public function collectRates(Mage_Shipping_Model_Rate_Request $request) { if (!$this->getConfigFlag('active')) { return false; } if ($request->getDestCountry()) { $destCountry = $request->getDestCountry(); } $zip = substr($request->getDestPostcode(), 0, 8); //echo "zip=(".$zip.")"; //$request->getDestCity() - Ââåäåíûé Ãîðîä: "Âëàäèâîñòîê" //$request->getDestCountryId(); //RU //echo '<br>****destCountry='.$destCountry,'<br>****getDestCity='.$request->getDestCity().' getDestRegionId='.$request->getDestRegionId(); //return $this->PrintDebug( '<br>****destCountry='.$request->getDestCountryId() ); //Âûâîä îòëàäî÷íîé èíôîðìàöèè $county_edost = array(1960 => 'AU', 1961 => 'AT', 1962 => 'AZ', 1963 => 'AL', 1964 => 'DZ', 1965 => 'AS', 1966 => 'AI', 1968 => 'AO', 1969 => 'AD', 1970 => 'AG', 1971 => 'AN', 1972 => 'AR', 1973 => 'AM', 1974 => 'AW', 1975 => 'AF', 1976 => 'BS', 1977 => 'BD', 1978 => 'BB', 1979 => 'BH', 1980 => 'BY', 1981 => 'BZ', 1982 => 'BE', 1983 => 'BJ', 1984 => 'BM', 1985 => 'BG', 1986 => 'BO', 1988 => 'BA', 1989 => 'BW', 1990 => 'BR', 1991 => 'BN', 1992 => 'BF', 1993 => 'BI', 1994 => 'BT', 1995 => 'WF', 1996 => 'VU', 1997 => 'GB', 1998 => 'HU', 1999 => 'VE', 2000 => 'VG', 2001 => 'VI', 2002 => 'TL', 2003 => 'VN', 2004 => 'GA', 2005 => 'HT', 2006 => 'GY', 2007 => 'GM', 2008 => 'GH', 2009 => 'GP', 2010 => 'GT', 2011 => 'GN', 2012 => 'GQ', 2013 => 'GW', 2014 => 'DE', 2016 => 'GI', 2017 => 'HN', 2018 => 'HK', 2019 => 'GD', 2020 => 'GL', 2021 => 'GR', 2022 => 'GE', 2023 => 'GU', 2024 => 'DK', 2026 => 'DJ', 2027 => 'DM', 2028 => 'DO', 2029 => 'EG', 2030 => 'ZM', 2031 => 'CV', 2032 => 'ZW', 2033 => 'IL', 2034 => 'IN', 2035 => 'ID', 2036 => 'JO', 2037 => 'IQ', 2038 => 'IR', 2039 => 'IE', 2040 => 'IS', 2041 => 'ES', 2042 => 'IT', 2043 => 'YE', 2044 => 'KZ', 2045 => 'KY', 2046 => 'KH', 2047 => 'CM', 2048 => 'CA', 2049 => 'EQ', 2050 => 'QA', 2051 => 'KE', 2052 => 'CY', 2053 => 'KI', 2054 => 'CN', 2055 => 'CO', 2056 => 'KM', 2057 => 'CG', 2058 => 'CD', 2059 => 'KP', 2060 => 'KR', 2062 => 'CR', 2063 => 'CI', 2064 => 'CU', 2065 => 'KW', 2066 => 'CK', 2067 => 'KG', 2069 => 'LA', 2070 => 'LV', 2071 => 'LS', 2072 => 'LR', 2073 => 'LB', 2074 => 'LY', 2075 => 'LT', 2076 => 'LI', 2077 => 'LU', 2078 => 'MU', 2079 => 'MR', 2080 => 'MG', 2081 => 'YT', 2082 => 'MO', 2083 => 'MK', 2084 => 'MW', 2085 => 'MY', 2086 => 'ML', 2087 => 'MV', 2088 => 'MT', 2089 => 'MA', 2090 => 'MQ', 2091 => 'MH', 2092 => 'MX', 2093 => 'FM', 2094 => 'MZ', 2095 => 'MD', 2096 => 'MC', 2097 => 'MN', 2098 => 'MS', 2099 => 'MM', 2100 => 'NA', 2101 => 'NR', 2102 => 'KN', 2103 => 'NP', 2104 => 'NE', 2105 => 'NG', 2106 => 'NL', 2107 => 'NI', 2108 => 'NU', 2109 => 'NZ', 2110 => 'NC', 2111 => 'NO', 2112 => 'AE', 2113 => 'OM', 2114 => 'PK', 2115 => 'PW', 2116 => 'PA', 2117 => 'PG', 2118 => 'PY', 2119 => 'PE', 2120 => 'PL', 2121 => 'PT', 2122 => 'PR', 2123 => 'RE', 2124 => 'RW', 2125 => 'RO', 2126 => 'MP', 2127 => 'SV', 2128 => 'WS', 2129 => 'SM', 2130 => 'ST', 2131 => 'SA', 2132 => 'SZ', 2134 => 'SC', 2136 => 'SN', 2137 => 'VC', 2138 => 'KN', 2139 => 'KN', 2140 => 'LC', 2145 => 'SG', 2146 => 'SY', 2147 => 'SK', 2148 => 'SI', 2149 => 'SB', 2150 => 'SO', 2152 => 'SD', 2153 => 'SR', 2154 => 'US', 2155 => 'SL', 2156 => 'TJ', 2157 => 'TH', 2158 => 'PF', 2159 => 'TW', 2160 => 'TZ', 2161 => 'TG', 2162 => 'TO', 2163 => 'TT', 2164 => 'TV', 2165 => 'TN', 2166 => 'TM', 2167 => 'TC', 2168 => 'TR', 2169 => 'UG', 2170 => 'UZ', 2171 => 'UA', 2172 => 'UY', 2174 => 'FO', 2175 => 'FJ', 2176 => 'PH', 2177 => 'FI', 2178 => 'FK', 2179 => 'FR', 2180 => 'GF', 2181 => 'PF', 2182 => 'HR', 2183 => 'CF', 2184 => 'TD', 2186 => 'CZ', 2187 => 'CL', 2188 => 'CH', 2189 => 'SE', 2191 => 'LK', 2192 => 'EC', 2193 => 'ER', 2194 => 'EE', 2195 => 'ET', 2196 => 'ZA', 2197 => 'JM', 2198 => 'JP', 0 => 'RU'); $country = array_search($request->getDestCountryId(), $county_edost); //echo '<br>****getDestCountryId='.$request->getDestCountryId().' - edost_id='.$country; //RU //echo '<br>****getDestRegionId='.$request->getDestRegionId(); //êîä ãîðîäà èëè ðåãèîíà edost $edost_calc = new edost_class(); //ïàðîëü è id ìàãàçèíà $edost_calc->edost_id = $this->getConfigData('id'); $edost_calc->edost_pswd = $this->getConfigData('password'); $edost_calc->SetSiteUTF(); $strah = $request->getPackageValue(); //îöåíêà $host = trim(strtolower($this->getConfigData('gateway_url'))); if (substr($host, 0, 7) == "http://") { $host = substr($host, 7, 100); } //if (substr($host,0,4) == "www.") $host = substr($host,4,100); if ($host == '') { $edost_calc->adr = EDOST_ADDR; } else { $edost_calc->adr = "http://" . $host . "/" . EDOST_PAGE; } //îïðåäåëÿåì ñòðàíó è ãîðîä êëèåíòà $country_hide = false; if ($country_hide) { $country = 0; } //ò.ê. ïî óìîë÷àíèþ ïðèñâàèâàåò US, åñëè íå âûáðàíà ñòðàíà if (!$country) { $country = 0; } //RU if (isset($_SESSION['city_for_cart'])) { $to_city = Mage::getModel('directory/region')->load($_SESSION['city_for_cart'])->getCode(); //ãîðîä èëè ðåãèîí $city_code = Mage::getModel('directory/region')->load($_SESSION['city_for_cart'])->getCdekCode(); } else { if ($country == 0) { $to_city = Mage::getModel('directory/region')->load($request->getDestRegionId())->getCode(); //ãîðîä èëè ðåãèîí $city_code = Mage::getModel('directory/region')->load($request->getDestRegionId())->getCdekCode(); } else { $to_city = $country; $city_code = '0'; } } /* if($country==0) $to_city = Mage::getModel('directory/region')->load( $request->getDestRegionId() )->getCode(); //ãîðîä èëè ðåãèîí else $to_city = $country; */ //$weight = $this->getTotalNumOfBoxes($request->getPackageWeight()); /* $packageParams = $request->getPackageParams(); $height = $packageParams->getHeight(); $width = $packageParams->getWidth(); $length = $packageParams->getLength(); echo "<br>*** height=$height, width=$width, length=$length"; */ //echo $cart = Mage::helper('checkout/cart')->getCart()->getItemsCount(); /* Mage::getSingleton('core/session', array('name'=>'frontend')); $cart = Mage::getModel('checkout/cart'); $ids = $cart->getProductIds(); print_r($ids); foreach ($ids as $i=>$productId) { echo "<br>id=$id ($i)"; $product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($productId); $attributes = $product->getAttributes(); foreach ($attributes as $attribute) { $attributeCode = $attribute->getAttributeCode(); if ($attributeCode == 'length') { $value = $attribute->getFrontend()->getValue($product); echo $attributeCode . '-' . '-' . $value; } } } */ $session = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session'); $output = "<br>"; $weight = 0; $size_in = null; $weight_zero = false; $k = 0; if (isset($_SESSION['product_for_cart'])) { $products_in_session[0] = $_SESSION['product_for_cart']; } else { $products_in_session = $session->getQuote()->getAllVisibleItems(); } $sdbg = ''; //getAllItems() - íåëüçÿ, ò.