 0755, true); } $files = array_filter(glob("{$dir}" . "/*"), 'is_file'); if (is_array($files)) { foreach ($files as $file) { $fcount++; $filename = fileaway_utility::basename($file); if (rename("{$file}", "{$filedest}" . "/" . "{$filename}")) { $fscount++; if ($table_exists) { fileaway_utility::updatestats('file', fileaway_utility::replacefirst($file, $rootpath, ''), fileaway_utility::replacefirst($filedest . '/' . $filename, $rootpath, '')); } if ($metadata && $meta_table_exists) { fileaway_utility::updatemetadata(false, fileaway_utility::replacefirst($file, $rootpath, ''), fileaway_utility::replacefirst($filedest . '/' . $filename, $rootpath, '')); } } } } if (rmdir($dir)) { $dscount++; } } } $basefiles = array_filter(glob("{$src}" . "/*"), 'is_file'); if (is_array($basefiles)) { foreach ($basefiles as $file) { $fcount++; $filename = fileaway_utility::basename($file); if (rename("{$file}", "{$dst}" . "/" . "{$filename}")) { $fscount++; if ($table_exists) { fileaway_utility::updatestats('file', fileaway_utility::replacefirst($file, $rootpath, ''), fileaway_utility::replacefirst($dst . '/' . $filename, $rootpath, '')); } if ($metadata && $meta_table_exists) { fileaway_utility::updatemetadata(false, fileaway_utility::replacefirst($file, $rootpath, ''), fileaway_utility::replacefirst($dst . '/' . $filename, $rootpath, '')); } } } } if (rmdir($src)) { $dscount++; } if ($fcount > 0 && !$fscount) { $response = array('status' => 'error', 'message' => __('We tried to move the files into the newly-named directory but none of them would budge.', 'file-away')); } elseif ($fcount > 0 && $fcount > $fscount) { $response = array('status' => 'error', 'message' => __('We tried to move the files into the newly-named directory, but there were some stragglers, so we couldn\'t remove the old directory.', 'file-away')); } elseif (!is_dir($src)) { $response = array('status' => 'success', 'url' => $newurl, 'newdata' => $newdata, 'newname' => $newname); } else { $response = array('status' => 'error', 'message' => __('An unspecified error occurred.', 'file-away')); } } } elseif ($action === 'deletedir') { if (!$li) { die($dm); } if (!wp_verify_nonce($_POST['manager_nonce'], 'fileaway-manager-nonce')) { die($dm); } $status = $_POST['status']; $path1 = $_POST['path1']; $path2 = $_POST['path2']; $path = stripslashes($path1 . '/' . $path2); $src = $rootpath . $path; if ($src == $rootpath || $src == $rootpath . 'wp-content' || strpos($src, 'wp-admin') !== false || strpos($src, 'wp-includes') !== false) { die($dm); } $response = false; if (!is_dir("{$src}")) { $response = array('status' => 'error', 'message' => __('The directory marked for deletion could not be found.', 'file-away') . ' ' . $path); } else { $dirs = fileaway_utility::recursivedirs($src); $dirs = is_array($dirs) ? array_reverse($dirs) : $dirs; if ($status === 'life') { $dcount = 0; $fcount = 0; if (is_array($dirs)) { foreach ($dirs as $dir) { $dcount++; $files = false; $files = array_filter(glob("{$dir}" . "/*"), 'is_file'); if (is_array($files)) { foreach ($files as $file) { $fcount++; } } } } $basefiles = array_filter(glob("{$src}" . "/*"), 'is_file'); if (is_array($basefiles)) { foreach ($basefiles as $file) { $fcount++; } } if ($fcount == 0) { $status = 'death'; } else { $filemsg = null; if ($fcount >= 1) { $plufiles = $fcount > 1 ? _x('files', 'plural', 'file-away') : _x('file', 'singular', 'file-away'); $filemsg = ' ' . __('and', 'file-away') . ' ' . $fcount . ' ' . $plufiles; } $dirmsg = null; if ($dcount >= 1) { $pludirs = $dcount > 1 ? _x('sub-directories', 'plural', 'file-away') : _x('sub-directory', 'singular', 'file-away'); $dirmsg = ', ' . $dcount . ' ' . $pludirs; } $message = sprintf(_x('You are about to delete 1 directory%s from the server. ' . 