function handleFileDownload($contentObject, $contentObjectAttribute, $type, $fileInfo)
     $fileName = $fileInfo['filepath'];
     $file = eZClusterFileHandler::instance($fileName);
     if ($fileName != "" and $file->exists()) {
         $fileSize = $file->size();
         if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE']) && preg_match("/^bytes=(\\d+)-(\\d+)?\$/", trim($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE']), $matches)) {
             $fileOffset = $matches[1];
             $contentLength = isset($matches[2]) ? $matches[2] - $matches[1] + 1 : $fileSize - $matches[1];
         } else {
             $fileOffset = 0;
             $contentLength = $fileSize;
         // Figure out the time of last modification of the file right way to get the file mtime ... the
         $fileModificationTime = $file->mtime();
         // stop output buffering, and stop the session so that browsing can be continued while downloading
         eZFile::downloadHeaders($fileName, self::dispositionType($fileInfo['mime_type']) === 'attachment', false, $fileOffset, $contentLength, $fileSize);
         try {
             $file->passthrough($fileOffset, $contentLength);
         } catch (eZClusterFileHandlerNotFoundException $e) {
             eZDebug::writeError($e->getMessage, __METHOD__);
             header($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"] . ' 500 Internal Server Error');
         } catch (eZClusterFileHandlerGeneralException $e) {
             eZDebug::writeError($e->getMessage, __METHOD__);
             header($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"] . ' 404 Not Found');
     return eZBinaryFileHandler::RESULT_UNAVAILABLE;
 function sendMail(eZMail $mail)
     $ini = eZINI::instance();
     $sendmailOptions = '';
     $emailFrom = $mail->sender();
     $emailSender = $emailFrom['email'];
     if (!$emailSender || count($emailSender) <= 0) {
         $emailSender = $ini->variable('MailSettings', 'EmailSender');
     if (!$emailSender) {
         $emailSender = $ini->variable('MailSettings', 'AdminEmail');
     if (!eZMail::validate($emailSender)) {
         $emailSender = false;
     $isSafeMode = ini_get('safe_mode');
     if ($isSafeMode and $emailSender and $mail->sender() == false) {
     $filename = time() . '-' . mt_rand() . '.mail';
     $data = preg_replace('/(\\r\\n|\\r|\\n)/', "\r\n", $mail->headerText() . "\n" . $mail->body());
     $returnedValue = eZFile::create($filename, 'var/log/mail', $data);
     if ($returnedValue === false) {
         eZDebug::writeError('An error occurred writing the e-mail file in var/log/mail', __METHOD__);
     return $returnedValue;
 function sendMail(ezcMail $mail)
     $separator = "/";
     $mail->appendExcludeHeaders(array('to', 'subject'));
     $headers = rtrim($mail->generateHeaders());
     // rtrim removes the linebreak at the end, mail doesn't want it.
     if (count($mail->to) + count($mail->cc) + count($mail->bcc) < 1) {
         throw new ezcMailTransportException('No recipient addresses found in message header.');
     $additionalParameters = "";
     if (isset($mail->returnPath)) {
         $additionalParameters = "-f{$mail->returnPath->email}";
     $sys = eZSys::instance();
     $fname = time() . '-' . rand() . '.mail';
     $qdir = eZSys::siteDir() . eZSys::varDirectory() . $separator . 'mailq';
     $data = $headers . ezcMailTools::lineBreak();
     $data .= ezcMailTools::lineBreak();
     $data .= $mail->generateBody();
     $data = preg_replace('/(\\r\\n|\\r|\\n)/', "\r\n", $data);
     $success = eZFile::create($fname, $qdir, $data);
     if ($success === false) {
         throw new ezcMailTransportException('The email could not be sent by sendmail');
 public function synchronise(eZSolrBase $collection, $elevateXML, $params)
     $uri_components = parse_url($collection->SearchServerURI);
     // The extra variables are used to avoid PHP strict warnings using end() directly on the preg_split result
     $pathElements = preg_split('/\\//', $uri_components['path']);
     $collectionName = end($pathElements);
     $filename = implode('__', array($uri_components['host'], $uri_components['port'], $collectionName, 'elevate.xml'));
     return eZFile::create($filename, $params['base_dir'], $elevateXML);
     * Regression test for issue 16400
     * @link
     * @return unknown_type
    public function testIssue16400()
        $className = 'Media test class';
        $classIdentifier = 'media_test_class';
        $filePath = 'tests/tests/kernel/datatypes/ezmedia/ezmediatype_regression_issue16400.flv';
        eZFile::create( $filePath );
        $attributeName = 'Media';
        $attributeIdentifier = 'media';
        $attributeType = 'ezmedia';
        //1. test method fetchByContentObjectID

        $class = new ezpClass( $className, $classIdentifier, $className );
        $class->add( $attributeName, $attributeIdentifier, $attributeType );
        $attribute = $class->class->fetchAttributeByIdentifier( $attributeIdentifier );

        $attribute->setAttribute( 'can_translate', 0 );

        $object = new ezpObject( $classIdentifier, 2 );
        $dataMap = $object->object->dataMap();
        $fileAttribute = $dataMap[$attributeIdentifier];
        $dataType = new eZMediaType();
        $dataType->fromString( $fileAttribute, $filePath );


