  * Returns block item XHTML
  * @param mixed $args
  * @return array
 public static function getValidItems($args)
     $http = eZHTTPTool::instance();
     $tpl = eZTemplate::factory();
     $result = array();
     $blockID = $http->postVariable('block_id');
     $offset = $http->postVariable('offset');
     $limit = $http->postVariable('limit');
     $validNodes = eZFlowPool::validNodes($blockID);
     $counter = 0;
     foreach ($validNodes as $validNode) {
         if (!$validNode->attribute('can_read')) {
         if ($counter <= $offset) {
         $tpl->setVariable('node', $validNode);
         $tpl->setVariable('view', 'block_item');
         $tpl->setVariable('image_class', 'blockgallery1');
         $content = $tpl->fetch('design:node/view/view.tpl');
         $result[] = $content;
         if ($counter === $limit) {
     return $result;
 function sendOrderEmail($params)
     $ini = eZINI::instance();
     if (isset($params['order']) and isset($params['email'])) {
         $order = $params['order'];
         $email = $params['email'];
         $tpl = eZTemplate::factory();
         $tpl->setVariable('order', $order);
         $templateResult = $tpl->fetch('design:shop/orderemail.tpl');
         $subject = $tpl->variable('subject');
         $mail = new eZMail();
         $emailSender = $ini->variable('MailSettings', 'EmailSender');
         if (!$emailSender) {
             $emailSender = $ini->variable("MailSettings", "AdminEmail");
         if ($tpl->hasVariable('content_type')) {
         $mailResult = eZMailTransport::send($mail);
         $email = $ini->variable('MailSettings', 'AdminEmail');
         $mail = new eZMail();
         if ($tpl->hasVariable('content_type')) {
         $mailResult = eZMailTransport::send($mail);
 protected static function run()
     $ini = eZINI::instance('cookielaw.ini');
     if (self::$isActive) {
         $message = ezpI18n::tr('extension/occookielaw', "I cookie ci aiutano ad erogare servizi di qualità. Utilizzando i nostri servizi, l'utente accetta le nostre modalità d'uso dei cookie.");
         if ($ini->hasVariable('AlertSettings', 'MessageText')) {
             $message = $ini->variable('AlertSettings', 'MessageText');
         $dismiss = ezpI18n::tr('extension/occookielaw', "OK");
         if ($ini->hasVariable('AlertSettings', 'DismissButtonText')) {
             $dismiss = $ini->variable('AlertSettings', 'DismissButtonText');
         $info = ezpI18n::tr('extension/occookielaw', "Maggiori informazioni");
         if ($ini->hasVariable('AlertSettings', 'InfoButtonText')) {
             $info = $ini->variable('AlertSettings', 'InfoButtonText');
         $tpl = eZTemplate::factory();
         $tpl->setVariable('message', $message);
         $tpl->setVariable('dismiss_button', $dismiss);
         $tpl->setVariable('info_button', $info);
         return $tpl->fetch('design:inject_in_page_layout.tpl');
     return '';
     * Renders the block (returns HTML)
     * @return string HTML
    public function render()
        $tpl = eZTemplate::factory();
        $tpl->setVariable( 'localized_apps', $this->fetchApplications() );

