Example #1
     * Register Form Config Methods
    private function _displayFormRegister()
        $ebay = new eBayRequest();
        if (!empty($this->context->cookie->eBaySession) && isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'logged') {
            if (isset($_POST['eBayUsername'])) {
                $this->context->cookie->eBayUsername = $_POST['eBayUsername'];
                $this->setConfiguration('EBAY_API_USERNAME', $_POST['eBayUsername']);
                $this->setConfiguration('EBAY_IDENTIFIER', $_POST['eBayUsername']);
            $ebay->session = $this->context->cookie->eBaySession;
            $ebay->username = $this->context->cookie->eBayUsername;
            $html = '
            				function checkToken()
            					  url: \'' . _MODULE_DIR_ . 'ebay/ajax/checkToken.php?token=' . Configuration::get('EBAY_SECURITY_TOKEN') . '&time=' . pSQL(date('Ymdhis')) . '\',
            					  success: function(data)
            						if (data == \'OK\')
            							window.location.href = \'index.php?' . ($this->isVersionOneDotFive() ? 'controller=' . Tools::safeOutput($_GET['controller']) : 'tab=' . Tools::safeOutput($_GET['tab'])) . '&configure=' . Tools::safeOutput($_GET['configure']) . '&token=' . Tools::safeOutput($_GET['token']) . '&tab_module=' . Tools::safeOutput($_GET['tab_module']) . '&module_name=' . Tools::safeOutput($_GET['module_name']) . '&action=validateToken\';
            							setTimeout ("checkToken()", 5000);
            $html .= '<fieldset><legend><img src="' . $this->_path . 'logo.gif" alt="" title="" />' . $this->l('Register the module on eBay') . '</legend>';
            $html .= '<p align="center"><img src="' . $this->_path . 'loading.gif" alt="' . $this->l('Loading') . '" title="' . $this->l('Loading') . '" /></p>';
            $html .= '<p align="center">' . $this->l('Once you sign in from the new eBay window, the module will automatically finish the installation a few seconds later') . '</p>';
            $html .= '</fieldset>';
        } else {
            if (empty($this->context->cookie->eBaySession)) {
                $this->context->cookie->eBaySession = $ebay->session;
                $this->setConfiguration('EBAY_API_SESSION', $ebay->session);
            $html = '
            				.ebay_dl {margin: 0 0 10px 40px}
            				.ebay_dl > * {float: left; margin: 10px 0 0 10px}
            				.ebay_dl > dt {min-width: 100px; display: block; clear: both; text-align: left}
            				#ebay_label {font-weight: normal; float: none}
            				#button_ebay{background-image:url(' . $this->_path . 'ebay.png);background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center 90px;width:385px;height:191px;cursor:pointer;padding-bottom:70px;font-weight:bold;font-size:22px}
            				$(document).ready(function() {
            					$(\'#button_ebay\').click(function() {

            						if ($(\'#eBayUsername\').val() == \'\')
            							alert("' . $this->l('You have to set your eBay User ID') . '");
            							return false;
            							window.open(\'' . $ebay->getLoginUrl() . '?SignIn&runame=' . $ebay->runame . '&SessID=' . $this->context->cookie->eBaySession . '\');
            			<form action="' . Tools::safeOutput($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) . '&action=logged" method="post">
            					<legend><img src="' . $this->_path . 'logo.gif" alt="" title="" />' . $this->l('Register the module on eBay') . '</legend>
            					<strong>' . $this->l('You already have a professional eBay account ?') . '</strong>

            					<dl class="ebay_dl">
            						<dt><label for="eBayUsername" id="ebay_label">' . $this->l('eBay User ID') . '</label></dt>
            						<dd><input id="eBayUsername" type="text" name="eBayUsername" value="' . $this->context->cookie->eBayUsername . '" /></dd>
            						<dd><input type="submit" id="button_ebay" class="button" value="' . $this->l('Register the module on eBay') . '" /></dd>

