Example #1
 function modify($tpl, $operatorName, $operatorParameters, $rootNamespace, $currentNamespace, &$operatorValue, $namedParameters)
     switch ($operatorName) {
         // note: these functions are not cache-block safe
         // as in: if called inside a cache-block then they will not be called when cache is used.
         case 'ezpagedata_set':
         case 'ezpagedata_append':
             self::setPersistentVariable($namedParameters['key'], $namedParameters['value'], $tpl, $operatorName === 'ezpagedata_append');
         case 'ezpagedata':
             $currentNodeId = 0;
             $pageData = array();
             $parameters = $namedParameters['params'];
             // Get module_result for later use
             if ($tpl->hasVariable('module_result')) {
                 $moduleResult = $tpl->variable('module_result');
             } else {
                 $moduleResult = array();
             if (isset($moduleResult['content_info'])) {
                 $contentInfo = $moduleResult['content_info'];
             } else {
                 $contentInfo = array();
             // Get persistent_variable
             if (isset($contentInfo['persistent_variable']) && is_array($contentInfo['persistent_variable'])) {
                 $pageData['persistent_variable'] = $contentInfo['persistent_variable'];
             } else {
                 $pageData['persistent_variable'] = self::getPersistentVariable();
                 if ($pageData['persistent_variable'] === null) {
                     $pageData['persistent_variable'] = array();
             // Merge parameters with persistent_variable
             $parameters = array_merge($parameters, $pageData['persistent_variable']);
             // Figgure out current node id
             if (isset($parameters['current_node_id'])) {
                 $currentNodeId = (int) $parameters['current_node_id'];
                 // Allow parameters to set current path
                 if (isset($parameters['set_current_node_path']) && $parameters['set_current_node_path']) {
                     if ($setPath = self::getNodePath($currentNodeId)) {
                         $moduleResult['path'] = $setPath['path'];
                         $moduleResult['title_path'] = $setPath['title_path'];
                         $tpl->setVariable('module_result', $moduleResult);
                     } else {
                         eZDebug::writeWarning("Could not fetch 'current_node_id'", 'eZPageData::getNodePath()');
             } else {
                 if ($tpl->hasVariable('current_node_id')) {
                     $currentNodeId = (int) $tpl->variable('current_node_id');
                 } else {
                     if (isset($moduleResult['node_id'])) {
                         $currentNodeId = (int) $moduleResult['node_id'];
                     } else {
                         if (isset($moduleResult['path'], $moduleResult['path'][count($moduleResult['path']) - 1]['node_id'])) {
                             $currentNodeId = (int) $moduleResult['path'][count($moduleResult['path']) - 1]['node_id'];
             // Init variables and return values
             $ini = eZINI::instance('site.ini');
             $menuIni = eZINI::instance('menu.ini');
             $contentIni = eZINI::instance('content.ini');
             $uiContext = $tpl->variable('ui_context');
             $uriString = $tpl->variable('uri_string');
             $pageDepth = isset($moduleResult['path']) ? count($moduleResult['path']) : 0;
             $pageData['main_node_id'] = isset($contentInfo['main_node_id']) ? $contentInfo['main_node_id'] : $currentNodeId;
             $pageData['show_path'] = 'path';
             $pageData['website_toolbar'] = false;
             $pageData['node_id'] = $currentNodeId;
             $pageData['is_edit'] = false;
             $pageData['page_root_depth'] = 0;
             $pageData['page_depth'] = $pageDepth;
             $pageData['root_node'] = (int) $contentIni->variable('NodeSettings', 'RootNode');
             $pageData['canonical_url'] = false;
             $pageData['canonical_language_url'] = false;
             // is_edit if not on user/edit and not on content/action when
             // you get info collector warning about missing attributes
             if ($uiContext === 'edit' && strpos($uriString, 'user/edit') === false && (empty($contentInfo) || strpos($uriString, 'content/action') === false)) {
                 $pageData['is_edit'] = true;
             if (isset($contentInfo['viewmode'])) {
                 $viewMode = $contentInfo['viewmode'];
             } else {
                 $viewMode = '';
             // Get custom template_look object. false|eZContentObject (set as parameter from caller)
