Example #1
function fts_twitter_func($atts)
    include_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php';
    $fts_functions = new feed_them_social_functions();
    if (is_plugin_active('feed-them-premium/feed-them-premium.php')) {
        include WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/plugins/feed-them-premium/feeds/twitter/twitter-feed.php';
    } else {
        extract(shortcode_atts(array('twitter_name' => '', 'twitter_height' => '', 'description_image' => ''), $atts));
        $tweets_count = '5';
    $numTweets = $tweets_count;
    $name = $twitter_name;
    $excludeReplies = true;
    $data_cache = WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/plugins/feed-them-social/feeds/twitter/cache/twitter_data_cache-' . $name . '-num' . $numTweets . '.cache';
    //Check Cache
    if (file_exists($data_cache) && !filesize($data_cache) == 0 && filemtime($data_cache) > time() - 1800 && false !== strpos($data_cache, '-num' . $numTweets . '')) {
        $fetchedTweets = $fts_functions->fts_get_feed_cache($data_cache);
        $cache_used = true;
    } else {
        include WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/plugins/feed-them-social/feeds/twitter/twitteroauth/twitteroauth.php';
        $fts_twitter_custom_consumer_key = get_option('fts_twitter_custom_consumer_key');
        $fts_twitter_custom_consumer_secret = get_option('fts_twitter_custom_consumer_secret');
        $fts_twitter_custom_access_token = get_option('fts_twitter_custom_access_token');
        $fts_twitter_custom_access_token_secret = get_option('fts_twitter_custom_access_token_secret');
        //Use custom api info
        if (!empty($fts_twitter_custom_consumer_key) && !empty($fts_twitter_custom_consumer_secret) && !empty($fts_twitter_custom_access_token) && !empty($fts_twitter_custom_access_token_secret)) {
            $connection = new TwitterOAuthFTS($fts_twitter_custom_consumer_key, $fts_twitter_custom_consumer_secret, $fts_twitter_custom_access_token, $fts_twitter_custom_access_token_secret);
        } else {
            $connection = new TwitterOAuthFTS('dOIIcGrhWgooKquMWWXg', 'qzAE4t4xXbsDyGIcJxabUz3n6fgqWlg8N02B6zM', '1184502104-Cjef1xpCPwPobP5X8bvgOTbwblsmeGGsmkBzwdB', 'd789TWA8uwwfBDjkU0iJNPDz1UenRPTeJXbmZZ4xjY');
        // If excluding replies, we need to fetch more than requested as the
        // total is fetched first, and then replies removed.
        $totalToFetch = $excludeReplies ? max(50, $numTweets * 3) : $numTweets;
        $fetchedTweets = $connection->get('statuses/user_timeline', array('screen_name' => $name, 'count' => $totalToFetch, 'exclude_replies' => $excludeReplies, 'images' => $description_image));
    //END ELSE
    //Error Check
    if (isset($fetchedTweets->errors)) {
        $error_check = '<div>Oops, Somethings wrong. ' . $fetchedTweets->errors[0]->message . '.</div>';
        if ($fetchedTweets->errors[0]->code == 32) {
            $error_check .= ' Please check that you have entered your Twitter API token information correctly.';
        if ($fetchedTweets->errors[0]->code == 34) {
            $error_check .= ' Please check the Twitter Username you have entered is correct.';
    } elseif (empty($fetchedTweets) && !isset($fetchedTweets->errors)) {
        $error_check = '<div>This account has no tweets. Please Tweet to see this feed.</div>';
    //Does Cache folder exists? If not make it!
    if (isset($fetchedTweets->errors)) {
        echo '<pre>';
        echo '</pre>';
    // Did the fetch fail?
    if (isset($error_check)) {
        echo $error_check;
    } else {
        if (!empty($fetchedTweets)) {
            //Cache It
            if (!isset($cache_used)) {
                $fts_functions->fts_create_feed_cache($data_cache, $fetchedTweets);
            // Fetch succeeded.
            // Now update the array to store just what we need.
            // (Done here instead of PHP doing this for every page load)
            $limitToDisplay = min($numTweets, count($fetchedTweets));
            for ($i = 0; $i < $limitToDisplay; $i++) {
                $tweet = $fetchedTweets[$i];
                // Core info.