            					<br class="clear" />
            					<br />

            					<strong>' . $this->l('You do not have a professional eBay account yet ?') . '</strong><br />

            					<dl class="ebay_dl">
            						<dt><u><a href="' . $this->l('https://scgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?RegisterEnterInfo') . '" target="_blank">' . $this->l('Subscribe as a professional seller on eBay') . '</a></u></dt>
            					<br /><br />
            					<br /><u><a href="' . $this->l('http://pages.ebay.com/help/sell/businessfees.html') . '" target="_blank">' . $this->l('Consult eBay business fees') . '</a></u>
            					<br />' . $this->l('Consult our "Help" section for more information') . '
        return $html;
Example #2
    private function _displayFormRegister()
        global $cookie;
        $ebay = new eBayRequest();
        if (!empty($cookie->eBaySession) && isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'logged') {
            if (isset($_POST['eBayUsername'])) {
                $cookie->eBayUsername = $_POST['eBayUsername'];
                Configuration::updateValue('EBAY_API_USERNAME', $_POST['eBayUsername']);
            $ebay->session = $cookie->eBaySession;
            $ebay->username = $cookie->eBayUsername;
            $html = '
				function checkToken()
					  url: \'' . _MODULE_DIR_ . 'ebay/ajax/checkToken.php?token=' . Configuration::get('EBAY_SECURITY_TOKEN') . '&time=' . pSQL(date('Ymdhis')) . '\',
					  success: function(data)
						if (data == \'OK\')
							window.location.href = \'index.php?tab=' . Tools::safeOutput($_GET['tab']) . '&configure=' . Tools::safeOutput($_GET['configure']) . '&token=' . Tools::safeOutput($_GET['token']) . '&tab_module=' . Tools::safeOutput($_GET['tab_module']) . '&module_name=' . Tools::safeOutput($_GET['module_name']) . '&action=validateToken\';
							setTimeout ("checkToken()", 5000);
            $html .= '<fieldset><legend><img src="' . $this->_path . 'logo.gif" alt="" title="" />' . $this->l('Register the module on eBay') . '</legend>';
            $html .= '<p align="center"><img src="' . $this->_path . 'loading.gif" alt="' . $this->l('Loading') . '" title="' . $this->l('Loading') . '" /></p>';
            $html .= '<p align="center">' . $this->l('Once you sign in from the new eBay window, the module will automatically finish the installation a few seconds later') . '</p>';
            $html .= '</fieldset>';
        } else {
            if (empty($cookie->eBaySession)) {
                $cookie->eBaySession = $ebay->session;
                Configuration::updateValue('EBAY_API_SESSION', $ebay->session);
            $html = '
			<style>#button_ebay{background-image:url(' . $this->_path . 'ebay.gif);background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center 100px;width:385px;height:191px;cursor:pointer;padding-bottom:70px;font-weight:bold;font-size:22px;}</style>
				$(document).ready(function() {
					$(\'#button_ebay\').click(function() {
						if ($(\'#eBayUsername\').val() == \'\')
							alert(\'' . $this->l('You have to set your eBay User ID') . '\');
							return false;
							window.open(\'' . $ebay->getLoginUrl() . '?SignIn&runame=' . $ebay->runame . '&SessID=' . $cookie->eBaySession . '\');
			<form action="' . Tools::safeOutput($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) . '&action=logged" method="post">
					<legend><img src="' . $this->_path . 'logo.gif" alt="" title="" />' . $this->l('Register the module on eBay') . '</legend>
					<label>' . $this->l('Click on the button below') . '</label>
					<div class="margin-form">
						<br class="clear"/>
						<label for="eBayUsername">' . $this->l('eBay User ID') . '&nbsp;&nbsp;</label><input id="eBayUsername" type="text" name="eBayUsername" value="' . $cookie->eBayUsername . '" />
						<br class="clear"/><br />
						<input type="submit" id="button_ebay" class="button" value="' . $this->l('Register the module on eBay') . '" />
        return $html;