        //verify fetchByContentObjectID
        $mediaObject = eZMedia::fetch( $fileAttribute->attribute( 'id' ), 1 );
        $medias = eZMedia::fetchByContentObjectID( $object->object->attribute( 'id' ) );
        $this->assertEquals( $mediaObject->attribute( 'filename' ), $medias[0]->attribute( 'filename' ) );
        $medias = eZMedia::fetchByContentObjectID( $object->object->attribute( 'id' ),
                                                    $fileAttribute->attribute( 'language_code' ) );
        $this->assertEquals( $mediaObject->attribute( 'filename' ), $medias[0]->attribute( 'filename' ) );

        //2. test issue
        // create translation
        $contentObject = $object->object;
        $storedFileName = $mediaObject->attribute( 'filename' );
        $version = $contentObject->createNewVersionIn( 'nor-NO',
                                                        $fileAttribute->attribute( 'language_code' )  );
        $version->setAttribute( 'status', eZContentObjectVersion::STATUS_INTERNAL_DRAFT );
        $sys = eZSys::instance();
        $dir = $sys->storageDirectory();
        //verify the file is deleted
        $storedFilePath = $dir . '/original/video/' . $storedFileName;
        $file = eZClusterFileHandler::instance( $storedFilePath );
        $this->assertTrue( $file->exists( $storedFilePath ) );
        if ( $file->exists( $storedFilePath ) )
            unlink( $storedFilePath );
 private function __construct()
     $ini_varnish = eZINI::instance('mugo_varnish.ini');
     $this->debug = $ini_varnish->variable('VarnishSettings', 'DebugCurl') == 'enabled';
     $this->varnishServers = $ini_varnish->variable('VarnishSettings', 'VarnishServers');
     // override connection timeout
     if ($ini_varnish->variable('VarnishSettings', 'ConnectionTimeout') > -1) {
         $this->baseCurlOptions[CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT] = $ini_varnish->variable('VarnishSettings', 'ConnectionTimeout');
     // make sure the log file exits
     if (!file_exists(self::CURL_DEBUG_OUTPUT_FILE)) {
Example #7
 static function checkMD5Sums($file)
     $lines = eZFile::splitLines($file);
     $result = array();
     if (is_array($lines)) {
         foreach (array_keys($lines) as $key) {
             $line =& $lines[$key];
             if (strlen($line) > 34) {
                 $md5Key = substr($line, 0, 32);
                 $filename = substr($line, 34);
                 if (!file_exists($filename) || $md5Key != md5_file($filename)) {
                     $result[] = $filename;
     return $result;
Example #8
 static function create($filename, $directory = false, $data = false, $atomic = false)
     $filepath = $filename;
     if ($directory) {
         if (!file_exists($directory)) {
             eZDir::mkdir($directory, false, true);
             //                 eZDebugSetting::writeNotice( 'ezfile-create', "Created directory $directory", 'eZFile::create' );
         $filepath = $directory . '/' . $filename;
     // If atomic creation is needed we will use a temporary
     // file when writing the data, then rename it to the correct path.
     if ($atomic) {
         $realpath = $filepath;
         $dirname = dirname($filepath);
         if (strlen($dirname) != 0) {
             $dirname .= "/";
         $filepath = $dirname . "ezfile-tmp." . md5($filepath . getmypid() . mt_rand());
     $file = fopen($filepath, 'wb');
     if ($file) {
         //             eZDebugSetting::writeNotice( 'ezfile-create', "Created file $filepath", 'eZFile::create' );
         if ($data) {
             if (is_resource($data)) {
                 // block-copy source $data to new $file in 1MB chunks
                 while (!feof($data)) {
                     fwrite($file, fread($data, 1048576));
             } else {
                 fwrite($file, $data);
         if ($atomic) {
             // If the renaming process fails, delete the temporary file
             eZFile::rename($filepath, $realpath, false, eZFile::CLEAN_ON_FAILURE);
         return true;
     //         eZDebugSetting::writeNotice( 'ezfile-create', "Failed creating file $filepath", 'eZFile::create' );
     return false;
Example #9
 function trashStoredObjectAttribute($contentObjectAttribute, $version = null)
     $contentObjectAttributeID = $contentObjectAttribute->attribute("id");
     $imageHandler = $contentObjectAttribute->attribute('content');
     $imageFiles = eZImageFile::fetchForContentObjectAttribute($contentObjectAttributeID);
     foreach ($imageFiles as $imageFile) {
         if ($imageFile == null) {
         $existingFilepath = $imageFile;
         // Check if there are any other records in ezimagefile that point to that filename.
         $imageObjectsWithSameFileName = eZImageFile::fetchByFilepath(false, $existingFilepath);
         $file = eZClusterFileHandler::instance($existingFilepath);
         if ($file->exists() and count($imageObjectsWithSameFileName) <= 1) {
             $orig_dir = dirname($existingFilepath) . '/trashed';
             $fileName = basename($existingFilepath);
             // create dest filename in the same manner as eZHTTPFile::store()
             // grab file's suffix
             $fileSuffix = eZFile::suffix($fileName);
             // prepend dot
             if ($fileSuffix) {
                 $fileSuffix = '.' . $fileSuffix;
             // grab filename without suffix
             $fileBaseName = basename($fileName, $fileSuffix);
             // create dest filename
             $newFileBaseName = md5($fileBaseName . microtime() . mt_rand());
