 * Sendas retmesagxon al iu h**o.
 * $subjekto  - temlinio de la mesagxo (en UTF-8, EO-signoj per c^-kodigo)
 * $korpo     - la teksto de la mesagxo (dito)
 * $to_name   - la nomo de la ricevonto (dito)
 * $to_adress - la retposxtadreso de la ricevonto
function sendu_xxxxx_mesagxon($subjekto, $korpo, $to_name, $to_address)
    $subject = eotransformado($subjekto, "utf-8");
    //  $mesagxo  = "### auxtomata mesagxo de la DEJ-aligilo ###\n\n";
    $mesagxo .= eotransformado($korpo, "utf-8");
    $from_name = "Pauxlo Ebermann";
    // TODO: (eble prenu nomon aux el la datumbazo/konfiguro, aux la entajpanton ?)
    $from_address = "*****@*****.**";
    // TODO: Eble prenu el la datumbazo?
    $email_message = new email_message_class();
    $email_message->default_charset = "UTF-8";
    if (!strcmp($error = $email_message->SetEncodedEmailHeader("To", $to_address, eotransformado($to_name, "utf-8")), "") && !strcmp($error = $email_message->SetEncodedEmailHeader("From", $from_address, $from_name), "") && !strcmp($error = $email_message->SetEncodedEmailHeader("Reply-To", $from_address, $from_name), "") && !strcmp($error = $email_message->SetEncodedHeader("Errors-To", $from_address, $from_name), "") && !strcmp($error = $email_message->SetEncodedEmailHeader("Bcc", "*****@*****.**", "Paul Ebermann"), "") && !strcmp($error = $email_message->SetEncodedHeader("Subject", $subject), "") && !strcmp($error = $email_message->AddQuotedPrintableTextPart($email_message->WrapText($mesagxo)), "")) {
        $error = $email_message->Send();
    if ($error) {
  * aldonas dosieron kreita enmemore.
  * @param string $enhavo la enhavo de la dosiero (kiel bitoka cxeno).
  * @param string $nomo   la dosiernomo por nomi la aldonajxon. 
  * @param string $tipo   la enhavtipo. Se ne donita, ni provos diveni gxin
  *                        laux la nomo de la dosiero.
 function aldonu_dosieron_el_memoro($enhavo, $nomo, $tipo = "")
     $datoj = array('Data' => $enhavo, 'Name' => $nomo, 'Content-Type' => $tipo ? $tipo : 'automatic/name');
     $eraro = $this->baza_objekto->AddFilePart($datoj);
 *  $from_name="My Name";
$from_address = getenv("USER") . "@" . getenv("HOSTNAME");
$from_name = getenv("USERNAME");
$reply_name = $from_name;
$reply_address = $from_address;
$reply_address = $from_address;
$error_delivery_name = $from_name;
$error_delivery_address = $from_address;
 *  Change these lines or else you will be mailing the class author.
$to_name = "Manuel Lemos";
$to_address = "*****@*****.**";
$subject = "Testing Manuel Lemos' MIME E-mail composing and sending PHP class: HTML message";
$email_message = new email_message_class();
$email_message->SetEncodedEmailHeader("To", $to_address, $to_name);
$email_message->SetEncodedEmailHeader("From", $from_address, $from_name);
$email_message->SetEncodedEmailHeader("Reply-To", $reply_address, $reply_name);
$email_message->SetHeader("Sender", $from_address);
 *  Set the Return-Path header to define the envelope sender address to which bounced messages are delivered.
 *  If you are using Windows, you need to use the smtp_message_class to set the return-path address.
if (defined("PHP_OS") && strcmp(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3), "WIN")) {
    $email_message->SetHeader("Return-Path", $error_delivery_address);
$email_message->SetEncodedHeader("Subject", $subject);
 *  An HTML message that requires any dependent files to be sent,
 *  like image files, style sheet files, HTML frame files, etc..,
$from_address = getenv("USER") . "@" . getenv("HOSTNAME");
$from_name = getenv("USERNAME");
$reply_name = $from_name;
$reply_address = $from_address;
$reply_address = $from_address;
$error_delivery_name = $from_name;
$error_delivery_address = $from_address;
 *  Change these lines or else you will be mailing the class author.
