public function onLoad($param) { parent::onLoad($param); if (!$this->IsPostBack) { $employee = new employee(0); $this->defaultEventMinutes = $employee->getHoursByDay() / 2 * 60; } if (isset($this->Request['ajax'])) { $func = $this->Request['ajax']; $this->{$func}(); exit; } }
public function getData($isPrint = false) { $param = Prado::getApplication()->getParameters(); $computation2 = $param['computation2']; if ($computation2 != '') { Prado::using('horux.pages.components.timuxuser.' . $computation2); } $userList = $this->getEmployeeList(); $filterEmployee = $this->FilterEmployee->getSelectedValue(); $filterLoad = $this->FilterLoad->getSelectedValue(); if ($filterEmployee > 0) { $employee = new employee($filterEmployee); $userList = array(); $userList[] = array("Value" => $filterEmployee, "Text" => $employee->getFullName()); } $year = $this->FilterYear->getSelectedValue(); $month = $this->FilterMonth->getSelectedValue(); $from = $year . '-' . $month . '-1'; $until = $year . '-' . $month . '-' . date("t", mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year)); $date = ">='{$from}' AND<='{$until}' AND "; $timeCodeList = array(); $hourMonthTodo = array(); $hourly = array(); $hoursByDay = array(); foreach ($userList as $user) { if ($user['Value'] > 0) { $employee = new employee($user['Value']); $hourMonthTodo[$user['Value']] = $employee->getHoursMonthTodo($month, $year); $hourly[$user['Value']] = $employee->getHourly($month, $year); $hoursByDay[$user['Value']] = $employee->getHoursByDay($month, $year); $cmd = $this->db->createCommand("SELECT t.id_user,,, tb.roundBooking AS time, tb.action, tb.actionReason, tb.internet, tbb.BDE1\r\n FROM hr_tracking AS t\r\n LEFT JOIN hr_timux_booking AS tb ON\r\n LEFT JOIN hr_timux_booking_bde AS tbb ON\r\n WHERE {$date} t.id_user={$user['Value']} AND tb.action!='NULL' GROUP BY ORDER BY ASC , t.time ASC, tb.action ASC"); $data = $cmd->query(); $data = $data->readAll(); $nextBookingType = 'IN'; $type = ''; $timeCode = ''; foreach ($data as $d) { $type = $this->isBookingIn($d) ? 'IN' : 'OUT'; if ($type == $nextBookingType) { if ($type == 'IN') { $bookinIN = $d['time']; $timeCode = $d['BDE1']; } else { if ($d['action'] == '100') { $dateTodo = explode("-", $d['date']); $ddone = $employee->getDayDone($dateTodo[2], $dateTodo[1], $dateTodo[0]); $timeCodeList[$ddone['timecodeId']]['total'] = bcadd($timeCodeList[$ddone['timecodeId']]['total'], $ddone['compensation'], 4); $timeCodeList[$ddone['timecodeId']][$user['Text']]['total'] = bcadd($timeCodeList[$ddone['timecodeId']][$user['Text']]['total'], $ddone['compensation'], 4); $timeCodeList[$ddone['timecodeId']][$user['Text']]['hourDayTodo'] = $hoursByDay[$user['Value']]; $timeCodeList[$ddone['timecodeId']][$user['Text']]['hourly'] = $hourly[$user['Value']]; $timeCodeList[$ddone['timecodeId']][$user['Text']]['id'] = $user['Value']; $timeCodeList[$ddone['timecodeId']][$user['Text']]['hourMonthTodo'] = $hourMonthTodo[$user['Value']]; } $t = bcdiv(strtotime($d['time']) - strtotime($bookinIN), 3600, 4); $timeCodeList[$timeCode][$user['Text']]['total'] = bcadd($timeCodeList[$timeCode][$user['Text']]['total'], $t, 4); $timeCodeList[$timeCode][$user['Text']]['hourDayTodo'] = $hoursByDay[$user['Value']]; $timeCodeList[$timeCode][$user['Text']]['hourly'] = $hourly[$user['Value']]; $timeCodeList[$timeCode][$user['Text']]['id'] = $user['Value']; $timeCodeList[$timeCode][$user['Text']]['hourMonthTodo'] = $hourMonthTodo[$user['Value']]; $timeCodeList[$timeCode]['total'] = bcadd($timeCodeList[$timeCode]['total'], $t, 4); $bookinIN = 0; $timeCode = ''; } $nextBookingType = $nextBookingType == 'IN' ? 