                $name = isset($tweet->user->name) ? $tweet->user->name : "";
                $screen_name = isset($tweet->user->screen_name) ? $tweet->user->screen_name : "";
                $protocol = isset($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) ? 'https://' : 'http://';
                $not_protocol = !isset($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) ? 'https://' : 'http://';
                $permalink = $protocol . 'twitter.com/' . $screen_name . '/status/' . $tweet->id_str;
                $user_permalink = $protocol . 'twitter.com/#!/' . $screen_name;
                //Is Media Set
                if (isset($tweet->entities->media[0]->media_url)) {
                    $media_url = $tweet->entities->media[0]->media_url;
                    $media_url = str_replace($not_protocol, $protocol, $media_url);
                } else {
                    $media_url = '';
                // leaving this for another update, trying to get videos, and I know this ain't right! $url = $tweet->entities->media[0]->expanded_url;
                /* Alternative image sizes method: http://dev.twitter.com/doc/get/users/profile_image/:screen_name */
                $image = isset($tweet->user->profile_image_url) ? $tweet->user->profile_image_url : "";
                $image = str_replace($not_protocol, $protocol, $image);
                // Message. Convert links to real links.
                $pattern = array('/http:(\\S)+/', '/https:(\\S)+/', '/([^a-zA-Z0-9-_&])@([0-9a-zA-Z_]+)/', '/([^a-zA-Z0-9-_&])#([0-9a-zA-Z_]+)/');
                $replace = array(' <a href="${0}" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">${0}</a>', ' <a href="${0}" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">${0}</a>', ' <a href="' . $protocol . 'twitter.com/$2" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">@$2</a>', ' <a href="' . $protocol . 'twitter.com/search?q=%23$2&src=hash" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">#$2</a>');
                $text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $tweet->text);
                // Need to get time in Unix format.
                $times = isset($tweet->created_at) ? $tweet->created_at : "";
                $CustomDateCheck = get_option('fts-date-and-time-format');
                if ($CustomDateCheck) {
                    $CustomDateFormatTwitter = get_option('fts-date-and-time-format');
                } else {
                    $CustomDateFormatTwitter = 'F jS, Y \\a\\t g:ia';
                $uTime = date($CustomDateFormatTwitter, strtotime($times) - 3 * 3600);
                $twitter_id = isset($tweet->id_str) ? $tweet->id_str : "";
                $fts_twitter_full_width = get_option('twitter_full_width');
                // Now make the new array.
                $tweets[] = array('text' => $text, 'name' => $name, 'screen_name' => $screen_name, 'user_permalink' => $user_permalink, 'permalink' => $permalink, 'image' => $image, 'time' => $uTime, 'media_url' => $media_url, 'id' => $twitter_id);
            //End FOR fts-twitter-full-width
<div id="twitter-feed-<?php 
            print $twitter_name;
" class="fts-twitter-div<?php 
            if ($twitter_height !== 'auto' && empty($twitter_height) == NULL) {
            if ($popup == 'yes') {
" <?php 
            if ($twitter_height !== 'auto' && empty($twitter_height) == NULL) {
                echo $twitter_height;
            foreach ($tweets as $t) {
  <div class="fts-tweeter-wrap">
    <div class="tweeter-info">
                if ($fts_twitter_full_width !== 'yes') {
      <div class="fts-twitter-image"><a href="<?php 
                    print $t['user_permalink'];
" target="_blank" class="black"><img class="twitter-image" src="<?php 
                    print $t['image'];
" /></a></div>
      <div class="<?php 
                if ($fts_twitter_full_width == 'yes') {
                } else {
        <div class="uppercase bold"><a href="<?php 
                print $t['user_permalink'];
" target="_blank" class="black">@<?php 
                print $t['screen_name'];
        <span class="time"><a href="<?php 
                print $t['permalink'];
                print $t['time'];
        <span class="fts-twitter-text"><?php 
                print $t['text'];
        <div class="fts-fb-caption"><a href="<?php 
                print $t['permalink'];
" class="fts-view-on-twitter-link" target="_blank">View on Twitter</a></div>
                if ($t['media_url']) {
        <a href="<?php 
                    if ($popup == 'yes') {
                        print $t['media_url'];
                    } else {
                        print $t['permalink'];
" class="fts-twitter-link-image" target="_blank"><img class="fts-twitter-description-image" src="<?php 
                    print $t['media_url'];
" /></a>
      <div class="fts-twitter-reply-wrap">
      <a href="<?php 
                print $t['permalink'];
      <div class="fts-twitter-reply"></div>
      <div class="clear"></div>
  <div class="clear"></div>
            if ($twitter_height !== 'auto' && empty($twitter_height) == NULL) {
