Example #1
 function find_email($debug = false, $get_blobs = false, $ignore_date = false)
     $info = inbox::get_mail_info();
     $mailbox = $this->get_value("commentMaster") . $this->get_value("commentMasterID");
     $mail = new email_receive($info);
     $mail->open_mailbox(config::get_config_item("allocEmailFolder") . "/" . $mailbox, OP_HALFOPEN + OP_READONLY);
     $msg_nums = $mail->get_all_email_msg_uids();
     $debug and print "<hr><br><b>find_email(): " . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . " found " . count($msg_nums) . " emails for mailbox: " . $mailbox . "</b>";
     // fetch and parse email
     foreach ((array) $msg_nums as $num) {
         $debug and print "<hr><br>Examining message number: " . $num;
         // this will stream output
         $text = $mail->fetch_mail_text();
         list($from1, $e1n) = parse_email_address($mail->mail_headers["from"]);
         list($from2, $e2n) = parse_email_address($this->get_value("commentCreatedUserText"));
         if (!$from2 && $this->get_value("commentCreatedUser")) {
             $p = new person();
             $from2 = $p->get_value("emailAddress");
         if (!$from2 && $this->get_value("commentCreatedUserClientContactID")) {
             $p = new clientContact();
             $from2 = $p->get_value("clientContactEmail");
         $text1 = str_replace(array("\\s", "\n", "\r"), "", trim($text));
         $text2 = str_replace(array("\\s", "\n", "\r"), "", trim($this->get_value("comment")));
         $date = format_date("U", $this->get_value("commentCreatedTime"));
         $date1 = strtotime($mail->mail_headers["date"]) - 300;
         $date3 = strtotime($mail->mail_headers["date"]) + 300;
         similar_text($text1, $text2, $percent);
         if ($percent >= 99 && ($from1 == $from2 || !$from2 || same_email_address($from1, config::get_config_item("AllocFromEmailAddress"))) && ($date > $date1 && $date < $date3 || $ignore_date)) {
             $debug and print "<br><b style='color:green'>Found you! Msg no: " . $num . " in mailbox: " . $mailbox . " for commentID: " . $this->get_id() . "</b>";
             foreach ((array) $mail->mail_parts as $v) {
                 $s = $v["part_object"];
                 // structure
                 $raw_data = imap_fetchbody($mail->connection, $mail->msg_uid, $v["part_number"], FT_UID | FT_PEEK);
                 $thing = $mail->decode_part($s->encoding, $raw_data);
                 $filename = $mail->get_parameter_attribute_value($s->parameters, "name");
                 $filename or $filename = $mail->get_parameter_attribute_value($s->parameters, "filename");
                 $filename or $filename = $mail->get_parameter_attribute_value($s->dparameters, "name");
                 $filename or $filename = $mail->get_parameter_attribute_value($s->dparameters, "filename");
                 $bits = array();
                 $bits["part"] = $v["part_number"];
                 $bits["name"] = $filename;
                 $bits["size"] = strlen($thing);
                 $get_blobs and $bits["blob"] = $thing;
                 $filename and $mimebits[] = $bits;
             return array($mail, $text, $mimebits);
         } else {
             similar_text($text1, $text2, $percent);
             $debug and print "<br>TEXT: " . sprintf("%d", $text1 == $text2) . " (" . sprintf("%d", $percent) . "%)";
             #$debug and print "<br>Text1:<br>".$text1."<br>* * *<br>";
             #$debug and print "Text2:<br>".$text2."<br>+ + +</br>";
             $debug and print "<br>FROM: " . sprintf("%d", $from1 == $from2 || !$from2 || same_email_address($from1, config::get_config_item("AllocFromEmailAddress")));
             $debug and print " From1: " . page::htmlentities($from1);
             $debug and print " From2: " . page::htmlentities($from2);
             $debug and print "<br>DATE: " . sprintf("%d", $date > $date1 && $date < $date3) . " (" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $date) . " | " . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $date1) . " | " . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $date3) . ")";
             $debug and print "<br>";
     return array(false, false, false);
Example #2
$info["port"] = config::get_config_item("allocEmailPort");
$info["username"] = config::get_config_item("allocEmailUsername");
$info["password"] = config::get_config_item("allocEmailPassword");
$info["protocol"] = config::get_config_item("allocEmailProtocol");
$qid = $db->query("SELECT * FROM comment WHERE commentCreatedTime >= '2012-05-12 00:00:00'");
while ($row = $db->row($qid)) {
    // For each comment, ascertain the taskID
    $entity = $row["commentMaster"];
    $entityID = $row["commentMasterID"];
    // Use the taskID to query the mbox.taskID for all its emails
    $mail = new email_receive($info);
    $created = $mail->create_mailbox("INBOX/" . $entity . $entityID);
    $created or $created = $mail->create_mailbox("INBOX." . $entity . $entityID);
    $opened = $mail->open_mailbox("INBOX/" . $entity . $entityID);
    $uids = $mail->get_all_email_msg_uids();
    //e("Entity: ".$entity.$entityID." comment: ".$row["commentID"]." uids: ".print_r($uids,1));
