Example #1
  * Render the text
  * @param ezcGraphRenderer $renderer Renderer
  * @param ezcGraphBoundings $boundings Boundings for the axis
  * @return ezcGraphBoundings Remaining boundings
 public function render(ezcGraphRenderer $renderer, ezcGraphBoundings $boundings)
     $height = (int) min(round($this->properties['maxHeight'] * ($boundings->y1 - $boundings->y0)), $this->properties['font']->maxFontSize + $this->padding * 2 + $this->margin * 2);
     switch ($this->properties['position']) {
         case ezcGraph::TOP:
             $textBoundings = new ezcGraphBoundings($boundings->x0, $boundings->y0, $boundings->x1, $boundings->y0 + $height);
             $boundings->y0 += $height + $this->properties['margin'];
         case ezcGraph::BOTTOM:
             $textBoundings = new ezcGraphBoundings($boundings->x0, $boundings->y1 - $height, $boundings->x1, $boundings->y1);
             $boundings->y1 -= $height + $this->properties['margin'];
     $textBoundings = $renderer->drawBox($textBoundings, $this->properties['background'], $this->properties['border'], $this->properties['borderWidth'], $this->properties['margin'], $this->properties['padding']);
     $renderer->drawText($textBoundings, $this->properties['title'], ezcGraph::CENTER | ezcGraph::MIDDLE);
     return $boundings;
Example #2
  * Render label text.
  * Render the text of a single label, depending on the position, length and
  * rotation of the label.
  * @param ezcGraphRenderer $renderer
  * @param ezcGraphChartElementAxis $axis 
  * @param ezcGraphCoordinate $position 
  * @param string $label 
  * @param float $degTextAngle 
  * @param float $labelLength 
  * @param float $labelSize 
  * @param float $lengthReducement 
  * @return void
 protected function renderLabelText(ezcGraphRenderer $renderer, ezcGraphChartElementAxis $axis, ezcGraphCoordinate $position, $label, $degTextAngle, $labelLength, $labelSize, $lengthReducement)
     switch (true) {
         case $degTextAngle >= 0 && $degTextAngle < 90 && ($axis->position === ezcGraph::LEFT || $axis->position === ezcGraph::RIGHT) || $degTextAngle >= 270 && $degTextAngle < 360 && ($axis->position === ezcGraph::TOP || $axis->position === ezcGraph::BOTTOM):
             $labelBoundings = new ezcGraphBoundings($position->x, $position->y, $position->x + abs($labelLength) - $lengthReducement, $position->y + $labelSize);
             $labelAlignement = ezcGraph::LEFT | ezcGraph::TOP;
             $labelRotation = $degTextAngle;
         case $degTextAngle >= 90 && $degTextAngle < 180 && ($axis->position === ezcGraph::LEFT || $axis->position === ezcGraph::RIGHT) || $degTextAngle >= 180 && $degTextAngle < 270 && ($axis->position === ezcGraph::TOP || $axis->position === ezcGraph::BOTTOM):
             $labelBoundings = new ezcGraphBoundings($position->x - abs($labelLength) + $lengthReducement, $position->y, $position->x, $position->y + $labelSize);
             $labelAlignement = ezcGraph::RIGHT | ezcGraph::TOP;
             $labelRotation = $degTextAngle - 180;
         case $degTextAngle >= 180 && $degTextAngle < 270 && ($axis->position === ezcGraph::LEFT || $axis->position === ezcGraph::RIGHT) || $degTextAngle >= 90 && $degTextAngle < 180 && ($axis->position === ezcGraph::TOP || $axis->position === ezcGraph::BOTTOM):
             $labelBoundings = new ezcGraphBoundings($position->x - abs($labelLength) + $lengthReducement, $position->y - $labelSize, $position->x, $position->y);
             $labelAlignement = ezcGraph::RIGHT | ezcGraph::BOTTOM;
             $labelRotation = $degTextAngle - 180;
         case $degTextAngle >= 270 && $degTextAngle < 360 && ($axis->position === ezcGraph::LEFT || $axis->position === ezcGraph::RIGHT) || $degTextAngle >= 0 && $degTextAngle < 90 && ($axis->position === ezcGraph::TOP || $axis->position === ezcGraph::BOTTOM):
             $labelBoundings = new ezcGraphBoundings($position->x, $position->y, $position->x - abs($labelLength) + $lengthReducement, $position->y + $labelSize);
             $labelAlignement = ezcGraph::LEFT | ezcGraph::TOP;
             $labelRotation = $degTextAngle;
     $renderer->drawText($labelBoundings, $label, $labelAlignement, new ezcGraphRotation($labelRotation, $position));
  * Render Axis labels
  * Render labels for an axis.