'This action is permanent and cannot be undone. Are you sure you wish to proceed?', 'Do not put a space between *directory* and the %s variable', 'file-away'), $dirmsg . $filemsg); $response = array('status' => 'confirm', 'message' => $message); } } if ($status === 'death') { $pcount = 1; $pscount = 0; $dcount = 0; $dscount = 0; $fcount = 0; $fscount = 0; if (is_array($dirs)) { foreach ($dirs as $dir) { $dcount++; $files = false; $files = array_filter(glob("{$dir}" . "/*"), 'is_file'); if (is_array($files)) { foreach ($files as $file) { $fcount++; $file = realpath($file); if (is_readable($file)) { if (unlink($file)) { $fscount++; } } } } if (rmdir($dir)) { $dscount++; } } } $basefiles = array_filter(glob("{$src}" . "/*"), 'is_file'); if (is_array($basefiles)) { foreach ($basefiles as $file) { $fcount++; $file = realpath($file); if (is_readable($file)) { if (unlink($file)) { $fscount++; } } } } if (rmdir($src)) { $pscount++; } if ($pscount && $fscount || $pscount && !$fcount) { $success = $pscount == $pcount && $dscount == $dcount && $fscount == $fcount ? 'success' : 'partial'; $success = $fscount == $fcount && !$fcount ? 'success-single' : $success; $filemsg = null; if ($fcount >= 1) { $plufiles = $fcount > 1 ? _x('files', 'plural', 'file-away') : _x('file', 'singular', 'file-away'); $filemsg = ' ' . __('and', 'file-away') . ' ' . $fscount . ' ' . __('of', 'file-away') . ' ' . $fcount . ' ' . $plufiles; } else { $filemsg = ' ' . sprintf(__('and %d files', 'file-away'), $fcount); } $dirmsg = null; if ($dcount >= 1) { $pludirs = $dcount > 1 ? _x('sub-directories', 'plural', 'file-away') : _x('sub-directory', 'singular', 'file-away'); $dirmsg = ', ' . $dscount . ' ' . __('of', 'file-away') . ' ' . $dcount . ' ' . $pludirs; } $message = sprintf(_x('%d of 1 directory%s have been removed from the server.', 'Do not put a space between *directory* and the %s variable', 'file-away'), $pscount, $dirmsg . $filemsg); $response = array('status' => $success, 'message' => $message); } else { $response = array('status' => 'error', 'message' => __('Sorry, but there was an error attempting to remove this directory.', 'file-away')); } } } } elseif ($action === 'rename') { if (!$li) { die($dm); } if (!wp_verify_nonce($_POST['manager_nonce'], 'fileaway-manager-nonce')) { die($dm); } global $wpdb; $table = fileaway_stats::$db; $table_exists = $wpdb->get_var("SHOW TABLES LIKE '{$table}'") != $table ? false : true; $meta_table = fileaway_metadata::$db; $meta_table_exists = $wpdb->get_var("SHOW TABLES LIKE '{$meta_table}'") != $meta_table ? false : true; $metadata = $_POST['metadata'] == 'true' ? true : false; $url = stripslashes($_POST['url']); $pp = $problemchild ? fileaway_utility::replacefirst(stripslashes($_POST['pp']), $install, '') : stripslashes($_POST['pp']); $oldname = stripslashes($_POST['oldname']); $rawname = stripslashes($_POST['rawname']); $ext = $_POST['ext']; if (strpos(strtolower($ext), 'php') !== false) { die($dm); } if (strpos($url, '.' . $ext . '?type=') !== false) { list($url, $querystring) = explode('?', $url); $querystring = '?' . $querystring; } else { $querystring = ''; } $oldfile = $chosenpath . "{$pp}/{$oldname}.{$ext}"; $customdata = isset($_POST['customdata']) ? $_POST['customdata'] : array(); if (!$metadata) { $not_empty = false; if (is_array($customdata)) { $customd = array(); foreach ($customdata as $datum) { $customd[] = stripslashes($datum); if (stripslashes($datum) != '') { $not_empty = true; } } } $customd = $not_empty ? stripslashes(implode(',', $customdata)) : ''; if ($customd !== '') { $customd = " [{$customd}]"; } else { $customd = ''; } $newfile = $chosenpath . "{$pp}/{$rawname}{$customd}.{$ext}"; if ($newfile !== $oldfile) { $i = 1; while (is_file($newfile)) { if ($i == 1) { $rawname = "{$rawname}" . " ({$i})"; } else { $j = $i - 1; $rawname = rtrim("{$rawname}", " ({$j})"); $rawname = "{$rawname}" . " ({$i})"; } $i++; $newfile = $chosenpath . "{$pp}/{$rawname}{$customd}.{$ext}"; } } if ($customd !== '') { $customd = " [" . trim(ltrim(rtrim("{$customd}", "]"), " ["), " ") . "]"; } $newfile = $chosenpath . "{$pp}/" . trim("{$rawname}", ' ') . "{$customd}.{$ext}"; $newurl = str_replace("{$pp}/{$oldname}.{$ext}", "", fileaway_utility::urlesc("{$url}", true)); $newurl = fileaway_utility::urlesc("{$newurl}{$pp}/" . trim("{$rawname}") . "{$customd}.