/** * Export item list to xml * * @access public */ function toXML($mapKeysToText = false) { $this->_excluded = array_merge($this->_excluded, array('sectionid', 'mask', 'title_alias')); $this->_aliases['featured'] = 'SELECT IFNULL(f.ordering,0) FROM #__content_frontpage f RIGHT JOIN #__content a ON f.content_id = a.id WHERE a.id = ' . (int) $this->id; $this->_aliases['rating_sum'] = 'SELECT IFNULL(rating_sum,0) FROM #__content_rating f RIGHT JOIN #__content a ON f.content_id = a.id WHERE a.id = ' . (int) $this->id; $this->_aliases['rating_count'] = 'SELECT IFNULL(rating_count,0) FROM #__content_rating f RIGHT JOIN #__content a ON f.content_id = a.id WHERE a.id = ' . (int) $this->id; /* $this->_aliases['source']=' SELECT CONCAT(\'index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=\',a.id,\':\',a.alias,\'&catid=\',a.catid,\':\',c.alias, IF(m.id, CONCAT(\'&Itemid=\',m.id), \'\')) FROM #__content a INNER JOIN #__categories c ON a.catid = c.id LEFT JOIN #__menu m ON m.link = CONCAT(\'index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=\',a.id) WHERE a.id = '.(int)$this->id.' UNION SELECT CONCAT(\'index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=\',a.id,\':\',a.alias,\'&catid=\',a.catid,\':\',c.alias,\'\') FROM #__content a INNER JOIN #__categories c ON a.catid = c.id LEFT JOIN #__menu m ON m.link = CONCAT(\'index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=\',a.id) WHERE a.id = '.(int)$this->id; */ if (class_exists('JPlatform') && version_compare(JPlatform::RELEASE, '12', 'ge')) { $this->_aliases['tag'] = 'SELECT t.path FROM #__tags t, #__contentitem_tag_map m WHERE type_alias = "com_content.article" AND t.id = m.tag_id AND m.content_item_id = ' . (int) $this->id; } return parent::_serialize(); }
/** * Export item list to xml * * @access public */ function toXML($mapKeysToText = false) { JLog::add(new JLogEntry(__METHOD__, JLOG::DEBUG, 'lib_j2xml')); $this->_excluded = array_merge($this->_excluded, array('rules')); $this->_aliases['rule'] = 'SELECT g.title FROM #__j2xml_usergroups g WHERE g.id IN ' . str_replace(array("[", "]"), array("(", ")"), $this->rules); return parent::_serialize(); }
/** * Export item list to xml * * @access public * @since 15.9.261 */ function toXML($mapKeysToText = false) { if (class_exists('JPlatform') && version_compare(JPlatform::RELEASE, '12', 'ge')) { $this->_aliases['tag'] = 'SELECT t.path FROM #__tags t, #__contentitem_tag_map m WHERE type_alias = "com_weblinks.weblink" AND t.id = m.tag_id AND m.content_item_id = ' . (int) $this->id; } return parent::_serialize(); }
/** * Export item list to xml * * @access public */ function toXML($mapKeysToText = false) { $this->_excluded = array_merge($this->_excluded, array('filename_sys')); $this->_aliases['parent_id'] = 'SELECT CONCAT(cc.path,\'/\',c.alias) FROM #__content c LEFT JOIN #__categories cc ON c.catid = cc.id WHERE c.id = ' . (int) $this->parent_id; if ($this->uri_type == 'file') { $this->_excluded = array_merge($this->_excluded, array('url')); $this->_aliases['file'] = 'SELECT \'' . base64_encode(file_get_contents($this->filename_sys)) . '\' FROM DUAL'; } return parent::_serialize(); }