ê. ïîÿâëÿþòñÿ äóáëè òîâàðîâ â êîðçèíå! foreach ($products_in_session as $item) { if (isset($_SESSION['productid'])) { $productId = $_SESSION['productid']; $item = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($productId); $price_final = $item->getFinalPrice(); $qty = '1'; } else { $productId = $item->getProductId(); $price_final = $item->getBaseCalculationPrice(); $qty = $item->getQty(); } $sdbg .= '<br>************* Sku=' . $item->getSku() . "<br>Name=" . $item->getName() . "<br>" . $item->getDescription() . "<br>BaseCalculationPrice=" . $price_final . "<br>ProductId=" . $productId . "<br>Weight=" . $item->getWeight() . "<br>Qty=" . $qty; //."<br><pre>".print_r($item, true)."</pre>" //echo "<br>************************ <pre>".print_r($item, true)."</pre>"; $weight += $item->getWeight() * $qty; if (!($item->getWeight() > 0)) { $weight_zero = true; } $product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($productId); $attributes = $product->getAttributes(); $x = 0; $y = 0; $z = 0; foreach ($attributes as $attribute) { $attributeCode = $attribute->getAttributeCode(); if ($attributeCode == 'length') { $x = $attribute->getFrontend()->getValue($product); } if ($attributeCode == 'width') { $y = $attribute->getFrontend()->getValue($product); } if ($attributeCode == 'height') { $z = $attribute->getFrontend()->getValue($product); } } $sdbg .= '<br>******' . "<br>productId = {$productId} , length={$x} , width={$y} , height={$z}"; //echo "<br>length=$x , width=$y , height=$z"; if ($x > 0 && $y > 0 && $z > 0) { // ðàñ÷åò ãàáàðèòîâ òîâàðà (åñëè äàííîãî òîâàðà íåñêîëüêî åäèíèö, òîãäà îíè âñå ñêëàäûâàþòñÿ â îäèí ÿùèê) $size_one = $edost_calc->SumSizeOneGoods($x, $y, $z, $item->getQty()); $size_in[] = array('X' => $size_one['X'], 'Y' => $size_one['Y'], 'Z' => $size_one['Z']); //$sdbg .= '<br>******'."<br>length=".$size_in[$k]['X']." , width=".$size_in[$k]['Y']." , height=".$size_in[$k]['Z']; $k++; } else { $weight_zero = true; } } if ($weight_zero) { $weight = 0; } //return $this->PrintDebug( '<br>****='.$sdbg.' = '.'<br>' ); //Âûâîä îòëàäî÷íîé èíôîðìàöèè //return $this->PrintDebug( '<br>****to_city='.$to_city.' = '.$weight ); //Âûâîä îòëàäî÷íîé èíôîðìàöèè //echo '<br>*** to_city='.$to_city.' , WEIGHT='.$weight.' , strah='.$strah; //echo '<br>*** to_city='.$to_city.' , WEIGHT='.$weight.' , strah='.$strah.' , id='.$this->getConfigData('id').' , ps='.$this->getConfigData('password'); //Ñóììèðóåì ðàçìåðû ãðóçà $size = $edost_calc->SumSize($size_in); $length = $size['length']; $width = $size['width']; $height = $size['height']; //echo "<br>length=$length , width=$width , height=$height"; //return $this->PrintDebug( '<br>****='."<br>length=$length , width=$width , height=$height".' = '.'<br>'."<br><pre>".print_r($size_in, true)."</pre>" ); //Âûâîä îòëàäî÷íîé èíôîðìàöèè $result = Mage::getModel('shipping/rate_result'); $r = $edost_calc->edost_calc($to_city, $weight, $strah, $length, $width, $height, $zip); if ($city_code != '0') { $dop_tarif_mag = $edost_calc->calculateMag($city_code, $weight, $length, $width, $height); $dop_tarif_ekonom = $edost_calc->calculateEkonom($city_code, $weight, $length, $width, $height); if ($dop_tarif_mag['result']) { $method = Mage::getModel('shipping/rate_result_method'); $method->setCarrier('edost'); $method->setCarrierTitle('Магистральный экспресс склад-склад'); $method->setMethod('dop1'); $method->setMethodTitle('Магистральный экспресс склад-склад'); $method->setCost($dop_tarif_mag['result']['price']); $method->setPrice($dop_tarif_mag['result']['price']); $result->append($method); } if ($dop_tarif_ekonom['result']) { $method = Mage::getModel('shipping/rate_result_method'); $method->setCarrier('edost'); $method->setCarrierTitle('Экономичный экспресс склад-склад'); $method->setMethod('dop2'); $method->setMethodTitle('Экономичный экспресс склад-склад'); $method->setCost($dop_tarif_ekonom['result']['price']); $method->setPrice($dop_tarif_ekonom['result']['price']); $result->append($method); } } //== Âûâîä ðåçóëüòàòîâ ============================================ $st = ''; if ($r['qty_company'] == 0) { switch ($r['stat']) { // êîäû îøèáîê èç ãëàâíîãî çàïðîñà íà ñåðâåð edost case 0: $st = ''; break; case 1: $st = ''; break; //ÓÑÏÅÕ ðàñ÷åòà, íî ïîäõîäÿùèõ òàðèôîâ íå íàøëîñü //ÓÑÏÅÕ ðàñ÷åòà, íî ïîäõîäÿùèõ òàðèôîâ íå íàøëîñü case 2: $st = Mage::helper('rus')->__("edost_err2"); break; //"Äîñòóï ê ðàñ÷åòó çàáëîêèðîâàí" //"Äîñòóï ê ðàñ÷åòó çàáëîêèðîâàí" case 3: $st = Mage::helper('rus')->__("edost_err3"); break; //"Íå âåðíûå äàííûå ìàãàçèíà (ïàðîëü èëè èäåíòèôèêàòîð)" //"Íå âåðíûå äàííûå ìàãàçèíà (ïàðîëü èëè èäåíòèôèêàòîð)" case 4: $st = Mage::helper('rus')->__("edost_err4"); break; //"Íå âåðíûå âõîäíûå ïàðàìåòðû" //"Íå âåðíûå âõîäíûå ïàðàìåòðû" case 5: $st = Mage::helper('rus')->__("edost_err5"); break; //"Íå âåðíûé ãîðîä èëè ñòðàíà" //"Íå âåðíûé ãîðîä èëè ñòðàíà" case 6: $st = Mage::helper('rus')->__("edost_err6"); break; //"Âíóòðåííÿÿ îøèáêà ñåðâåðà ðàñ÷åòîâ" //"Âíóòðåííÿÿ îøèáêà ñåðâåðà ðàñ÷åòîâ" case 7: $st = Mage::helper('rus')->__("edost_err7"); break; //"Íå çàäàíû êîìïàíèè äîñòàâêè â íàñòðîéêàõ ìàãàçèíà" //"Íå çàäàíû êîìïàíèè äîñòàâêè â íàñòðîéêàõ ìàãàçèíà" case 8: $st = Mage::helper('rus')->__("edost_err8"); break; //"Ñåðâåð ðàñ÷åòà íå îòâå÷àåò" //"Ñåðâåð ðàñ÷åòà íå îòâå÷àåò" case 9: $st = Mage::helper('rus')->__("edost_err9"); break; //"Ïðåâûøåí ëèìèò ðàñ÷åòîâ çà äåíü" //"Ïðåâûøåí ëèìèò ðàñ÷åòîâ çà äåíü" case 10: $st = Mage::helper('rus')->__("edost_err10"); break; //"Íå âåðíûé ôîðìàò XML" //"Íå âåðíûé ôîðìàò XML" case 11: $st = Mage::helper('rus')->__("edost_err11"); break; //"Íå