    $found = false;
    foreach ((array) $uids as $uid) {
        // If there's one that looks like the current one, forgeddaboutit
        list($header, $body) = $mail->get_raw_email_by_msg_uid($uid);
        similar_text(preg_replace("/\\s+/", "", trim($row["comment"])), preg_replace("/\\s+/", "", trim($body)), $percent);
        if ($percent > 97) {
            $found = true;
            #e("percent: ".$percent);
Example #3
        return $f;
// Tests
if (basename($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]) == "email_receive.inc.php") {
    define("NO_AUTH", 1);
    require_once "alloc.php";
    $num = 30;
    $e = new email_receive($info);
    echo "\nNum emails: " . $e->get_num_emails();
    echo "\nNew emails: " . $e->get_num_new_emails();
    echo "\ncheck_mail(): " . str_replace("\n", " ", print_r($e->mail_info, 1));
    echo "\nget_new_email_msg_uids(): " . str_replace("\n", " ", print_r($e->get_new_email_msg_uids(), 1));
    echo "\nget_all_email_msg_uids(): " . str_replace("\n", " ", print_r($e->get_all_email_msg_uids(), 1));
    echo "\nget_emails_UIDs_search(): " . str_replace("\n", " ", print_r($e->get_emails_UIDs_search("SUBJECT alloc"), 1));
    //echo "\nget_msg_header(): ".str_replace("\n"," ",print_r($e->get_msg_header($num),1));
    echo "\n";
    echo "\nload_structure(): " . str_replace(" ", " ", print_r($e->mail_structure, 1));
    echo "\nget_charset(): " . $e->get_charset();
    list($h, $b) = $e->get_raw_email_by_msg_uid($num);
    //echo "\nget_raw_email_by_msg_uid(): "."HEADER: ".$h."\nBODY: ".$b;
    echo "\nsave_email(): " . $e->save_email();
    //echo "\nload_parts(): ".print_r($e->mail_parts,1);
    echo "\nmail_text (plaintext version): " . $e->mail_text;
    echo "\nget_commands(): " . print_r($e->get_commands(task::get_exposed_fields()), 1);
Example #4
$alloc_from_addresses2[] = "*****@*****.**";
$lockfile = ATTACHMENTS_DIR . "mail.lock.patch179";
$info["host"] = config::get_config_item("allocEmailHost");
$info["port"] = config::get_config_item("allocEmailPort");
$info["username"] = config::get_config_item("allocEmailUsername");
$info["password"] = config::get_config_item("allocEmailPassword");
$info["protocol"] = config::get_config_item("allocEmailProtocol");
if (true) {
    // regular users probably won't need to apply this patch, so let them skip it
    define("FORCE_PATCH_SUCCEED_patch-00179-alla.php", 1);
} else {
    $fp = fopen(ATTACHMENTS_DIR . "updatecommentpatch179.log", "a+");
    $mail = new email_receive($info, $lockfile);
    $mail->open_mailbox(config::get_config_item("allocEmailFolder"), OP_HALFOPEN + OP_READONLY);
    $msg_nums = $mail->get_all_email_msg_uids();
    # foreach ($msg_nums as $n) {
    #   $n == 326 and $go = true;
    #   $go and $remaining[] = $n;
    # }
    # unset($msg_nums);
    # $msg_nums = $remaining;
    printorlog(date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . " Found " . count($msg_nums) . " emails.");
    $db = new db_alloc();
    // fetch and parse email
    foreach ($msg_nums as $num) {
        // this will stream output
        $dir = ATTACHMENTS_DIR . "tmp";
        if (!is_dir($dir)) {
Example #5
  * Grab all emails from a task mail box
  * @param integer $taskID the task (or other entity) id
  * @param string $entity the particular entity: task, client, project, etc
  * @return string of mbox format emails
 public function get_task_emails($taskID, $entity = "task")
     $current_user =& singleton("current_user");
     $entity or $entity = "task";
     if ($taskID) {
         $folder = config::get_config_item("allocEmailFolder") . "/" . $entity . $taskID;
         $info = $this->init_email_info();
         $mail = new email_receive($info);
         $mail->open_mailbox($folder, OP_READONLY);
         $uids = $mail->get_all_email_msg_uids();
         foreach ((array) $uids as $uid) {
             list($header, $body) = $mail->get_raw_email_by_msg_uid($uid);
             if ($header && $body) {
                 $m = new email_send();
                 $timestamp = $m->get_header('Date');
                 $str = "\r\nFrom allocPSA " . date('D M  j G:i:s Y', strtotime($timestamp)) . "\r\n" . $header . $body;
                 $emails .= utf8_encode(str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $str));
     return $emails;
Example #6
 public static function get_list()
     // Get list of emails
     $info = inbox::get_mail_info();
     $email_receive = new email_receive($info);
     $email_receive->open_mailbox($info["folder"], OP_HALFOPEN | OP_READONLY);
     $new_nums = $email_receive->get_new_email_msg_uids();
     $msg_nums = $email_receive->get_all_email_msg_uids();
     if ($msg_nums) {
         foreach ($msg_nums as $num) {
             $row = array();
             $row["from"] = $email_receive->get_printable_from_address();
             in_array($num, (array) $new_nums) and $row["new"] = true;
             $row["id"] = $num;
             $row["date"] = $email_receive->mail_headers["date"];
             $row["subject"] = $email_receive->mail_headers["subject"];
             $rows[] = $row;
     return $rows;