  // this makes it so the page does not scroll if you reach the end of scroll bar or go back to top
  jQuery.fn.isolatedScrollTwitter = function() {
		this.bind('mousewheel DOMMouseScroll', function (e) {
		var delta = e.wheelDelta || (e.originalEvent && e.originalEvent.wheelDelta) || -e.detail,
			bottomOverflow = this.scrollTop + jQuery(this).outerHeight() - this.scrollHeight >= 0,
			topOverflow = this.scrollTop <= 0;
		if ((delta < 0 && bottomOverflow) || (delta > 0 && topOverflow)) {
	return this;
        // END IF $fetchedTweets
    //END ELSE
    return ob_get_clean();
Example #2
function fts_instagram_func($atts)
    $fts_functions = new feed_them_social_functions();
    include_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php';
    if (is_plugin_active('feed-them-premium/feed-them-premium.php')) {
        include WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/plugins/feed-them-premium/feeds/instagram/instagram-feed.php';
    } else {
        extract(shortcode_atts(array('instagram_id' => '', 'type' => '', 'super_gallery' => '', 'image_size' => '', 'icon_size' => '', 'space_between_photos' => '', 'hide_date_likes_comments' => '', 'center_container' => '', 'image_stack_animation' => ''), $atts));
        $pics_count = '6';
    $popup = isset($popup) ? $popup : "";
    if ($popup == 'yes') {
        // it's ok if these styles & scripts load at the bottom of the page because they are just for the popup
        wp_enqueue_style('fts_instagram_css_popup', plugins_url('instagram/css/magnific-popup.css', dirname(__FILE__)));
        wp_enqueue_script('fts_instagram_popup_js', plugins_url('instagram/js/magnific-popup.js', dirname(__FILE__)));
    $fts_instagram_tokens_array = array('267791236.df31d88.30e266dda9f84e9f97d9e603f41aaf9e', '267791236.14c1243.a5268d6ed4cf4d2187b0e98b365443af', '267791236.f78cc02.bea846f3144a40acbf0e56b002c112f8', '258559306.502d2c4.c5ff817f173547d89477a2bd2e6047f9');
    $fts_instagram_access_token = $fts_instagram_tokens_array[array_rand($fts_instagram_tokens_array, 1)];
    //URL to get Feeds
    if ($type == 'hashtag') {
        $insta_url = 'https://api.instagram.com/v1/tags/' . $instagram_id . '/media/recent/?access_token=' . $fts_instagram_access_token;
    } else {
        $insta_url = 'https://api.instagram.com/v1/users/' . $instagram_id . '/media/recent/?access_token=' . $fts_instagram_access_token;
    $cache = WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/plugins/feed-them-social/feeds/instagram/cache/instagram-cache-' . $instagram_id . '.cache';
    // https://api.instagram.com/v1/tags/snow/media/recent?access_token=ACCESS-TOKEN
    // https://instagram.com/oauth/authorize/?client_id=[CLIENT_ID_HERE]&redirect_uri=http://localhost&response_type=token
    //Get Data for Instagram
    $response = wp_remote_fopen($insta_url);
    //Error Check
    $error_check = json_decode($response);
    if (isset($error_check->meta->error_message)) {
        return $error_check->meta->error_message;
    if (file_exists($cache) && !filesize($cache) == 0 && filemtime($cache) > time() - 900) {
        $insta_data = $fts_functions->fts_get_feed_cache($cache);
    } else {
        $insta_data = json_decode($response);
        //if Error DON'T Cache
        if (!isset($error_check->meta->error_message)) {
            $fts_functions->fts_create_feed_cache($cache, $insta_data);
    if ($super_gallery == 'yes') {
<div class="fts-slicker-instagram masonry js-masonry <?php 
        if ($popup == 'yes') {
            print 'popup-gallery';
" style="margin:auto" data-masonry-options='{ "isFitWidth": <?php 
        if ($center_container == 'no') {
        } else {
        if ($image_stack_animation == 'no') {
, "transitionDuration": 0<?php 
    } else {
    	<div class="fts-instagram <?php 
        if ($popup == 'yes') {
            print 'popup-gallery';
    $set_zero = 0;
    if (!isset($insta_data->data)) {
        return '<div style="padding-right:35px;">Looks like instagram\'s API down. Please try clearing cache and reloading this page in the near future.</div></div>';
    foreach ($insta_data->data as $insta_d) {
        if ($set_zero == $pics_count) {
        //Create Instagram Variables
        $instagram_date = isset($insta_d->created_time) ? date('F j, Y', $insta_d->created_time) : "";
        $instagram_link = isset($insta_d->link) ? $insta_d->link : "";
        $instagram_thumb_url = isset($insta_d->images->thumbnail->url) ? $insta_d->images->thumbnail->url : "";
        $instagram_lowRez_url = isset($insta_d->images->standard_resolution->url) ? $insta_d->images->standard_resolution->url : "";
        if (isset($_SERVER["HTTPS"])) {
            $instagram_thumb_url = str_replace('http://', 'https://', $instagram_thumb_url);
            $instagram_lowRez_url = str_replace('http://', 'https://', $instagram_lowRez_url);
        $instagram_likes = isset($insta_d->likes->count) ? $insta_d->likes->count : "";
        $instagram_comments = isset($insta_d->comments->count) ? $insta_d->comments->count : "";
        $instagram_caption_a_title = isset($insta_d->caption->text) ? $insta_d->caption->text : "";
        //Create links from @mentions and regular links.
