public function testValidateMimeTypeJpgMatch()
     $_FILES['field']['name'] = 'john.jpg';
     $_FILES['field']['size'] = 31066;
     $_FILES['field']['tmp_name'] = './resources/images/john.jpg';
     $uploader = new fUpload();
     $uploader->setMIMETypes(array('image/jpeg'), 'Please upload a JPG image');
     $this->assertEquals(NULL, $uploader->validate('field', TRUE));
Example #2
  * Validates uploaded files to ensure they match all of the criteria defined
  * @internal
  * @param  fActiveRecord $object                The fActiveRecord instance
  * @param  array         &$values               The current values
  * @param  array         &$old_values           The old values
  * @param  array         &$related_records      Any records related to this record
  * @param  array         &$cache                The cache array for the record
  * @param  array         &$validation_messages  The existing validation messages
  * @return void
 public static function validate($object, &$values, &$old_values, &$related_records, &$cache, &$validation_messages)
     $class = get_class($object);
     foreach (self::$file_upload_columns[$class] as $column => $directory) {
         $column_name = fORM::getColumnName($class, $column);
         if (isset($validation_messages[$column])) {
             $search_message = self::compose('%sPlease enter a value', fValidationException::formatField($column_name));
             $replace_message = self::compose('%sPlease upload a file', fValidationException::formatField($column_name));
             $validation_messages[$column] = str_replace($search_message, $replace_message, $validation_messages[$column]);
         // Grab the error that occured
         try {
             if (fUpload::check($column)) {
                 $uploader = self::setUpFUpload($class, $column);
         } catch (fValidationException $e) {
             if ($e->getMessage() != self::compose('Please upload a file')) {
                 $validation_messages[$column] = fValidationException::formatField($column_name) . $e->getMessage();
 public function testFileUploadField2()
     $_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'] = 'multipart/form-data';
     $_FILES = array();
     $_FILES['file'] = array('name' => 'test.txt', 'type' => '', 'tmp_name' => './resources/text/example', 'error' => '', 'size' => 17);
     $uploader = new fUpload();
     $uploader->setMIMETypes(array('text/csv'), 'Please upload a CSV file');
     try {
         $v = new fValidation();
         $v->addFileUploadRule('file', $uploader);
     } catch (fValidationException $e) {
         $this->assertContains('File: Please upload a CSV file', $e->getMessage());
         throw $e;
Example #4
$banner->setStatus(fRequest::get('id_state', 'integer'));
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
    exit("Ha ocurrido un error.");
$lastId = $banner->prepareIdBanner();
 * Add Region 
 * Limited By User Permissions
 * Add Files to Server
if (!empty($_FILES)) {
    $uploader = new fUpload();
    $uploader->setMIMETypes($acceptedFiles, 'El tipo de archivo es incorrecto');
    $dir = 'uploads/banner/';
    $dir2 = 'uploads/banner/thumbs/';
    $imageDescrip = fRequest::encode('imageDescrip');
    $uploaded = fUpload::count('files');
    for ($i = 0; $i < $uploaded; $i++) {
        $ext = strtolower(pathinfo($_FILES['files']['name'][$i], PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
        $_FILES['files']['name'][$i] = fURL::makeFriendly(str_replace(' ', '-', $_FILES['files']['name'][$i])) . ".{$ext}";
        $uploader->move($dir, 'files', $i);
        $fileName[] = $_FILES['files']['name'][$i];
        $fileType[] = $_FILES['files']['type'][$i];
        copy($dir . $fileName[$i], $dir2 . $fileName[$i]);
        $image3 = new fImage($dir2 . $fileName[$i]);
        $image3->cropToRatio(1, 1, 'left', 'bottom');
Example #5
                                            $data->query("INSERT INTO ".$_POST["table"]."(coduser, filename) VALUES(".$_SESSION["coduser"] .",'". $Files[$i] ."')");

                            }catch (fValidationException $e) {
                            $error = $e->getMessage();
		case "video":
				//die("Pase por aca Video");
				try { 
				$error = 0;
				// Create an fUpload object to handle the file upload
				$uploader = new fUpload();	
				$uploader->setMaxFileSize(UPLOAD_MOVIE_MAXSIZE, "error2");
				// Require the user upload an image (with MIME type checking server-side)
					array('video/x-flv','video/mp4','video/x-ms-wmv'), 'error1'
					$Files    = array();
					$uploaded = fUpload::count('file_input_name');
					$Files = $_FILES['file_input_name']['name'];
					for ($i=0; $i < $uploaded; $i++) {
						$ext = strtolower(substr($Files[$i], strrpos($Files[$i],".")+1));
Example #6
 //Ako je validacija prosla uspijesno
 if ($v->passes()) {
     //Nova instanca fUpload klase
     $uploader = $app->fupload;
     //Setiranje dozvoljenih ekstenzija
     $uploader->setMIMETypes(array('image/jpg', 'image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/gif'), 'The file uploaded in not an allowed image type.');
     //Ogranicavanje velicine fajla
     //Validacija ucitanog fajla
     $error = $uploader->validate('photos', true);
     //Folder za smijestanje slika
     $dir = new fDirectory($uploadDir);
     //Var. u kojoj cuvamo ucitane slike u obliku niza
     $files = array();
     //Prebrojavanje ucitanih slika
     $uploaded = fUpload::count('photos');