óêàçàí âåñ" //"Íå óêàçàí âåñ" case 12: $st = Mage::helper('rus')->__("edost_err12"); break; //"Íå çàäàíû äàííûå ìàãàçèíà (ïàðîëü èëè èäåíòèôèêàòîð)" //"Íå çàäàíû äàííûå ìàãàçèíà (ïàðîëü èëè èäåíòèôèêàòîð)" case 14: $st = Mage::helper('rus')->__("edost_err14"); break; //"Íàñòðîéêè ñåðâåðà íå ïîçâîëÿþò îòïðàâèòü çàïðîñ íà ðàñ÷åò" //"Íàñòðîéêè ñåðâåðà íå ïîçâîëÿþò îòïðàâèòü çàïðîñ íà ðàñ÷åò" default: $st = Mage::helper('rus')->__("edost_err0"); //"Îøèáêà ðàñ÷åòà." } if ($city_code != 0) { $st = 15; } //if ( ($r['stat']>=2) and ($r['stat']<=12) ) { if ($this->getConfigData('hide_err')) { $st = ''; } //} if ($st != '' && $st != '15') { //Âûâîä îøèáêè - òàê ïðàâèëüíî ðàáîòàåò!!! $result = Mage::getModel('shipping/rate_result_error'); $result->setCarrier('edost'); $result->setCarrierTitle($this->getConfigData('title')); $result->setErrorMessage($st); return $result; } //<br> äàííûé ãîðîä àâòîìàòè÷åñêèé ðàñ÷åò äîñòàâêè íå îñóùåñòâëÿåòñÿ. Î âîçìîæíîñòè è ñòîèìîñòè äîñòàâêè, ïîæàëóéñòà, óòî÷íèòå ó ìåíåäæåðà. if ($this->getConfigData('show_msg')) { // $st = ''; //курьер $mba = 'blankshippingmodule'; if (Mage::getStoreConfig('carriers/' . $mba . '/active')) { $config = Mage::getStoreConfig('carriers/' . $mba); $session = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session'); $sum = 0; foreach ($products_in_session as $item) { if (isset($_SESSION['productid'])) { $productId = $_SESSION['productid']; $item = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($productId); $price_final = $item->getFinalPrice(); $qty = '1'; } else { $productId = $item->getProductId(); $price_final = $item->getBaseCalculationPrice(); $qty = $item->getQty(); } $sum += $qty * $item->getWeight(); } $session = Mage::getSingleton('core/session'); $session_geo_ip = $session->getGeoIp(); if (isset($session_geo_ip['code'])) { $ship_data = Mage::getModel('freaks_quotes/quote')->loadByName($session_geo_ip['code']); if (!isset($ship_data['name']) || $ship_data['dscr'] == '') { return false; } else { if ($ship_data['name'] == '2137') { $cost = $config['moscow_ship']; } else { if ($ship_data['name'] == '2344') { $cost = $config['piter_ship']; } else { $km = $ship_data['dscr']; if ($km < 5) { $cost = $config['mkad_shipdo5'] + $config['piter_ship']; } else { if ($km >= 5 && $km < 10) { $cost = $config['mkad_shipdo10'] + $config['piter_ship']; } else { $cost = $ship_data['dscr'] * $config['mkad_shipb10'] + $config['piter_ship']; } } } } $result = Mage::getModel('shipping/rate_result'); $method = Mage::getModel('shipping/rate_result_method'); //Стоимость курьера $method->setCarrier('edost'); $method->setCarrierTitle('Курьерская доставка'); $method->setMethod('pickup1'); $method->setMethodTitle(''); $method->setCost($cost); $method->setPrice($cost); $result->append($method); //Стоимость if ($sum < 25) { $method = Mage::getModel('shipping/rate_result_method'); $method->setCarrier('freeshipping'); $method->setCarrierTitle('Самовывоз в пункте Курьер.ру г.Москва'); $method->setMethod('pickup2'); $method->setMethodTitle('Самовывоз в пункте Курьер.ру г.Москва'); $method->setCost($config['ship_sam']); $method->setPrice($config['ship_sam']); $result->append($method); } } } } $cour = 'morphescourier'; if (Mage::getStoreConfig('carriers/' . $cour . '/active')) { $session = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session'); $sum = 0; foreach ($session->getQuote()->getAllVisibleItems() as $item) { if (isset($_SESSION['productid'])) { $productId = $_SESSION['productid']; $item = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($productId); $price_final = $item->getFinalPrice(); $qty = '1'; } else { $productId = $item->getProductId(); $price_final = $item->getBaseCalculationPrice(); $qty = $item->getQty(); } $sum += $qty * $item->getWeight(); } $session = Mage::getSingleton('core/session'); $session_geo_ip = $session->getGeoIp(); if (isset($session_geo_ip['code'])) { $ship_data = Mage::getModel('freaks_quotes/quote')->loadByName($session_geo_ip['code']); if (!isset($ship_data['name'])) { return false; } else { $diap = array('20', '15', '10', '5', '3', '1'); $costs = explode(';', $ship_data['costs']); $costs = array_reverse($costs); $count = 0; foreach ($diap as $value) { if ($sum < (int) $value) { $cost_cour = $ship_data['km' . $value]; //Курьерская стоимость $cost_sam = $costs[$count]; //Стоимость самовывоза } $count++; } $diap_km = array('50' => '500', '45' => '450', '40' => '400', '35' => '350', '30' => '300', '25' => '250', '20' => '200', '15' => '150', '10' => '100', '5' => '50'); if ($ship_data['dscr'] != '') { foreach ($diap_km as $km => $cost) { if ($ship_data['dscr'] <= $km) { $cost_dop_km = $cost; } } } else { $cost_dop_km = 0; } if ($ship_data['dscr'] == '0') { $cost_dop_km = 500; } /*$result = Mage::getModel('shipping/rate_result'); $method = Mage::getModel('shipping/rate_result_method'); $method->setCarrier('edost'); $method->setCarrierTitle('Доставка курьером'); $method->setMethod('pickup0'); $method->setMethodTitle('Доставка курьером'); $method->setCost($cost_cour); $method->setPrice($cost_cour+$cost_dop_km); $result->append($method);*/ $addresses = explode(';', $ship_data['addressess']); $count = 1; if ($sum < 25) { foreach ($addresses as $address) { $method = Mage::getModel('shipping/rate_result_method'); $method->setCarrier('freeshipping'); $method->setCarrierTitle('Im-Logistics Пункт Самовывоза'); $method->setMethod('pickup' . $count); $method->setMethodTitle($address . ' Logistic'); $method->setCost($cost_sam); $method->setPrice($cost_sam); $result->append($method); $count++; } } } } } $rate = Mage::getModel('shipping/rate_result_method'); $rate->setCarrier('edost'); $rate->setCarrierTitle($this->getConfigData('title')); $rate->setMethod('error'); $rate->setMethodTitle($this->getConfigData('specificerrmsg')); $rate->setCost(0); // $rate->setPrice(0); //öåíà âûâîäèìàÿ (cost+handling) // $result->append($rate); } } else { //ïåðåâîäèì èç ðóáëåé â âàëþòó ìàãàçèíà $baseCurr = Mage::app()->getStore()->getBaseCurrency(); //echo "<br><pre>",print_r($baseCurr),"</pre>"; $allCurr = Mage::app()->getStore()->getAvailableCurrencyCodes(); //echo "<br><pre>",print_r($allCurr),"</pre>"; if (!in_array('RUB', $allCurr) or $baseCurr->getRate('RUB') == 0) { //Âûâîä îøèáêè - òàê ïðàâèëüíî ðàáîòàåò!!! $result = Mage::getModel('shipping/rate_result_error'); $result->setCarrier('edost'); $result->setCarrierTitle($this->getConfigData('title')); $result->setErrorMessage('eDost: Not Available Currency RUB!'); return $result; } if ($baseCurr->getCode() != 'RUB') { $rateToBase = $baseCurr->getRate('RUB'); } for ($i = 1; $i <= $r['qty_company']; $i++) { if ($r['name' . $i] == '') { $q = ''; } else { $q = $r['name' . $i]; } if ($r['day' . $i] == ' ') { $q .