  * Test for issue #16322: eZTextFileUser makes user names with newline (with patch)
 public function testLoginWrongUsername()
     $userClass = eZUserLoginHandler::instance('textfile');
     $user = $userClass->loginUser('wrong username', 'wrong password');
     // the username and password were not accepted
     $this->assertEquals(false, $user instanceof eZUser);
  * Checks authentication for the given $user.
  * This method checks the given user/password credentials encapsulated in
  * $data. Returns true if the user was succesfully recognized and the
  * password is valid for him, false otherwise. In case no username and/or
  * password was provided in the request, empty strings are provided as the
  * parameters of this method.
  * @param ezcWebdavBasicAuth $data
  * @return bool
 public function authenticateBasic(ezcWebdavBasicAuth $data)
     $loginHandler = 'standard';
     eZWebDAVContentBackend::appendLogEntry("Got username: {$data->username}");
     // added by @ds to fix problems with IE6 SP2
     if (preg_match('(^' . preg_quote($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) . '(.+))', $data->username, $matches) > 0) {
         $data->username = $matches[1];
     eZWebDAVContentBackend::appendLogEntry("Processed to username: {$data->username}");
     $userClass = eZUserLoginHandler::instance($loginHandler);
     $user = $userClass->loginUser($data->username, $data->password);
     if (!$user instanceof eZUser) {
         return false;
     return true;
Example #3
function ezp_authandexec($user, $password, $functionName, $params)
    $server = $GLOBALS['ggws_server'];
    // replicate here logic found in user/login
    $ini = eZINI::instance();
    if ($ini->hasVariable('UserSettings', 'LoginHandler')) {
        $loginHandlers = $ini->variable('UserSettings', 'LoginHandler');
    } else {
        $loginHandlers = array('standard');
    foreach ($loginHandlers as $loginHandler) {
        $userClass = eZUserLoginHandler::instance($loginHandler);
        $user = $userClass->loginUser($user, $password);
        if ($user instanceof eZUser) {
            // do we need to check this, really?
            //$hasAccessToSite = $user->canLoginToSiteAccess( $GLOBALS['eZCurrentAccess'] );
            //if ( $hasAccessToSite )
            // check if new user has access to the actual ws
            $access = ggeZWebservices::checkAccess($functionName, $user);
            if (!$access) {
                return new ggWebservicesFault(ggWebservicesServer::INVALIDAUTHERROR, ggWebservicesServer::INVALIDAUTHSTRING);
            if ($server->isInternalRequest($functionName)) {
                return $server->handleInternalRequest($functionName, $params);
            } else {
                return $server->handleRequest($functionName, $params);
            //    $user->logoutCurrent();
            //    // @todo ...
            //    //return $module->handleError( eZError::KERNEL_ACCESS_DENIED, 'kernel' );
            //    return new ggWebservicesFault( ggWebservicesServer::INVALIDAUTHERROR, ggWebservicesServer::INVALIDAUTHSTRING );
    return new ggWebservicesFault(ggWebservicesServer::INVALIDAUTHERROR, ggWebservicesServer::INVALIDAUTHSTRING);
Example #4
  * Test for issue #16328: Wrong hash stored in database on hash update in ezUser.php
 public function testPasswordHashSamePasswordToUser()
     // Get the password_hash
     $db = eZDB::instance();
     $rows = $db->arrayQuery("SELECT * FROM ezuser where login = '******'");
     if (count($rows) !== 1) {
         $this->fail("User {$this->username} is not in database.");
     // Not used in this test
     $passwordHashMD5Password = $rows[0]['password_hash'];
     // Above it was only the setup for the test, the real test begins now
     // Set HashType to md5_user (password_hash in the ezuser table is updated again)
     ezpINIHelper::setINISetting('site.ini', 'UserSettings', 'HashType', 'md5_user');
     // Login the user with email instead of username
     $userClass = eZUserLoginHandler::instance('standard');
     $user = $userClass->loginUser($this->email, $this->password);
     // Verify that the email and password were accepted
     if (!$user instanceof eZUser) {
         $this->fail("User {$this->email} is not in database.");
     // Get the password_hash
     $db = eZDB::instance();
     $rows = $db->arrayQuery("SELECT * FROM ezuser where login = '******'");
     $passwordHashMD5User = $rows[0]['password_hash'];
     // The value that is expected to be saved in the ezuser table after updating the HashType to md5_user
     // (using the username and not the email address, which caused issue #16328)
     $hashMD5Expected = md5("{$this->username}\n{$this->password}");
     // Verify that the 2 password hashes saved above are the same
     $this->assertEquals($hashMD5Expected, $passwordHashMD5User);
     // Verify that the user can still login with username
     $userClass = eZUserLoginHandler::instance('standard');
     $user = $userClass->loginUser($this->username, $this->password);
     // Verify that the username and password were accepted
     if (!$user instanceof eZUser) {
         $this->fail("User {$this->username} is not in database.");
 static function checkUser(&$siteBasics, &$url)
     $http = eZHTTPTool::instance();
     if (!$http->hasSessionVariable(self::STEP)) {
         $http->setSessionVariable(self::STEP, self::STEP_PRE_CHECK_USER_INFO);