{$ext}"); $newoldname = trim("{$rawname}", ' ') . "{$customd}"; $download = trim("{$rawname}", ' ') . "{$customd}.{$ext}"; if (is_file("{$oldfile}")) { rename("{$oldfile}", "{$newfile}"); } $errors = is_file("{$newfile}") ? '' : __('The file was not renamed.', 'file-away'); if (is_file($newfile) && $table_exists) { fileaway_utility::updatestats('file', fileaway_utility::replacefirst($oldfile, $rootpath, ''), fileaway_utility::replacefirst($newfile, $rootpath, '')); } } else { $not_empty = false; if (is_array($customdata)) { $customd = array(); foreach ($customdata as $datum) { $customd[] = stripslashes($datum); if (stripslashes($datum) != '') { $not_empty = true; } } } $customdata = $not_empty ? $customd : ''; $newfile = $chosenpath . "{$pp}/{$rawname}.{$ext}"; if ($newfile !== $oldfile) { $i = 1; while (is_file($newfile)) { if ($i == 1) { $rawname = "{$rawname}" . " ({$i})"; } else { $j = $i - 1; $rawname = rtrim("{$rawname}", " ({$j})"); $rawname = "{$rawname}" . " ({$i})"; } $i++; $newfile = $chosenpath . "{$pp}/{$rawname}.{$ext}"; } } $newfile = $chosenpath . "{$pp}/" . trim("{$rawname}", ' ') . ".{$ext}"; $newurl = str_replace("{$pp}/{$oldname}.{$ext}", "", fileaway_utility::urlesc("{$url}", true)); $newurl = fileaway_utility::urlesc("{$newurl}{$pp}/" . trim("{$rawname}") . ".{$ext}"); $newoldname = trim("{$rawname}", ' '); $download = trim("{$rawname}", ' ') . ".{$ext}"; if (is_file("{$oldfile}")) { rename("{$oldfile}", "{$newfile}"); } $errors = is_file("{$newfile}") ? '' : __('The file was not renamed.', 'file-away'); if (is_file($newfile) && $table_exists) { fileaway_utility::updatestats('file', fileaway_utility::replacefirst($oldfile, $rootpath, ''), fileaway_utility::replacefirst($newfile, $rootpath, '')); } if (is_file($newfile) && $meta_table_exists) { fileaway_utility::updatemetadata($customdata, fileaway_utility::replacefirst($oldfile, $rootpath, ''), fileaway_utility::replacefirst($newfile, $rootpath, '')); } if ($customdata === '') { $customdata = array(); } } $response = array("errors" => $errors, "download" => $download, "pp" => $pp, "newurl" => $newurl . $querystring, "extension" => $ext, "oldfile" => $oldfile, "newfile" => $newfile, "rawname" => $rawname, "customdata" => $customdata, "newoldname" => $newoldname); } elseif ($action === 'delete') { if (!$li) { die($dm); } if (!wp_verify_nonce($_POST['manager_nonce'], 'fileaway-manager-nonce')) { die($dm); } $pp = $_POST["pp"]; $oldname = $_POST["oldname"]; $ext = $_POST["ext"]; if (!in_array($ext, array('php', 'htaccess', 'htpasswd')) && strpos($oldname, 'wp-admin') === false && strpos($oldname, 'wp-config') === false && strpos($oldname, 'wp-includes') === false) { $oldfile = "{$rootpath}{$pp}/{$oldname}.{$ext}"; if (!is_file("{$oldfile}")) { $oldfile = stripslashes("{$oldfile}"); } if (is_file("{$oldfile}")) { if (unlink("{$oldfile}")) { $response = "success"; } else { $response = "error"; } } else { $response = "error"; } } else { $response = 'error'; } } elseif ($action == 'bulkdownload') { if (!wp_verify_nonce($_POST['bulkdownload_nonce'], 'fileaway-bulk-download-nonce')) { die($dm); } $files = $_POST["files"]; $stats = $_POST['stats']; $zipfiles = array(); $values = array(); if (is_array($files)) { foreach ($files as $file) { if (strpos($file, '..') !== false) { continue; } if (strpos($file, '/') === false) { continue; } if (strpos($file, '.php') !== false) { continue; } if (strpos($file, 'wp-config') !== false) { continue; } if (strpos($file, 'wp-admin') !== false) { continue; } if (strpos($file, 'wp-includes') !== false) { continue; } $file = $rootpath . stripslashes($file); if (file_exists($file)) { $zipfiles[] = $file; $values[] = fileaway_utility::basename($file); } } } $numvals = array_count_values($values); $prefix = isset($this->settings['download_prefix']) ? $this->settings['download_prefix'] : false; $prefix = $prefix && $prefix !