$to_name = "Manuel Lemos";
$to_address = "*****@*****.**";
$to_address = "*****@*****.**";
$subject = "Testing Manuel Lemos' MIME E-mail composing and sending PHP class: HTML message";
$email_message = new email_message_class();
$email_message->SetEncodedEmailHeader("To", $to_address, $to_name);
$email_message->SetEncodedEmailHeader("From", $from_address, $from_name);
$email_message->SetEncodedEmailHeader("Reply-To", $reply_address, $reply_name);
$email_message->SetHeader("Sender", $from_address);
 *  Set the Return-Path header to define the envelope sender address to which bounced messages are delivered.
 *  If you are using Windows, you need to use the smtp_message_class to set the return-path address.
if (defined("PHP_OS") && strcmp(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3), "WIN")) {
    $email_message->SetHeader("Return-Path", $error_delivery_address);
$email_message->SetEncodedHeader("Subject", $subject);
$html_message = "<html>\n<head>\n<title>{$subject}</title>\n<style type=\"text/css\"><!--\nbody { color: black ; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif ; background-color: #A3C5CC }\nA:link, A:visited, A:active { text-decoration: underline }\n--></style>\n</head>\n<body>\n<table width=\"100%\">\n<tr>\n<td>\n<center><h1>{$subject}</h1></center>\n<hr>\n<P>Hello " . strtok($to_name, " ") . ",<br><br>\nThis message is just to let you know that the <a href=\"http://www.phpclasses.org/mimemessage\">MIME E-mail message composing and sending PHP class</a> is working as expected.<br><br>\nThank you,<br>\n{$from_name}</p>\n</td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n</body>\n</html>";
$email_message->CreateQuotedPrintableHTMLPart($html_message, "", $html_part);
 *  $from_name="My Name";
$from_address = getenv("USER") . "@" . getenv("HOSTNAME");
$from_name = getenv("USERNAME");
$reply_name = $from_name;
$reply_address = $from_address;
$reply_address = $from_address;
$error_delivery_name = $from_name;
$error_delivery_address = $from_address;
 *  Change these lines or else you will be mailing the class author.
$to_name = "Manuel Lemos";
$to_address = "*****@*****.**";
$subject = "[Fwd: Testing Manuel Lemos' MIME E-mail composing and sending PHP class for sending messages that include forwarded messages]";
$email_message = new email_message_class();
$email_message->SetEncodedEmailHeader("To", $to_address, $to_name);
$email_message->SetEncodedEmailHeader("From", $from_address, $from_name);
$email_message->SetEncodedEmailHeader("Reply-To", $reply_address, $reply_name);
 *  Set the Return-Path header to define the envelope sender address to
 *  which bounced messages are delivered.
 *  If you are using Windows, you need to use the smtp_message_class to set
 *  the return-path address.