             if (isset($parameters['template_look'])) {
                 $pageData['template_look'] = $parameters['template_look'];
             } else {
                 // Get template_look eZContentObject
                 if (!isset($parameters['template_look_class'])) {
                     $parameters['template_look_class'] = 'template_look';
                 $templateLookClassID = eZContentObjectTreeNode::classIDByIdentifier($parameters['template_look_class']);
                 $templateLookObjectList = eZContentObject::fetchFilteredList(array('contentclass_id' => $templateLookClassID), 0, 1);
                 if ($templateLookObjectList) {
                     $pageData['template_look'] = $templateLookObjectList[0];
                 } else {
                     $pageData['template_look'] = false;
             // canonical url, to let search engines know about main location on content with multiple locations
             if (isset($parameters['canonical_url'])) {
                 $pageData['canonical_url'] = $parameters['canonical_url'];
             } elseif (isset($contentInfo['main_node_url_alias']) && $contentInfo['main_node_url_alias']) {
                 $pageData['canonical_url'] = $contentInfo['main_node_url_alias'];
             } elseif (isset($contentInfo['current_language']) && $contentInfo['current_language'] !== $ini->variable('RegionalSettings', 'ContentObjectLocale')) {
                 $siteaccess = eZSiteAccess::saNameByLanguage($contentInfo['current_language']);
                 if ($siteaccess !== null) {
                     $lang = eZContentLanguage::fetchByLocale($ini->variable('RegionalSettings', 'ContentObjectLocale'));
                     if (($contentInfo['language_mask'] & $lang->attribute('id')) < 1) {
                         $handlerOptions = new ezpExtensionOptions();
                         $handlerOptions->iniFile = 'site.ini';
                         $handlerOptions->iniSection = 'RegionalSettings';
                         $handlerOptions->iniVariable = 'LanguageSwitcherClass';
                         $handlerOptions->handlerParams = array(array('Parameters' => array('sa', $currentNodeId), 'UserParameters' => array()));
                         $langSwitch = eZExtension::getHandlerClass($handlerOptions);
                         $pageData['canonical_language_url'] = $langSwitch->destinationUrl();
               RootNodeDepth is a setting for letting you have a very simple multisite, single database and singe siteaccess setup.
               The content of the menues will be the same on all system pages like user/login, content/edit
               and so on, and also when you surf bellow the defined page_root_depth.
               The sites will also share siteaccess and thus also the same ez publish design and templates.
               You can however custimize the design with css using the class on div#page html output:
               subtree_level_x_node_id_y class
               Note: It is recommended to turn it of by setting it to 0 for normal sites!
               Example having 2 or more 'sub-sites' with RootNodeDepth=2:
                 root (menu shows sub sites as menu choices like it will on system pages)
                 - sub site 1 (menu show content of this sub site)
                 - sub site 2 (-- " --)
                 - sub site 3 (-- " --)
                 - sub site 4 (-- " --)
                 - sub site 5 (-- " --)
             if ($currentNodeId && isset($moduleResult['path'][0]['node_id']) && $moduleResult['path'][0]['node_id'] == '2' && $ini->hasVariable('SiteSettings', 'RootNodeDepth') && $ini->variable('SiteSettings', 'RootNodeDepth') !== '0') {
                 $pageData['page_root_depth'] = $ini->variable('SiteSettings', 'RootNodeDepth') - 1;
                 if (isset($moduleResult['path'][$pageData['page_root_depth']]['node_id'])) {
                     $pageData['root_node'] = $moduleResult['path'][$pageData['page_root_depth']]['node_id'];
             // Get class identifier for easier access in tempaltes
             $pageData['class_identifier'] = '';
             if (isset($contentInfo['class_identifier'])) {
                 $pageData['class_identifier'] = $contentInfo['class_identifier'];
             // Use custom path template. bool|string ( default: path )
             if (isset($parameters['show_path'])) {
                 $pageData['show_path'] = $parameters['show_path'] === true ? 'path' : $parameters['show_path'];
             } else {
                 if ($viewMode === 'sitemap' || $viewMode === 'tagcloud') {
                     $pageData['show_path'] = false;
             // See if we should show website toolbar. bool ( default: false )