             $newFileName = $newFileBaseName . $fileSuffix;
             $newFilepath = $orig_dir . '/' . $newFileName;
             // rename the file, and update the database data
             $imageHandler->updateAliasPath($orig_dir, $newFileBaseName);
             if ($imageHandler->isStorageRequired()) {
Example #10
  * Downloads file.
  * Sets $this->ErrorMsg in case of an error.
  * \private
  * \param $url            URL.
  * \param $outDir         Directory where to put downloaded file to.
  * \param $forcedFileName Force saving downloaded file under this name.
  * \return false on error, path to downloaded package otherwise.
 function downloadFile($url, $outDir, $forcedFileName = false)
     $fileName = $outDir . "/" . ($forcedFileName ? $forcedFileName : basename($url));
     eZDebug::writeNotice("Downloading file '{$fileName}' from {$url}");
     // Create the out directory if not exists.
     if (!file_exists($outDir)) {
         eZDir::mkdir($outDir, false, true);
     // First try CURL
     if (extension_loaded('curl')) {
         $ch = curl_init($url);
         $fp = eZStepSiteTypes::fopen($fileName, 'wb');
         if ($fp === false) {
             $this->ErrorMsg = ezpI18n::tr('design/standard/setup/init', 'Cannot write to file') . ': ' . $this->FileOpenErrorMsg;
             return false;
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp);
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1);
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 3);
         // Get proxy
         $ini = eZINI::instance();
         $proxy = $ini->hasVariable('ProxySettings', 'ProxyServer') ? $ini->variable('ProxySettings', 'ProxyServer') : false;
         if ($proxy) {
             curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, $proxy);
             $userName = $ini->hasVariable('ProxySettings', 'User') ? $ini->variable('ProxySettings', 'User') : false;
             $password = $ini->hasVariable('ProxySettings', 'Password') ? $ini->variable('ProxySettings', 'Password') : false;
             if ($userName) {
                 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, "{$userName}:{$password}");
         if (!curl_exec($ch)) {
             $this->ErrorMsg = curl_error($ch);
             return false;
     } else {
         $parsedUrl = parse_url($url);
         $checkIP = isset($parsedUrl['host']) ? ip2long(gethostbyname($parsedUrl['host'])) : false;
         if ($checkIP === false) {
             return false;
         // If we don't have CURL installed we used standard fopen urlwrappers
         // Note: Could be blocked by not allowing remote calls.
         if (!copy($url, $fileName)) {
             $buf = eZHTTPTool::sendHTTPRequest($url, 80, false, 'eZ Publish', false);
             $header = false;
             $body = false;
             if (eZHTTPTool::parseHTTPResponse($buf, $header, $body)) {
                 eZFile::create($fileName, false, $body);
             } else {
                 $this->ErrorMsg = ezpI18n::tr('design/standard/setup/init', 'Failed to copy %url to local file %filename', null, array("%url" => $url, "%filename" => $fileName));
                 return false;
     return $fileName;
Example #11
  * Stores the content of the INI object to the cache file \a $cachedFile.
  * @param string $cachedDir Cache dir, usually "var/cache/ini/"
  * @param string $cachedFile Name of cache file as returned by cacheFileName()
  * @param array $data Configuration data as an associative array structure
  * @param array $inputFiles List of input files used as basis for cache (for use in load cache to check mtime)
  * @param string $iniFile Ini file path string returned by findInputFiles() for main ini file
  * @return bool
 protected function saveCache($cachedDir, $cachedFile, array $data, array $inputFiles, $iniFile)
     if (!file_exists($cachedDir)) {
         if (!eZDir::mkdir($cachedDir, 0777, true)) {
             eZDebug::writeError("Couldn't create cache directory {$cachedDir}, perhaps wrong permissions", __METHOD__);
             return false;
     // Save the data to a temp cached file
     $tmpCacheFile = $cachedFile . '_' . substr(md5(mt_rand()), 0, 8);
     $fp = @fopen($tmpCacheFile, "w");
     if ($fp === false) {
         eZDebug::writeError("Couldn't create cache file '{$cachedFile}', perhaps wrong permissions?", __METHOD__);
         return false;
     // Write cache data as a php structure with some meta information for use while reading cache
     fwrite($fp, "<?php\n// This is a auto generated ini cache file, time created:" . date(DATE_RFC822) . "\n");
     fwrite($fp, "\$data = array(\n");
     fwrite($fp, "'rev' => " . eZINI::CONFIG_CACHE_REV . ",\n");
     fwrite($fp, "'created' => '" . date('c') . "',\n");
     if ($this->Codec) {
         fwrite($fp, "'charset' => \"" . $this->Codec->RequestedOutputCharsetCode . "\",\n");
     } else {
         fwrite($fp, "'charset' => \"{$this->Charset}\",\n");
     fwrite($fp, "'files' => " . preg_replace("@\n[\\s]+@", '', var_export($inputFiles, true)) . ",\n");
     fwrite($fp, "'file' => '{$iniFile}',\n");
     fwrite($fp, "'val' => " . preg_replace("@\n[\\s]+@", '', var_export($data, true)) . ");");
     fwrite($fp, "\n?>");
     // Rename cache temp file to final desitination and set permissions
     eZFile::rename($tmpCacheFile, $cachedFile);
     chmod($cachedFile, self::$filePermission);
     if (eZINI::isDebugEnabled()) {
         eZDebug::writeNotice("Wrote cache file '{$cachedFile}'", __METHOD__);
     return true;