        return $tpl->fetch( 'design:presenters/block/carousel.tpl' );
  * Returns block item XHTML
  * @param mixed $args
  * @return array
 public static function getNextItems($args)
     $http = eZHTTPTool::instance();
     $tpl = eZTemplate::factory();
     $result = array();
     $galleryID = $http->postVariable('gallery_id');
     $offset = $http->postVariable('offset');
     $limit = $http->postVariable('limit');
     $galleryNode = eZContentObjectTreeNode::fetch($galleryID);
     if ($galleryNode instanceof eZContentObjectTreeNode) {
         $params = array('Depth' => 1, 'Offset' => $offset, 'Limit' => $limit);
         $pictureNodes = $galleryNode->subtree($params);
         foreach ($pictureNodes as $validNode) {
             $tpl->setVariable('node', $validNode);
             $tpl->setVariable('view', 'block_item');
             $tpl->setVariable('image_class', 'blockgallery1');
             $content = $tpl->fetch('design:node/view/view.tpl');
             $result[] = $content;
             if ($counter === $limit) {
     return $result;
  * Generate G+ comments feed for an activity
  * @param eZTemplate $tpl
  * @param array $namedParameters
  * @return string
 private function getGooglePlusComments($tpl, $namedParameters)
     //get config
     $nlGooglePlusIni = eZINI::instance('nlgoogleplus.ini');
     //initilize G+ Service
     $plus = $this->initializeGooglePlusService();
     if (!isset($namedParameters['activityid'])) {
         eZLog::write('Activity id is required', 'error.log');
         return false;
     //parameters needed
     $activityId = $namedParameters['activityid'];
     $title = $namedParameters['title'];
     //find all related comments
     $optParams = array('maxResults' => $nlGooglePlusIni->variable('Feed', 'MaxResults'));
     try {
         $comments = $plus->comments->listComments($activityId, $optParams);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         eZLog::write('Google Plus get comments problem : ' . $e->getMessage(), 'error.log');
     //use template
     $tpl->setVariable('comments', $comments);
     $tpl->setVariable('title', $title);
     return $tpl->fetch('design:nlgoogleplus/googleplusboxcomments.tpl');
 function prime( &$tr )
     $tpl = eZTemplate::factory();
     $tpl->setIsCachingAllowed( true );
     eZTemplateCompiler::setSettings( array( 'compile' => true,
                                             'comments' => false,
                                             'accumulators' => false,
                                             'timingpoints' => false,
                                             'fallbackresource' => false,
                                             'nodeplacement' => false,
                                             'execution' => true,
                                             'generate' => true,
                                             'compilation-directory' => 'benchmarks/eztemplate/compilation' ) );
     $expected = $tpl->fetch( 'benchmarks/eztemplate/mark.tpl' );
     eZTemplateCompiler::setSettings( array( 'compile' => true,
                                             'comments' => false,
                                             'accumulators' => false,
                                             'timingpoints' => false,
                                             'fallbackresource' => false,
                                             'nodeplacement' => false,
                                             'execution' => true,
                                             'generate' => false,
                                             'compilation-directory' => 'benchmarks/eztemplate/compilation' ) );
     $this->TPL = $tpl;
Example #8
    private function runModify( $operatorName, $method )
        $operator = new eZURLOperator();
        $tpl = eZTemplate::instance();

        $operatorValue = null;

        $argument = 'zeargument';
        $expectedResult = 'zevalue';

        switch( $method )
            case 'get'    : $_GET[$argument]     = $expectedResult; break;
            case 'post'   : $_POST[$argument]    = $expectedResult; break;
            case 'cookie' : $_COOKIE[$argument]  = $expectedResult; break;
            case 'session': $_SESSION[$argument] = $expectedResult; break;

        $operatorParameters = array(
            array( array( 1, $argument, false, ), ),
            array( array( 1, $method, false, ), ),

        $namedParameters = array(
            'quote_val'  => $argument,
            'server_url' => $method

            $tpl, $operatorName, $operatorParameters, '', '', $operatorValue, $namedParameters, false

        $this->assertEquals( $expectedResult, $operatorValue );
  * Renders the block (returns HTML)
  * @return string HTML
 public function render()
     $tpl = eZTemplate::factory();
     $tpl->setVariable( 'name', $this->name );
     $tpl->setVariable( 'banners', $this->fetchBanners() );
     $tpl->setVariable( 'cluster_identifier', ClusterTool::clusterIdentifier() );
     return $tpl->fetch( 'design:presenters/block/channel.tpl' );
     * Renders the block (returns HTML)
     * @return string HTML
    public function render()
        $tpl = eZTemplate::factory();
        $tpl->setVariable( 'articles', $this->getSolrArticles() );
        $blockResult = $tpl->fetch( 'design:presenters/block/congressreport.tpl' );