if (defined("PHP_OS") && strcmp(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3), "WIN")) {
    $email_message->SetHeader("Return-Path", $error_delivery_address);
$email_message->SetEncodedHeader("Subject", $subject);
 *  A message with attached files usually has a text message part
 function send($to = '')
     $this->error = '';
      * check if newsletter and issue are set
     if (!is_object($this->c_newsletter) || !is_object($this->c_issue)) {
         $this->error = 'No valid newsletter issue set';
         return false;
      * check if text or html messages are set
     $message = $this->composeText();
     $html = $this->composeHtml();
     if (empty($message) && empty($html)) {
         $this->error = 'No content set';
         return false;
      * now prepare email
     $from_name = $this->c_newsletter->sender_name;
     $from_address = $this->c_newsletter->getSender();
     if (empty($from_address)) {
         $this->error = 'No valid sender address set';
         return false;
     $reply_name = $from_name;
     $reply_address = $this->c_newsletter->getReply();
     if (empty($reply_address)) {
         $reply_address = $from_address;
     $error_delivery_name = $from_name;
     $error_delivery_address = $this->c_newsletter->getReturn();
     if (empty($error_delivery_address)) {
         if (empty($GLOBALS['tnl_error_email'])) {
             $error_delivery_address = $from_address;
         } else {
             $error_delivery_address = $GLOBALS['tnl_error_email'];
     if (empty($to)) {
         $to = $this->c_newsletter->getSubscribers();
     } elseif (!is_array($to)) {
         $to = array($to);
     				'UID' => '0000001',
     				"name"=>"Peter Gabriel"
     				'UID' => '0000002',
     				"name"=>"Paul Simon"
     				'UID' => '0000003',
     				"name"=>"Mary Chain"
     $subject = $this->c_issue->title;
     switch (XOX_MAILER_TYPE) {
         case 'pickup':
             $email_message = new pickup_message_class();
             $email_message->dir_sep = '/';
             $email_message->mailroot_directory = XOX_APP_BASE . '/jobs';
             $email_message->pickup_file_prefix = date('YmdHis') . '_';
             $email_message->pickup_file_postfix = '.eml';
         case 'sendmail':
             $email_message = new sendmail_message_class();
             $email_message->delivery_mode = SENDMAIL_DELIVERY_DEFAULT;
             /*  Mode of delivery of the message. Supported modes are:
              *  SENDMAIL_DELIVERY_DEFAULT     - Default mode
              *  SENDMAIL_DELIVERY_INTERACTIVE - Deliver synchronously waiting for remote server response.
              *  SENDMAIL_DELIVERY_BACKGROUND  - Deliver asynchronously without waiting for delivery success response.
              *  SENDMAIL_DELIVERY_QUEUE       - Leave message on the queue to be delivered later when the queue is run
              *  SENDMAIL_DELIVERY_DEFERRED    - Queue without even performing database lookup maps.
             $email_message->bulk_mail_delivery_mode = SENDMAIL_DELIVERY_QUEUE;
             /*  Mode of delivery of the message when the class is set to the bulk mail delivery mode */
             $email_message->sendmail_arguments = "";
             /* Additional sendmail command line arguments */
         case 'qmail':
         case 'smtp':
         case 'mail':
             $email_message = new email_message_class();
     echo "<table style='font-size:11px'><tr><td><b>From</b></td><td>{$from_address}, {$from_name}</td></tr>";
     echo "<tr><td><b>Reply-To</b></td><td>{$reply_address}, {$reply_name}</td></tr>";
     echo "<tr><td><b>Errors-To</b></td><td>{$error_delivery_address}, {$error_delivery_name}</td></tr>";
     if (count($to) < 100) {
         foreach ($to as $subscriber) {
             echo '<tr><td><b>To</b></td><td>' . $subscriber->email . '</td></tr>';
     } else {
         echo '<tr><td></td><td><b>Massenmailing</b></td></tr>';
     echo '</table>';
      *  For faster queueing use qmail...
      *  require_once("qmail_message.php");
      *  $email_message=new qmail_message_class;
      *  or sendmail in queue only delivery mode
      *  require_once("sendmail_message.php");
      *  $email_message=sendmail_message_class;
      *  $email_message->delivery_mode=SENDMAIL_DELIVERY_QUEUE;
      *  Always call the SetBulkMail function to hint the class to optimize
      *  its behaviour to make deliveries to many users more efficient.
     $email_message->SetEncodedEmailHeader("From", $from_address, $from_name);
     $email_message->SetEncodedEmailHeader("Reply-To", $reply_address, $reply_name);
      *	Set the Return-Path header to define the envelope sender address
      *	to which bounced messages are delivered.