     $loginStep =& $http->sessionVariable(self::STEP);
     if ($http->hasSessionVariable(self::FORCE_LOGIN) && $loginStep < self::STEP_PRE_COLLECT_USER_INFO) {
         $loginStep = self::STEP_PRE_COLLECT_USER_INFO;
     switch ($loginStep) {
         case self::STEP_PRE_CHECK_USER_INFO:
             $ini = eZINI::instance();
             $handlerList = array('standard');
             if ($ini->hasVariable('UserSettings', 'LoginHandler')) {
                 $handlerList = $ini->variable('UserSettings', 'LoginHandler');
             if ($http->hasSessionVariable(self::LAST_HANDLER_NAME)) {
             foreach ($handlerList as $handler) {
                 $userObject = eZUserLoginHandler::instance($handler);
                 if ($userObject) {
                     $check = $userObject->checkUser($siteBasics, $url);
                     if ($check === null) {
                         return null;
                     $http->setSessionVariable(self::LAST_CHECK_REDIRECT, $check);
                     $http->setSessionVariable(self::LAST_HANDLER_NAME, $handler);
             $http->setSessionVariable(self::STEP, self::STEP_PRE_COLLECT_USER_INFO);
             return eZUserLoginHandler::checkUser($siteBasics, $url);
         case self::STEP_PRE_COLLECT_USER_INFO:
             $http->setSessionVariable(self::STEP, self::STEP_POST_COLLECT_USER_INFO);
             $handler = null;
             if ($http->hasSessionVariable(self::LAST_HANDLER_NAME)) {
                 $handlerName = $http->sessionVariable(self::LAST_HANDLER_NAME);
                 $handler = eZUserLoginHandler::instance($handlerName);
             if ($handler) {
                 return $handler->preCollectUserInfo();
             } else {
                 $redirect =& $http->sessionVariable(self::LAST_CHECK_REDIRECT);
                 if (!$redirect) {
                     $redirect = array('module' => 'user', 'function' => 'login');
                 return $redirect;
         case self::STEP_POST_COLLECT_USER_INFO:
             $http->setSessionVariable(self::STEP, self::STEP_LOGIN_USER);
             $handler = null;
             if ($http->hasSessionVariable(self::LAST_HANDLER_NAME)) {
                 $handlerName = $http->sessionVariable(self::LAST_HANDLER_NAME);
                 $handler = eZUserLoginHandler::instance($handlerName);
             if ($handler) {
                 // Use specified login handler to handle Login info input
                 if (!$handler->postCollectUserInfo()) {
             return eZUserLoginHandler::checkUser($siteBasics, $url);
         case self::STEP_LOGIN_USER:
             $ini = eZINI::instance();
             $handlerList = array('standard');
             if ($ini->hasVariable('UserSettings', 'LoginHandler')) {
                 $handlerList = $ini->variable('UserSettings', 'LoginHandler');
             $userInfoArray =& $http->sessionVariable(self::USER_INFO);
             if ($http->hasSessionVariable(self::FORCE_LOGIN)) {
             $user = null;
             if (is_array($userInfoArray) and $userInfoArray['login'] and $userInfoArray['password']) {
                 foreach ($handlerList as $handler) {
                     $userObject = eZUserLoginHandler::instance($handler);
                     if ($userObject) {
                         $user = $userObject->loginUser($userInfoArray['login'], $userInfoArray['password']);
                         if (is_subclass_of($user, 'eZUser')) {
                             return null;
                         } else {
                             if (is_array($user)) {
                                 return $user;
             $http->setSessionVariable(self::STEP, self::STEP_PRE_CHECK_USER_INFO);
             return eZUserLoginHandler::checkUser($siteBasics, $url);
Example #6
 if ($userLogin != '') {
     if ($http->hasSessionVariable("RedirectAfterLogin", false)) {
     if ($ini->hasVariable('UserSettings', 'LoginHandler')) {
         $loginHandlers = $ini->variable('UserSettings', 'LoginHandler');
     } else {
         $loginHandlers = array('standard');
     $hasAccessToSite = true;
     if ($http->hasPostVariable('Cookie') && $ini->hasVariable('Session', 'RememberMeTimeout') && ($rememberMeTimeout = $ini->variable('Session', 'RememberMeTimeout'))) {
     foreach (array_keys($loginHandlers) as $key) {
         $loginHandler = $loginHandlers[$key];
         $userClass = eZUserLoginHandler::instance($loginHandler);
         if (!is_object($userClass)) {
         $user = $userClass->loginUser($userLogin, $userPassword);
         if ($user instanceof eZUser) {
             $hasAccessToSite = $user->canLoginToSiteAccess($GLOBALS['eZCurrentAccess']);
             if (!$hasAccessToSite) {
                 $user = null;
                 $siteAccessName = $GLOBALS['eZCurrentAccess']['name'];
                 $siteAccessAllowed = false;
  * Logins with $username and $password and returns the userID.
  * @param string $username
  * @param string $password
  * @return int
 public function loginEZPUser($username, $password)
     $userClass = eZUserLoginHandler::instance('standard');
     $user = $userClass->loginUser('admin', 'publish');
     if (!$user instanceof eZUser) {
         return false;
     $user = eZUser::currentUser();
     $userId = $user->attribute("contentobject_id");
     return $userId;