
include __DIR__ . '/../../vendor/autoload.php';
include "credentials.php";
//App url
$appUrl = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$returnUrl = $appUrl;
$cancelUrl = $appUrl;
$logoUrl = '';
//Create Recurring
$request = new \easyPaypal\Request(true, $creed['username'], $creed['password'], $creed['signature'], $returnUrl, $cancelUrl, $logoUrl);
$nvp = new \easyPaypal\Recurring('expressCheckout', 100, 'Recurring payment test');
//Create sellers
$seller = new \easyPaypal\Seller();
//Add itens to sellers
$item1 = new \easyPaypal\Item('Texugo', 'um texugo', 40.0, 1, 'RecurringPayments', 'Recurring payment item');
$item2 = new \easyPaypal\Item('Texugo 2', 'outro texugo', 40.0, 1, 'RecurringPayments', 'Recurring payment item');
//Set request
$response = $nvp->send($seller);

include __DIR__ . '/../../vendor/autoload.php';
include "credentials.php";
//App url
$appUrl = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$returnUrl = $appUrl;
$cancelUrl = $appUrl;
$logoUrl = '';
//Create Recurring
$request = new \easyPaypal\Request(true, $creed['username'], $creed['password'], $creed['signature'], $returnUrl, $cancelUrl, $logoUrl);
$nvp = new \easyPaypal\Recurring('expressCheckout', 100, 'Recurring payment test');
//non-recurring initial payment.
//Create sellers
$seller = new \easyPaypal\Seller();
//Add itens to sellers
$item1 = new \easyPaypal\Item('Texugo', 'um texugo', 40.0, 1, 'RecurringPayments', 'Recurring payment item');
$item2 = new \easyPaypal\Item('Texugo 2', 'outro texugo', 40.0, 1, 'RecurringPayments', 'Recurring payment item');
//Set request
$response = $nvp->send($seller);

include __DIR__ . '/../../vendor/autoload.php';
include "credentials.php";
//App url
$appUrl = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$returnUrl = $appUrl;
$cancelUrl = $appUrl;
$logoUrl = '';
//Create Recurring
$request = new \easyPaypal\Request(true, $creed['username'], $creed['password'], $creed['signature'], $returnUrl, $cancelUrl, $logoUrl);
$nvp = new \easyPaypal\Recurring('setExpressCheckout', 'Recurring payment test');
$profileId = "I-59X538Y3RK29";
$response = $nvp->getRecurringProfileDetails($profileId);

include __DIR__ . '/../../vendor/autoload.php';
include "credentials.php";
//App url
$appUrl = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$returnUrl = $appUrl;
$cancelUrl = $appUrl;
$logoUrl = '';
//Create Recurring
$request = new \easyPaypal\Request(true, $creed['username'], $creed['password'], $creed['signature'], $returnUrl, $cancelUrl, $logoUrl);
$nvp = new \easyPaypal\Recurring('setExpressCheckout', 'Recurring payment test');
//Create sellers
$seller = new \easyPaypal\Seller();
//Add itens to sellers
$item1 = new \easyPaypal\Item('Texugo', 'um texugo', 40.0, 1, 'RecurringPayments', 'Recurring payment item');
$item2 = new \easyPaypal\Item('Texugo 2', 'outro texugo', 40.0, 1, 'RecurringPayments', 'Recurring payment item');
//Set request
//If theres token do getExpressCheckoutDetails and doExpressCheckoutPayment
if (isset($_GET['token'])) {
    $response = $nvp->send();
    if (isset($response['ACK']) && $response['ACK'] == 'Success') {