      *  If you are using Windows, you need to use the smtp_message_class
      *	to set the return-path address.
     if (!XOX_LOCAL_MODE) {
         $email_message->SetHeader("Return-Path", $error_delivery_address);
     $email_message->SetEncodedEmailHeader("Errors-To", $error_delivery_address, $error_delivery_name);
     $email_message->SetEncodedHeader("Subject", $subject);
     // make sure text is not cached for personalization
     $email_message->cache_body = 0;
     // create copy for text only
     $email_text = $email_message;
     /* Create empty parts for the parts that will be personalized for each recipient. */
     $email_message->CreateQuotedPrintableTextPart($message, "", $text_part);
     $email_message->CreateQuotedPrintableHTMLPart($html, "", $html_part);
     $email_text->CreateQuotedPrintableTextPart($message, "", $text_only_part);
      *  Multiple alternative parts are gathered in multipart/alternative parts.
      *  It is important that the fanciest part, in this case the HTML part,
      *  is specified as the last part because that is the way that HTML capable
      *  mail programs will show that part and not the text version part.
     $alternative_parts = array($text_part, $html_part);
     /* Add the empty part wherever it belongs in the message. */
     /* Iterate personalization for each recipient. */
     $count_to = count($to);
     if (MAILTEST_ACTIVE && $count_to > MAILTEST_MAX_MAILS) {
         $count_to = MAILTEST_MAX_MAILS;
     $tmp = new xoxSimpleTemplate('', '', '', '\\{\\$', '\\}');
     $tmp->setVar('DOMAINID', $this->c_newsletter->domain_id);
     $tmp->setVar('ISSUEID', $this->c_issue->id);
     for ($recipient = 0; $recipient < $count_to; $recipient++) {
         $error = '';
         #### MAILTEST ####
         if (MAILTEST_ACTIVE && $count_to > 20) {
             $testemail = array('*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**');
             $to[$recipient]->email = $testemail[rand(0, 11)];
             #$to[$recipient]->email = sprintf("*****@*****.**",rand(0,3));
         /* Personalize the recipient address. */
         $to_address = $to[$recipient]->email;
         $to_name = $to[$recipient]->displayname;
         $textonly = $to[$recipient]->config == 'text';
         //$email_class &= ( $textonly ) ? $email_text : $email_message;
         $email_class = $textonly ? $email_text : $email_message;
         if (XOX_MAILER_TYPE == 'pickup') {
             $email_class->pickup_file_prefix = sprintf("%s_%05d_%05d_%05d_%07s_%s_", date('YmdHis'), $this->c_issue->id, $this->mail_counter + 1, $to[$recipient]->uid, $to[$recipient]->mode_data, $to[$recipient]->mode_id == 1 ? 'N' : 'X');
         $email_class->SetEncodedEmailHeader("To", $to_address, $to_name);
         /* Do we really need to personalize the message body?
          * If not, let the class reuse the message body defined for the first recipient above.
         if (!$email_class->cache_body) {
             /* Create a personalized body part. */
             $fingerprint = dechex($this->c_issue->id) . "g" . dechex($to[$recipient]->uid);
             if (MAILTEST_ACTIVE) {
                 $fingerprint .= "g" . $to[$recipient]->mode_data;
             $tmp->setVar('USERID', $fingerprint);
             $tmp->setVar('USEREMAIL', $to[$recipient]->email);
             $tmp->setVar('USERNAME', $to[$recipient]->displayname);
             $tmp->setVar('USERSALUT', $to[$recipient]->_details['gender']);
             $tmp->setVar('USERFNAME', $to[$recipient]->_details['firstname']);
             $tmp->setVar('USERLNAME', $to[$recipient]->_details['lastname']);
             $tmp->setVar('USERCOMPANY', $to[$recipient]->_details['company']);
             $tmp->setVar('USERSTREET', $to[$recipient]->_details['street']);
             $tmp->setVar('USERCOUNTRY', $to[$recipient]->_details['country']);
             $tmp->setVar('USERZIP', $to[$recipient]->_details['zip']);
             $tmp->setVar('USERCITY', $to[$recipient]->_details['city']);
             $tmp->setVar('USERTEL', $to[$recipient]->_details['telephone']);