  * @param ezcGraphRenderer $renderer Renderer used to draw the chart
  * @param ezcGraphBoundings $boundings Boundings of the axis
  * @param ezcGraphCoordinate $start Axis starting point
  * @param ezcGraphCoordinate $end Axis ending point
  * @param ezcGraphChartElementAxis $axis Axis instance
  * @return void
 public function renderLabels(ezcGraphRenderer $renderer, ezcGraphBoundings $boundings, ezcGraphCoordinate $start, ezcGraphCoordinate $end, ezcGraphChartElementAxis $axis)
     // receive rendering parameters from axis
     $steps = $axis->getSteps();
     $this->steps = $steps;
     $axisBoundings = new ezcGraphBoundings($start->x, $start->y, $end->x, $end->y);
     // Determine normalized axis direction
     $this->direction = new ezcGraphVector($end->x - $start->x, $end->y - $start->y);
     $axisAngle = -$this->direction->angle(new ezcGraphVector(1, 0));
     if ($this->outerGrid) {
         $gridBoundings = $boundings;
     } else {
         $gridBoundings = new ezcGraphBoundings($boundings->x0 + $renderer->xAxisSpace, $boundings->y0 + $renderer->yAxisSpace, $boundings->x1 - $renderer->xAxisSpace, $boundings->y1 - $renderer->yAxisSpace);
     // Determine optimal angle if none specified
     if ($this->angle === null) {
         $minimumStepWidth = null;
         foreach ($steps as $nr => $step) {
             if ($minimumStepWidth === null || $step->width < $minimumStepWidth) {
                 $minimumStepWidth = $step->width;
         $width = abs($axisBoundings->width * $minimumStepWidth * $this->direction->x + $axisBoundings->height * $minimumStepWidth * $this->direction->y);
         $height = abs($renderer->yAxisSpace * $this->direction->x + $renderer->xAxisSpace * $this->direction->y);
         $length = sqrt(pow($width, 2) + pow($height, 2));
         $this->angle = rad2deg(acos($height / $length));
     // Determine additional required axis space by boxes
     $firstStep = reset($steps);
     $lastStep = end($steps);
     $textAngle = $axisAngle + deg2rad($this->angle) + ($axis->position & (ezcGraph::TOP | ezcGraph::BOTTOM) ? deg2rad(270) : deg2rad(90));
     // Ensure angle between 0 and 360 degrees
     $degTextAngle = rad2deg($textAngle);
     while ($degTextAngle < 0) {
         $degTextAngle += 360.0;
     $this->offset = ($this->angle < 0 ? -1 : 1) * ($axis->position & (ezcGraph::TOP | ezcGraph::LEFT) ? 1 : -1) * (1 - cos(deg2rad($this->angle * 2)));
     $axisSpaceFactor = abs(($this->direction->x == 0 ? 0 : $this->direction->x * $renderer->yAxisSpace / $axisBoundings->width) + ($this->direction->y == 0 ? 0 : $this->direction->y * $renderer->xAxisSpace / $axisBoundings->height));
     $start = new ezcGraphCoordinate($start->x + max(0.0, $axisSpaceFactor * $this->offset) * ($end->x - $start->x), $start->y + max(0.0, $axisSpaceFactor * $this->offset) * ($end->y - $start->y));
     $end = new ezcGraphCoordinate($end->x + min(0.0, $axisSpaceFactor * $this->offset) * ($end->x - $start->x), $end->y + min(0.0, $axisSpaceFactor * $this->offset) * ($end->y - $start->y));
     $labelLength = sqrt(pow($renderer->xAxisSpace * $this->direction->y + $axisSpaceFactor * $this->offset * ($end->x - $start->x), 2) + pow($renderer->yAxisSpace * $this->direction->x + $axisSpaceFactor * $this->offset * ($end->y - $start->y), 2));
     $this->offset *= $axisSpaceFactor;
     // Draw steps and grid
     foreach ($steps as $nr => $step) {
         $position = new ezcGraphCoordinate($start->x + ($end->x - $start->x) * $step->position * abs($this->direction->x), $start->y + ($end->y - $start->y) * $step->position * abs($this->direction->y));
         $stepSize = new ezcGraphCoordinate(($end->x - $start->x) * $step->width, ($end->y - $start->y) * $step->width);
         // Calculate label boundings
         switch (true) {