= ''; } else { $q .= $q == '' ? $r['day' . $i] : ', ' . $r['day' . $i]; } $priceCurrency = $r['price' . $i]; if ($baseCurr->getCode() != 'RUB') { $priceCurrency = round($priceCurrency / $rateToBase, 2); } $strDelivery = $r["company" . $i]; if ($q != '') { $strDelivery .= ' (' . $q . ')'; } $session = Mage::getSingleton('core/session'); $session_geo_ip = $session->getGeoIp(); if (isset($session_geo_ip['code'])) { if ($session_geo_ip['code'] == '2137') { if (strpos($strDelivery, 'СДЭК') === false) { $rate = Mage::getModel('shipping/rate_result_method'); $rate->setCarrier('edost'); $rate->setCarrierTitle($this->getConfigData('title')); $rate->setMethod($r['id' . $i] . '-' . $r['strah' . $i]); $rate->setMethodTitle($strDelivery); $rate->setCost($priceCurrency); // $rate->setPrice($priceCurrency); //öåíà âûâîäèìàÿ (cost+handling) $result->append($rate); } } else { $rate = Mage::getModel('shipping/rate_result_method'); $rate->setCarrier('edost'); $rate->setCarrierTitle($this->getConfigData('title')); $rate->setMethod($r['id' . $i] . '-' . $r['strah' . $i]); $rate->setMethodTitle($strDelivery); $rate->setCost($priceCurrency); // $rate->setPrice($priceCurrency); //öåíà âûâîäèìàÿ (cost+handling) $result->append($rate); } } } //курьер $mba = 'blankshippingmodule'; if (Mage::getStoreConfig('carriers/' . $mba . '/active')) { $config = Mage::getStoreConfig('carriers/' . $mba); $session = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session'); $sum = 0; foreach ($session->getQuote()->getAllVisibleItems() as $item) { $sum += $item->getQty() * $item->getWeight(); } $session = Mage::getSingleton('core/session'); $session_geo_ip = $session->getGeoIp(); if (isset($session_geo_ip['code'])) { $ship_data = Mage::getModel('freaks_quotes/quote')->loadByName($session_geo_ip['code']); if (!isset($ship_data['name']) || $ship_data['dscr'] == '') { //return false; } else { if ($ship_data['name'] == '2137') { $cost = $config['moscow_ship']; } else { if ($ship_data['name'] == '2344') { $cost = $config['piter_ship']; } else { $km = $ship_data['dscr']; if ($km < 5) { $cost = $config['mkad_shipdo5'] + $config['piter_ship']; } else { if ($km >= 5 && $km < 10) { $cost = $config['mkad_shipdo10'] + $config['piter_ship']; } else { $cost = $ship_data['dscr'] * $config['mkad_shipb10'] + $config['piter_ship']; } } } } //$result = Mage::getModel('shipping/rate_result'); $method = Mage::getModel('shipping/rate_result_method'); //Стоимость курьера $method->setCarrier('edost'); $method->setCarrierTitle('Курьерская доставка'); $method->setMethod('pickup1'); $method->setMethodTitle(''); $method->setCost($cost); $method->setPrice($cost); $result->append($method); //Стоимость самовывоза if ($sum < 25) { $method = Mage::getModel('shipping/rate_result_method'); $method->setCarrier('freeshipping'); $method->setCarrierTitle('Самовывоз в пункте Курьер.ру г.Москва'); $method->setMethod('pickup2'); $method->setMethodTitle('Самовывоз в пункте Курьер.ру г.Москва'); $method->setCost($config['ship_sam']); $method->setPrice($config['ship_sam']); $result->append($method); } } } } $cour = 'morphescourier'; if (Mage::getStoreConfig('carriers/' . $cour . '/active')) { $session = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session'); $sum = 0; foreach ($session->getQuote()->getAllVisibleItems() as $item) { $sum += $item->getQty() * $item->getWeight(); } $session = Mage::getSingleton('core/session'); $session_geo_ip = $session->getGeoIp(); if (isset($session_geo_ip['code'])) { $ship_data = Mage::getModel('freaks_quotes/quote')->loadByName($session_geo_ip['code']); if (!isset($ship_data['name'])) { //return false; } else { $diap = array('20', '15', '10', '5', '3', '1'); $costs = explode(';', $ship_data['costs']); $costs = array_reverse($costs); $count = 0; foreach ($diap as $value) { if ($sum < (int) $value) { $cost_cour = $ship_data['km' . $value]; //Курьерская стоимость $cost_sam = $costs[$count]; //Стоимость самовывоза } $count++; } $diap_km = array('50' => '500', '45' => '450', '40' => '400', '35' => '350', '30' => '300', '25' => '250', '20' => '200', '15' => '150', '10' => '100', '5' => '50'); if ($ship_data['dscr'] != '') { foreach ($diap_km as $km => $cost) { if ($ship_data['dscr'] <= $km) { $cost_dop_km = $cost; } } } else { $cost_dop_km = 0; } if ($ship_data['dscr'] == '') { $cost_dop_km = 500; $method = Mage::getModel('shipping/rate_result_method'); $method->setCarrier('edost'); $method->setCarrierTitle('Курьерская доставка'); $method->setMethod('pickup1'); $method->setMethodTitle(''); $method->setCost($cost_dop_km); $method->setPrice($cost_dop_km); $result->append($method); } $addresses = explode(';', $ship_data['addressess']); $count = 1; if ($sum < 25) { foreach ($addresses as $address) { $method = Mage::getModel('shipping/rate_result_method'); $method->setCarrier('freeshipping'); $method->setCarrierTitle('Im-Logistics Пункт Самовывоза'); $method->setMethod('pickup' . $count); $method->setMethodTitle($address . ' Logistic'); $method->setCost($cost_sam); $method->setPrice($cost_sam); $result->append($method); $count++; } } } } } } $_SESSION['result'] = $result; //Mage::log($result, true, 'edost.log'); $_SESSION['shipping_inf_edost'] = $result->getRatesByCarrier('edost'); $_SESSION['shipping_inf_free'] = $result->getRatesByCarrier('freeshipping'); return $result; }