'OUT' : 'IN'; } else { $bookinIN = 0; $timeCode = ''; $nextBookingType = 'IN'; } } } } foreach ($userList as $user) { if ($user['Value'] > 0) { $employee = new employee($user['Value']); $dtcH = $employee->getDefaultHolidaysCounter(); $dtcO = $employee->getDefaultOvertimeCounter(); $h = $employee->getRequest($year, $month, $dtcH); if ($h['nbre'] > 0) { if ($h['disp'] == 'day') { $timeCodeList[$dtcH]['total'] = bcadd($timeCodeList[$dtcH]['total'], bcmul($h['nbre'], $hoursByDay[$user['Value']], 4), 4); $timeCodeList[$dtcH][$user['Text']]['total'] = bcadd($timeCodeList[$dtcH][$user['Text']]['total'], bcmul($h['nbre'], $hoursByDay[$user['Value']], 4), 4); $timeCodeList[$dtcH][$user['Text']]['hourDayTodo'] = $hoursByDay[$user['Value']]; $timeCodeList[$dtcH][$user['Text']]['hourly'] = $hourly[$user['Value']]; $timeCodeList[$dtcH][$user['Text']]['id'] = $user['Value']; $timeCodeList[$dtcH][$user['Text']]['hourMonthTodo'] = $hourMonthTodo[$user['Value']]; } else { $timeCodeList[$dtcH]['total'] += bcadd($timeCodeList[$dtcH]['total'], $h['nbre'], 4); $timeCodeList[$dtcH][$user['Text']]['total'] = bcadd($timeCodeList[$dtcH][$user['Text']]['total'], $h['nbre'], 4); $timeCodeList[$dtcH][$user['Text']]['hourDayTodo'] = $hoursByDay[$user['Value']]; $timeCodeList[$dtcH][$user['Text']]['hourly'] = $hourly[$user['Value']]; $timeCodeList[$dtcH][$user['Text']]['id'] = $user['Value']; $timeCodeList[$dtcH][$user['Text']]['hourMonthTodo'] = $hourMonthTodo[$user['Value']]; } } $cmd = $this->db->createCommand("SELECT * FROM hr_timux_timecode WHERE id NOT IN ({$dtcH},{$dtcO}) AND type!='load'"); $data = $cmd->query(); $data = $data->readAll(); foreach ($data as $d) { $h = $employee->getRequest($year, $month, $d['id']); if ($h['nbre'] > 0) { if ($h['disp'] == 'day') { $timeCodeList[$d['id']]['total'] = bcadd($timeCodeList[$d['id']]['total'], bcmul($h['nbre'], $hoursByDay[$user['Value']], 4), 4); $timeCodeList[$d['id']][$user['Text']]['total'] = bcadd($timeCodeList[$d['id']][$user['Text']]['total'], bcmul($h['nbre'], $hoursByDay[$user['Value']], 4), 4); $timeCodeList[$d['id']][$user['Text']]['hourDayTodo'] = $hoursByDay[$user['Value']]; $timeCodeList[$d['id']][$user['Text']]['hourly'] = $hourly[$user['Value']]; $timeCodeList[$d['id']][$user['Text']]['id'] = $user['Value']; $timeCodeList[$d['id']][$user['Text']]['hourMonthTodo'] = $hourMonthTodo[$user['Value']]; } else { $timeCodeList[$d['id']]['total'] = bcadd($timeCodeList[$d['id']]['total'], $h['nbre'], 4); $timeCodeList[$d['id']][$user['Text']]['total'] = bcadd($timeCodeList[$d['id']][$user['Text']]['total'], $h['nbre'], 4); $timeCodeList[$d['id']][$user['Text']]['hourDayTodo'] = $hoursByDay[$user['Value']]; $timeCodeList[$d['id']][$user['Text']]['hourly'] = $hourly[$user['Value']]; $timeCodeList[$d['id']][$user['Text']]['id'] = $user['Value']; $timeCodeList[$d['id']][$user['Text']]['hourMonthTodo'] = $hourMonthTodo[$user['Value']]; } } } for ($i = 1; $i < date('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year)); $i++) { $nwd = $employee->getNonWorkingDay($year, $month, $i); if ($nwd > 0 && $employee->isWorking($year, $month, $i)) { $timeCodeList[Prado::localize('Non working day')]['total'] = bcadd($timeCodeList[Prado::localize('Non working day')]['total'], bcmul($nwd, $hoursByDay[$user['Value']], 4), 4); $timeCodeList[Prado::localize('Non working day')][$user['Text']]['total'] = bcadd($timeCodeList[Prado::localize('Non working day')][$user['Text']]['total'], bcmul($nwd, $hoursByDay[$user['Value']], 4), 4); $timeCodeList[Prado::localize('Non working day')][$user['Text']]['hourDayTodo'] = $hoursByDay[$user['Value']]; $timeCodeList[Prado::localize('Non working day')][$user['Text']]['hourly'] = $hourly[$user['Value']]; $timeCodeList[Prado::localize('Non working day')][$user['Text']]['id'] = $user['Value']; $timeCodeList[Prado::localize('Non working day')][$user['Text']]['hourMonthTodo'] = $hourMonthTodo[$user['Value']]; } } $employee = new employee($user['Value']); for ($i = 1; $i <= date("t", mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year)); $i++) { $b = $employee->getDayDone($i, $month, $year); $todo = $employee->getDayTodo($i, $month, $year); $overtime = bcsub($b['done'], $todo, 4); $overtime = bcmul($overtime, -1, 4); if ($overtime != 