== '' ? $prefix : date('Y-m-d', current_time('timestamp')); $time = uniqid(); $destination = fileaway_dir . '/temp'; if (!is_dir($destination)) { mkdir($destination); } $filename = stripslashes($prefix) . ' ' . $time . '.zip'; $link = fileaway_url . '/temp/' . $filename; $filename = $destination . '/' . $filename; if (count($zipfiles)) { $zip = new ZipArchive(); $zip->open($filename, ZipArchive::CREATE); foreach ($zipfiles as $k => $zipfile) { $zip->addFile($zipfile, fileaway_utility::basename($zipfile)); if ($numvals[fileaway_utility::basename($zipfile)] > 1) { $parts = fileaway_utility::pathinfo($zipfile); $zip->renameName(fileaway_utility::basename($zipfile), $parts['filename'] . '_' . $k . '.' . $parts['extension']); } } $zip->close(); } if ($stats == 'true' && count($zipfiles) > 0) { $stat = new fileaway_stats(); $ifiles = array(); foreach ($zipfiles as $zfile) { $zfile = fileaway_utility::replacefirst($zfile, $rootpath, ''); $ifiles[] = $zfile; $stat->insert($zfile, false); } $current = wp_get_current_user(); if ($this->settings['instant_stats'] == 'true') { $data = array('timestamp' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', current_time('timestamp')), 'file' => count($ifiles) . ' ' . strtolower(_x('files', 'plural', 'file-away')), 'files' => "\r\n" . implode("\r\n", $ifiles), 'uid' => $current->ID, 'email' => $current->user_email, 'ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'agent' => $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); $stat->imail($data); } } $response = is_file($filename) ? $link : "Error"; } elseif ($action == 'bulkcopy') { if (!$li) { die($dm); } if (!wp_verify_nonce($_POST['manager_nonce'], 'fileaway-manager-nonce')) { die($dm); } $from = $_POST['from']; $to = $_POST['to']; $ext = $_POST['exts']; $destination = $problemchild ? fileaway_utility::replacefirst(stripslashes($_POST['destination']), $install, '') : stripslashes($_POST['destination']); $success = 0; $total = 0; $renamers = 0; foreach ($from as $k => $fro) { $fro = stripslashes($fro); $to[$k] = stripslashes($to[$k]); $fro = $problemchild ? fileaway_utility::replacefirst("{$fro}", $install, '') : "{$fro}"; $to[$k] = $problemchild ? fileaway_utility::replacefirst("{$to[$k]}", $install, '') : "{$to[$k]}"; $total++; $newfile = $chosenpath . "{$to[$k]}"; if (is_file($chosenpath . "{$fro}") && is_file("{$newfile}")) { $i = 1; $noext = fileaway_utility::replacelast("{$newfile}", '.' . $ext[$k], ''); while (is_file("{$newfile}")) { if ($i == 1) { $noext = "{$noext}" . " ({$i})"; } else { $j = $i - 1; $noext = rtrim("{$noext}", " ({$j})"); $noext = "{$noext}" . " ({$i})"; } $i++; $newfile = "{$noext}" . '.' . $ext[$k]; } $renamers++; } if (is_file($chosenpath . "{$fro}") && !is_file("{$newfile}")) { copy($chosenpath . "{$fro}", "{$newfile}"); } if (is_file("{$newfile}")) { $success++; } } $response = $success == 0 ? __('There was a problem copying the files. Please consult your local pharmacist.', 'file-away') : ($success == 1 ? sprintf(__('One file was copied to %s and it no longer feels special.', 'file-away'), $destination) : ($success > 1 ? sprintf(__('%d of %d files were successfully cloned and delivered in a black caravan to %s.', 'file-away'), $success, $total, $destination) : null)); } elseif ($action == 'bulkmove') { if (!$li) { die($dm); } if (!wp_verify_nonce($_POST['manager_nonce'], 'fileaway-manager-nonce')) { die($dm); } global $wpdb; $table = fileaway_stats::$db; $table_exists = $wpdb->get_var("SHOW TABLES LIKE '{$table}'") != $table ? false : true; $meta_table = fileaway_metadata::$db; $meta_table_exists = $wpdb->get_var("SHOW TABLES LIKE '{$meta_table}'") != $meta_table ? false : true; $metadata = $_POST['metadata'] == 'true' ? true : false; $from = $_POST["from"]; $to = $_POST["to"]; $ext = $_POST['exts']; $destination = $problemchild ? fileaway_utility::replacefirst(stripslashes($_POST["destination"]), $install, '') : stripslashes($_POST["destination"]); $success = 0; $total = 0; $renamers = 0; foreach ($from as $k => $fro) { $fro = stripslashes($fro); $to[$k] = stripslashes($to[$k]); $fro = $problemchild ? fileaway_utility::replacefirst("{$fro}", $install, '') : "{$fro}"; $to[$k] = $problemchild ? fileaway_utility::replacefirst("{$to[$k]}", $install, '') : "{$to[$k]}"; $total++; $newfile = $chosenpath . "{$to[$k]}"; if (is_file($chosenpath . "{$fro}") && is_file("{$newfile}")) { $i = 1; $noext = fileaway_utility::replacelast("{$newfile}", '.' . $ext[$k], ''); while (is_file("{$newfile}")) { if ($i == 1) { $noext = "{$noext}" . " ({$i})"; } else { $j = $i - 1; $noext = rtrim("{$noext}", " ({$j})"); $noext = "{$noext}" . " ({$i})"; } $i++; $newfile = "{$noext}" . '.' . $ext[$k]; } $renamers++; } if (is_file($chosenpath . "{$fro}") && !is_file("{$newfile}")) { rename($chosenpath . "{$fro}", "{$newfile}"); } if (is_file("{$newfile}")) { $success++; if ($table_exists) { fileaway_utility::updatestats('file', fileaway_utility::replacefirst($chosenpath . $fro, $rootpath, ''), fileaway_utility::replacefirst($newfile, $rootpath, '')); } if ($metadata && $meta_table_exists) { fileaway_utility::updatemetadata(false, fileaway_utility::replacefirst($chosenpath . $fro, $rootpath, ''), fileaway_utility::replacefirst($newfile, $rootpath, '')); } } } $response = $success == 0 ? __('There was a problem moving the files. Please consult your local ouija specialist.', 'file-away') : ($success == 1 ? sprintf(__('One lonesome file was forced to leave all it knew and move to %s.', 'file-away'), $destination) : ($success > 1 ? sprintf(__('%d of %d files were magically transported to %s.', 'file-away'), $success, $total, $destination) : null)); } elseif ($action == 'bulkdelete') { if (!$li) { die($dm); } if (!wp_verify_nonce($_POST['manager_nonce'], 'fileaway-manager-nonce')) { die($dm); } $files = $_POST['files']; $success = 0; $total = 0; foreach ($files as $k => $file) { $file = stripslashes($file); if (strpos($file, '.php') === false && strpos($file, 'htaccess') === false && strpos($file, 'htpasswd') === false && strpos($file, 'wp-admin') === false && strpos($file, 'wp-config') === false && strpos($file, 'wp-includes') === false) { $total++; if (is_file($rootpath . $file)) { unlink($rootpath . $file); } if (!is_file($rootpath . $file)) { $success++; } } } $response = $success == 0 ? __('There was a problem deleting the files. Please try pressing your delete button emphatically and repeatedly.', 'file-away') : ($success == 1 ? __('A million fewer files in the world is a victory. One less file, a tragedy. Farewell, file. Au revoir. Auf Wiedersehen. Adieu.', 'file-away') : ($success > 1 ? sprintf(__('%d of %d files were sent plummeting to the nether regions of cyberspace.', 'file-away'), $success, $total) : null)); } elseif ($action == 'upload') { if (isset($_POST) && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST") { if (!wp_verify_nonce($_POST['upload_nonce'], 'fileaway-fileup-nonce')) { echo 'system_error'; exit; } $file_name = strip_tags(stripslashes($_FILES['upload_file']['name'])); $new_name = strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['new_name'])); $extension = $_POST['extension']; $check_ext = str_replace('/', '', $extension); $check_name = str_replace('/', '', $new_name); if (empty($check_ext) || empty($check_name)) { echo 'system_error'; exit; } $uploader = stripslashes($_POST['uploader']); $file_id = strip_tags($_POST['upload_file_id']); $file_size = $_FILES['upload_file']['size']; $max_file_size = (int) $_POST['max_file_size']; $file_path = trim($_POST['upload_path'], '/'); if ($uploader) { $user = new WP_User($uploader); $uploadedby = $_POST['identby'] == 'id' ? $user->ID : $user->display_name; if (preg_match('/\\[([^\\]]+)\\]/', $new_name)) { $new_name = fileaway_utility::replacelast($new_name, ']', ',' . $uploadedby . ']'); } else { $new_name = fileaway_utility::replacelast($new_name, '.' . $extension, ' [' . $uploadedby . '].' . $extension); } } $location = str_replace('//', '/', $chosenpath . $file_path . '/' . $new_name); $location = stripslashes($location); $dir = fileaway_utility::dirname($location); $_POST['size_check'] = $file_size > $max_file_size ? 'true' : 'false'; if ($file_size > $max_file_size) { echo 'system_error'; } elseif (strpos($location, 'wp-admin') !