Example #1
  * Sets find query value for many-to-many related objects. 
  * Manipulates the find $query for objects related to the object defined in
  * $objectState, defined my the relation $relation.
  * @param ezcQuery $query 
  * @param ezcPersistentObjectDefinition $def
  * @param ezcPersistentManyToManyRelation $relation 
  * @param array $objectState 
 private function createComplexRelationFindQuery(ezcQuery $query, ezcPersistentObjectDefinition $def, ezcPersistentManyToManyRelation $relation, array $objectState)
     $db = $this->database;
     $relationTableQuoted = $db->quoteIdentifier($relation->relationTable);
     // Join with relation table.
     foreach ($relation->columnMap as $map) {
         $query->where($query->expr->eq($relationTableQuoted . "." . $db->quoteIdentifier($map->relationSourceColumn), $query->bindValue($objectState[$def->columns[$map->sourceColumn]->propertyName], null, $def->columns[$map->sourceColumn]->databaseType)), $query->expr->eq($relationTableQuoted . "." . $db->quoteIdentifier($map->relationDestinationColumn), $db->quoteIdentifier($relation->destinationTable) . "." . $db->quoteIdentifier($map->destinationColumn)));
  * Binds the value $value to the specified variable name $placeHolder.
  * This method uses ezcQuery::bindParam() from the ezcQuery class in which
  * the subSelect was called. Info about bound parameters are stored in
  * the parent ezcQuery object that is stored in the $outer property.
  * The parameter $value specifies the value that you want to bind. If
  * $placeholder is not provided bindValue() will automatically create a
  * placeholder for you. An automatic placeholder will be of the name
  * 'ezcValue1', 'ezcValue2' etc.
  * Example:
  * <code>
  * <?php
  * $value = 2;
  * $subSelect = $q->subSelect();
  * $subSelect->select( name )
  *          ->from( 'table2' )
  *          ->where(  $subSelect->expr->in(
  *                'id', $subSelect->bindValue( $value )
  *                 )
  *            );
  * $q->select( '*' )
  *   ->from( 'table1' )
  *   ->where ( $q->expr->eq( 'name', $subSelect ) );
  * $stmt = $q->prepare(); // the $value is bound to the query.
  * $value = 4;
  * $stmt->execute(); // subselect executed with 'id = 2'
  * ?>
  * </code>
  * @see ezcQuery::bindValue()
  * @param mixed $value
  * @param string $placeHolder the name to bind with. The string must start with a colon ':'.
  * @return string the placeholder name used.
 public function bindValue($value, $placeHolder = null, $type = PDO::PARAM_STR)
     return $this->outerQuery->bindValue($value, $placeHolder, $type);
  * Limits the given $query to the subtree starting at $rootLocationId
  * @param \ezcQuery $query
  * @param string $rootLocationId
  * @return void
 protected function applySubtreeLimitation(\ezcQuery $query, $rootLocationId)
     $query->where($query->expr->like($this->handler->quoteColumn('path_string', 'ezcontentobject_tree'), $query->bindValue('%/' . $rootLocationId . '/%')));