<?php defined('IN_DESTOON') or exit('Access Denied'); login(); $MG['club_join_limit'] > -1 or dalert(lang('message->without_permission_and_upgrade'), 'goback'); require MD_ROOT . '/join.class.php'; $do = new djoin($moduleid); $sql = "username='******'"; $limit_used = $limit_free = $need_password = $need_captcha = $need_question = $fee_add = 0; if (in_array($action, array('', 'add')) && $MG['club_join_limit']) { $r = $db->get_one("SELECT COUNT(*) AS num FROM {$table}_fans WHERE {$sql} AND status>1"); $limit_used = $r['num']; $limit_free = $MG['club_join_limit'] > $limit_used ? $MG['club_join_limit'] - $limit_used : 0; } switch ($action) { case 'add': if ($MG['club_join_limit'] && $limit_used >= $MG['club_join_limit']) { dalert(lang($L['info_limit'], array($MG['club_join_limit'], $limit_used)), $MODULE[2]['linkurl'] . $DT['file_my'] . '?mid=' . $mid . '&job=' . $job); } $gid = isset($gid) ? intval($gid) : 0; $gid or message($L['my_choose_group'], $MOD['linkurl']); $GRP = get_group($gid); $GRP && $GRP['status'] == 3 or message($L['my_not_group']); $M = $db->get_one("SELECT * FROM {$table}_fans WHERE gid={$gid} AND username='******'"); if ($M) { if ($M['status'] == 3) { message($L['my_join_repeat'], $MOD['linkurl'] . $GRP['linkurl']); } message($L['my_join_check']); } if ($submit) {
*/ $moduleid = 18; require 'common.inc.php'; require DT_ROOT . '/module/club/common.inc.php'; $gid = isset($gid) ? intval($gid) : 0; if ($gid) { $GRP = get_group($gid); $GRP && $GRP['status'] == 3 or mobile_msg($L['my_not_group']); $head_title = $GRP['title'] . $MOD['seo_name'] . $DT['seo_delimiter'] . $MOD['name'] . $DT['seo_delimiter'] . $head_title; } $head_title = $MOD['name'] . $DT['seo_delimiter'] . $head_title; switch ($action) { case 'my': $_userid or dheader('login.php?forward=' . urlencode('club.php?action=' . $action . '&gid=' . $gid)); require MD_ROOT . '/join.class.php'; $do = new djoin($moduleid); $lists = $do->get_list("username='******' AND status=3"); $head_name = $L['my_group_title']; $head_title = $head_name . $DT['seo_delimiter'] . $head_title; $foot = ''; include template('club_my', 'mobile'); if (DT_CHARSET != 'UTF-8') { toutf8(); } break; case 'user': $_userid or dheader('login.php?forward=' . urlencode('club.php?action=' . $action . '&username='******''; $username or mobile_msg($L['msg_not_user']); $user = userinfo($username); $user or mobile_msg($L['msg_not_user']);