Example #1
  * The handler for the index article.
  * @param mixed $handler_id the array key from the request array
  * @param array $args the arguments given to the handler
  * @param Array &$data The local request data.
  * @return boolean Indicating success.
 function _handler_manageRequest($handler_id, $args, &$data)
     $this->_request_data['name'] = "fi.kilonkipinat.accountregistration";
     $title = $this->_l10n_midcom->get('fi.kilonkipinat.accountregistration');
     $_MIDCOM->set_pagetitle(":: {$title}");
     $prefix = $this->_request_data['prefix'];
     $request = new fi_kilonkipinat_accountregistration_accountrequest_dba(trim($args[0]));
     if (!isset($request) || !isset($request->guid) || $request->guid == '' || $request->guid != $args[0]) {
         debug_push_class(__CLASS__, __FUNCTION__);
         $_MIDCOM->generate_error(MIDCOM_ERRNOTFOUND, 'Failed to load request, cannot continue. Last Midgard error was: ' . midcom_application::get_error_string());
         // This will exit.
     $this->_request_data['request'] = $request;
     if (isset($_POST) && isset($_POST['username'])) {
         if (isset($_POST['isduplicate']) && $_POST['isduplicate'] == '1') {
             $message['title'] = $this->_l10n_midcom->get("Poistettu");
             $message['content'] = $this->_l10n_midcom->get("Kyseinen hakemus on merkattu duplikaatiksi, ts poistettu.");
         } else {
             if (isset($_POST['merge_user_guid']) && $_POST['merge_user_guid'] != '') {
                 $person = new fi_kilonkipinat_account_person_dba(trim($_POST['merge_user_guid']));
             } else {
                 $qb = fi_kilonkipinat_account_person_dba::new_query_builder();
                 $qb->add_constraint('username', '=', trim($_POST['username']));
                 $results = $qb->execute();
                 if (count($results) > 0) {
                     $message['title'] = $this->_l10n_midcom->get("error");
                     $message['content'] = $this->_l10n_midcom->get("Kyseinen tyyppi on jo olemassa");
                 } else {
                     $person = new fi_kilonkipinat_account_person_dba();
                     $person->username = trim($_POST['username']);
             if (isset($person)) {
                 $person->firstname = $request->firstname;
                 $person->lastname = $request->lastname;
                 $person->email = $request->email;
                 $password = fi_kilonkipinat_accountregistration_viewer::generatePassword($this->_config->get('password_length'));
                 // Enforce crypt mode
                 $salt = chr(rand(64, 126)) . chr(rand(64, 126));
                 $crypt_password = crypt($password, $salt);
                 $person->password = $crypt_password;
                 if (isset($_POST['add_to_groups']) && count($_POST['add_to_groups']) > 0) {
                     foreach ($_POST['add_to_groups'] as $group_guid) {
                         $group = new midcom_db_group($group_guid);
                         if (isset($group) && isset($group->guid) && $group->guid == $group_guid) {
                             $membership = new midcom_db_member();
                             $membership->uid = $person->id;
                             $membership->gid = $group->id;
                 $person->set_privilege('midgard:owner', "user:{$person->guid}");
                 $request->personGuid = $person->guid;
                 $subject = 'Tunnuksesi kilonkipinat.fi-sivustolle';
                 $body = sprintf('Hei %s', $person->firstname);
                 $body .= "\n\n";
                 $body .= sprintf('käyttäjätunnus: %s', $person->username);
                 $body .= "\n\n";
                 $body .= sprintf('salasana: %s', $password);
                 $mail = new org_openpsa_mail();
                 $mail->from = $this->_config->get('mail_sender_title') . ' <' . $this->_config->get('mail_sender_address') . '>';
                 $mail->to = $person->firstname . ' ' . $person->lastname . ' <' . $person->email . '>';
                 $mail->body = $body;
                 $mail->subject = $subject;
                 $message = array();
                 if ($mail->send('mail')) {
                     $message['title'] = $this->_l10n_midcom->get("Onnistui");
                     $message['content'] = '';
                 } else {
                     $message['title'] = $this->_l10n_midcom->get("error");
                     $message['content'] = $this->_l10n_midcom->get("Oops, something went wrong.");
         $this->_request_data['message'] = $message;
     return true;
Example #2
  * The handler for the own details.
  * @param mixed $handler_id the array key from the request array
  * @param array $args the arguments given to the handler
  * @param Array &$data The local request data.
  * @return boolean Indicating success.
 function _handler_changePassword($handler_id, $args, &$data)
     $this->_request_data['name'] = "fi.kilonkipinat.account";
     $title = $this->_l10n_midcom->get('index');
     $_MIDCOM->set_pagetitle(":: {$title}");
     $this->_component_data['active_leaf'] = "change_password";
     $message = '';
     $person = new fi_kilonkipinat_account_person_dba($_MIDGARD['user']);
     if (isset($_POST) && isset($_POST['old_pass']) && $_POST['old_pass'] != '') {
         $old_pass = trim($_POST['old_pass']);
         $auth_user = midgard_user::auth($person->username, $old_pass, self::sitegroup_for_auth(), false);
         if (!$auth_user) {
             $message = '<h3>Virhe</h3>Väärä vanha salasana!!!';
         } elseif (isset($_POST['new_pass']) && isset($_POST['new_pass2']) && strlen(trim($_POST['new_pass'])) >= $this->_config->get('password_min_length')) {
             $new_pass = trim($_POST['new_pass']);
             $new_pass2 = trim($_POST['new_pass2']);
             if ($new_pass == $new_pass2) {
                 // Enforce crypt mode
                 $salt = chr(rand(64, 126)) . chr(rand(64, 126));
                 $crypt_password = crypt($new_pass, $salt);
                 $person->password = $crypt_password;
                 $message = '<h3>Salasana vaihdettu</h3>';
                 $_MIDCOM->auth->_auth_backend->create_login_session($person->username, $new_pass);
             } else {
                 $message = '<h3>Virhe</h3>Varmistussalasana ei täsmää';
         } else {
             $message = '<h3>Virhe</h3>Uusi salasana liian lyhyt';
     $this->_request_data['person'] = $person;
     $this->_request_data['messages'] = $message;
     return true;