        return $blockResult;
Example #11
function displayForm($Result, $errors = null)
    $tpl = eZTemplate::factory();
    $tpl->setVariable('errors', $errors);
    $Result['path'] = array(array('url' => '/', 'text' => ezpI18n::tr('mailchimp/subscribe', 'Home')), array('url' => false, 'text' => ezpI18n::tr('mailchimp/subscribe', 'Subscribe')));
    $Result['title'] = 'Subscribe';
    $Result['content'] = $tpl->fetch("design:mailchimp/subscribe.tpl");
    return $Result;
     * Renders the block (returns HTML)
     * @return string HTML
    public function render()
        $tpl = eZTemplate::factory();
        $page = $this->fetchStaticPage();
        $tpl->setVariable( 'core_content', str_replace( '/bundles/static-data/', '/esibuild/static/', $page->attribute('core_content') ) );
        $renderResult = $tpl->fetch( 'design:presenters/block/content.tpl' );

        return $renderResult;
  * Returns string with rendered content
  * @return string
 public function render()
     $tpl = eZTemplate::factory();
     $ini = eZINI::instance('rest.ini');
     $nodeViewData = eZNodeviewfunctions::generateNodeViewData($tpl, $this->content->main_node, $this->content->main_node->attribute('object'), $this->content->activeLanguage, 'rest', 0);
     $tpl->setVariable('module_result', $nodeViewData);
     $routingInfos = $this->controller->getRouter()->getRoutingInformation();
     $templateName = $ini->variable($routingInfos->controllerClass . '_' . $routingInfos->action . '_OutputSettings', 'Template');
     return $tpl->fetch('design:' . $templateName);
  * Executes the template operator
  * @param eZTemplate $tpl
  * @param string $operatorName
  * @param mixed $operatorParameters
  * @param string $rootNamespace
  * @param string $currentNamespace
  * @param mixed $operatorValue
  * @param array $namedParameters
  * @param mixed $placement
 function modify($tpl, $operatorName, $operatorParameters, $rootNamespace, $currentNamespace, &$operatorValue, $namedParameters, $placement)
     if (!is_string($namedParameters['name']) && empty($namedParameters['name'])) {
         $tpl->error($operatorName, "{$operatorName} parameter 'name' must be a non empty string.", $placement);
     $templateName = $namedParameters['name'];
     if ($namedParameters['parameters'] !== null && !is_array($namedParameters['parameters'])) {
         $tpl->error($operatorName, "{$operatorName} parameter 'parameters' must be a hash array.", $placement);
     $templateParameters = $namedParameters['parameters'] !== null ? $namedParameters['parameters'] : array();
     $apiContentConverter = NgSymfonyToolsApiContentConverter::instance();
     foreach ($templateParameters as $parameterName => $parameterValue) {
         $templateParameters[$parameterName] = $apiContentConverter->convert($parameterValue);
     $serviceContainer = ezpKernel::instance()->getServiceContainer();
     $templatingEngine = $serviceContainer->get('templating');
     $operatorValue = $templatingEngine->render($templateName, $templateParameters);
  * Abstract method to initialize a template and eventually takes advantage of new 4.3 TPL API
  * @return eZTemplate
 public static function templateInit()
     $tpl = null;
     if (eZPublishSDK::majorVersion() >= 4 && eZPublishSDK::minorVersion() < 3) {
         include_once 'kernel/common/template.php';
         $tpl = templateInit();
     } else {
         $tpl = eZTemplate::factory();
     return $tpl;
  * Invoca il template per il form di attributo
  * @see SearchFormOperator::modify
  * @param OCClassSearchFormHelper $instance
  * @param OCClassSearchFormAttributeField $field
  * @return array|null|string
 public static function displayAttribute(OCClassSearchFormHelper $instance, OCClassSearchFormAttributeField $field)
     $keyArray = array(array('class', $instance->getContentClass()->attribute('id')), array('class_identifier', $instance->getContentClass()->attribute('identifier')), array('class_group', $instance->getContentClass()->attribute('match_ingroup_id_list')), array('attribute', $field->contentClassAttribute->attribute('id')), array('attribute_identifier', $field->contentClassAttribute->attribute('identifier')));
     $tpl = eZTemplate::factory();
     $tpl->setVariable('class', $instance->getContentClass());
     $tpl->setVariable('attribute', $field->contentClassAttribute);
     $res = eZTemplateDesignResource::instance();
     $templateName = $field->contentClassAttribute->attribute('data_type_string');
     return $tpl->fetch('design:class_search_form/datatypes/' . $templateName . '.tpl');
 public function __construct()
     $this->templateResource = eZTemplate::factory();
     $this->rootNamespace = '';
     $this->currentNamespace = '';
     $this->textElements = array();
     $this->functionChildren = array();
     $this->functionParameters = array();
     $this->functionPlacement = $this->initFunctionPlacement();
 public function doGetAll()
     $result = new ezpRestMvcResult();
     // Header
     $tpl = eZTemplate::factory();
     $tpl->setVariable('current_user', eZUser::currentUser());
     $result->variables['menu'] = $tpl->fetch('design:page_topmenu.tpl');
     $result->variables['news'] = $tpl->fetch('design:parts/news_header.tpl');
     $result->variables['styles_ie'] = $tpl->fetch('design:page_head_style_ie.tpl');
     $result->variables['footer'] = $tpl->fetch('design:page_footer.tpl');
     return $result;
     * Regression test for issue #15852
     * indent() operator throws a warning when count parameter is negative
    public function testIssue15852()
        set_error_handler( 'testErrorHandler' );
        $tpl = eZTemplate::factory();
        $templateDirectory = dirname( __FILE__ ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;