public function collectRates(Mage_Shipping_Model_Rate_Request $request) { if (!$this->getConfigFlag('active')) { return false; } if ($request->getDestCountry()) { $destCountry = $request->getDestCountry(); } $zip = substr($request->getDestPostcode(), 0, 8); //echo "zip=(".$zip.")"; //$request->getDestCity() - ???????? ?????: "???????????" //$request->getDestCountryId(); //RU //echo '<br>****destCountry='.$destCountry,'<br>****getDestCity='.$request->getDestCity().' getDestRegionId='.$request->getDestRegionId(); //return $this->PrintDebug( '<br>****destCountry='.$request->getDestCountryId() ); //????? ?????????? ?????????? $county_edost = array(1960 => 'AU', 1961 => 'AT', 1962 => 'AZ', 1963 => 'AL', 1964 => 'DZ', 1965 => 'AS', 1966 => 'AI', 1968 => 'AO', 1969 => 'AD', 1970 => 'AG', 1971 => 'AN', 1972 => 'AR', 1973 => 'AM', 1974 => 'AW', 1975 => 'AF', 1976 => 'BS', 1977 => 'BD', 1978 => 'BB', 1979 => 'BH', 1980 => 'BY', 1981 => 'BZ', 1982 => 'BE', 1983 => 'BJ', 1984 => 'BM', 1985 => 'BG', 1986 => 'BO', 1988 => 'BA', 1989 => 'BW', 1990 => 'BR', 1991 => 'BN', 1992 => 'BF', 1993 => 'BI', 1994 => 'BT', 1995 => 'WF', 1996 => 'VU', 1997 => 'GB', 1998 => 'HU', 1999 => 'VE', 2000 => 'VG', 2001 => 'VI', 2002 => 'TL', 2003 => 'VN', 2004 => 'GA', 2005 => 'HT', 2006 => 'GY', 2007 => 'GM', 2008 => 'GH', 2009 => 'GP', 2010 => 'GT', 2011 => 'GN', 2012 => 'GQ', 2013 => 'GW', 2014 => 'DE', 2016 => 'GI', 2017 => 'HN', 2018 => 'HK', 2019 => 'GD', 2020 => 'GL', 2021 => 'GR', 2022 => 'GE', 2023 => 'GU', 2024 => 'DK', 2026 => 'DJ', 2027 => 'DM', 2028 => 'DO', 2029 => 'EG', 2030 => 'ZM', 2031 => 'CV', 2032 => 'ZW', 2033 => 'IL', 2034 => 'IN', 2035 => 'ID', 2036 => 'JO', 2037 => 'IQ', 2038 => 'IR', 2039 => 'IE', 2040 => 'IS', 2041 => 'ES', 2042 => 'IT', 2043 => 'YE', 2044 => 'KZ', 2045 => 'KY', 2046 => 'KH', 2047 => 'CM', 2048 => 'CA', 2049 => 'EQ', 2050 => 'QA', 2051 => 'KE', 2052 => 'CY', 2053 => 'KI', 2054 => 'CN', 2055 => 'CO', 2056 => 'KM', 2057 => 'CG', 2058 => 'CD', 2059 => 'KP', 2060 => 'KR', 2062 => 'CR', 2063 => 'CI', 2064 => 'CU', 2065 => 'KW', 2066 => 'CK', 2067 => 'KG', 2069 => 'LA', 2070 => 'LV', 2071 => 'LS', 2072 => 'LR', 2073 => 'LB', 2074 => 'LY', 2075 => 'LT', 2076 => 'LI', 2077 => 'LU', 2078 => 'MU', 2079 => 'MR', 2080 => 'MG', 2081 => 'YT', 2082 => 'MO', 2083 => 'MK', 2084 => 'MW', 2085 => 'MY', 2086 => 'ML', 2087 => 'MV', 2088 => 'MT', 2089 => 'MA', 2090 => 'MQ', 2091 => 'MH', 2092 => 'MX', 2093 => 'FM', 2094 => 'MZ', 2095 => 'MD', 2096 => 'MC', 2097 => 'MN', 2098 => 'MS', 2099 => 'MM', 2100 => 'NA', 2101 => 'NR', 2102 => 'KN', 2103 => 'NP', 2104 => 'NE', 2105 => 'NG', 2106 => 'NL', 2107 => 'NI', 2108 => 'NU', 2109 => 'NZ', 2110 => 'NC', 2111 => 'NO', 2112 => 'AE', 2113 => 'OM', 2114 => 'PK', 2115 => 'PW', 2116 => 'PA', 2117 => 'PG', 2118 => 'PY', 2119 => 'PE', 2120 => 'PL', 2121 => 'PT', 2122 => 'PR', 2123 => 'RE', 2124 => 'RW', 2125 => 'RO', 2126 => 'MP', 2127 => 'SV', 2128 => 'WS', 2129 => 'SM', 2130 => 'ST', 2131 => 'SA', 2132 => 'SZ', 2134 => 'SC', 2136 => 'SN', 2137 => 'VC', 2138 => 'KN', 2139 => 'KN', 2140 => 'LC', 2145 => 'SG', 2146 => 'SY', 2147 => 'SK', 2148 => 'SI', 2149 => 'SB', 2150 => 'SO', 2152 => 'SD', 2153 => 'SR', 2154 => 'US', 2155 => 'SL', 2156 => 'TJ', 2157 => 'TH', 2158 => 'PF', 2159 => 'TW', 2160 => 'TZ', 2161 => 'TG', 2162 => 'TO', 2163 => 'TT', 2164 => 'TV', 2165 => 'TN', 2166 => 'TM', 2167 => 'TC', 2168 => 'TR', 2169 => 'UG', 2170 => 'UZ', 2171 => 'UA', 2172 => 'UY', 2174 => 'FO', 2175 => 'FJ', 2176 => 'PH', 2177 => 'FI', 2178 => 'FK', 2179 => 'FR', 2180 => 'GF', 2181 => 'PF', 2182 => 'HR', 2183 => 'CF', 2184 => 'TD', 2186 => 'CZ', 2187 => 'CL', 2188 => 'CH', 2189 => 'SE', 2191 => 'LK', 2192 => 'EC', 2193 => 'ER', 2194 => 'EE', 2195 => 'ET', 2196 => 'ZA', 2197 => 'JM', 2198 => 'JP', 0 => 'RU'); $country = array_search($request->getDestCountryId(), $county_edost); //echo '<br>****getDestCountryId='.$request->getDestCountryId().' - edost_id='.$country; //RU //echo '<br>****getDestRegionId='.$request->getDestRegionId(); //??? ?????? ??? ??????? edost $edost_calc = new edost_class(); //?????? ? id ???????? $edost_calc->edost_id = $this->getConfigData('id'); $edost_calc->edost_pswd = $this->getConfigData('password'); $edost_calc->SetSiteUTF(); $strah = $request->getPackageValue(); //?????? $host = trim(strtolower($this->getConfigData('gateway_url'))); if (substr($host, 0, 7) == "http://") { $host = substr($host, 7, 100); } //if (substr($host,0,4) == "www.") $host = substr($host,4,100); if ($host == '') { $edost_calc->adr = EDOST_ADDR; } else { $edost_calc->adr = "http://" . $host . "/" . EDOST_PAGE; } //?????????? ?????? ? ????? ??????? $country_hide = false; if ($country_hide) { $country = 0; } //?.?. ?? ????????? ??????????? US, ???? ?? ??????? ?????? if (!$country) { $country = 0; } //RU if (isset($_SESSION['city_for_cart'])) { $to_city = Mage::getModel('directory/region')->load($_SESSION['city_for_cart'])->getCode(); //????? ??? ?????? $city_code = Mage::getModel('directory/region')->load($_SESSION['city_for_cart'])->getCdekCode(); } else { if ($country == 0) { $to_city = Mage::getModel('directory/region')->load($request->getDestRegionId())->getCode(); //????? ??? ?????? $city_code = Mage::getModel('directory/region')->load($request->getDestRegionId())->getCdekCode(); } else { $to_city = $country; $city_code = '0'; } } /* if($country==0) $to_city = Mage::getModel('directory/region')->load( $request->getDestRegionId() )->getCode(); //????? ??? ?????? else $to_city = $country; */ //$weight = $this->getTotalNumOfBoxes($request->getPackageWeight()); /* $packageParams = $request->getPackageParams(); $height = $packageParams->getHeight(); $width = $packageParams->getWidth(); $length = $packageParams->getLength(); echo "<br>*** height=$height, width=$width, length=$length"; */ //echo $cart = Mage::helper('checkout/cart')->getCart()->getItemsCount(); /* Mage::getSingleton('core/session', array('name'=>'frontend')); $cart = Mage::getModel('checkout/cart'); $ids = $cart->getProductIds(); print_r($ids); foreach ($ids as $i=>$productId) { echo "<br>id=$id ($i)"; $product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($productId); $attributes = $product->getAttributes(); foreach ($attributes as $attribute) { $attributeCode = $attribute->getAttributeCode(); if ($attributeCode == 'length') { $value = $attribute->getFrontend()->getValue($product); echo $attributeCode . '-' . '-' . $value; } } } */ $session = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session'); $output = "<br>"; $weight = 0; $size_in = null; $weight_zero = false; $k = 0; if (isset($_SESSION['product_for_cart'])) { $products_in_session[0] = $_SESSION['product_for_cart']; } else { $products_in_session = $session->getQuote()->getAllVisibleItems(); } $sdbg = ''; //getAllItems() - ??????, ?.?. ?????????? ????? ??????? ? ???????! foreach ($products_in_session as $item) { if (isset($_SESSION['productid'])) { $productId = $_SESSION['productid']; $item = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($productId); $price_final = $item->getFinalPrice(); $qty = '1'; } else { $productId = $item->getProductId(); $price_final = $item->getBaseCalculationPrice(); $qty = $item->getQty(); } $sdbg .