  * Stores the data in $fileData to the remote and local file and commits the
  * transaction.
  * The parameter $fileData must contain the same as information as the
  * $generateCallback returns as explained in processCache().
  * @note This method is just a continuation of the code in processCache()
  *       and is not meant to be called alone since it relies on specific
  *       state in the database.
 public function storeCache($fileData)
     $scope = false;
     $datatype = false;
     $binaryData = null;
     $fileContent = null;
     $store = true;
     $storeCache = false;
     if (is_array($fileData)) {
         if (isset($fileData['scope'])) {
             $scope = $fileData['scope'];
         if (isset($fileData['datatype'])) {
             $datatype = $fileData['datatype'];
         if (isset($fileData['content'])) {
             $fileContent = $fileData['content'];
         if (isset($fileData['binarydata'])) {
             $binaryData = $fileData['binarydata'];
         if (isset($fileData['store'])) {
             $store = $fileData['store'];
     } else {
         $binaryData = $fileData;
     // This checks if we entered timeout and got our generating file stolen
     // If this happens, we don't store our cache
     if ($store and $this->checkCacheGenerationTimeout()) {
         $storeCache = true;
     $result = null;
     if ($binaryData === null && $fileContent === null) {
         eZDebug::writeError("Write callback need to set the 'content' or 'binarydata' entry for '{$this->filePath}'", __METHOD__);
         return null;
     if ($binaryData === null) {
         $binaryData = "<" . "?php\n\treturn " . var_export($fileContent, true) . ";\n?" . ">\n";
     if ($fileContent === null) {
         $result = $binaryData;
     } else {
         $result = $fileContent;
     if (!$this->filePath) {
         return $result;
     // no store advice from cache generation timeout or disabled viewcache,
     // we just return the result
     if (!$storeCache) {
         eZDebugSetting::writeDebug('kernel-clustering', "Not storing this cache", __METHOD__);
         return $result;
     // stale cache handling: we just return the result, no lock has been set
     if ($this->useStaleCache) {
         eZDebugSetting::writeDebug('kernel-clustering', "Stalecache mode enabled for this cache", "dfs::storeCache( {$this->filePath} )");
         // we write the generated cache to disk if it does not exist yet,
         // to speed up the next uncached operation
         // This file will be overwritten by the real file
         if (!file_exists($this->filePath)) {
             eZDebugSetting::writeDebug('kernel-clustering', "Writing stale file content to local file {$this->filePath}", __METHOD__);
             eZFile::create(basename($this->filePath), dirname($this->filePath), $binaryData, true);
         return $result;
     // Check if we are allowed to store the data, if not just return the result
     if (!$store) {
         return $result;
     // Distinguish bool from eZClusterFileFailure, and call abortCacheGeneration()
     $storeContentsResult = $this->storeContents($binaryData, $scope, $datatype, $storeLocally = false);
     // Cache was stored, we end cache generation
     if ($storeContentsResult === true) {
     } else {
         if ($storeContentsResult instanceof eZMySQLBackendError) {
     // We don't do anything if false (not stored for known reasons) has been returned
     return $result;
Example #13
 static function create($filename, $directory = false, $data = false, $atomic = false)
     $filepath = $filename;
     if ($directory) {
         if (!file_exists($directory)) {
             eZDir::mkdir($directory, false, true);
             //                 eZDebugSetting::writeNotice( 'ezfile-create', "Created directory $directory", 'eZFile::create' );
         $filepath = $directory . '/' . $filename;
     // If atomic creation is needed we will use a temporary
     // file when writing the data, then rename it to the correct path.
     if ($atomic) {
         $realpath = $filepath;
         $dirname = dirname($filepath);
         if (strlen($dirname) != 0) {
             $dirname .= "/";
         $filepath = $dirname . "ezfile-tmp." . md5($filepath . getmypid() . mt_rand());
     $file = fopen($filepath, 'wb');
     if ($file) {
         //             eZDebugSetting::writeNotice( 'ezfile-create', "Created file $filepath", 'eZFile::create' );
         if ($data) {
             fwrite($file, $data);
         if ($atomic) {
             eZFile::rename($filepath, $realpath);
         return true;
     //         eZDebugSetting::writeNotice( 'ezfile-create', "Failed creating file $filepath", 'eZFile::create' );
     return false;
Example #14
function eZSetupPrvtAreDirAndFilesWritable($dir)
    if (!eZDir::isWriteable($dir)) {
        return FALSE;
    // Check if all files within a given directory are writeable
    $files = eZDir::findSubitems($dir, 'f');
    // find only files, skip dirs and symlinks
    $fileSeparator = eZSys::fileSeparator();
    foreach ($files as $file) {
        if (!eZFile::isWriteable($dir . $fileSeparator . $file)) {
            return FALSE;
    return TRUE;
Example #15
 function close()
     if ($this->ClusteringEnabled) {
         $this->ClusterHandler = null;
     if ($this->FileResource) {
         if ($this->isAtomic) {
             eZFile::rename($this->tmpFilename, $this->requestedFilename);
         $this->FileResource = false;
    static function renameDir( $dir )
        // just rename. Actual removing will be performed by cronjob.