        // Static variable test
        $templateFile = "file:$templateDirectory/eztemplatetextoperator_regression_testIssue15852_static.tpl";
        $tpl->compileTemplateFile( $templateFile );
            $result = $tpl->fetch( $templateFile );
        catch( Exception $e )
            if ( strstr( $e->getMessage(), "str_repeat" ) !== false )
                $this->fail( 'Static variable, warning thrown: ' . $e->getMessage() );
                throw $e;
        $this->assertEquals( "This is a string", $result, "The original, unindented string should have been returned" );

        // Dynamic variable test
        $templateFile = "file:$templateDirectory/eztemplatetextoperator_regression_testIssue15852_dynamic.tpl";
        $tpl->compileTemplateFile( $templateFile );
        $tpl->setVariable( 'indent', -1 );

            $result = $tpl->fetch( $templateFile );
        catch ( Exception $e )
            if ( strstr( $e->getMessage(), "str_repeat" ) !== false )
                $this->fail( 'Dynamic variable, warning thrown: ' . $e->getMessage() );
                throw $e;

        $this->assertEquals( "This is a string", $result, "The original, unindented string should have been returned" );

  * Executes the template operator
  * @param eZTemplate $tpl
  * @param string $operatorName
  * @param mixed $operatorParameters
  * @param string $rootNamespace
  * @param string $currentNamespace
  * @param mixed $operatorValue
  * @param array $namedParameters
  * @param mixed $placement
 function modify($tpl, $operatorName, $operatorParameters, $rootNamespace, $currentNamespace, &$operatorValue, $namedParameters, $placement)
     if (!$namedParameters['uri'] instanceof ControllerReference && !(is_string($namedParameters['uri']) && !empty($namedParameters['uri']))) {
         $tpl->error($operatorName, "{$operatorName} parameter 'uri' must be a non empty string or a controller reference.", $placement);
     $uri = $namedParameters['uri'];
     if ($namedParameters['options'] !== null && !is_array($namedParameters['options'])) {
         $tpl->error($operatorName, "{$operatorName} parameter 'options' must be a hash array.", $placement);
     $options = $namedParameters['options'] !== null ? $namedParameters['options'] : array();
     if ($operatorName === 'symfony_render_esi') {
         $options['strategy'] = 'esi';
     } else {
         if ($operatorName === 'symfony_render_hinclude') {
             $options['strategy'] = 'hinclude';
     $operatorValue = self::renderUri($uri, $options);
  * Executes the template operator
  * @param eZTemplate $tpl
  * @param string $operatorName
  * @param mixed $operatorParameters
  * @param string $rootNamespace
  * @param string $currentNamespace
  * @param mixed $operatorValue
  * @param array $namedParameters
  * @param mixed $placement
 function modify($tpl, $operatorName, $operatorParameters, $rootNamespace, $currentNamespace, &$operatorValue, $namedParameters, $placement)
     if (!is_string($namedParameters['name']) && empty($namedParameters['name'])) {
         $tpl->error($operatorName, "{$operatorName} parameter 'name' must be a non empty string.", $placement);
     $name = $namedParameters['name'];
     if ($namedParameters['parameters'] !== null && !is_array($namedParameters['parameters'])) {
         $tpl->error($operatorName, "{$operatorName} parameter 'parameters' must be a hash array.", $placement);
     $parameters = $namedParameters['parameters'] !== null ? $namedParameters['parameters'] : array();
     if ($operatorName === 'symfony_path') {
         $relative = isset($namedParameters['relative']) && $namedParameters['relative'] === true;
         $operatorValue = self::getPath($name, $parameters, $relative);
     } else {
         if ($operatorName === 'symfony_url') {
