Example #1
#!/usr/bin/php -q
// WARNING, any echoed output from this script will be returned to the sender as a bounce message.
$_E107['debug'] = true;
if (!defined('e107_INIT')) {
    $_E107['cli'] = true;
    $_E107['allow_guest'] = true;
    // allow to run while in members-only mode.
    $_E107['no_forceuserupdate'] = true;
    $_E107['no_maintenance'] = true;
    $class2 = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../") . "/class2.php";
    @(require_once $class2);
$bnc = new e107Bounce();
class e107Bounce
    private $debug = false;
    private $source = false;
    function __construct()
        if (ADMIN && vartrue($_GET['eml'])) {
            $this->debug = 2;
            // mode2  - via browser for admin.
            $this->source = $_GET['eml'] . ".eml";
    function process($source = '')
        $pref = e107::getPref();
        e107::getCache()->CachePageMD5 = '_';
Example #2
#!/usr/bin/php -q
// WARNING, any echoed output from this script will be returned to the sender as a bounce message.
$_E107['debug'] = FALSE;
if (!defined('e107_INIT')) {
    $_E107['cli'] = TRUE;
    $class2 = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../") . "/class2.php";
    require_once $class2;
$bnc = new e107Bounce();
$process = varset($_GET['eml']) && $_E107['debug'] ? $_GET['eml'] . ".eml" : FALSE;
class e107Bounce
    function process($source = '')
        global $_E107, $pref;
        e107::getCache()->CachePageMD5 = '_';
        e107::getCache()->set('emailLastBounce', time(), TRUE, FALSE, TRUE);
        $strEmail = !$source ? $this->mailRead(-1) : file_get_contents(e_HANDLER . "eml/" . $source);
        if (!$strEmail) {
        $multiArray = Bouncehandler::get_the_facts($strEmail);
        $head = BounceHandler::parse_head($strEmail);
        $e107_userid = isset($head['X-e107-id']) ? intval($head['X-e107-id']) : $this->getHeader($strEmail, 'X-e107-id');
        if ($_E107['debug']) {
            require_once e_HANDLER . "mail.php";
            $message = "Your Bounce Handler is working. The data of the email you sent is displayed below.<br />";
            if ($e107_userid) {
                $message .= "A user-id was detected in the email you sent: <b>" . $e107_userid . "</b><br />";