0) { $timeCodeList[Prado::localize('Overtime2')][$user['Text']]['total'] = bcadd($timeCodeList[Prado::localize('Overtime2')][$user['Text']]['total'], $overtime, 4); $timeCodeList[Prado::localize('Overtime2')][$user['Text']]['hourDayTodo'] = $hoursByDay[$user['Value']]; $timeCodeList[Prado::localize('Overtime2')]['total'] = bcadd($timeCodeList[Prado::localize('Overtime2')]['total'], $overtime, 4); $timeCodeList[Prado::localize('Overtime2')][$user['Text']]['hourly'] = $hourly[$user['Value']]; $timeCodeList[Prado::localize('Overtime2')][$user['Text']]['id'] = $user['Value']; $timeCodeList[Prado::localize('Overtime2')][$user['Text']]['hourMonthTodo'] = $hourMonthTodo[$user['Value']]; } } } } $cmd = $this->db->createCommand("SELECT * FROM hr_timux_config"); $query = $cmd->query(); $data = $query->read(); $hoursByDay = bcdiv($data['hoursByWeek'], $data['daysByWeek'], 4); $cmd = $this->db->createCommand("SELECT * FROM hr_site"); $query = $cmd->query(); $data = $query->read(); $devise = " " . $data['devise']; $res = array(); $extendHourly = false; if (class_exists($computation2)) { $extendHourly = new $computation2(); } foreach ($timeCodeList as $k => $v) { $totalCost = 0; if (is_array($v)) { foreach ($v as $k2 => $u) { if (is_array($u)) { if ($extendHourly) { $u['hourly'] = $extendHourly->getHourly($month, $year, $u); } $totalCost = bcadd($totalCost, bcmul($u['hourly'], round($u['total'], 2), 2), 2); } } } if ($k != '') { $cmd = $this->db->createCommand("SELECT * FROM hr_timux_timecode WHERE abbreviation=:abb || id=:abb"); $cmd->bindValue(":abb", $k); $data = $cmd->query(); $data = $data->read(); if ($filterLoad != 0 && $data['id'] != $filterLoad) { continue; } if ($data) { $r['timecode'] = '<b>' . $data['name'] . '</b>'; //how the time code is computed $r['hoursdone'] = '<b>' . round($v['total'], 2) . '</b>'; $r['cost'] = sprintf("<b>%.02f {$devise}</b>", $totalCost); $r['hourly'] = ''; $r['id'] = ''; $res[] = $r; if ($this->showUser->getChecked()) { foreach ($v as $k => $u) { if ($u['hourDayTodo'] > 0) { $hoursByDay2 = $u['hourDayTodo']; } else { $hoursByDay2 = $hoursByDay; } if ($k != 'total') { if ($extendHourly) { $u['hourly'] = $extendHourly->getHourly($month, $year, $u); } $r['timecode'] = " " . $k; $r['hoursdone'] = round($u['total'], 2); $r['cost'] = sprintf("%.02f {$devise}", bcmul($u['hourly'], round($u['total'], 2), 2)); $r['hourly'] = sprintf("%.02f {$devise}", $u['hourly']); $r['id'] = $u['id']; $res[] = $r; } } } } else { $r['timecode'] = '<b>' . $k . '</b>'; $r['hoursdone'] = '<b>' . round($v['total'], 2) . '</b>'; $r['cost'] = sprintf("<b>%.02f {$devise}</b>", $totalCost); $r['hourly'] = ''; $r['id'] = ''; $res[] = $r; if ($this->showUser->getChecked()) { foreach ($v as $k => $u) { if ($u['hourDayTodo'] > 0) { $hoursByDay2 = $u['hourDayTodo']; } else { $hoursByDay2 = $hoursByDay; } if ($k != 'total') { if ($extendHourly) { $u['hourly'] = $extendHourly->getHourly($month, $year, $u); } $r['timecode'] = " " . $k; $r['hoursdone'] = round($u['total'], 2); $r['cost'] = sprintf("%.02f {$devise}", bcmul($u['hourly'], round($u['total'], 2), 2)); $r['hourly'] = sprintf("%.02f {$devise}", $u['hourly']); $r['id'] = $u['id']; $res[] = $r; } } } } } else { $r['timecode'] = '<b>' . Prado::localize('Unkown time code') . '</b>'; $r['hoursdone'] = '<b>' . round($v['total'], 2) . '</b>'; $r['cost'] = sprintf("<b>%.02f {$devise}</b>", $totalCost); $r['hourly'] = ''; $r['id'] = ''; $res[] = $r; if ($this->showUser->getChecked()) { foreach ($v as $k => $u) { if ($u['hourDayTodo'] > 0) { $hoursByDay2 = $u['hourDayTodo']; } else { $hoursByDay2 = $hoursByDay; } if ($k != 'total') { if ($extendHourly) { $u['hourly'] = $extendHourly->getHourly($month, $year, $u); } $r['timecode'] = " " . $k; $r['hoursdone'] = round($u['total'], 2); $r['cost'] = sprintf("%.02f {$devise}", bcmul($u['hourly'], round($u['total'], 2), 2)); $r['hourly'] = sprintf("%.02f {$devise}", $u['hourly']); $r['id'] = $u['id']; $res[] = $r; } } } } } return $res; }