     //Pokrecmo for petlju da izlista i ucita sve slike jednu po jednu
     for ($i = 0; $i < $uploaded; $i++) {
         //Prolaz kroz sve ucitane slike i ucitavanje jedne po jedne u odredjeni folder
         $files[] = $uploader->move($dir, 'photos', $i);
         //Promjena apsolutne putanje u http:// putanju slike
         $path = str_replace(dirname(dirname(INC_ROOT)), $app->config->get('app.url'), $uploadDir . strtolower($photos[$i]));
         //Upis svih slika u bazu podataka
         $photo->create(['user_id' => $app->auth->id, 'album_id' => $albumId, 'path' => $path, 'size' => $size[$i], 'type' => $type[$i]]);
     //Odgovor server o uspijesnom ili ne uspijesnom uploadu fajlova i foldera
     if ($uploaded) {
         echo json_encode(array("status" => true, "message" => "Photos are successfully uploaded."));
     } else {
         echo json_encode(array("status" => false, "message" => $v->errors()));
Example #7
function build_json_response()
    if (!isset($_POST['json'])) {
        return array('error' => array('message' => "No JSON found"));
    $data = json_decode($_POST['json'], true);
    if (!$data) {
        return array('error' => array('message' => "JSON could not be decoded"));
    $_POST = $data;
    // fValidation inspects $_POST for field data
    $validator = new fValidation();
    $validator->addRequiredFields('title', 'details', 'venue', 'address', 'organizer', 'email', 'read_comic');
    $validator->addRegexReplacement('#^(.*?): (.*)$#', '\\2 for <span class="field-name">\\1</span>');
    // If id is specified require secret
    $validator->addConditionalRule(array('id'), NULL, array('secret'));
    $messages = $validator->validate(TRUE, TRUE);
    if (!$data['read_comic']) {
        $messages['read_comic'] = 'You must have read the Ride Leading Comic';
    if ($messages) {
        return array('error' => array('message' => 'There were errors in your fields', 'fields' => $messages));
    $inputDateStrings = get($data['dates'], array());
    $validDates = array();
    $invalidDates = array();
    foreach ($inputDateStrings as $dateString) {
        $date = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $dateString);
        if ($date) {
            $validDates[] = $date;
        } else {
            $invalidDates[] = $dateString;
    if ($invalidDates) {
        $messages['dates'] = "Invalid dates: " . implode(', ', $invalidDates);
    if (count($validDates) === 1) {
        $data['datestype'] = 'O';
        $data['datestring'] = date_format($validDates[0], 'l, F j');
    } else {
        // not dealing with 'consecutive'
        $data['datestype'] = 'S';
        $data['datestring'] = 'Scattered days';
    // Converts data to an event, loading the existing one if id is included in data
    $event = Event::fromArray($data);
    // Else
    if ($event->exists() && !$event->secretValid($data['secret'])) {
        return array('error' => array('message' => 'Invalid secret, use link from email'));
    $messages = $event->validate($return_messages = TRUE, $remove_column_names = TRUE);
    if (isset($_FILES['file'])) {
        $uploader = new fUpload();
        $uploader->setMIMETypes(array('image/gif', 'image/jpeg', 'image/pjpeg', 'image/png'), 'The file uploaded is not an image');
        $file_message = $uploader->validate('file', TRUE);
        if ($file_message != null) {
            $messages['file'] = $file_message;
        global $IMAGEDIR;
        $file = $uploader->move($IMAGEDIR, 'file');
    if ($messages) {
        return array('error' => array('message' => 'There were errors in your fields', 'fields' => $messages));
    // if needs secret generate and email
    if (!$event->exists()) {
        $includeSecret = true;
    } else {
        $includeSecret = false;
    // If there are validation errors this starts spewing html, so we validate before
    // Create/delete EventTimes to match the list of dates included
    EventTime::matchEventTimesToDates($event, $validDates);
    // Returns the created object
    $details = $event->toDetailArray(true);
    if ($includeSecret) {
        $details['secret'] = $event->getPassword();
        // Wait until after it is stored to ensure it has an id
    return $details;
             echo "<select>";
             echo "</select>";
         } else {
             if ($_POST['type'] == "lastCode") {
                 $counter = Inv_item::findByClassificationCode($_POST['classific']);
                 echo sprintf("%03d", $counter->count() + 1);
             } else {
                 if ($_POST['type'] == "upload") {
                     try {
                         $uploadDirectory = new fDirectory('../storage/image/' . $_POST['hiddenId']);
                     } catch (fExpectedException $e) {
                         $uploadDirectory = fDirectory::create('../storage/image/' . $_POST['hiddenId']);
                     try {
                         $uploader = new fUpload();
                         $uploader->setMIMETypes(array('image/gif', 'image/jpeg', 'image/pjpeg', 'image/png'), 'The file uploaded is not an image');
                         $file = $uploader->move($uploadDirectory, 'file');
                         $inv_item = new Inv_item($_POST['hiddenId']);
                         $inv_item->setImageUrl('storage/image/' . $_POST['hiddenId'] . '/' . $file->getFilename());
                         echo "Image uploaded";
                     } catch (fExpectedException $e) {
                         echo $e->printMessage();