Example #1
    _("Pickup ParkedCall Any");
    _("Park Prefix");
    _("Pickup ParkedCall Prefix");
    _("Defines the Feature Code to use for Direct Call Pickup");
    _('Parks to your Assigned Lot if using Park Pro. If using standard parking this parks to the default lot');
$fcc = new featurecode('parking', 'parkedcall');
$fcc->setDescription('Pickup ParkedCall Prefix');
$fcc->setHelpText('Defines the Feature Code to use for Direct Call Pickup');
$fcc = new featurecode('parking', 'parkto');
$fcc->setDescription(_('Park to your Assigned Lot'));
$fcc->setHelpText('Parks to your Assigned Lot if using Park Pro. If using standard parking this parks to the default lot');
$sql['parkplus'] = "\n\tCREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS parkplus (\n\t\tid BIGINT(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n\t\tdefaultlot VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'no',\n\t\ttype VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',\n\t\tname VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n\t\tparkext VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n\t\tparkpos VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n\t\tnumslots INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 4,\n\t\tparkingtime INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 45,\n\t\tparkedmusicclass VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT 'default',\n\t\tgeneratefc VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'yes',\n\t\tgeneratehints VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'yes',\n\t\tfindslot VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'first',\n\t\tparkedplay VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'both',\n\t\tparkedcalltransfers VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'caller',\n\t\tparkedcallreparking VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'caller',\n\t\talertinfo VARCHAR(254) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n\t\tcidpp VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n\t\tautocidpp VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',\n\t\tannouncement_id INT DEFAULT NULL,\n\t\tcomebacktoorigin VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'yes',\n\t\tdest VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'app-blackhole,hangup,1',\n\t\tPRIMARY KEY (id)\n\t)";
foreach ($sql as $t => $s) {
    out(sprintf(_("creating table %s if needed"), $t));
    $result = $db->query($s);
    if (DB::IsError($result)) {
$sql = "SELECT * FROM parkplus WHERE defaultlot = 'yes'";
$default_lot = sql($sql, "getAll", DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
// There should never be more than a single default lot so just blow them
Example #2
    _("Direct Dial Prefix");
    _("The Feature Code used to direct dial a users voicemail from their own extension");
    _("The Feature Code used to dial any voicemail");
global $astman;
global $amp_conf;
global $db;
$fcc = new featurecode('voicemail', 'myvoicemail');
$fcc->setDescription('My Voicemail');
$fcc->setHelpText('The Feature Code used to direct dial a users voicemail from their own extension');
$fcc = new featurecode('voicemail', 'dialvoicemail');
$fcc->setDescription('Dial Voicemail');
$fcc->setHelpText('The Feature Code used to dial any voicemail');
$sql = " CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `voicemail_admin` (\n  `variable` varchar(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n  `value` varchar(80) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n  PRIMARY KEY (`variable`)\n);";
$globals_convert['OPERATOR_XTN'] = '';
$globals_convert['VM_OPTS'] = '';
$globals_convert['VM_GAIN'] = '';
$globals_convert['VM_DDTYPE'] = 'u';
$globals_convert['VMX_OPTS_TIMEOUT'] = '';
$globals_convert['VMX_OPTS_LOOP'] = '';
$globals_convert['VMX_OPTS_DOVM'] = '';
$globals_convert['VMX_TIMEOUT'] = '2';
$globals_convert['VMX_REPEAT'] = '1';
 public function install()
     $fcc = new \featurecode('blacklist', 'blacklist_add');
     $fcc->setDescription('Blacklist a number');
     $fcc->setHelpText('Adds a number to the Blacklist Module.  All calls from that number to the system will receive a disconnect recording.  Manage these in the Blacklist module.');
     $fcc = new \featurecode('blacklist', 'blacklist_remove');
     $fcc->setDescription('Remove a number from the blacklist');
     $fcc->setHelpText('Removes a number from the Blacklist Module');
     $fcc = new featurecode('blacklist', 'blacklist_last');
     $fcc->setDescription('Blacklist the last caller');
     $fcc->setHelpText('Adds the last caller to the Blacklist Module.  All calls from that number to the system will receive a disconnect recording.');