             case $nr === 0:
                 $labelSize = min(abs($renderer->xAxisSpace * 2 * $this->direction->x + $renderer->yAxisSpace * 2 * $this->direction->y), abs($step->width * $axisBoundings->width * $this->direction->x + $step->width * $axisBoundings->height * $this->direction->y));
             case $step->isLast:
                 $labelSize = min(abs($renderer->xAxisSpace * 2 * $this->direction->x + $renderer->yAxisSpace * 2 * $this->direction->y), abs($steps[$nr - 1]->width * $axisBoundings->width * $this->direction->x + $steps[$nr - 1]->width * $axisBoundings->height * $this->direction->y));
                 $labelSize = min(abs($step->width * $axisBoundings->width * $this->direction->x + $step->width * $axisBoundings->height * $this->direction->y), abs($steps[$nr - 1]->width * $axisBoundings->width * $this->direction->x + $steps[$nr - 1]->width * $axisBoundings->height * $this->direction->y));
         $labelSize = $labelSize * cos(deg2rad($this->angle));
         $lengthReducement = min(abs(tan(deg2rad($this->angle)) * ($labelSize / 2)), abs($labelLength / 2));
         switch (true) {
             case $degTextAngle >= 0 && $degTextAngle < 90 && ($axis->position === ezcGraph::LEFT || $axis->position === ezcGraph::RIGHT) || $degTextAngle >= 270 && $degTextAngle < 360 && ($axis->position === ezcGraph::TOP || $axis->position === ezcGraph::BOTTOM):
                 $labelBoundings = new ezcGraphBoundings($position->x, $position->y, $position->x + abs($labelLength) - $lengthReducement, $position->y + $labelSize);
                 $labelAlignement = ezcGraph::LEFT | ezcGraph::TOP;
                 $labelRotation = $degTextAngle;
             case $degTextAngle >= 90 && $degTextAngle < 180 && ($axis->position === ezcGraph::LEFT || $axis->position === ezcGraph::RIGHT) || $degTextAngle >= 180 && $degTextAngle < 270 && ($axis->position === ezcGraph::TOP || $axis->position === ezcGraph::BOTTOM):
                 $labelBoundings = new ezcGraphBoundings($position->x - abs($labelLength) + $lengthReducement, $position->y, $position->x, $position->y + $labelSize);
                 $labelAlignement = ezcGraph::RIGHT | ezcGraph::TOP;
                 $labelRotation = $degTextAngle - 180;
             case $degTextAngle >= 180 && $degTextAngle < 270 && ($axis->position === ezcGraph::LEFT || $axis->position === ezcGraph::RIGHT) || $degTextAngle >= 90 && $degTextAngle < 180 && ($axis->position === ezcGraph::TOP || $axis->position === ezcGraph::BOTTOM):
                 $labelBoundings = new ezcGraphBoundings($position->x - abs($labelLength) + $lengthReducement, $position->y - $labelSize, $position->x, $position->y);
                 $labelAlignement = ezcGraph::RIGHT | ezcGraph::BOTTOM;
                 $labelRotation = $degTextAngle - 180;
             case $degTextAngle >= 270 && $degTextAngle < 360 && ($axis->position === ezcGraph::LEFT || $axis->position === ezcGraph::RIGHT) || $degTextAngle >= 0 && $degTextAngle < 90 && ($axis->position === ezcGraph::TOP || $axis->position === ezcGraph::BOTTOM):
                 $labelBoundings = new ezcGraphBoundings($position->x, $position->y + $labelSize, $position->x + abs($labelLength) - $lengthReducement, $position->y);
                 $labelAlignement = ezcGraph::LEFT | ezcGraph::BOTTOM;
                 $labelRotation = $degTextAngle;
         $renderer->drawText($labelBoundings, $step->label, $labelAlignement, new ezcGraphRotation($labelRotation, $position));
         // major grid
         if ($axis->majorGrid) {
             $this->drawGrid($renderer, $gridBoundings, $position, $stepSize, $axis->majorGrid);
         // major step
         $this->drawStep($renderer, $position, $this->direction, $axis->position, $this->majorStepSize, $axis->border);
  * Render Axis labels
  * Render labels for an axis.
