  * Store the content.
 function storeObjectAttribute($contentObjectAttribute)
     $paex = $contentObjectAttribute->content();
     if (!$paex instanceof eZPaEx) {
         // create a default paex object
         $paex = eZPaEx::create($contentObjectAttribute->attribute("contentobject_id"));
Example #2
  * Get actual values for PaEx data for the given contentobject id.
  * If not defined for the given coID, use defaults.
  * @param int $ezcoid Contentobject id (user id) to get PaEx for
  * @param bool $checkIfUserHasDatatype See if user has paex datatype, default false
  * @return eZPaEx|null Actual PaEx applicable data, null if $checkIfUserHasDatatype = true
  *                     and object does not have ezpaex datatype
 static function getPaEx($ezcoid, $checkIfUserHasDatatype = false)
     $currentPaex = eZPaEx::fetch($ezcoid);
     // If we don't have paex object for the current object id, create a default one
     if (!$currentPaex instanceof eZPaEx) {
         // unless user does not have paex datatype
         if ($checkIfUserHasDatatype) {
             //eZContentObject::fetch( $ezcoid );
             $paexDataTypeCount = eZPersistentObject::count(eZContentObjectAttribute::definition(), array('contentobject_id' => $ezcoid, 'data_type_string' => ezpaextype::DATA_TYPE_STRING), 'id');
             if (!$paexDataTypeCount) {
                 eZDebug::writeDebug("User id {$ezcoid} does not have paex datatype", __METHOD__);
                 return null;
         return eZPaEx::create($ezcoid);
     // Get default paex values from ini to use in case there is anyone missing in the object
     $ini = eZINI::instance('mbpaex.ini');
     $iniPasswordValidationRegexp = $ini->variable('mbpaexSettings', 'PasswordValidationRegexp');
     $iniDefaultPasswordLifeTime = $ini->variable('mbpaexSettings', 'DefaultPasswordLifeTime');
     $iniExpirationNotification = $ini->variable('mbpaexSettings', 'ExpirationNotification');
     // If still any empty values in the paex object, set defaults from ini
     if (!$currentPaex->hasRegexp()) {
         $currentPaex->setAttribute('passwordvalidationregexp', $iniPasswordValidationRegexp);
         eZDebug::writeDebug('Regexp empty, used default: "' . $iniPasswordValidationRegexp . '"', 'eZPaEx::getPaEx');
     if (!$currentPaex->hasLifeTime()) {
         $currentPaex->setAttribute('passwordlifetime', $iniDefaultPasswordLifeTime);
         eZDebug::writeDebug('PasswordLifeTime empty, used default: "' . $iniDefaultPasswordLifeTime . '"', 'eZPaEx::getPaEx');
     if (!$currentPaex->hasNotification()) {
         $currentPaex->setAttribute('expirationnotification', $iniExpirationNotification);
         eZDebug::writeDebug('ExpirationNotification empty, used default: "' . $iniPasswordValidationRegexp . '"', 'eZPaEx::getPaEx');
     eZDebug::writeDebug('PasswordLastUpdated value: "' . $currentPaex->attribute('password_last_updated') . '"', 'eZPaEx::getPaEx');
     return $currentPaex;
Example #3
  * Unit test for eZPaEx::fetch()
 public function testFetch()
     // Create a user
     $user = self::createUser(__FUNCTION__);
     $contentObjectID = $user->attribute('id');
     // Try fetching this user's ID. Should fail.
     $this->assertNull(eZPaEx::fetch($contentObjectID), "eZPaEx::fetch() should be null as the object hasn't been created yet");
     // Create & store the PaEx
     // Try fetching it again
     $this->assertType('eZPaEx', eZPaEx::fetch($contentObjectID));