             $schemeRelative = isset($namedParameters['scheme_relative']) && $namedParameters['scheme_relative'] === true;
             $operatorValue = self::getUrl($name, $parameters, $schemeRelative);
Example #22
  * Renders a template.
  * @param $content
  * @param array $options
  * @return array
 protected function renderTpl($content, array $options = array())
     if (isset($options['template'])) {
         $tpl = \eZTemplate::factory();
         if (is_array($content)) {
             foreach ($content as $key => $val) {
                 $tpl->setVariable($key, $val);
         return $tpl->fetch($options['template']);
     return compact('content') + $options;
  * Executes the template operator
  * @param eZTemplate $tpl
  * @param string $operatorName
  * @param mixed $operatorParameters
  * @param string $rootNamespace
  * @param string $currentNamespace
  * @param mixed $operatorValue
  * @param array $namedParameters
  * @param mixed $placement
 function modify($tpl, $operatorName, $operatorParameters, $rootNamespace, $currentNamespace, &$operatorValue, $namedParameters, $placement)
     if (!is_string($namedParameters['controller']) || empty($namedParameters['controller'])) {
         $tpl->error($operatorName, "{$operatorName} parameter 'controller' must be a non empty string.", $placement);
     $controller = $namedParameters['controller'];
     if ($namedParameters['attributes'] !== null && !is_array($namedParameters['attributes'])) {
         $tpl->error($operatorName, "{$operatorName} parameter 'attributes' must be a hash array.", $placement);
     $attributes = $namedParameters['attributes'] !== null ? $namedParameters['attributes'] : array();
     if ($namedParameters['query'] !== null && !is_array($namedParameters['query'])) {
         $tpl->error($operatorName, "{$operatorName} parameter 'query' must be a hash array.", $placement);
     $query = $namedParameters['query'] !== null ? $namedParameters['query'] : array();
     $apiContentConverter = NgSymfonyToolsApiContentConverter::instance();
     foreach ($attributes as $attributeName => $attributeValue) {
         $attributes[$attributeName] = $apiContentConverter->convert($attributeValue);
     $operatorValue = self::getController($controller, $attributes, $query);
  * send notification with all comment in one notification
  * Exception if error happens
  * @param $subscriber
  * @param $contentObject
  * @param $commentList comment list to the subscriber, which can be null.
  * @param $tpl
  * @return void
 public function sendNotificationInOne($subscriber, $contentObject, $commentList = null, $tpl = null)
     if (is_null($tpl)) {
         $tpl = eZTemplate::factory();
     $tpl->setVariable('subscriber', $subscriber);
     $tpl->setVariable('contentobject', $contentObject);
     if (!is_null($commentList)) {
         $tpl->setVariable('comment_list', $commentList);
     $subject = $tpl->fetch($this->multiSubjectTemplatePath);
     $body = $tpl->fetch($this->multiBodyTemplatePath);
     $this->executeSending($subject, $body, $subscriber);
     * Test for issue #12285
     * Variables set by functions handled by eZObjectForwarder (like attribute_view_gui) are not scope safe.
     * The patch for this issue ensures that, if requested, a template variable can be backed up in a safe namespace
     * (same var name but different namespace), so that it can't be overridden
     * @param string $varName
     * @param string $val
     * @param string $namespace
     * @link http://issues.ez.no/12285
     * @group issue12285
    public function testSetScopeSafeVariable()
        $namespace = "myNamespace";
        $varName = "foo";
        $aVal = array( "bar", "baz", "biz" ); // Simulate 3 level of nesting
        $previousVal = null;
        $nestingLevel = 0;