= '<br>************* Sku=' . $item->getSku() . "<br>Name=" . $item->getName() . "<br>" . $item->getDescription() . "<br>BaseCalculationPrice=" . $price_final . "<br>ProductId=" . $productId . "<br>Weight=" . $item->getWeight() . "<br>Qty=" . $qty; //."<br><pre>".print_r($item, true)."</pre>" //echo "<br>************************ <pre>".print_r($item, true)."</pre>"; $weight += $item->getWeight() * $qty; if (!($item->getWeight() > 0)) { $weight_zero = true; } $product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($productId); $attributes = $product->getAttributes(); $x = 0; $y = 0; $z = 0; foreach ($attributes as $attribute) { $attributeCode = $attribute->getAttributeCode(); if ($attributeCode == 'length') { $x = $attribute->getFrontend()->getValue($product); } if ($attributeCode == 'width') { $y = $attribute->getFrontend()->getValue($product); } if ($attributeCode == 'height') { $z = $attribute->getFrontend()->getValue($product); } } $sdbg .= '<br>******' . "<br>productId = {$productId} , length={$x} , width={$y} , height={$z}"; //echo "<br>length=$x , width=$y , height=$z"; if ($x > 0 && $y > 0 && $z > 0) { // ?????? ????????? ?????? (???? ??????? ?????? ????????? ??????, ????? ??? ??? ???????????? ? ???? ????) $size_one = $edost_calc->SumSizeOneGoods($x, $y, $z, $item->getQty()); $size_in[] = array('X' => $size_one['X'], 'Y' => $size_one['Y'], 'Z' => $size_one['Z']); //$sdbg .= '<br>******'."<br>length=".$size_in[$k]['X']." , width=".$size_in[$k]['Y']." , height=".$size_in[$k]['Z']; $k++; } else { $weight_zero = true; } } if ($weight_zero) { $weight = 0; } //return $this->PrintDebug( '<br>****='.$sdbg.' = '.'<br>' ); //????? ?????????? ?????????? //return $this->PrintDebug( '<br>****to_city='.$to_city.' = '.$weight ); //????? ?????????? ?????????? //echo '<br>*** to_city='.$to_city.' , WEIGHT='.$weight.' , strah='.$strah; //echo '<br>*** to_city='.$to_city.' , WEIGHT='.$weight.' , strah='.$strah.' , id='.$this->getConfigData('id').' , ps='.$this->getConfigData('password'); //????????? ??????? ????? $size = $edost_calc->SumSize($size_in); $length = $size['length']; $width = $size['width']; $height = $size['height']; //echo "<br>length=$length , width=$width , height=$height"; //return $this->PrintDebug( '<br>****='."<br>length=$length , width=$width , height=$height".' = '.'<br>'."<br><pre>".print_r($size_in, true)."</pre>" ); //????? ?????????? ?????????? $result = Mage::getModel('shipping/rate_result'); $r = $edost_calc->edost_calc($to_city, $weight, $strah, $length, $width, $height, $zip); if (isset($city_code)) { if ($city_code != '0') { $dop_tarif_mag = $edost_calc->calculateMag($city_code, $weight, $length, $width, $height); $dop_tarif_ekonom = $edost_calc->calculateEkonom($city_code, $weight, $length, $width, $height); Mage::log($dop_tarif_ekonom, true, 'edostlog3.log'); Mage::log($dop_tarif_mag, true, 'edostlog3.log'); if ($dop_tarif_mag['result']) { $method = Mage::getModel('shipping/rate_result_method'); $method->setCarrier('edost'); //$method->setCarrierTitle('???????????? ???????? ???? ('.$dop_tarif_mag['result']['deliveryPeriodMin'].'-'.$dop_tarif_mag['result']['deliveryPeriodMax'].' ????)'); $method->setMethod('dop1'); $method->setMethodTitle('Транспортная компания СДЭК (' . $dop_tarif_mag['result']['deliveryPeriodMin'] . '-' . $dop_tarif_mag['result']['deliveryPeriodMax'] . ' дней'); $method->setCost($dop_tarif_mag['result']['price']); $method->setPrice($dop_tarif_mag['result']['price']); $result->append($method); } if ($dop_tarif_ekonom['result']) { $method = Mage::getModel('shipping/rate_result_method'); $method->setCarrier('edost'); //$method->setCarrierTitle('???????????? ???????? ???? ('.$dop_tarif_ekonom['result']['deliveryPeriodMin'].'-'.$dop_tarif_ekonom['result']['deliveryPeriodMax'].' ????)'); $method->setMethod('dop2'); $method->setMethodTitle('Транспортная компания СДЭК (' . $dop_tarif_ekonom['result']['deliveryPeriodMin'] . '-' . $dop_tarif_ekonom['result']['deliveryPeriodMax'] . ' дней)'); $method->setCost($dop_tarif_ekonom['result']['price']); $method->setPrice($dop_tarif_ekonom['result']['price']); $result->append($method); } } } //== ????? ??????????? ============================================ $st = ''; if ($r['qty_company'] == 0) { switch ($r['stat']) { // ???? ?????? ?? ???????? ??????? ?? ?????? edost case 0: $st = ''; break; case 1: $st = ''; break; //????? ???????, ?? ?????????? ??????? ?? ??????? //????? ???????, ?? ?????????? ??????? ?? ??????? case 2: $st = Mage::helper('rus')->__("edost_err2"); break; //"?????? ? ??????? ????????????" //"?????? ? ??????? ????????????" case 3: $st = Mage::helper('rus')->__("edost_err3"); break; //"?? ?????? ?????? ???????? (?????? ??? ?????????????)" //"?? ?????? ?????? ???????? (?????? ??? ?????????????)" case 4: $st = Mage::helper('rus')->__("edost_err4"); break; //"?? ?????? ??????? ?????????" //"?? ?????? ??????? ?????????" case 5: $st = Mage::helper('rus')->__("edost_err5"); break; //"?? ?????? ????? ??? ??????" //"?? ?????? ????? ??? ??????" case 6: $st = Mage::helper('rus')->__("edost_err6"); break; //"?????????? ?????? ??????? ????????" //"?????????? ?????? ??????? ????????" case 7: $st = Mage::helper('rus')->__("edost_err7"); break; //"?? ?????? ???????? ???????? ? ?????????? ????????" //"?? ?????? ???????? ???????? ? ?????????? ????????" case 8: $st = Mage::helper('rus')->__("edost_err8"); break; //"?????? ??????? ?? ????????" //"?????? ??????? ?? ????????" case 9: $st = Mage::helper('rus')->__("edost_err9"); break; //"???????? ????? ???????? ?? ????" //"???????? ????? ???????? ?? ????" case 