public function install() { global $core; $zip = new fileUnzip($this->zip_file); if ($zip->isEmpty()) { $zip->close(); unlink($this->zip_file); throw new Exception(__('Empty plugin zip file.')); } $zip_root_dir = $zip->getRootDir(); if (!$zip_root_dir) { // try to find a root anyway if all dirs start with same pattern $dirs = $zip->getDirsList(); $n = 0; $zip_root_dir = substr($dirs[0], 0, strpos($dirs[0], '/')); foreach ($dirs as $dir) { if ($zip_root_dir != substr($dirs[0], 0, strpos($dirs[0], '/'))) { $n++; } } if ($n > 0) { $zip_root_dir = false; } } if ($zip_root_dir != false) { $target = dirname($this->zip_file); $destination = $target . '/' . $zip_root_dir; $plugin_js = $zip_root_dir . '/plugin.js'; $has_plugin_js = $zip->hasFile($plugin_js); } else { $target = dirname($this->zip_file) . '/' . preg_replace('/\\.([^.]+)$/', '', basename($this->zip_file)); $destination = $target; $plugin_js = 'plugin.js'; $has_plugin_js = $zip->hasFile($plugin_js); } if ($core->blog->settings->dcCKEditorAddons->check_validity) { if (!$has_plugin_js) { $zip->close(); unlink($this->zip_file); throw new Exception(__('The zip file does not appear to be a valid CKEditor addon.')); } } if (!is_dir($destination)) { files::makeDir($destination, true); } $zip->unzipAll($target); $zip->close(); unlink($this->zip_file); }
function dc_lang_install($file) { $zip = new fileUnzip($file); $zip->getList(false, '#(^|/)(__MACOSX|\\.svn|\\.DS_Store|Thumbs\\.db)(/|$)#'); if (!preg_match('/^[a-z]{2,3}(-[a-z]{2})?$/', $zip->getRootDir())) { throw new Exception(__('Invalid language zip file.')); } if ($zip->isEmpty() || !$zip->hasFile($zip->getRootDir() . '/main.po')) { throw new Exception(__('The zip file does not appear to be a valid Dotclear language pack.')); } $target = dirname($file); $destination = $target . '/' . $zip->getRootDir(); $res = 1; if (is_dir($destination)) { if (!files::deltree($destination)) { throw new Exception(__('An error occurred during language upgrade.')); } $res = 2; } $zip->unzipAll($target); return $res; }
public static function installPackage($zip_file, dcModules &$modules) { $zip = new fileUnzip($zip_file); $zip->getList(false, '#(^|/)(__MACOSX|\\.svn|\\.hg|\\.git|\\.DS_Store|\\.directory|Thumbs\\.db)(/|$)#'); $zip_root_dir = $zip->getRootDir(); $define = ''; if ($zip_root_dir != false) { $target = dirname($zip_file); $destination = $target . '/' . $zip_root_dir; $define = $zip_root_dir . '/_define.php'; $has_define = $zip->hasFile($define); } else { $target = dirname($zip_file) . '/' . preg_replace('/\\.([^.]+)$/', '', basename($zip_file)); $destination = $target; $define = '_define.php'; $has_define = $zip->hasFile($define); } if ($zip->isEmpty()) { $zip->close(); unlink($zip_file); throw new Exception(__('Empty module zip file.')); } if (!$has_define) { $zip->close(); unlink($zip_file); throw new Exception(__('The zip file does not appear to be a valid Dotclear module.')); } $ret_code = 1; if (!is_dir($destination)) { try { files::makeDir($destination, true); $sandbox = clone $modules; $zip->unzip($define, $target . '/_define.php'); $sandbox->resetModulesList(); $sandbox->requireDefine($target, basename($destination)); unlink($target . '/_define.php'); $new_errors = $sandbox->getErrors(); if (!empty($new_errors)) { $new_errors = is_array($new_errors) ? implode(" \n", $new_errors) : $new_errors; throw new Exception($new_errors); } files::deltree($destination); } catch (Exception $e) { $zip->close(); unlink($zip_file); files::deltree($destination); throw new Exception($e->getMessage()); } } else { # test for update $sandbox = clone $modules; $zip->unzip($define, $target . '/_define.php'); $sandbox->resetModulesList(); $sandbox->requireDefine($target, basename($destination)); unlink($target . '/_define.php'); $new_modules = $sandbox->getModules(); if (!empty($new_modules)) { $tmp = array_keys($new_modules); $id = $tmp[0]; $cur_module = $modules->getModules($id); if (!empty($cur_module) && (defined('DC_DEV') && DC_DEV === true || dcUtils::versionsCompare($new_modules[$id]['version'], $cur_module['version'], '>', true))) { # delete old module if (!files::deltree($destination)) { throw new Exception(__('An error occurred during module deletion.')); } $ret_code = 2; } else { $zip->close(); unlink($zip_file); throw new Exception(sprintf(__('Unable to upgrade "%s". (older or same version)'), basename($destination))); } } else { $zip->close(); unlink($zip_file); throw new Exception(sprintf(__('Unable to read new _define.php file'))); } } $zip->unzipAll($target); $zip->close(); unlink($zip_file); return $ret_code; }
/** * Install a theme from a zip file * * @param string $zip_file * @param oktThemes $oThemes */ public static function installPackage($zip_file, oktThemes $oThemes) { $zip = new fileUnzip($zip_file); $zip->getList(false, '#(^|/)(__MACOSX|\\.svn|\\.DS_Store|Thumbs\\.db)(/|$)#'); $zip_root_dir = $zip->getRootDir(); if ($zip_root_dir !== false) { $target = dirname($zip_file); $destination = $target . '/' . $zip_root_dir; $define = $zip_root_dir . '/_define.php'; $has_define = $zip->hasFile($define); } else { $target = dirname($zip_file) . '/' . preg_replace('/\\.([^.]+)$/', '', basename($zip_file)); $destination = $target; $define = '_define.php'; $has_define = $zip->hasFile($define); } if ($zip->isEmpty()) { $zip->close(); unlink($zip_file); throw new Exception(__('Empty theme zip file.')); } if (!$has_define) { $zip->close(); unlink($zip_file); throw new Exception(__('The zip file does not appear to be a valid theme.')); } $ret_code = 1; if (is_dir($destination)) { throw new Exception(__('The theme allready exists, you can not update a theme.')); /* copy($target.'/_define.php', $target.'/_define.php.bak'); # test for update $sandbox = clone $oThemes; $zip->unzip($define, $target.'/_define.php'); $sandbox->resetThemesList(); $sandbox->requireDefine($target,basename($destination)); unlink($target.'/_define.php'); $new_themes = $sandbox->getThemesList(); $old_themes = $oThemes->getThemesList(); if (!empty($new_themes)) { $tmp = array_keys($new_themes); $id = $tmp[0]; $cur_theme = $old_themes[$id]; if (!empty($cur_theme) && $new_themes[$id]['version'] != $cur_theme['version']) { # delete old theme if (!files::deltree($destination)) { throw new Exception(__('An error occurred during theme deletion.')); } $ret_code = 2; } else { $zip->close(); unlink($zip_file); if (file_exists($target.'/_define.php.bak')) { rename($target.'/_define.php.bak', $target.'/_define.php'); } throw new Exception(sprintf(__('Unable to upgrade "%s". (same version)'),basename($destination))); } } else { $zip->close(); unlink($zip_file); if (file_exists($target.'/_define.php.bak')) { rename($target.'/_define.php.bak', $target.'/_define.php'); } throw new Exception(sprintf(__('Unable to read new _define.php file'))); } */ } $zip->unzipAll($target); $zip->close(); unlink($zip_file); return $ret_code; }