             $tmp->setVar('USERFAX', $to[$recipient]->_details['fax']);
             $tmp->setVar('USERMOB', $to[$recipient]->_details['mobile']);
             if ($to[$recipient]->isExpert()) {
                 $tmp->setVar('EXPERTS', '<td align="center" nowrap><a href="http://www.bay-as.de/index.php?id=189&fluid=' . $fingerprint . '" style="font-size:12px; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; text-decoration:none; color:#ffffff;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="white">BAYAS experts</font><b style="font-size:15px">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</b></a></td><td width="1" bgcolor="#ffffff"><img src="http://www.bay-as.de/fileadmin/images/punkt.gif" height="18" width="1"></td>');
                 $tmp->setVar('BAYPOINTS', $to[$recipient]->getBayPoints());
             } else {
                 $tmp->setVar('EXPERTS', '');
                 $tmp->setVar('BAYPOINTS', '');
             #$message="Hello ".strtok($to_name," ").",\n\nThis message is just to let you know that Manuel Lemos' e-mail sending class is working as expected for sending personalized messages.\n\nThank you,\n$from_name";
             $tmp->parsed_template = $message;
             $email_class->CreateQuotedPrintableTextPart($tmp->show(true), "", $user_text_part);
             if (!$textonly) {
                 $tmp->parsed_template = $html;
                 $email_class->CreateQuotedPrintableHTMLPart($tmp->show(true), "", $user_html_part);
             /* Make the personalized replace the initially empty part */
             if (!$textonly) {
                 $email_class->ReplacePart($text_part, $user_text_part);
                 $email_class->ReplacePart($html_part, $user_html_part);
             } else {
                 $email_class->ReplacePart($text_only_part, $user_text_part);
         /* Send the message checking for eventually acumulated errors */
         #if ( !XOX_LOCAL_MODE ) {
         $this->error = $email_class->Send();
         if ($this->mail_counter++ % 50 == 0) {
         $this->log->log(strlen($this->error), sprintf('Versand an: %05d %05d %05d %s [%s] : %s : %s', $this->mail_counter, $to[$recipient]->id, $to[$recipient]->uid, $to[$recipient]->displayname, $to[$recipient]->email, $to[$recipient]->mode_data . ($to[$recipient]->mode_id == 2 ? '*' : ' '), $this->error));
         if (strlen($this->error)) {
             //echo "\n\nERROR: $this->error<br>\n\n";
             if ($this->mailerror >= $this->error_break && $this->mailerror == $this->mail_counter) {
     /* When you are done with bulk mailing call the SetBulkMail function
      * again passing 0 to tell the all deliveries were done.
     if (strlen($this->error)) {
         return false;
     return true;
 * @(#) $Header: /opt2/ena/metal/mimemessage/test_personalized_bulk_mail.php,v 1.6 2005/02/16 04:04:03 mlemos Exp $
require "email_message.php";
$from_name = getenv("USERNAME");
$from_address = getenv("USER") . "@" . getenv("HOSTNAME");
$reply_name = $from_name;
$reply_address = $from_address;
$reply_address = $from_address;
$error_delivery_name = $from_name;
$error_delivery_address = $from_address;
/* Define recipient personalization data. Change it before testing. */
$to = array(array("address" => "*****@*****.**", "name" => "Peter Gabriel"), array("address" => "*****@*****.**", "name" => "Paul Simon"), array("address" => "*****@*****.**", "name" => "Mary Chain"));
$subject = "Testing Manuel Lemos' MIME Email composition PHP class for sending personalized bulk mail";
$email_message = new email_message_class();
 *  For faster queueing use qmail...
 *  require_once("qmail_message.php");
 *  $email_message=new qmail_message_class;
 *  or sendmail in queue only delivery mode
 *  require_once("sendmail_message.php");
 *  $email_message=new sendmail_message_class;
 *  $email_message->delivery_mode=SENDMAIL_DELIVERY_QUEUE;
 *  Always call the SetBulkMail function to hint the class to optimize
 *  its behaviour to make deliveries to many users more efficient.