        // This directory renaming is only performed on the local filesystem
        // to ensure purging of really old data. If the DB file handler is in
        // use it will check the modified_subnode field of the tree structure
        // to determin expiry when the cache-block entry is accessed.
        if ( file_exists( $dir ) )
            if ( is_dir( $dir ) )
                $expiryCacheDir = eZTemplateCacheFunction::expiryTemplateBlockCacheDir();

                $uniqid = md5( uniqid( 'ezpsubtreecache'. getmypid(), true ) );
                $expiryCacheDir .= '/' . $uniqid[0] . '/' . $uniqid[1] . '/' . $uniqid[2] . '/' . $uniqid;

                if ( !file_exists( $expiryCacheDir ) )
                    eZDir::mkdir( $expiryCacheDir, false, true );
                eZFile::rename( $dir, $expiryCacheDir, false, eZFile::APPEND_DEBUG_ON_FAILURE );
                eZDebug::writeWarning( "$dir should be a directory. Template-block caches for 'subtree_expiry' are not removed.", __METHOD__ );
Example #17
 static function doRename( $destinationFilename, $sourceFilename )
     return eZFile::rename( $sourceFilename, $destinationFilename );
Example #18
 protected function createFile($filePath, $contents, $atomic = true)
     // $contents can result from a failed file_get_contents(). In this case
     if ($contents === false) {
         return false;
     $createResult = eZFile::create(basename($filePath), dirname($filePath), $contents, $atomic);
     if ($createResult) {
     return $createResult;
  * store mailitem on filesystem
  * @todo eZFile::create result
  * @return void
 private function storeMessageToFilesystem()
     $mailboxItemId = $this->attribute('id');
     $mailboxId = $this->attribute('mailbox_id');
     $messageId = $this->attribute('message_id');
     $currentTimestamp = time();
     // return filepath
     $filePathArray = $this->getFilePathArray();
     // return content string of mail item
     $messageData = $this->MessageString;
     // create file in path with content
     $createResult = eZFile::create($filePathArray['file_name'], $filePathArray['file_dir'], $messageData);
$options = $script->getOptions('', '', array());
$limit = 20;
$offset = 0;
$db = eZDB::instance();
$script->setIterationData('.', '~');
while ($binaryFiles = eZPersistentObject::fetchObjectList(eZBinaryFile::definition(), null, null, null, array('offset' => $offset, 'limit' => $limit))) {
    foreach ($binaryFiles as $binaryFile) {
        $fileName = $binaryFile->attribute('filename');
        if (strpos($fileName, '.') !== false) {
            $text = "skipping {$fileName}, it contains a suffix";
            $script->iterate($cli, true, $text);
        $suffix = eZFile::suffix($binaryFile->attribute('original_filename'));
        if ($suffix) {
            $newFileName = $fileName . '.' . $suffix;
            $oldFilePath = $binaryFile->attribute('filepath');
            $binaryFile->setAttribute('filename', $newFileName);
            $newFilePath = $binaryFile->attribute('filepath');
            $file = eZClusterFileHandler::instance($oldFilePath);
            if ($file->exists()) {
                $text = "renamed {$fileName} to {$newFileName}";
            } else {
                $text = "file not found: {$oldFilePath}";
                $script->iterate($cli, false, $text);
Example #21
  * Fetches the file $filePath from the database, saving it locally with its
  * original name, or $uniqueName if given
  * @param string $filePath
  * @param string $uniqueName
  * @return the file physical path, or false if fetch failed
 function _fetch($filePath, $uniqueName = false)
     $metaData = $this->_fetchMetadata($filePath);
     if (!$metaData) {
         eZDebug::writeError("File '{$filePath}' does not exist while trying to fetch.", __METHOD__);
         return false;
     $contentLength = $metaData['size'];
     $sql = "SELECT filedata, offset FROM " . TABLE_DATA . " WHERE name_hash=" . $this->_md5($filePath) . " ORDER BY offset";
     if (!($res = $this->_query($sql, "_fetch({$filePath})"))) {
         eZDebug::writeError("Failed to fetch file data for file '{$filePath}'.", __METHOD__);
         return false;
     if (!mysql_num_rows($res)) {
         eZDebug::writeError("No rows in file '{$filePath}' being fetched.", __METHOD__);
         return false;
     // create temporary file
     if (strrpos($filePath, '.') > 0) {
         $tmpFilePath = substr_replace($filePath, getmypid() . 'tmp', strrpos($filePath, '.'), 0);
     } else {
         $tmpFilePath = $filePath . '.' . getmypid() . 'tmp';
     if (!($fp = fopen($tmpFilePath, 'wb'))) {
         eZDebug::writeError("Cannot write to '{$tmpFilePath}' while fetching file.", __METHOD__);
         return false;
     $offset = 0;
     while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($res)) {
         $expectedOffset = $row[1];
         if ($expectedOffset != $offset) {
             eZDebug::writeError("The fetched offset value '{$expectedOffset}' does not match the computed one for the file '{$filePath}', aborting fetch.", __METHOD__);
             return false;
         fwrite($fp, $row[0]);
         $offset += strlen($row[0]);
     if ($offset != $contentLength) {
         eZDebug::writeError("The size of the fetched data '{$offset}' does not match the expected size '{$contentLength}' for the file '{$filePath}', aborting fetch.", __METHOD__);
         return false;
     // Make sure all data is written correctly
     $tmpSize = filesize($tmpFilePath);
     if ($tmpSize != $metaData['size']) {
         eZDebug::writeError("Size ({$tmpSize}) of written data for file '{$tmpFilePath}' does not match expected size " . $metaData['size'], __METHOD__);
         return false;
     if (!$uniqueName === true) {
         eZFile::rename($tmpFilePath, $filePath, false, eZFile::CLEAN_ON_FAILURE | eZFile::APPEND_DEBUG_ON_FAILURE);
     } else {
         $filePath = $tmpFilePath;
     return $filePath;
    function fetchNodeInfo( &$node )
        // When finished, we'll return an array of attributes/properties.
        $entry = array();