/** Extract zip file in current location @param f <b>fileRecord</b> fileRecord object */ public function inflateZipFile($f, $create_dir = true) { $zip = new fileUnzip($f->file); $zip->getList(false, '#(^|/)(__MACOSX|\\.svn|\\.DS_Store|Thumbs\\.db)(/|$)#'); if ($create_dir) { $zip_root_dir = $zip->getRootDir(); if ($zip_root_dir != false) { $destination = $zip_root_dir; $target = $f->dir; } else { $destination = preg_replace('/\\.([^.]+)$/', '', $f->basename); $target = $f->dir . '/' . $destination; } if (is_dir($f->dir . '/' . $destination)) { throw new Exception(sprintf(__('Extract destination directory %s already exists.'), dirname($f->relname) . '/' . $destination)); } } else { $target = $f->dir; $destination = ''; } $zip->unzipAll($target); $zip->close(); return dirname($f->relname) . '/' . $destination; }
} $sExtension = pathinfo($sUploadedFile['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION); # des erreurs d'upload ? util::uploadStatus($sUploadedFile); # vérification de l'extension if ($sExtension != 'zip') { throw new Exception(__('c_a_config_display_not_zip_file')); } # création répertoire temporaire files::makeDir($sTempDir); if (!move_uploaded_file($sUploadedFile['tmp_name'], $sZipFilename)) { throw new Exception(__('c_a_config_display_unable_move_file')); } $oZip = new fileUnzip($sZipFilename); $oZip->getList(false, '#(^|/)(__MACOSX|\\.svn|\\.DS_Store|Thumbs\\.db|development-bundle|js)(/|$)#'); $zip_root_dir = $oZip->getRootDir(); if ($zip_root_dir !== false) { $sTargetDir = dirname($sZipFilename); $sDestinationDir = $sTargetDir . '/' . $zip_root_dir; $sCssFilename = $zip_root_dir . '/css/custom-theme/' . basename($sTargetDir) . '.css'; $hasCssFile = $oZip->hasFile($sCssFilename); } else { $zip_root_dir = preg_replace('/\\.([^.]+)$/', '', basename($sZipFilename)); $sTargetDir = dirname($sZipFilename) . '/' . $zip_root_dir; $sDestinationDir = $sTargetDir; $sCssFilename = $zip_root_dir . '/css/custom-theme/' . basename($sTargetDir) . '.css'; $hasCssFile = $oZip->hasFile($sCssFilename); } if ($oZip->isEmpty()) { $oZip->close(); files::deltree($sTempDir);
public static function installPackage($zip_file, dcModules &$modules) { $zip = new fileUnzip($zip_file); $zip->getList(false, '#(^|/)(__MACOSX|\\.svn|\\.DS_Store|Thumbs\\.db)(/|$)#'); $zip_root_dir = $zip->getRootDir(); $define = ''; if ($zip_root_dir != false) { $target = dirname($zip_file); $destination = $target . '/' . $zip_root_dir; $define = $zip_root_dir . '/_define.php'; $has_define = $zip->hasFile($define); } else { $target = dirname($zip_file) . '/' . preg_replace('/\\.([^.]+)$/', '', basename($zip_file)); $destination = $target; $define = '_define.php'; $has_define = $zip->hasFile($define); } if ($zip->isEmpty()) { unlink($zip_file); throw new Exception(T_('Empty module zip file.')); } if (!$has_define) { unlink($zip_file); throw new Exception(T_('The zip file does not appear to be a valid Bilboplanet module.')); } $ret_code = 1; if (is_dir($destination)) { # test for update $sandbox = clone $modules; $zip->unzip($define, $target . '/_define.php'); $sandbox->resetModulesList(); $sandbox->requireDefine($target, basename($destination)); unlink($target . '/_define.php'); $new_modules = $sandbox->getModules(); if (!empty($new_modules)) { $tmp = array_keys($new_modules); $id = $tmp[0]; $cur_module = $modules->getModules($id); if (!empty($cur_module) && $new_modules[$id]['version'] != $cur_module['version']) { # delete old module if (!files::deltree($destination)) { throw new Exception(T_('An error occurred during module deletion.')); } $ret_code = 2; } else { unlink($zip_file); throw new Exception(sprintf(T_('Unable to upgrade "%s". (same version)'), basename($destination))); } } else { unlink($zip_file); throw new Exception(sprintf(T_('Unable to read new _define.php file'))); } } $zip->unzipAll($target); unlink($zip_file); return $ret_code; }