	Header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=\"$charset\"");
	echo "<html>\n<head>\n<meta HTTP-EQUIV=\"Content-Type\" CONTENT=\"text/html; charset=$charset\" /><title>$title</title></head><body>";
	echo "<h1><center>".$title."</center></h1>\n<hr />\n";


		$email_message=new email_message_class;

		Set the Return-Path header to define the envelope sender address to which bounced messages are delivered.
		If you are using Windows, you need to use the smtp_message_class to set the return-path address.
		&& strcmp(substr(PHP_OS,0,3),"WIN"))

 * Assign the $from_name and $from_address to your real sender name and
 * address or else the message may not be accepted.
$from_name = getenv("USERNAME");
$from_address = getenv("USER") . "@" . getenv("HOSTNAME");
$reply_name = $from_name;
$reply_address = $from_address;
$reply_address = $from_address;
$error_delivery_name = $from_name;
$error_delivery_address = $from_address;
/* Define recipient personalization data. Change this before testing. */
$to = array(array("address" => "*****@*****.**", "name" => "Peter Gabriel", "balance" => 1234), array("address" => "*****@*****.**", "name" => "Paul Simon", "balance" => 567890), array("address" => "*****@*****.**", "name" => "Mary Chain", "balance" => -1234));
$subject = "Testing Manuel Lemos' MIME Email composition PHP class for sending personalized bulk mail using HTML and text template with the Smarty engine";
$email_message = new email_message_class();
 *  For faster queueing use qmail...
 *  require_once("qmail_message.php");
 *  $email_message=new qmail_message_class;
 *  or sendmail in queue only delivery mode
 *  require_once("sendmail_message.php");
 *  $email_message=new sendmail_message_class;
 *  $email_message->delivery_mode=SENDMAIL_DELIVERY_QUEUE;
 *  Always call the SetBulkMail function to hint the class to optimize
 *  its behaviour to make deliveries to many users more efficient.
 * TODO: dokumentado por sendu_konfirmilon
 * $teksto - en tiu variablo ni metos la tekston de la mesagxo,
 *           por ebligi montri gxin ankoraux en la retpagxo (krom
 *           la dissendado).
 * ### uzado:  partrezultoj.php, AligxiloDankon.php ###
function sendu_konfirmilon($partoprenanto, $partopreno, $renkontigxo, &$teksto)
    $subject = "unua konfirmilo por la " . $renkontigxo->datoj[nomo];
    $mesagxo = "### auxtomata mesagxo ###\n\n";
    $from_name = "IS-Aligilo";
    $from_address = "*****@*****.**";
    // TODO: forigi retadreson
    $to_name = utf8_decode($partoprenanto->datoj[personanomo] . " " . $partoprenanto->datoj[nomo]);
    $to_address = $partoprenanto->datoj[retposxto];
    $teksto = faru_1akonfirmilon($partoprenanto, $partopreno, $renkontigxo);
    $mesagxo .= $teksto;
    $email_message = new email_message_class();
    $email_message->default_charset = "UTF-8";
    if (!strcmp($error = $email_message->SetEncodedEmailHeader("To", $to_address, $to_name), "") && !strcmp($error = $email_message->SetEncodedEmailHeader("From", $from_address, $from_name), "") && !strcmp($error = $email_message->SetEncodedEmailHeader("Reply-To", $from_address, $from_name), "") && !strcmp($error = $email_message->SetEncodedEmailHeader("Bcc", "*****@*****.**", "Paul Ebermann"), "") && !strcmp($error = $email_message->SetEncodedHeader("Errors-To", $from_address, $from_name), "") && !strcmp($error = $email_message->SetEncodedHeader("Subject", $subject), "") && !strcmp($error = $email_message->AddQuotedPrintableTextPart($email_message->WrapText($mesagxo)), "")) {
        $error = $email_message->Send();
    if ($error) {