        // Grab settings from the ini file:
        $webdavINI = eZINI::instance( eZWebDAVContentServer::WEBDAV_INI_FILE );
        $iniSettings = $webdavINI->variable( 'DisplaySettings', 'FileAttribute' );

        $classIdentifier = $node->attribute( 'class_identifier' );

        $object = $node->attribute( 'object' );

        // By default, everything is displayed as a folder:
        // Trim the name of the node, it is in some cases whitespace in eZ Publish
        $entry["name"] = trim( $node->attribute( 'name' ) );
        $entry["size"] = 0;
        $entry["mimetype"] = 'httpd/unix-directory';
        $entry["ctime"] = $object->attribute( 'published' );
        $entry["mtime"] = $object->attribute( 'modified' );

        $upload = new eZContentUpload();
        $info = $upload->objectFileInfo( $object );
        $suffix = '';
        $class = $object->contentClass();
        $isObjectFolder = $this->isObjectFolder( $object, $class );

        if ( $isObjectFolder )
            // We do nothing, the default is to see it as a folder
        else if ( $info )
            $filePath = $info['filepath'];
            $entry["mimetype"] = false;
            $entry["size"] = false;
            if ( isset( $info['filesize'] ) )
                $entry['size'] = $info['filesize'];
            if ( isset( $info['mime_type'] ) )
                $entry['mimetype'] = $info['mime_type'];

            // Fill in information from the actual file if they are missing.
            $file = eZClusterFileHandler::instance( $filePath );
            if ( !$entry['size'] and $file->exists() )
                $entry["size"] = $file->size();
            if ( !$entry['mimetype']  )
                $mimeInfo = eZMimeType::findByURL( $filePath );
                $entry["mimetype"] = $mimeInfo['name'];
                $suffix = $mimeInfo['suffix'];
                if ( strlen( $suffix ) > 0 )
                    $entry["name"] .= '.' . $suffix;
                // eZMimeType returns first suffix in its list
                // this could be another one than the original file extension
                // so let's try to get the suffix from the file path first
                $suffix = eZFile::suffix( $filePath );
                if ( !$suffix )
                    $mimeInfo = eZMimeType::findByName( $entry['mimetype'] );
                    $suffix = $mimeInfo['suffix'];
                if ( strlen( $suffix ) > 0 )
                    $entry["name"] .= '.' . $suffix;

            if ( $file->exists() )
                $entry["ctime"] = $file->mtime();
                $entry["mtime"] = $file->mtime();
            // Here we only show items as folders if they have
            // is_container set to true, otherwise it's an unknown binary file
            if ( !$class->attribute( 'is_container' ) )
                $entry['mimetype'] = 'application/octet-stream';

        $scriptURL = eZSys::instance()->RequestURI;
        if ( strlen( $scriptURL ) > 0 and $scriptURL[ strlen( $scriptURL ) - 1 ] != "/" )
            $scriptURL .= "/";

        $trimmedScriptURL = trim( $scriptURL, '/' );
        $scriptURLParts = explode( '/', $trimmedScriptURL );

        $siteAccess = $scriptURLParts[0];
        $virtualFolder = $scriptURLParts[1];

        $startURL = '/' . $siteAccess . '/' . $virtualFolder . '/';

        // Set the href attribute (note that it doesn't just equal the name).
        if ( !isset( $entry['href'] ) )
            if ( strlen( $suffix ) > 0 )
                $suffix = '.' . $suffix;

