     * Test to verify that eznode_assignment entres get removed.
     * @link http://issues.ez.no/15478
    public function testRemoveAssignments()
        $db = eZDB::instance();

        $testSet = array();

        $folder = new ezpObject( "folder", 2 );
        $folder->name = __FUNCTION__;
        $testSet[] = $folder;

        $childOne = new ezpObject( "folder", $folder->mainNode->node_id );
        $childOne->name = "ChildOne";
        $testSet[] = $childOne;

        $childTwo = new ezpObject( "folder", $folder->mainNode->node_id );
        $childTwo->name = "ChildTwo";
        $testSet[] = $childTwo;

        $subChildOne = new ezpObject( 'article', $childOne->mainNode->node_id );
        $subChildOne->title = "SubChild";
        $testSet[] = $subChildOne;

        $subChildTwo = new ezpObject( 'article', $childOne->mainNode->node_id );
        $subChildTwo->title = "SubChildOther";
        $testSet[] = $subChildTwo;

        $subChildThree = new ezpObject( 'article', $childOne->mainNode->node_id );
        $subChildThree->title = "SubChildThird";
        $testSet[] = $subChildThree;

        // Let's add another placement here
        $newPlacementSubChildOne = $subChildOne->addNode( $childTwo->mainNode->node_id );
        $testSet[] = $newPlacementSubChildOne;

        // $this->debugBasicNodeInfo( $testSet );

        $coId = $newPlacementSubChildOne->attribute( 'contentobject_id' );

        eZContentOperationCollection::removeAssignment( $childTwo->mainNode->node_id, $childTwo->id, array( $newPlacementSubChildOne ), false );

        $checkSql = "SELECT * FROM eznode_assignment WHERE contentobject_id = {$coId}";
        $result = $db->arrayQuery( $checkSql );

        // After removing one of the assignments, the number of node
        // assignments for the content object should be only one.
        $numberOfAssignments = count( $result );

        self::assertEquals( 1, $numberOfAssignments, "The number of node assignments are not correct, eznode_assignment table not cleaned up correctly." );