             if (isset($parameters['website_toolbar'])) {
                 $pageData['website_toolbar'] = $parameters['website_toolbar'];
             } else {
                 if ($viewMode === 'sitemap' || $viewMode === 'tagcloud' || strpos($uriString, 'content/versionview') === 0) {
                     $pageData['website_toolbar'] = false;
                 } else {
                     if ($tpl->hasVariable('current_user')) {
                         $currentUser = $tpl->variable('current_user');
                         $pageData['website_toolbar'] = $currentNodeId && $currentUser->attribute('is_logged_in');
             // Init default menu settings
             $pageData['top_menu'] = $menuIni->variable('SelectedMenu', 'TopMenu');
             $pageData['left_menu'] = $menuIni->variable('SelectedMenu', 'LeftMenu');
             $pageData['current_menu'] = $menuIni->variable('SelectedMenu', 'CurrentMenu');
             $pageData['extra_menu'] = 'extra_info';
             $pageData['extra_menu_node_id'] = $currentNodeId;
             $pageData['extra_menu_subitems'] = 0;
             $pageData['extra_menu_class_list'] = array('infobox');
             // BC: Setting to hide left and extra menu by class identifier
             if ($menuIni->hasVariable('MenuSettings', 'HideLeftMenuClasses')) {
                 $hideMenuClasses = in_array($pageData['class_identifier'], $menuIni->variable('MenuSettings', 'HideLeftMenuClasses'));
             } else {
                 $hideMenuClasses = false;
             // Use custom top menu template. bool|string ( default: from menu.ini[SelectedMenu]TopMenu )
             if (isset($parameters['top_menu']) && $parameters['top_menu'] !== true) {
                 $pageData['top_menu'] = $parameters['top_menu'];
             // Use custom left menu template. bool|string ( default: from menu.ini[SelectedMenu]LeftMenu )
             if (isset($parameters['left_menu'])) {
                 if ($parameters['left_menu'] !== true) {
                     $pageData['left_menu'] = $parameters['left_menu'];
             } else {
                 if ($hideMenuClasses) {
                     $pageData['left_menu'] = false;
             // Use custom extra menu template. bool|string (default: extra_info)
             if (isset($parameters['extra_menu'])) {
                 if ($parameters['extra_menu'] !== true) {
                     $pageData['extra_menu'] = $parameters['extra_menu'];
             } else {
                 if ($hideMenuClasses) {
                     $pageData['extra_menu'] = false;
             // Use custom node id. int|array (default: current node id)
             if (isset($parameters['extra_menu_node_id'])) {
                 $pageData['extra_menu_node_id'] = $parameters['extra_menu_node_id'];
             // Use custom extra menu identifier list. false|array (default: infobox)
             if (isset($parameters['extra_menu_class_list'])) {
                 $pageData['extra_menu_class_list'] = $parameters['extra_menu_class_list'];
             } else {
                 if ($menuIni->hasVariable('MenuContentSettings', 'ExtraIdentifierList')) {
                     $pageData['extra_menu_class_list'] = $menuIni->variable('MenuContentSettings', 'ExtraIdentifierList');
             if ($menuIni->variable('MenuSettings', 'AlwaysAvailable') === 'false') {
                 // A set of cases where left/extra menu's are hidden unless set by parameters
                 if ($pageData['is_edit'] || strpos($uriString, 'content/versionview') === 0) {
                     if (!isset($parameters['left_menu'])) {
                         $pageData['left_menu'] = false;
                     if (!isset($parameters['extra_menu'])) {
                         $pageData['extra_menu'] = false;
                 } else {
                     if (!$currentNodeId || $uiContext === 'browse') {
                         if (!isset($parameters['left_menu'])) {
                             $pageData['left_menu'] = false;
                         if (!isset($parameters['extra_menu'])) {
                             $pageData['extra_menu'] = false;
             // Count extra menu objects if all extra menu settings are present
             if (isset($parameters['extra_menu_subitems'])) {
                 $pageData['extra_menu_subitems'] = $parameters['extra_menu_subitems'];
                 if (!$pageData['extra_menu_subitems']) {
                     $pageData['extra_menu'] = false;
             } else {
                 if ($pageData['extra_menu'] && $pageData['extra_menu_class_list'] && $pageData['extra_menu_node_id']) {
                     if ($menuIni->variable('MenuContentSettings', 'ExtraMenuSubitemsCheck') === 'enabled') {