== false) { echo 'system_error'; } elseif (strpos($location, 'wp-config') !== false) { echo 'system_error'; } elseif (strpos($location, '.php') !== false) { echo 'system_error'; } elseif (strpos($extension, 'php') !== false) { echo 'system_error'; } elseif (strpos($dir, '..') !== false) { echo 'system_error'; } else { if (!is_dir($dir)) { mkdir($dir, 0755, true); } $p = fileaway_utility::pathinfo($location); $filename = $p['filename']; $i = 1; $overwrite = $li && stripslashes($_POST['overwrite']) == 'true' ? true : false; if (!$overwrite) { while (is_file($location)) { if ($i == 1) { $filename = $filename . " ({$i})"; } else { $j = $i - 1; $filename = rtrim($filename, " ({$j})"); $filename = $filename . " ({$i})"; } $i++; $name = $filename . '.' . $p['extension']; $location = $p['dirname'] . '/' . $name; } } $name = $filename . '.' . $p['extension']; $location = $p['dirname'] . '/' . $name; if (move_uploaded_file(strip_tags($_FILES['upload_file']['tmp_name']), $location)) { echo $file_id; } else { echo 'system_error'; } } exit; } else { echo 'system_error'; exit; } } elseif ($action == 'actionpath') { if (!wp_verify_nonce($_POST['manager_nonce'], 'fileaway-manager-nonce')) { die($dm); } $fileup = $_POST['uploadaction'] === 'true' ? 'fileup-' : ''; $build = null; if ($problemchild) { $pathparts = fileaway_utility::replacefirst($_POST['pathparts'], $install, ''); $start = trim(fileaway_utility::replacefirst($_POST['start'], $install, ''), '/'); } else { $pathparts = $_POST['pathparts']; $start = trim($_POST['start'], '/'); } if ($pathparts === '/') { $pathparts = $start; } $pathparts = trim($pathparts, '/'); $basename = trim($_POST['basename'], '/'); if (!fileaway_utility::startswith($pathparts, $start)) { $pathparts = $start; } $security = $basename === $start ? false : true; $nocrumbs = $security ? trim(fileaway_utility::replacelast("{$start}", "{$basename}", ''), '/') : null; if (strpos($pathparts, '..') !== false) { $pathparts = $start; } $dir = $chosenpath . $pathparts; $build .= "<option></option>"; $directories = glob($dir . "/*", GLOB_ONLYDIR); if ($directories && is_array($directories)) { foreach ($directories as $k => $folder) { $direxcluded = 0; if ($this->settings['direxclusions']) { $direxes = preg_split('/(, |,)/', $this->settings['direxclusions'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); if (is_array($direxes)) { foreach ($direxes as $direx) { $check = strripos($folder, $direx); if ($check !== false) { $direxcluded = 1; break; } } } } if (!$direxcluded) { $folder = str_replace($chosenpath, '', $folder); $dirname = explode('/', $folder); $dirname = end($dirname); $build .= '<option value="' . $folder . '">' . $dirname . '</option>'; } } } else { $build .= ''; } if ($security) { $pieces = explode('/', trim(trim(fileaway_utility::replacefirst("{$pathparts}", "{$nocrumbs}", ''), '/'), '/')); } else { $pieces = explode('/', trim("{$pathparts}", '/')); } $piecelink = array(); $breadcrumbs = null; foreach ($pieces as $k => $piece) { $i = 0; $piecelink[$k] = $security ? "{$nocrumbs}/" : null; while ($i <= $k) { $piecelink[$k] .= "{$pieces[$i]}/"; $i++; } $breadcrumbs .= '<a href="javascript:" data-target="' . trim($piecelink[$k], '/') . '" id="ssfa-' . $fileup . 'action-pathpart-' . $k . '">' . fileaway_utility::strtotitle($piece) . '</a> / '; } $breadcrumbs = stripslashes($breadcrumbs); $pathparts = stripslashes($pathparts); $build = stripslashes($build); $response = array("ops" => $build, "crumbs" => $breadcrumbs, "pathparts" => $pathparts); } elseif ($action == 'deletecsv') { if (!wp_verify_nonce($_POST['values_nonce'], 'fileaway-values-nonce')) { die($dm); } $src = base64_decode($_POST['src']); if (is_file($rootpath . $src)) { if (unlink($rootpath . $src)) { $response = array('status' => 'success'); } else { $response = array('status' => 'error', 'message' => __('There was a problem deleting the files. Please try pressing your delete button emphatically and repeatedly.', 'file-away')); } } else { $response = array('status' => 'error', 'message' => __('The file specified does not exist in this location.', 'file-away')); } } elseif ($action == 'makecsv') { if (!wp_verify_nonce($_POST['values_nonce'], 'fileaway-values-nonce')) { die($dm); } $dir = base64_decode($_POST['path']); $filename = trim($_POST['name'], '/'); if (!fileaway_utility::endswith(strtolower($filename), '.csv')) { $filename = $filename . '.csv'; } if (is_file($rootpath . $dir . '/' . $filename)) { $response = array('status' => 'error', 'message' => __('A file by that name already exists in this directory.', 'file-away')); } else { if (strpos($filename, '/') !== false && !is_dir($rootpath . $dir . '/' . fileaway_utility::dirname($filename))) { mkdir($rootpath . $dir . '/' . fileaway_utility::dirname($filename), 0775, true); } $csv = new fileaway_csv(); $read = $_POST['read']; $write = $_POST['writ']; $csv->encoding($read, $write); $rows = array(); $cols = array(); $csv->titles = preg_split('/(, |,)/', $_POST['cols'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); foreach ($csv->titles as $header) { $cols[$header] = ''; } $rows[0] = $cols; $csv->data = $rows; $csv->save($rootpath . $dir . '/' . $filename); if (is_file($rootpath . $dir . '/' . $filename)) { $recursive = $_POST['recursive'] == 'true' ? true : false; $fullpath = $rootpath . $dir; $querystring = ltrim($_POST['querystring'], '?'); $files = $recursive ? fileaway_utility::recursefiles($fullpath, array(), array(), '[cC][sS][vV]') : glob("{$fullpath}/*.[cC][sS][vV]"); $file_index = array_search($rootpath . $dir . '/' . $filename, $files); $link = fileaway_utility::querystring(get_permalink($_POST['pg']), $querystring, array('fa_csv' => base64_encode(fileaway_utility::basename($filename)), 'fa_index' => $file_index)); $response = array('status' => 'success', 'redirect' => $link); } else { $reponse = array('status' => 'error', 'message' => sprintf(__('Sorry. There was a problem creating %s', 'file-away'), $filename)); } } } elseif ($action == 'values') { if (!wp_verify_nonce($_POST['values_nonce'], 'fileaway-values-nonce')) { die($dm); } $src = $rootpath . base64_decode($_POST['src']); $csv = new fileaway_csv(); $csv->sort_by = 'id'; $csv->auto($src); $read = $_POST['read']; $write = $_POST['writ']; $csv->encoding($read, $write); $csv->data[$_POST['row']][$_POST['col']] = $_POST['newvalue']; if ($csv->save()) { $response = array('status' => 'success'); } else { $csv->data[$_POST['row']][$_POST['col']] = $_POST['oldvalue']; if ($csv->save()) { $response = array('status' => 'error', 'message' => __('Sorry about that, but your changes could not be saved.', 'file-away')); } else { $response = array('status' => 'error', 'message' => __('Sorry about that, but your changes could not be saved.', 'file-away')); } } } elseif ($action == 'newrow') { if (!wp_verify_nonce($_POST['values_nonce'], 'fileaway-values-nonce')) { die($dm); } $response = array(); $src = $rootpath . base64_decode($_POST['src']); $data = array('test', 'test'); $csv = new fileaway_csv(); $csv->sort_by = 'id'; $csv->auto($src); $read = $_POST['read']; $write = $_POST['writ']; $csv->encoding($read, $write); foreach ($csv->titles as $col) { $csv->data[$_POST['numrows']][$col] = ''; } if ($csv->save()) { $response['status'] = 'success'; $k = $_POST['numrows']; $uid = $_POST['uid']; $theme = $_POST['theme']; $headers = $csv->titles; $html = "<tr id='ssfa-values-{$uid}-{$k}' class='ssfa-values-context' data-row='{$k}'>"; foreach ($headers as $key => $header) { $col1class = $key < 1 ? "class='{$theme}-first-column'" : null; $html .= '<td id="cell-ssfa-values-' . $uid . '-' . $k . '-' . $key . '" ' . $col1class . ' style="cursor:cell">' . '<span id="value-ssfa-values-' . $uid . '-' . $k . '-' . $key . '" data-row="' . $k . '" data-col="' . $header . '" data-colnum="' . $key . '"></span> ' . '<input type="text" id="input-ssfa-values-' . $uid . '-' . $k . '-' . $key . '" data-row="' . $k . '" data-col="' . $header . '" data-colnum="' . $key . '" ' . 'value="" style="display:none; width:90%">' . '</td>'; } $html .