            $alias = $node->urlAlias();
            if ( $virtualFolder == eZWebDAVContentServer::virtualMediaFolderName() )
                // remove the real media node url alias, the virtual media folder is already in $startURL
                $aliasParts = explode( '/', $alias );
                array_shift( $aliasParts );
                $alias = implode( '/', $aliasParts );
            $entry["href"] = $startURL . $alias . $suffix;
        // Return array of attributes/properties (name, size, mime, times, etc.).
        return $entry;
Example #23
 protected function createFile($path, $content)
     return eZFile::create(basename($path), dirname($path), $content, false);
  * Gathers information about a given node specified as parameter.
  * The format of the returned array is:
  * <code>
  * array( 'name' => node name (eg. 'Group picture'),
  *        'size' => storage size of the_node in bytes (eg. 57123),
  *        'mimetype' => mime type of the node (eg. 'image/jpeg'),
  *        'ctime' => creation time as timestamp,
  *        'mtime' => latest modification time as timestamp,
  *        'href' => the path to the node (eg. '/plain_site_user/Content/Folder1/file1.jpg')
  * </code>
  * @param string $target Eg. '/plain_site_user/Content/Folder1/file1.jpg
  * @param eZContentObject &$node The node corresponding to $target
  * @return array(string=>mixed)
  * @todo remove/replace .ini calls, eZContentUpload, eZMimeType, eZSys RequestURI
  * @todo handle articles as files
 protected function fetchNodeInfo($target, &$node)
     // When finished, we'll return an array of attributes/properties.
     $entry = array();
     $classIdentifier = $node->attribute('class_identifier');
     $object = $node->attribute('object');
     $urlAlias = $node->urlAlias();
     // By default, everything is displayed as a folder:
     // Trim the name of the node, it is in some cases whitespace in eZ Publish
     $name = trim($node->attribute('name'));
     // @as 2009-03-09: return node_id as displayname in case name is missing
     // displayname is not actually used by WebDAV clients
     $entry["name"] = $name !== '' && $name !== NULL ? $name : $node->attribute('node_id');
     $entry["size"] = 0;
     $entry["mimetype"] = self::DIRECTORY_MIMETYPE;
     eZWebDAVContentBackend::appendLogEntry('FetchNodeInfo:' . $node->attribute('name') . '/' . $urlAlias);
     // @todo handle articles as files
     // if ( $classIdentifier === 'article' )
     // {
     //     $entry["mimetype"] = 'application/ms-word';
     // }
     $entry["ctime"] = $object->attribute('published');
     $entry["mtime"] = $object->attribute('modified');
     $upload = new eZContentUpload();
     $info = $upload->objectFileInfo($object);
     $suffix = '';
     $class = $object->contentClass();
     $isObjectFolder = $this->isObjectFolder($object, $class);
     if ($isObjectFolder) {
         // We do nothing, the default is to see it as a folder
     } else {
         if ($info) {
             $filePath = $info['filepath'];
             $entry['filepath'] = $filePath;
             $entry["mimetype"] = false;
             $entry["size"] = false;
             if (isset($info['filesize'])) {
                 $entry['size'] = $info['filesize'];
             if (isset($info['mime_type'])) {
                 $entry['mimetype'] = $info['mime_type'];
             // Fill in information from the actual file if they are missing.
             $file = eZClusterFileHandler::instance($filePath);
             if (!$entry['size'] and $file->exists()) {
                 $entry["size"] = $file->size();
             if (!$entry['mimetype']) {
                 $mimeInfo = eZMimeType::findByURL($filePath);
                 $entry["mimetype"] = $mimeInfo['name'];
                 $suffix = $mimeInfo['suffix'];
                 if (strlen($suffix) > 0) {
                     $entry["name"] .= '.' . $suffix;
             } else {
                 // eZMimeType returns first suffix in its list
                 // this could be another one than the original file extension
                 // so let's try to get the suffix from the file path first
                 $suffix = eZFile::suffix($filePath);
                 if (!$suffix) {
                     $mimeInfo = eZMimeType::findByName($entry['mimetype']);
                     $suffix = $mimeInfo['suffix'];
                 if (strlen($suffix) > 0) {
                     $entry["name"] .= '.' . $suffix;
             if ($file->exists()) {
                 $entry["ctime"] = $file->mtime();
                 $entry["mtime"] = $file->mtime();
         } else {
             // Here we only show items as folders if they have
             // is_container set to true, otherwise it's an unknown binary file
             if (!$class->attribute('is_container')) {
                 $entry['mimetype'] = 'application/octet-stream';
     $scriptURL = $target;
     if (strlen($scriptURL) > 0 and $scriptURL[strlen($scriptURL) - 1] !== "/") {
         $scriptURL .= "/";
     $trimmedScriptURL = trim($scriptURL, '/');
     $scriptURLParts = explode('/', $trimmedScriptURL);
     $urlPartCount = count($scriptURLParts);
     if ($urlPartCount >= 2) {
         // one of the virtual folders
         // or inside one of the virtual folders
         $siteAccess = $scriptURLParts[0];
         $virtualFolder = $scriptURLParts[1];
         // only when the virtual folder is Content we need to add its path to the start URL
         // the paths of other top level folders (like Media) are included in URL aliases of their descending nodes
         if ($virtualFolder === self::virtualContentFolderName()) {
             $startURL = '/' . $siteAccess . '/' . $virtualFolder . '/';
         } else {
             if ($virtualFolder === self::virtualMediaFolderName()) {
                 $startURL = '/' . $siteAccess . '/' . $virtualFolder . '/';
                 $urlAlias = substr($urlAlias, strpos($urlAlias, '/') + 1);
             } else {
                 $startURL = '/' . $siteAccess . '/';
     } else {
         // site access level
         $startURL = $scriptURL;
     // Set the href attribute (note that it doesn't just equal the name).
     if (!isset($entry['href'])) {
         if (strlen($suffix) > 0) {
             $suffix = '.' . $suffix;
         $entry["href"] = $startURL . $urlAlias . $suffix;
     // Return array of attributes/properties (name, size, mime, times, etc.).
     return $entry;
Example #25
     * Fetches the file $filePath from the database to its own name
     * Saving $filePath locally with its original name, or $uniqueName if given
     * @param string $filePath
     * @param string $uniqueName Alternative name to save the file to
     * @return string|bool the file physical path, or false if fetch failed
    public function _fetch( $filePath, $uniqueName = false )
        $metaData = $this->_fetchMetadata( $filePath );
        if ( !$metaData )
            // @todo Throw an exception
            eZDebug::writeError( "File '$filePath' does not exist while trying to fetch.", __METHOD__ );
            return false;