/** * Export item list to xml * * @access public */ function toXML($mapKeysToText = false) { // Initialise variables. $xml = array(); // Open root node. $xml[] = '<content>'; $xml[] = parent::_serialize(array('asset_id', 'sectionid', 'mask', 'checked_out', 'checked_out_time', 'parentid', 'title_alias'), array('catid' => 'SELECT path FROM #__categories WHERE id = ' . (int) $this->catid, 'created_by' => 'SELECT username FROM #__users WHERE id = ' . (int) $this->created_by, 'modified_by' => 'SELECT username modified_by FROM #__users WHERE id = ' . (int) $this->modified_by, 'featured' => 'SELECT IFNULL(f.ordering,0) FROM #__content_frontpage f RIGHT JOIN #__content a ON f.content_id = a.id WHERE a.id = ' . (int) $this->id, 'rating_sum' => 'SELECT IFNULL(rating_sum,0) FROM #__content_rating f RIGHT JOIN #__content a ON f.content_id = a.id WHERE a.id = ' . (int) $this->id, 'rating_count' => 'SELECT IFNULL(rating_count,0) FROM #__content_rating f RIGHT JOIN #__content a ON f.content_id = a.id WHERE a.id = ' . (int) $this->id), array()); // Close root node. $xml[] = '</content>'; // Return the XML array imploded over new lines. return implode("\n", $xml); }
/** * Export item list to xml * * @access public */ function toXML($mapKeysToText = false) { // Initialise variables. $xml = array(); // Open root node. $xml[] = '<weblink>'; $xml[] = parent::_serialize(array('checked_out', 'checked_out_time'), array('catid' => 'SELECT path FROM #__categories WHERE id = ' . (int) $this->catid, 'created_by' => 'SELECT username FROM #__users WHERE id = ' . (int) $this->created_by, 'modified_by' => 'SELECT username modified_by FROM #__users WHERE id = ' . (int) $this->modified_by), array()); // Close root node. $xml[] = '</weblink>'; // Return the XML array imploded over new lines. return implode("\n", $xml); }
/** * Export item list to xml * * @access public */ function toXML($mapKeysToText = false) { $xml = ''; // Initialise variables. $xml = array(); // Open root node. $xml[] = '<user>'; $xml[] = parent::_serialize(null, array('group' => 'SELECT g.title FROM #__j2xml_usergroups g, #__user_usergroup_map m WHERE g.id = m.group_id AND m.user_id = ' . (int) $this->id)); // $excluded,$aliases,$jsons // Close root node. $xml[] = '</user>'; // Return the XML array imploded over new lines. return implode("\n", $xml); }
/** * Export item list to xml * * @access public */ function toXML($mapKeysToText = false) { $xml = ''; $renamed = array('created_user_id' => 'SELECT username created_by FROM #__users WHERE id = ' . (int) $this->created_user_id, 'modified_user_id' => 'SELECT username modified_by FROM #__users WHERE id = ' . (int) $this->modified_user_id); // Initialise variables. $xml = array(); // Open root node. $xml[] = '<category>'; $xml[] = parent::_serialize(array('asset_id', 'parent_id', 'lft', 'rgt', 'level', 'checked_out', 'checked_out_time'), array('created_user_id' => 'SELECT username created_by FROM #__users WHERE id = ' . (int) $this->created_user_id, 'modified_user_id' => 'SELECT username modified_by FROM #__users WHERE id = ' . (int) $this->modified_user_id), array()); // Close root node. $xml[] = '</category>'; // Return the XML array imploded over new lines. return implode("\n", $xml); }
/** * @param database A database connector object */ function __construct(&$db) { parent::__construct('#__categories', 'id', $db); }
/** * Constructor * * @param object Database connector object */ function __construct(&$db) { parent::__construct('#__tags', 'id', $db); }
/** * Export item list to xml * * @access public */ function toXML($mapKeysToText = false) { $this->_aliases['group'] = 'SELECT g.title FROM #__j2xml_usergroups g, #__user_usergroup_map m WHERE g.id = m.group_id AND m.user_id = ' . (int) $this->id; return parent::_serialize(); }