        $pattern = array('/http:(\\S)+/', '/https:(\\S)+/', '/([^a-zA-Z0-9-_&])@([0-9a-zA-Z_]+)/');
        $replace = array(' <a href="${0}" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">${0}</a>', ' <a href="${0}" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">${0}</a>', ' <a href="http://instagram.com/$2" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">@$2</a>');
        $instagram_caption = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $instagram_caption_a_title);
        // Super Gallery If statement
        if ($super_gallery == 'yes') {
<div class='slicker-instagram-placeholder fts-instagram-wrapper' style="width:<?php 
            print $image_size;
; margin:<?php 
            print $space_between_photos;

            if ($popup == 'yes') {
<div class="fts-instagram-caption"><?php 
                if (!$instagram_caption == '') {
                    print '' . $instagram_caption . '<br/>';
<a href='<?php 
                print $instagram_link;
' class="fts-view-on-instagram-link" target="_blank">View on Instagram</a></div>

<a href='<?php 
            if ($popup == 'yes') {
                print $instagram_lowRez_url;
            } else {
                print $instagram_link;
' title='<?php 
            print $instagram_caption_a_title;
' target="_blank" class='fts-slicker-backg fts-instagram-img-link' style="height:<?php 
            print $icon_size;
 !important; width:<?php 
            print $icon_size;
; line-height:<?php 
            print $icon_size;
; font-size:<?php 
            print $icon_size;
;"><span class="fts-instagram-icon" style="height:<?php 
            print $icon_size;
; width:<?php 
            print $icon_size;
; line-height:<?php 
            print $icon_size;
; font-size:<?php 
            print $icon_size;

            if ($hide_date_likes_comments == 'no') {
  	<div class='slicker-date'><?php 
                print $instagram_date;
  <div class='slicker-instaG-backg-link'>
    <div class='slicker-instagram-image'><img src="<?php 
            print $instagram_lowRez_url;
" /></div>
    <div class='slicker-instaG-photoshadow'></div>
            if ($hide_date_likes_comments == 'no') {
          <ul class='slicker-heart-comments-wrap'>
            <li class='slicker-instagram-image-likes'><?php 
                print $instagram_likes;
            <li class='slicker-instagram-image-comments'><span class="fts-comment-instagram"></span><?php 
                print $instagram_comments;
        } else {
<div class='instagram-placeholder fts-instagram-wrapper'><?php 
            if ($popup == 'yes') {
                print '<div class="fts-backg"></div>';
            } else {
  <a class='fts-backg' target='_blank' href='<?php 
                print $instagram_link;
'></a>  <?php 
  <div class='date'><?php 
            print $instagram_date;
            if ($popup == 'yes') {
<div class="fts-instagram-caption"><?php 
                if (!$instagram_caption == '') {
                    print '' . $instagram_caption . '<br/>';
<a href='<?php 
                print $instagram_link;
' class="fts-view-on-instagram-link" target="_blank">View on Instagram</a></div>
  <a href="<?php 
            if ($popup == 'yes') {
                print $instagram_lowRez_url;
            } else {
                print $instagram_link;
" class='instaG-backg-link fts-instagram-img-link' target='_blank' title="<?php 
            print $instagram_caption_a_title;
    <img src="<?php 
            print $instagram_thumb_url;
" class="instagram-image" />
    <div class='instaG-photoshadow'></div>
  <ul class='heart-comments-wrap'>
    <li class='instagram-image-likes'><?php 
            print $instagram_likes;
    <li class='instagram-image-comments'><?php 
            print $instagram_comments;
<div class="clear"></div>

    return ob_get_clean();