                         $pageData['extra_menu_subitems'] = eZContentObjectTreeNode::subTreeCountByNodeID(array('Depth' => 1, 'DepthOperator' => 'eq', 'ClassFilterType' => 'include', 'ClassFilterArray' => $pageData['extra_menu_class_list']), $pageData['extra_menu_node_id']);
                         if (!$pageData['extra_menu_subitems']) {
                             $pageData['extra_menu'] = false;
             // Init path parameters
             $pageData['path_array'] = array();
             $pageData['path_id_array'] = array();
             $pageData['path_normalized'] = '';
             // Creating menu css classes for div#page
             $pageData['css_classes'] = $pageData['left_menu'] ? 'sidemenu' : 'nosidemenu';
             $pageData['css_classes'] .= $pageData['extra_menu'] ? ' extrainfo' : ' noextrainfo';
             // Add section css class for div#page
             if (isset($moduleResult['section_id'])) {
                 $pageData['css_classes'] .= ' section_id_' . $moduleResult['section_id'];
             // Generate relative path array as well full path id array and path css classes for div#page
             $path = isset($moduleResult['path']) && is_array($moduleResult['path']) ? $moduleResult['path'] : array();
             foreach ($path as $key => $item) {
                 if ($key >= $pageData['page_root_depth']) {
                     $pageData['path_array'][] = $item;
                 if (isset($item['node_id'])) {
                     $pageData['path_normalized'] .= ' subtree_level_' . $key . '_node_id_' . $item['node_id'];
                     $pageData['path_id_array'][] = $item['node_id'];
             $pageData['css_classes'] .= $pageData['path_normalized'];
             if (isset($pageData['persistent_variable']['pagestyle_css_classes']) && is_array($pageData['persistent_variable']['pagestyle_css_classes'])) {
                 $pageData['css_classes'] .= ' ' . implode(' ', $pageData['persistent_variable']['pagestyle_css_classes']);
             $operatorValue = $pageData;
     * Returns an array of content objects with the content class id $contentClassID
     * @param int $contentClassID
     * @param bool $asObject Whether to return objects or not
     * @param int|bool $offset Where to start fetch from, set to false to skip it.
     * @param int|bool $limit Maximum number of objects to fetch, set false to skip it.

     * @return eZContentObject[]|array|null
    static function fetchSameClassList( $contentClassID, $asObject = true, $offset = false, $limit = false )
        $conditions = array( 'contentclass_id' => $contentClassID );
        return eZContentObject::fetchFilteredList( $conditions, $offset, $limit, $asObject );
$cli->warning("This script will NOT republish objects, but rather update the CURRENT");
$cli->warning("version of published objects. If you do not wish to do that, you have");
$cli->warning("15 seconds to cancel the script! (press Ctrl-C)\n");
$sourceClassAttributeIdentifier = $sourceClassAttribute->attribute('identifier');
$destClassAttributeIdentifier = $destClassAttribute->attribute('identifier');
$isDestClassAttributeTranslatable = (bool) $destClassAttribute->attribute('can_translate');
$adminUser = eZUser::fetchByName('admin');
$db = eZDB::instance();
$offset = 0;
$limit = 50;
$objectCount = eZPersistentObject::count(eZContentObject::definition(), array('contentclass_id' => $sourceClassAttribute->attribute('contentclass_id'), 'status' => eZContentObject::STATUS_PUBLISHED));
while ($offset < $objectCount) {
    $objects = eZContentObject::fetchFilteredList(array('contentclass_id' => $sourceClassAttribute->attribute('contentclass_id'), 'status' => eZContentObject::STATUS_PUBLISHED), $offset, $limit);
    foreach ($objects as $object) {
        foreach ($object->availableLanguages() as $languageCode) {
            $object->fetchDataMap(false, $languageCode);
        if (isset($object->DataMap[$object->attribute('current_version')])) {
            $languageDataMap = $object->DataMap[$object->attribute('current_version')];
            $initialLanguageCode = $object->initialLanguageCode();
            // first convert the initial (main) language
            $objectAttributes = $languageDataMap[$initialLanguageCode];
            if (isset($objectAttributes[$sourceClassAttributeIdentifier]) && isset($objectAttributes[$destClassAttributeIdentifier])) {
                $sourceObjectAttribute = $objectAttributes[$sourceClassAttributeIdentifier];
                $destObjectAttribute = $objectAttributes[$destClassAttributeIdentifier];
                if ($sourceObjectAttribute->hasContent()) {
                    $keywordArray = $sourceObjectAttribute->content()->keywordArray();