  * @param ezcGraphRenderer $renderer Renderer used to draw the chart
  * @param ezcGraphBoundings $boundings Boundings of the axis
  * @param ezcGraphCoordinate $start Axis starting point
  * @param ezcGraphCoordinate $end Axis ending point
  * @param ezcGraphChartElementAxis $axis Axis instance
  * @return void
 public function renderLabels(ezcGraphRenderer $renderer, ezcGraphBoundings $boundings, ezcGraphCoordinate $start, ezcGraphCoordinate $end, ezcGraphChartElementAxis $axis)
     // receive rendering parameters from axis
     $steps = $axis->getSteps();
     $this->steps = $steps;
     $axisBoundings = new ezcGraphBoundings($start->x, $start->y, $end->x, $end->y);
     // Determine normalized axis direction
     $this->direction = new ezcGraphVector($start->x - $end->x, $start->y - $end->y);
     if ($this->outerGrid) {
         $gridBoundings = $boundings;
     } else {
         $gridBoundings = new ezcGraphBoundings($boundings->x0 + $renderer->xAxisSpace * abs($this->direction->y), $boundings->y0 + $renderer->yAxisSpace * abs($this->direction->x), $boundings->x1 - $renderer->xAxisSpace * abs($this->direction->y), $boundings->y1 - $renderer->yAxisSpace * abs($this->direction->x));
     // Determine additional required axis space by boxes
     $firstStep = reset($steps);
     $lastStep = end($steps);
     $this->widthModifier = 1 + $firstStep->width / 2 + $lastStep->width / 2;
     // Draw steps and grid
     foreach ($steps as $nr => $step) {
         $position = new ezcGraphCoordinate($start->x + ($end->x - $start->x) * ($step->position + $step->width) / $this->widthModifier, $start->y + ($end->y - $start->y) * ($step->position + $step->width) / $this->widthModifier);
         $stepWidth = $step->width / $this->widthModifier;
         $stepSize = new ezcGraphCoordinate($axisBoundings->width * $stepWidth, $axisBoundings->height * $stepWidth);
         if ($this->showLabels) {
             // Calculate label boundings
             switch (true) {
                 case abs($this->direction->x) > abs($this->direction->y) && $this->direction->x <= 0:
                     $labelBoundings = new ezcGraphBoundings($position->x - $stepSize->x + $this->labelPadding, $position->y + $this->labelPadding, $position->x - $this->labelPadding, $position->y + $renderer->yAxisSpace - $this->labelPadding);
                     $alignement = ezcGraph::CENTER | ezcGraph::TOP;
                 case abs($this->direction->x) > abs($this->direction->y) && $this->direction->x > 0:
                     $labelBoundings = new ezcGraphBoundings($position->x + $this->labelPadding, $position->y + $this->labelPadding, $position->x + $stepSize->x - $this->labelPadding, $position->y + $renderer->yAxisSpace - $this->labelPadding);
                     $alignement = ezcGraph::CENTER | ezcGraph::TOP;
                 case $this->direction->y <= 0:
                     $labelBoundings = new ezcGraphBoundings($position->x - $renderer->xAxisSpace + $this->labelPadding, $position->y - $stepSize->y + $this->labelPadding, $position->x - $this->labelPadding, $position->y - $this->labelPadding);
                     $alignement = ezcGraph::MIDDLE | ezcGraph::RIGHT;
                 case $this->direction->y > 0:
                     $labelBoundings = new ezcGraphBoundings($position->x - $renderer->xAxisSpace + $this->labelPadding, $position->y + $this->labelPadding, $position->x - $this->labelPadding, $position->y + $stepSize->y - $this->labelPadding);
                     $alignement = ezcGraph::MIDDLE | ezcGraph::RIGHT;
             $renderer->drawText($labelBoundings, $step->label, $alignement);
         // major grid
         if ($axis->majorGrid) {
             $this->drawGrid($renderer, $gridBoundings, $position, $stepSize, $axis->majorGrid);
         // major step
         $this->drawStep($renderer, $position, $this->direction, $axis->position, $this->majorStepSize, $axis->border);