        // create temporary file
        if ( strrpos( $filePath, '.' ) > 0 )
            $tmpFilePath = substr_replace( $filePath, getmypid().'tmp', strrpos( $filePath, '.' ), 0  );
            $tmpFilePath = $filePath . '.' . getmypid().'tmp';
        $this->__mkdir_p( dirname( $tmpFilePath ) );

        // copy DFS file to temporary FS path
        // @todo Throw an exception
        if ( !$this->dfsbackend->copyFromDFS( $filePath, $tmpFilePath ) )
            eZDebug::writeError("Failed copying DFS://$filePath to FS://$tmpFilePath ");
            return false;

        // Make sure all data is written correctly
        $tmpSize = filesize( $tmpFilePath );
        // @todo Throw an exception
        if ( $tmpSize != $metaData['size'] )
            eZDebug::writeError( "Size ($tmpSize) of written data for file '$tmpFilePath' does not match expected size " . $metaData['size'], __METHOD__ );
            return false;

        if ( $uniqueName !== true )
            eZFile::rename( $tmpFilePath, $filePath, false, eZFile::CLEAN_ON_FAILURE | eZFile::APPEND_DEBUG_ON_FAILURE );
            $filePath = $tmpFilePath;

        return $filePath;
     * Creates the object from the uploaded file and displays the preview of it
     * @param array $args
     * @return array
     * @throw RuntimeException if the previously uploaded file cannot be fetched
    static function preview( $args )
        $http = eZHTTPTool::instance();
        $handler = self::getHandler( $args );
        if ( !$handler->canUpload() )
            throw new RuntimeException(
                    'You are not allowed to upload a file.'

        $file = $http->postVariable( 'UploadFile', false );
        $fileHandler = eZClusterFileHandler::instance();
        if ( $file === false
                || !$fileHandler->fileExists( $file )
                || !$fileHandler->fileFetch( $file ) )
            throw new RuntimeException(
                    'extension/ezjscore/ajaxuploader', 'Unable to retrieve the uploaded file.'
            $tmpFile = eZSys::cacheDirectory() . '/' .
                        eZINI::instance()->variable( 'FileSettings', 'TemporaryDir' ) . '/' .
                            array( '/', '\\' ), '_',
                            $http->postVariable( 'UploadOriginalFilename' )
            eZFile::rename( $file, $tmpFile, true );
            $fileHandler->fileDelete( $file );
            $fileHandler->fileDeleteLocal( $file );

        $contentObject = $handler->createObject(
            $http->postVariable( 'UploadLocation', false ),
            $http->postVariable( 'UploadName', '' )
        unlink( $tmpFile );

        $tpl = eZTemplate::factory();
        $tpl->setVariable( 'object', $contentObject );
        return array(
            'meta_data' => $handler->serializeObject( $contentObject ),
            'html' => $tpl->fetch( 'design:ajaxuploader/preview.tpl' )
  * Move file.
  * \public
  * \static
 function fileMove($srcPath, $dstPath)
     eZDebugSetting::writeDebug('kernel-clustering', "fs::fileMove( '{$srcPath}', '{$dstPath}' )", __METHOD__);
     eZDebug::accumulatorStart('dbfile', false, 'dbfile');
     eZFile::rename($srcPath, $dstPath, true);
Example #28
 public function testDownloadNoFile()
     $this->assertEquals("", ob_get_clean());
Example #29
 static function rotateLog($fileName)
     $maxLogrotateFiles = eZDebug::maxLogrotateFiles();
     if ($maxLogrotateFiles == 0) {
     for ($i = $maxLogrotateFiles; $i > 0; --$i) {
         $logRotateName = $fileName . '.' . $i;
         if (file_exists($logRotateName)) {
             if ($i == $maxLogrotateFiles) {
             } else {
                 $newLogRotateName = $fileName . '.' . ($i + 1);
                 eZFile::rename($logRotateName, $newLogRotateName);
     if (file_exists($fileName)) {
         $newLogRotateName = $fileName . '.' . 1;
         eZFile::rename($fileName, $newLogRotateName);
         return true;
     return false;
Example #30
 function appendSimpleFile($key, $filepath)
     if (!isset($this->Parameters['simple-file-list'])) {
         $this->Parameters['simple-file-list'] = array();
     $suffix = eZFile::suffix($filepath);
     //$sourcePath = $fileInfo['original-path'];
     $packagePath = eZPackage::simpleFilesDirectory() . '/' . substr(md5(mt_rand()), 0, 8) . '.' . $suffix;
     $destinationPath = $this->path() . '/' . $packagePath;
     eZDir::mkdir(eZDir::dirpath($destinationPath), false, true);
     //SP DBfile
     $fileHandler = eZClusterFileHandler::instance();
     eZFileHandler::copy($filepath, $destinationPath);
     $this->Parameters['simple-file-list'][$key] = array('original-path' => $filepath, 'package-path' => $packagePath);