= "</tr>"; $response['html'] = $html; } else { $response = array('status' => 'error', 'message' => __('Sorry about that, but your changes could not be saved.', 'file-away')); } } elseif ($action == 'deleterow') { if (!wp_verify_nonce($_POST['values_nonce'], 'fileaway-values-nonce')) { die($dm); } $src = $rootpath . base64_decode($_POST['src']); $csv = new fileaway_csv(); $csv->sort_by = 'id'; $csv->auto($src); $read = $_POST['read']; $write = $_POST['writ']; $csv->encoding($read, $write); unset($csv->data[$_POST['row']]); if ($csv->save()) { $response = array('status' => 'success'); } else { $response = array('status' => 'error', 'message' => __('Sorry about that, but your changes could not be saved.', 'file-away')); } } elseif ($action == 'createcol') { if (!wp_verify_nonce($_POST['values_nonce'], 'fileaway-values-nonce')) { die($dm); } $src = $rootpath . base64_decode($_POST['src']); $csv = new fileaway_csv(); $csv->sort_by = 'id'; $csv->auto($src); $read = $_POST['read']; $write = $_POST['writ']; $csv->encoding($read, $write); $headers = $csv->titles; $rows = $csv->data; if (count($headers) < 2) { $csv->delimiter = ","; } foreach ($rows as $k => $v) { fileaway_utility::recreatecol($rows[$k], $_POST['colnum'], 0, $_POST['col']); } array_splice($headers, $_POST['colnum'], 0, $_POST['col']); $csv->titles = $headers; $csv->data = $rows; if ($csv->save()) { $response = array('status' => 'success'); } else { $response = array('status' => 'error', 'message' => __('Sorry about that, but your changes could not be saved.', 'file-away')); } } elseif ($action == 'colrename') { if (!wp_verify_nonce($_POST['values_nonce'], 'fileaway-values-nonce')) { die($dm); } $src = $rootpath . base64_decode($_POST['src']); $csv = new fileaway_csv(); $csv->sort_by = 'id'; $csv->auto($src); $read = $_POST['read']; $write = $_POST['writ']; $csv->encoding($read, $write); $headers = $csv->titles; $rows = $csv->data; foreach ($rows as $k => $v) { fileaway_utility::recreatecol($rows[$k], $_POST['colnum'], 0, $_POST['newname'], $rows[$k][$_POST['oldname']]); unset($rows[$k][$_POST['oldname']]); } $headers[$_POST['colnum']] = $_POST['newname']; $csv->titles = $headers; $csv->data = $rows; if ($csv->save()) { $response = array('status' => 'success'); } else { $response = array('status' => 'error', 'message' => __('Sorry about that, but your changes could not be saved.', 'file-away')); } } elseif ($action == 'coldelete') { if (!wp_verify_nonce($_POST['values_nonce'], 'fileaway-values-nonce')) { die($dm); } $src = $rootpath . base64_decode($_POST['src']); $csv = new fileaway_csv(); $csv->sort_by = 'id'; $csv->auto($src); $read = $_POST['read']; $write = $_POST['writ']; $csv->encoding($read, $write); $del_val = $_POST['col']; $del_key = $_POST['colnum']; $headers = $csv->titles; $rows = $csv->data; unset($headers[$_POST['colnum']]); $headers = array_values($headers); foreach ($rows as $k => $v) { unset($rows[$k][$_POST['col']]); } $rows = array_values($rows); $csv->titles = $headers; $csv->data = $rows; if ($csv->save()) { $response = array('status' => 'success'); } else { $response = array('status' => 'error', 'message' => __('Sorry about that, but your changes could not be saved.', 'file-away')); } } elseif ($action == 'backupcsv') { if (!wp_verify_nonce($_POST['values_nonce'], 'fileaway-values-nonce')) { die($dm); } $src = $rootpath . base64_decode($_POST['src']); $csv = new fileaway_csv(); $csv->auto($src); $read = $_POST['read']; $write = $_POST['writ']; $csv->encoding($read, $write); $bits = fileaway_utility::pathinfo($src); $newfile = str_replace('.' . $bits['extension'], ' [' . date('Y-m-d H-i-s', current_time('timestamp')) . '].' . $bits['extension'], $src); if ($csv->save($newfile)) { $response = array('status' => 'success'); } else { $response = array('status' => 'error', 'message' => __('Sorry about that, but a backup could not be successfully saved.', 'file-away')); } } $response = json_encode($response); header("Content-Type: application/json"); echo $response; exit; }