        // Try to set different values to a tpl variable to emulate a nested set like described in the issue
        foreach ( $aVal as $val )
            $this->tpl->setVariable( $varName, $val, $namespace, true );
            self::assertEquals( $val, $this->tpl->variable( $varName, $namespace ), "Template variable has not been correctly set" );

            if ( !empty( $previousVal ) )
                $safeNamespace = $namespace . str_repeat( ":safe", $nestingLevel );
                self::assertEquals( $previousVal, $this->tpl->variable( $varName, $safeNamespace ), "Template variable has not been backed up in a safe namespace" );

            $previousVal = $val;

        // Now unset the tpl variables and check that they are well restored
        $aUnsetVal = array_reverse( $aVal );
        // Nesting level must decrease to 0, so decrease it first
        $nestingLevel -= 1;
        foreach ( $aUnsetVal as $val )
            $safeNamespace = $namespace . str_repeat( ":safe", $nestingLevel );
            $this->tpl->unsetVariable( $varName, $namespace );
            self::assertNull( $this->tpl->variable( $varName, $safeNamespace ), "Backed up tpl variable has not been deleted" );

            // Check that backed up value is correctly restored
            if ( $nestingLevel >= 0 )
                self::assertEquals( $aVal[$nestingLevel], $this->tpl->variable( $varName, $namespace ), "Backed up tpl variable has not been properly restored from safe namespace" );
                self::assertNull( $this->tpl->variable( $varName, $namespace ), "Template variable has not been unset" );
Example #26
  * Executes the PHP function for the operator cleanup and modifies $operatorValue.
  * @param eZTemplate $tpl
  * @param string $operatorName
  * @param array $operatorParameters
  * @param string $rootNamespace
  * @param string $currentNamespace
  * @param mixed $operatorValue
  * @param array $namedParameters
 public function modify($tpl, $operatorName, $operatorParameters, &$rootNamespace, &$currentNamespace, &$operatorValue, &$namedParameters)
     switch ($operatorName) {
         case 'eztagscloud':
             $searchEngine = eZINI::instance()->variable('SearchSettings', 'SearchEngine');
             if (class_exists('eZSolr') && $searchEngine == 'ezsolr' && eZINI::instance('eztags.ini')->variable('GeneralSettings', 'TagCloudOverSolr') === 'enabled') {
                 $tagCloud = $this->solrTagCloud($namedParameters['params']);
             } else {
                 $tagCloud = $this->tagCloud($namedParameters['params']);
             $tpl = eZTemplate::factory();
             $tpl->setVariable('tag_cloud', $tagCloud);
             $operatorValue = $tpl->fetch('design:tagcloud.tpl');
     * @return eZTemplate
    public function tpl()
            $this->_tpl = eZTemplate::factory();

            if (SolrSafeOperatorHelper::featureIsActive('showMedicalNewsDemo') && SolrSafeOperatorHelper::feature('ShowMedicalNewsDemo', 'showDemo')){
                $showMedicalNewsDemo = true;
            }else {
                $showMedicalNewsDemo = false;
            $this->_tpl->setVariable('language'          , LocaleTool::languageISO639Code());
            $this->_tpl->setVariable('application_class' , get_class($this) );
            $this->_tpl->setVariable('view_parameters'   , $this->_params['UserParameters']);
            $this->_tpl->setVariable('cluster_identifier', ClusterTool::clusterIdentifier());
            $this->_tpl->setVariable('application_url'   , $this->applicationName());
            $this->_tpl->setVariable('consult'           , $this->isConsult);
            $this->_tpl->setVariable('httpcontext'       , array(
                'host'  => ContextTool::instance()->domain(),