10: $st = Mage::helper('rus')->__("edost_err10"); break; //"?? ?????? ?????? XML" //"?? ?????? ?????? XML" case 11: $st = Mage::helper('rus')->__("edost_err11"); break; //"?? ?????? ???" //"?? ?????? ???" case 12: $st = Mage::helper('rus')->__("edost_err12"); break; //"?? ?????? ?????? ???????? (?????? ??? ?????????????)" //"?? ?????? ?????? ???????? (?????? ??? ?????????????)" case 14: $st = Mage::helper('rus')->__("edost_err14"); break; //"????????? ??????? ?? ????????? ????????? ?????? ?? ??????" //"????????? ??????? ?? ????????? ????????? ?????? ?? ??????" default: $st = Mage::helper('rus')->__("edost_err0"); //"?????? ???????." } if ($city_code != 0) { $st = 15; } //if ( ($r['stat']>=2) and ($r['stat']<=12) ) { if ($this->getConfigData('hide_err')) { $st = ''; } //} if ($st != '' && $st != '15') { //????? ?????? - ??? ????????? ????????!!! $result = Mage::getModel('shipping/rate_result_error'); $result->setCarrier('edost'); $result->setCarrierTitle($this->getConfigData('title')); $result->setErrorMessage($st); return $result; } //<br>? ?????? ????? ?????????????? ?????? ???????? ?? ??????????????. ? ??????????? ? ????????? ????????, ??????????, ???????? ? ?????????. if ($this->getConfigData('show_msg')) { // $st = ''; //?????? $mba = 'blankshippingmodule'; if (Mage::getStoreConfig('carriers/' . $mba . '/active')) { $config = Mage::getStoreConfig('carriers/' . $mba); $session = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session'); $sum = 0; foreach ($products_in_session as $item) { if (isset($_SESSION['productid'])) { $productId = $_SESSION['productid']; $item = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($productId); $price_final = $item->getFinalPrice(); $qty = '1'; } else { $productId = $item->getProductId(); $price_final = $item->getBaseCalculationPrice(); $qty = $item->getQty(); } $sum += $qty * $item->getWeight(); } $session = Mage::getSingleton('core/session'); $session_geo_ip = $session->getGeoIp(); if (isset($session_geo_ip['code'])) { $ship_data = Mage::getModel('freaks_quotes/quote')->loadByName($session_geo_ip['code']); if (!isset($ship_data['name']) || $ship_data['dscr'] == '') { return false; } else { if ($ship_data['name'] == '2137') { $cost = $config['moscow_ship']; } else { if ($ship_data['name'] == '2344') { $cost = $config['piter_ship']; } else { $km = $ship_data['dscr']; if ($km < 5) { $cost = $config['mkad_shipdo5'] + $config['piter_ship']; } else { if ($km >= 5 && $km < 10) { $cost = $config['mkad_shipdo10'] + $config['piter_ship']; } else { $cost = $ship_data['dscr'] * $config['mkad_shipb10'] + $config['piter_ship']; } } } } $result = Mage::getModel('shipping/rate_result'); $method = Mage::getModel('shipping/rate_result_method'); //????????? ??????? $method->setCarrier('edost'); $method->setCarrierTitle(''); $method->setMethod('pickup1'); $method->setMethodTitle('Курьерская доставка'); $method->setCost($cost); $method->setPrice($cost); $result->append($method); //????????? if ($sum < 25) { $method = Mage::getModel('shipping/rate_result_method'); $method->setCarrier('freeshipping'); $method->setCarrierTitle('Самовывоз в пункте Курьер.ру г.Москва'); $method->setMethod('pickup2'); $method->setMethodTitle('Самовывоз в пункте Курьер.ру г.Москва'); $method->setCost($config['ship_sam']); $method->setPrice($config['ship_sam']); $result->append($method); } } } } $cour = 'morphescourier'; if (Mage::getStoreConfig('carriers/' . $cour . '/active')) { $session = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session'); $sum = 0; foreach ($session->getQuote()->getAllVisibleItems() as $item) { if (isset($_SESSION['productid'])) { $productId = $_SESSION['productid']; $item = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($productId); $price_final = $item->getFinalPrice(); $qty = '1'; } else { $productId = $item->getProductId(); $price_final = $item->getBaseCalculationPrice(); $qty = $item->getQty(); } $sum += $qty * $item->getWeight(); } $session = Mage::getSingleton('core/session'); $session_geo_ip = $session->getGeoIp(); if (isset($session_geo_ip['code'])) { $ship_data = Mage::getModel('freaks_quotes/quote')->loadByName($session_geo_ip['code']); if (!isset($ship_data['name'])) { return false; } else { $diap = array('20', '15', '10', '5', '3', '1'); $costs = explode(';', $ship_data['costs']); $costs = array_reverse($costs); $count = 0; foreach ($diap as $value) { if ($sum < (int) $value) { $cost_cour = $ship_data['km' . $value]; //?????????? ????????? $cost_sam = $costs[$count]; //????????? ?????????? } $count++; } $diap_km = array('50' => '500', '45' => '450', '40' => '400', '35' => '350', '30' => '300', '25' => '250', '20' => '200', '15' => '150', '10' => '100', '5' => '50'); if ($ship_data['dscr'] != '') { foreach ($diap_km as $km => $cost) { if ($ship_data['dscr'] <= $km) { $cost_dop_km = $cost; } } } else { $cost_dop_km = 0; } if ($ship_data['dscr'] == '0') { $cost_dop_km = 500; } /* $result = Mage::getModel('shipping/rate_result'); $method = Mage::getModel('shipping/rate_result_method'); $method->setCarrier('edost'); $method->setCarrierTitle('???????? ????????'); $method->setMethod('pickup0'); $method->setMethodTitle('???????? ????????'); $method->setCost($cost_cour); $method->setPrice($cost_cour+$cost_dop_km); $result->append($method); */ $addresses = explode(';', $ship_data['addressess']); $count = 1; if ($sum < 25) { foreach ($addresses as $address) { $method = Mage::getModel('shipping/rate_result_method'); $method->setCarrier('freeshipping'); $method->setCarrierTitle('Im-Logistics Пункт Самовывоза'); $method->setMethod('pickup' . $count); $method->setMethodTitle($address . ' Logistic'); $method->setCost($cost_sam); $method->setPrice($cost_sam); $result->append($method); $count++; } } } } } $rate = Mage::getModel('shipping/rate_result_method'); $rate->setCarrier('edost'); $rate->setCarrierTitle($this->getConfigData('title')); $rate->setMethod('error'); $rate->setMethodTitle($this->getConfigData('specificerrmsg')); $rate->setCost(0); // $rate->setPrice(0); //???? ????????? (cost+handling) // $result->append($rate); } } else { //????????? ?? ?????? ? ?????? ???????? $baseCurr = Mage::app()->getStore()->getBaseCurrency(); //echo "<br><pre>",print_r($baseCurr),"</pre>"; $allCurr = Mage::app()->getStore()->getAvailableCurrencyCodes(); //echo "<br><pre>",print_r($allCurr),"</pre>"; if (!in_array('RUB', $allCurr) or $baseCurr->getRate('RUB') == 0) { //????? ?????? - ??? ????????? ????????!!! $result = Mage::getModel('shipping/rate_result_error'); $result->setCarrier('edost'); $result->setCarrierTitle($this->getConfigData('title')); $result->setErrorMessage('eDost: Not Available Currency RUB!'); return $result; } if ($baseCurr->getCode() != 'RUB') { $rateToBase = $baseCurr->getRate('RUB'); } for ($i = 1; $i <= $r['qty_company']; $i++) { if ($r['name' . $i] == '') { $q = ''; } else { $q = $r['name' . $i]; } if ($r['day' . $i] == ' ') { $q .= ''; } else { $q .= $q == '' ? $r['day' . $i] : ', ' . $r['day' . $i]; } $priceCurrency = $r['price' . $i]; if ($baseCurr->getCode() != 'RUB') { $priceCurrency = round($priceCurrency / $rateToBase, 2); } $strDelivery = $r["company" . $i]; if ($q != '') { $strDelivery .= ' (' . $q . ')'; } $session = Mage::getSingleton('core/session'); $session_geo_ip = $session->getGeoIp(); if (isset($session_geo_ip['code'])) { if ($session_geo_ip['code'] == '2137') { if (strpos($strDelivery, '????') === false) { $rate = Mage::getModel('shipping/rate_result_method'); $rate->setCarrier('edost'); //$rate->setCarrierTitle($this->getConfigData('title').'asdf'); $rate->setMethod($r['id' . $i] . '-' . $r['strah' . $i]); $rate->setMethodTitle('Транспортная компания ' . $strDelivery); $rate->setCost($priceCurrency); // $rate->setPrice($priceCurrency); //???? ????????? (cost+handling) $result->append($rate); } } else { $rate = Mage::getModel('shipping/rate_result_method'); $rate->setCarrier('edost'); //$rate->setCarrierTitle($this->getConfigData('title')); $rate->setCarrierTitle(''); $rate->setMethod($r['id' . $i] . '-' . $r['strah' . $i]); $rate->setMethodTitle('Транспортная компания ' . $strDelivery); $rate->setCost($priceCurrency); // $rate->setPrice($priceCurrency); //???? ????????? (cost+handling) $result->append($rate); } } } //?????? $mba = 'blankshippingmodule'; if (Mage::getStoreConfig('carriers/' . $mba . '/active')) { $config = Mage::getStoreConfig('carriers/' . $mba); $session = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session'); $sum = 0; foreach ($session->getQuote()->getAllVisibleItems() as $item) { $sum += $item->getQty() * $item->getWeight(); } $session = Mage::getSingleton('core/session'); $session_geo_ip = $session->getGeoIp(); if (isset($session_geo_ip['code'])) { $ship_data = Mage::getModel('freaks_quotes/quote')->loadByName($session_geo_ip['code']); if (!isset($ship_data['name']) || $ship_data['dscr'] == '') { //return false; } else { if ($ship_data['name'] == '2137') { $cost = $config['moscow_ship']; } else { if ($ship_data['name'] == '2344') { $cost = $config['piter_ship']; } else { $km = $ship_data['dscr']; if ($km < 5) { $cost = $config['mkad_shipdo5'] + $config['piter_ship']; } else { if ($km >= 5 && $km < 10) { $cost = $config['mkad_shipdo10'] + $config['piter_ship']; } else { $cost = $ship_data['dscr'] * $config['mkad_shipb10'] + $config['piter_ship']; } } } } //$result = Mage::getModel('shipping/rate_result'); $method = Mage::getModel('shipping/rate_result_method'); //????????? ??????? $method->setCarrier('edost'); $method->setCarrierTitle('?????????? ????????'); $method->setMethod('pickup1'); $method->setMethodTitle(''); $method->setCost($cost); $method->setPrice($cost); $result->append($method); //????????? ?????????? if ($sum < 25) { $method = Mage::getModel('shipping/rate_result_method'); $method->setCarrier('freeshipping'); $method->setCarrierTitle('Самовывоз в пункте Курьер.ру г.Москва'); $method->setMethod('pickup2'); $method->setMethodTitle('Самовывоз в пункте Курьер.ру г.Москва'); $method->setCost($config['ship_sam']); $method->setPrice($config['ship_sam']); $result->append($method); } } } } $cour = 'morphescourier'; if (Mage::getStoreConfig('carriers/' . $cour . '/active')) { $session = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session'); $sum = 0; foreach ($session->getQuote()->getAllVisibleItems() as $item) { $sum += $item->getQty() * $item->getWeight(); } $session = Mage::getSingleton('core/session'); $session_geo_ip = $session->getGeoIp(); if (isset($session_geo_ip['code'])) { $ship_data = Mage::getModel('freaks_quotes/quote')->loadByName($session_geo_ip['code']); if (!isset($ship_data['name'])) { //return false; } else { $diap = array('20', '15', '10', '5', '3', '1'); $costs = explode(';', $ship_data['costs']); $costs = array_reverse($costs); $count = 0; foreach ($diap as $value) { if ($sum < (int) $value) { $cost_cour = $ship_data['km' . $value]; //?????????? ????????? $cost_sam = $costs[$count]; //????????? ?????????? } $count++; } $diap_km = array('50' => '500', '45' => '450', '40' => '400', '35' => '350', '30' => '300', '25' => '250', '20' => '200', '15' => '150', '10' => '100', '5' => '50'); if ($ship_data['dscr'] != '') { foreach ($diap_km as $km => $cost) { if ($ship_data['dscr'] <= $km) { $cost_dop_km = $cost; } } } else { $cost_dop_km = 0; } if ($ship_data['dscr'] == '') { $cost_dop_km = 500; $method = Mage::getModel('shipping/rate_result_method'); $method->setCarrier('edost'); $method->setCarrierTitle('Курьерская доставка'); $method->setMethod('pickup1'); $method->setMethodTitle('Курьерская доставка'); $method->setCost($cost_dop_km); $method->setPrice($cost_dop_km); if ($sum < 25) { $result->append($method); } } $addresses = explode(';', $ship_data['addressess']); $count = 1; if ($sum < 25) { foreach ($addresses as $address) { $method = Mage::getModel('shipping/rate_result_method'); $method->setCarrier('freeshipping'); $method->setCarrierTitle('Im-Logistics Пункт Самовывоза'); $method->setMethod('pickup' . $count); $method->setMethodTitle($address . ' Logistic'); $method->setCost($cost_sam); $method->setPrice($cost_sam); $result->append($method); $count++; } } } } } } $_SESSION['result'] = $result; Mage::log($result, true, 'edostlog11.log'); $_SESSION['shipping_inf_edost'] = $result->getRatesByCarrier('edost'); $_SESSION['shipping_inf_free'] = $result->getRatesByCarrier('freeshipping'); return $result; }