            $environment = new MMEnvironment();
            $this->_tpl->setVariable('environment'       , $environment->env);

            $applicationLocalized = CacheApplicationTool::buildLocalizedApplication($this->applicationName());

            if (empty($applicationLocalized))
                $this->_tpl->setVariable('application_name'  , $this->applicationName());
                $applicationIdentifier = $applicationLocalized->applicationObject->attribute('identifier');

                $this->_tpl->setVariable('application_name' , $applicationIdentifier );
                $this->_tpl->setVariable('current_localized' , $applicationLocalized );
                $this->_tpl->setVariable('current_application' , $applicationLocalized->applicationObject );

        return $this->_tpl;
Example #28
function lookupIcon($ini, $tag)
    $iconMap = $ini->variable('Icons', 'IconMap');
    $returnValue = $ini->variable('Icons', 'Default');
    if (array_key_exists($tag->attribute('id'), $iconMap) && !empty($iconMap[$tag->attribute('id')])) {
        $returnValue = $iconMap[$tag->attribute('id')];
    } else {
        $tempTag = $tag;
        while ($tempTag->attribute('parent_id') > 0) {
            $tempTag = $tempTag->getParent();
            if (array_key_exists($tempTag->attribute('id'), $iconMap) && !empty($iconMap[$tempTag->attribute('id')])) {
                $returnValue = $iconMap[$tempTag->attribute('id')];
    return eZURLOperator::eZImage(eZTemplate::factory(), 'tag_icons/small/' . $returnValue, '');
    function execute( $xml )
        $template   = $xml->getAttribute( 'template' );
        $receiverID = $xml->getAttribute( 'receiver' );
        $nodeID     = $xml->getAttribute( 'node' );

        $ini = eZINI::instance();
        $mail = new eZMail();
        $tpl = eZTemplate::factory();

        $node = eZContentObjectTreeNode::fetch( $nodeID );
        if ( !$node )
            $node = eZContentObjectTreeNode::fetch( 2 );

        $emailSender = $ini->variable( 'MailSettings', 'EmailSender' );
        if ( !$emailSender )
            $emailSender = $ini->variable( "MailSettings", "AdminEmail" );

        $receiver = eZUser::fetch( $receiverID );
        if ( !$receiver )
            $emailReceiver = $emailSender;
            $emailReceiver = $receiver->attribute( 'email' );

        $tpl->setVariable( 'node', $node );
        $tpl->setVariable( 'receiver', $receiver );

        $body = $tpl->fetch( 'design:' . $template );
        $subject = $tpl->variable( 'subject' );

        $mail->setReceiver( $emailReceiver );
        $mail->setSender( $emailSender );
        $mail->setSubject( $subject );
        $mail->setBody( $body );

        $mailResult = eZMailTransport::send( $mail );
        return $mailResult;
 public function testActivateSubscription()
     $subscriber = ezcomSubscriber::create();
     $subscriber->setAttribute('email', '*****@*****.**');
     $subscriber->setAttribute('user_id', 10);
     $subscription = ezcomSubscription::create();
     $subscription->setAttribute('subscriber_id', $subscriber->attribute('id'));
     $subscription->setAttribute('subscriber_type', 'ezcomcomment');
     $subscription->setAttribute('enabled', 0);
     $subscription->setAttribute('content_id', '10_2');
     $hashString = ezcomUtility::instance()->generateSubscriptionHashString($subscription);
     $subscription->setAttribute('hash_string', $hashString);
     $id = $subscription->attribute('id');
     $tpl = eZTemplate::factory();
     $subscriptionManager = ezcomSubscriptionManager::instance($tpl, null, null, 'ezcomSubscriptionManager');
     $subscriptionActivated = ezcomSubscription::fetch($id);
     $this->assertEquals(1, $subscriptionActivated->attribute('enabled'));